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  • Gordon, you've been a China, sort of doomsayer for a long time.


  • Is what we're seeing now the hard landing that you've called in the past?


  • Is this it?


  • Yeah, well this is certainly a hard landing, because China is not growing at the 7.0% that Beijing claims,

    這確實是一個硬著陸,因為中國既沒有按照北京當局宣稱的,以 7.0% 的經濟成長率成長,

  • it's not even growing at the 2.2% that they are privately talking about in China.

    甚至沒有以私底下議論的 2.2% 在成長。

  • It could very well be even lower than that, but if I'm wrong, and I could be


  • 'cause no one really knows where China is.


  • It'll be there in a couple of months, because what we're seeing is a severe deterioration in the economy.


  • You know, there's a devaluation, there is a plunge in the stock market but most important, there's the money coming out of China.


  • You know, there're various estimates somewhere between 520 to 800 billion dollars in the last five quarters,

    各家預測在過去五季以來,約有 5200 億到 8000 億之間的資金流出,

  • that's a lot of money, that's the Chinese people voting with their feet.


  • That's what basically they're saying is, this economy, it doesn't have a future.


  • We spoke to David Wu, head of global rates and currency research at Bank America of Merrill Lynch yesterday.

    我們昨天和美銀美林的外匯策略師 David 進行談話。

  • Talking about China's stock market and what's gonna keep it rising in the near term though. Take a listen.


  • People not realizing, what now basically four five days away from the parade in Beijing, to celebrate the end of the second world war,


  • presumably the reason why the Chinese started to intervene in the stock market directly,


  • is because they don't want the president to look bad when the foreign dignitary start to show up in Beijing.


  • What do you think about that?


  • Absolutely, I mean, because you know, they did not intervene on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and we saw the stock market fall.


  • But lo and behold in the last hour on Thursday, it went up 5.3%.

    但注意星期四收盤前最後一刻,它上漲了 5.3%。

  • Yesterday, 4.8%, that's completely inexplicable, that this is government buying in the last hour of the afternoon session.

    而昨天則上漲了 4.8%,這真是令人費解,而這正是政府在午盤結束前一刻購入股票的表現。

  • One of the things that Woo said in the interview is that we could see a return to further UN weakness after the parade


  • and that maybe the devaluation we saw was just the beginning, here's even talking about the government letting the currency go completely.


  • What's do you... What's your take on the government's currency policy at this moment?


  • Well, eventually they're gonna have to do that, because that's the way the economy is going,


  • and the currency is at an unsupportable level.


  • You know, they're spending if FT (Financial Times) says of about 10 billion dollars a day to support the value of the currency.

    金融時報指出,中國一天要花費 100 億元來維持貨幣的價值。

  • And that means in 21 weeks, you go through a trillion dollars of reserves,

    這代表在 21 周後,你就會用光一兆元的存底,

  • and that number could actually increase, because as people start to realize how bad things are in China,


  • you can see the pessimism build both inside and outside China,


  • therefore you can see even more money coming out of the country.


  • We did see a, if you take a look at their FX (Foreign Exchange) reserves, a socgen had a note out this week,


  • talking about the extra firepower that China has that they don't actually need to support their currency.


  • Well that's not quite it, but yeah, there you go.

    這不是我要的圖表,但... 對,就是這個。

  • And basically they're saying that they had about 900 billion that they can play with, to support their currency and help with capital outflows.

    他們談到中國大約有 9000 億可以用以支撐貨幣並支援資金外流的情況。

  • Would you agree with that?


  • You know, who knows what they have, because we can't really trust what they say about their foreign exchange reserves.


  • But obviously look, they say they've got 3.65 billion, at least through the end of last quarter.

    但很明顯地,最少在上一季結束前,他們宣稱他們還有 36.5 億元。

  • They probably have a lot less now, with their burn rate, and that burn rate, as I said, will probably increase.


  • So, you know, this country which looks invulnerable now, could very will end up being the real basket case of next year.


  • Or maybe even the end of this year with the way things are going.


  • Because the economy doesn't have any support there.


  • Deutsche Bank was out with a note this week, in which they used the term "quantitative tightening."


  • And they basically made the argument, that China's reserves have grown


  • roughly out of the same paces of the federal reserves assets during quantitative easing.


  • But now, they are coming down, as you can see on the chart it's the purple line, has started to decline


  • and so Deutsche Bank is saying that this is an issue for the entire world:


  • China's reserves starting to head down.


  • Do you see global ramifications from this?


  • Only because of the panic, but I actually think China is less important to the global economy than most people think.


  • 'cause you know, everyone says it's an engine of global growth.


  • Well, to be an engine, you gotta buy the goods and services of other countries to create growth elsewhere.


  • But China through mercantilist policies is actually been taking growth from other places.


  • And you know the manufacturing that is done in China, well, that'll be done in Vietnam and India and elsewhere.


  • So the global economy will adjust, but people will panic, because there is this perception that China is critical to everything.


  • And I think that's wrong, but that's the way the world works these days.


  • So, therefore, there will be problems when China has even more difficulties that are more evident.


  • But in terms of the actual stock market, do you think that actually has an effect on Chinese consumption?


  • I mean, they can still grow that, they're really invested more in real estate


  • than they are with their assets which are under 10% according to some analysts?

    中國人對於房地產的投資,已經遠超過其他只占 10% 得資產投資

  • Yeah, well it has a marginal effect on consumption, you know, we've seen the reporting about people not buying luxury cars


  • and even not buying mid-sized cars, because of the falls in the stock market.


  • People have put their money in there, they had hoped that it would ride,


  • they take it out when they get something they want to buy, that's not happening right now.


  • But also you know, consumption really hasn't been as vibrant as the retail numbers suggest.


  • I think that it's been growing, but it's not been growing at the rate that everybody thinks.


  • So it hasn't really been the pole for the rest of the world.


  • We see that in the really bad import numbers for instance.


  • Alright, so you already have a very gloomy assessment of China.


  • A realistic assessment of China.


  • Fair enough, but what's your nightmare scenario for China that keeps you up at night?


  • Well, basically that they have a 1930 style crash, see, leaders there cannot affect the downward trend in the economy.

    這個嘛,他們目前正經歷 1930 年代經濟大蕭條式的衰退,中國的領導人對於經濟崩盤無能為力。

  • They can slow it, and they have been slowing it for a number of years, but everything, nothing's working.


  • Monetarism stimulus is not working. Fiscal stimulus would be dangerous, cause it creates debt.


  • They can't reform because of problems in the political system. The stock market boom was a bust and now they're devaluing their currency.


  • This is a country where the leaders really cannot affect the economy for the better.


Gordon, you've been a China, sort of doomsayer for a long time.



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