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-Hey everyone.
I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles.
And today, I'm here with Miss Kamri.
-Hi, guys.
-She's going to help me to show you
guys a hairstyle that we're calling twisted edge
fishtail combo.
Now, lots of you guys have written in
and sent pictures for this hairstyle
for this specific video, but this is not a new technique.
I actually learned this technique over on my friends
channel Princess Hairstyles.
So this is an inspired by her tutorial.
Now, to make this hairstyle a combo,
you can see what I've done-- Just tip
your head a little bit.
--is done a French back.
It's actually a Dutch back just in the center
right here and into a very high ponytail.
Now, when everything is secured into a high ponytail,
this is where we're going to start the twisted edge
fishtail right here.
So we're going to begin by separating
the hair into two pieces.
So we have our two pieces.
And we're going to do the very first stitch just
like a normal fishtail.
So you're going to pick up a piece of hair
on the rightmost side and cross it over that section
and into the left side.
Now, you're going to repeat.
Pick up a piece of hair, cross it over the left section
and into the right.
So we've just switched these two pieces.
Basically they just traded places.
So now we're going to take another piece of hair
on this right side.
And this is a little bit different on the second stitch.
I'm going to have her just hang onto it for me.
And I'm going to pick up one piece of hair
on each side of the fishtail and have her hold them.
OK, so now we're going to pick up another stitch.
And we're going to go ahead and cross it over
to the other side.
Pick up a piece from the left and cross it over to the right.
So another normal fishtail stitch.
Now, on our next stitch, this is where
we begin the twisted edge part.
So you're going to take another piece of hair
and you're going to hold it out.
And I'm going to have her trade them.
Now, you'll notice that this original piece I'm taking
underneath the second one.
And then I'm going to add that to the left side.
Then we're going to repeat that.
So we're taking a piece of hair from this edge.
I'm going to have her hold it.
And I'm taking the original one and crossing it back over
to my right hand.
So we still always have just the two sections
that we're working with plus the little pieces
that we're twisting along the way.
Now, in between each time you switch these two strands out
you're going to do one normal stitch.
So now, you can do a normal stitch.
So I'm just taking up some edge, switching it to the left side,
separating off a piece, changing it to the right side.
Now, I need to switch these again.
So I take an edge piece and have her hang onto it,
taking that back underneath and over having her hold that,
bringing it underneath and over.
And then you're just going to repeat this process
all the way down the hair.
Now, when you get down to the end
where you're running out of length,
I just like to add these in to the regular fishtail pieces.
You can even cross them over if you want
and just kind of add them in.
And then you can secure it with an elastic.
Now, when I first did this, I kind of
thought it looked like the box fishtail.
So what happens though when you go back
and you flatten it out like this, then
you can really see the difference in the stranding,
because it's not like a 3D box.
It's very flat like this.
And if you really wanted to, you could even go back
and pancake all those edges.
I kind of like it not pancaked for this particular style,
but that's entirely up to you.
Now, one of the best parts about this hairstyle
is that it's great for athletics.
The braid is really tight, and so it's
going to hold really well.
You've got the hair all slicked back.
You can see that I even styled it on wet hair.
It would also look great on dry hair.
One thing I think would be really cute
is to just take this and loop it up and around
and then tuck those ends under and have a really fancy bun.
That would be really awesome, especially
if you had all those ends tucked under,
because it would look like this giant fishtail bun.
So if you're a dancer or you have to wear your hair up,
that's a great option for this hairstyle as well.
I'm going to leave it down, since we're not dancing today,
and just pop a cute little bow into the top right
here for a little accent.
And we're good to go.
Let's do the final spin.
Ta da!
Love it.
Looks good.
Be sure to give us a thumbs up if you like the video.
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And leave a comment.
What should we have them say?
-What you're doing for spring break.
-There you go.
Spring break's coming up, so make sure to leave a comment
and tell us all of the exciting activities
you have planned for spring break.
Guess what else, you guys?
On Wednesday of this week expect a bonus video.
So not only will we see you next Sunday,
but we'll see you on Wednesday as well.
Bye, you guys.
-So as you can see, I've done a couple of the stitches.
But we're not actually going to go all the way down the braid.
We're just going to go down so it's even with the part.
-Hey, stinker poo.
Hi, sugar.
Show me your teeth.
Show me your teeth.
Ah, ah.
Brushy, brushy.
Ah, hey, give me kisses.
Hey, blow me kisses.
Blow kisses.
Thank you.