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-Those are my files. -Yeah. We had them couriered over.
Listen, good work. They're a great start.
We'll just spend some time filling in the holes in your research.
Excuse me-- Theresa, is it? There are no holes in my research.
There are things we need you probably didn't know to ask.
Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot.
I spent 1 8 months on this case...
...and I know more about the plaintiffs than you ever will.
You don't even have phone numbers.
Whose number do you need?
Everyone's. We need to be able to contact the plaintiffs.
I said whose number do you need?
You don't know 600 numbers by heart.
Annabelle Daniels.
Annabelle Daniels. 71 4-454-9346.
Ten years old. Lived on the plume since birth.
Wanted to be a synchronized swimmer, so she spent every minute in the pool.
They detected a tumour in her brain.
An operation shrunk it, with radiation after that.
Her parents are Ted and Rita.
Ted's got Crohn's disease. Rita has headaches and underwent a hysterectomy.
Ted grew up in Hinkley. His brother and his wife and their kids...
...Robbie Jr., Martha, Ed, Rose and Peter also lived on the plume.
Their number is 454-9554.
You want their diseases?
I think we got off on the wrong foot.
That's all you got, lady, two wrong feet in fucking ugly shoes.