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  • Hey guys. So for today's video I am really excited because I'm doing something different.

  • I guess I could say that I don't do that often

  • and I'm kind of doing a Halloween inspired hairdo so

  • if you're still looking for a Halloween costume this is super easy and if you wanted to do

  • pinup looks, but you're nervous because maybe your

  • hair doesn't feel like your strong point I think that

  • this is a really great like hairstyle to start with and the other cool thing about it is

  • if you have short hair like me you can still do this hairstyle.

  • I would do a little bit of a tricks do in this

  • hairdo. If you've been watching my hair videos and

  • you've seen them over the years you know that shampoo and conditioner is like a really important

  • thing to me. So, if you're looking a really great drug store shampoo and conditioner the

  • Suave Professionals All Day Body Shampoo and Conditioner is really awesome nurse. No parabens.

  • They also help to bring body to your hair if

  • you're someone who has troubles of having body so I like to brush my hair out and like

  • I said it's going to be really easy not like hairstylist

  • and I'm going to take a chunk from the front of my

  • hair and just kind of grabbing whatever feels right like this just kind of took a chunk

  • and I'm going to brush this. So, once I have this

  • hair separate I'm going to take the TONI&GUY, this is the

  • casual collection, the Forming Spray Gel Spray and this is like a gel that's going to help

  • the hair stay in place, stay smooth, but it's really

  • light because it's a spray and you don't get it all goopy

  • all over your fingers. So, I'm going to take this, this stuff smells

  • really amazing, I'm going to shake it up and I'm

  • going to really lightly spray and then brush it back up again and I'm going to kind of

  • tease it, but I'm using a brush so it's obviously not going

  • to be as dramatic. So, depending on your hair if

  • you may want to actually tease it, but for me just adding a little bit of spray gel,

  • a little bit of teasing with a brush is just fine, then I'm

  • going to take that hair and we're going to create a

  • really twisted to the back like this and we're going to push forward to create a pretty dramatic

  • pompadour and you may have to mess with it sometimes to get it right. I know that I usually

  • do when it comes to like shaping my hair. I have

  • to pompadour and then I'm going to pin the hair

  • in place with a couple of Bobby pins just kind of crossing it over the top, letting

  • the Bobby pins replaced where my finger is where really just

  • like that. Alright, so once I have the pompadour up nice

  • and smooth I'm going to take my hair of the sides

  • kind of start prepping it osteoporosis pulling it back and because I want to create a really

  • long ponytail or like the effect of a long ponytail

  • I'm going to pull my hair into a half of half down at

  • first so I'm going to take all this, pull it back and about halfway through is where

  • I went keep pulling it up and once you cut the hair back

  • and nice and smooth where you want it to be I'm

  • going to secure in place with a hair tie pretty high towards the top of my head and I'm going

  • to pull it up like this. So, you could stop here.

  • You could kind of adjust to some things and make

  • this a little smoother if you want, but I'm going to keep going and I'm going to create

  • the illusion like I said of a high ponytail.

  • So, depending on how short your hair is you're going to take the rest of your hair and need

  • to pull that into a little mini ponytail or you're

  • going to do what I'm going to try to do which is take

  • that half, that bottom half and then split that in half as well so it's kind like you're

  • doing another half of half down look because my bottom hair

  • is pretty short. So, taking this splitting that in

  • half and then wrap this ponytail around three times because there's less hair here so it's

  • going to take more two attach, then we have these little

  • pieces right here and I'm going to take care of that

  • just by using Bobby pins and I'm going to go under, I'm going to twist the hair and

  • I'm kind of going to just pin the twist into place underneath

  • the other ponytail. So, it's going to take a little bit of fluffing

  • to try to blend them, a little bit of pulling, a little

  • pushing, then I'm going to take a bandana. This is actually dance bandana. I'm going

  • to end up going towards the side and make a little baby

  • bandana bow. I have a really massive skull. I

  • totally just walked in to the living room and Dan was like, I said, Oh, I did two ponytails.

  • Is it weird? And he was like, What two ponytails?

  • He didn't even know they were two ponytails. So, then I'm going to take the Nexxus Comb

  • Thru Touchable Hold Finishing Mist. It's not going to make your hair stiff, but it's going

  • to hold things in place and I'm going to lightly mist

  • that all over my head and voila. Let me know down below if you guys like this kinds of

  • videos. I made this video as a part of All Things

  • Hair which is YouTube channel that I am now officially

  • part of. It's out in the open so I'm going to be doing more regular hair tutorials here

  • on this channel, but I'm also going to be doing hair

  • tutorials for the All Things Hair channel. A bunch

  • of my friends are on the channel with me which is really awesome so you're going to want

  • go check that out and subscribe. I'm really excited

  • to be a part of it. I think it's going to be really

  • fun. Subscribe to this channel if you haven't already. I will see you next time and adios

  • amigos. Bye.

Hey guys. So for today's video I am really excited because I'm doing something different.


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B1 中級

水水輕鬆的Pinup髮型! (♡ Easy Pinup Hairstyle!)

  • 73 3
    庭寶 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日



US /bɪt/

UK /bɪt/

  • n. (馬)嚼口;馬勒;一小片 ; 少量 ; 一點
  • v. 咬住(誘餌)

US /ples/

UK /pleɪs/

  • v. 地點;安置,放置
  • n. 位置

US /kaɪnd/

UK /kaɪnd/

  • adj. 類;友善的,體貼的
  • n. 種類 ; 種

US /kriˈet/

UK /krɪ'eɪt/

  • v. 創造 ; 設立 ; 引起

US /tʃʌŋk/

UK /tʃʌŋk/

  • n. 大塊 ; 矮胖的人或物 ; 塊

US / pʊl/

UK /pʊl/

  • n. (吸)一口(菸);拉力;拉(的動作)
  • v. 吸(菸);拉 ; 拔 ; 撕開 ; 用力搖 ; 獲得 ; 印刷 ; 划船 ; 飲 ; 提攜 ; 把手 ; 拉繩 ; 校印 ; 魅力 ; 扯 ; 掣 ; 搐 ; 攀 ; 挽;拉

US /ʃɔrt/

UK /ʃɔ:t/

  • v. 短路,短路引起的故障
  • n. 短路
  • adj. 短的,矮的;短的;短暫的;粗暴無禮的
  • adv. 短缺的;缺乏的;突然地;出其不意地

US /ˈtʃænəl/

UK /'tʃænl/

  • n. 挖一條溝;電視或廣播頻道;接收、傳送訊息的管道;水路;接收、傳送物品的管道
  • v. 挖了一條溝;輸送;傳送;渠道;官方通訊渠道

US /twɪst/

UK /twɪst/

  • v. 轉;扭轉;(路)蜿蜒曲折;編;捻;曲解;扭轉;旋轉;纏;盤繞;扭動;轉動
  • n. (道路)彎曲處 ;;急轉彎 ;;意外轉折 ;;變化;轉折;改變

US /tiz/

UK /ti:z/

  • v. 逗弄;欺負 :取笑
  • n. 戲弄;取笑
