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  • -Hey, guys.

  • I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles.

  • Today, we're going to show you how

  • to do a four-strand slide-up braid.

  • Some people call it the snake braid.

  • And we already have a three-strand version up,

  • but you are going to love the way this one lays

  • on the head when you're using four strands.

  • So to begin, I'm going to just grab a section right

  • on the front for this particular style.

  • And I'm going to leave some of it hanging over her ears, just

  • so that it evens out the look on both sides of her face.

  • Now you're going to divide the hair into four sections,

  • just pretty much even, best you can.

  • And then just getting this started

  • is the very most tricky part.

  • And there's definitely a technique.

  • And I'll explain it two different ways,

  • and you can figure out which way your brain processes it better.

  • OK, so the first way is, if you can imagine,

  • this is your leftmost piece.

  • And it's going to go over that next piece and then

  • under the third piece.

  • And then, you're going to stop.

  • OK?

  • Now, this outside piece is going to go under and then over.

  • Does that make sense?

  • So it's reversed.

  • So this outside piece is going to go over and then under,

  • just like a normal braid would.

  • And then, you're going to bring that outside piece,

  • and it's going to go under and then over.

  • And it's going to just keep continuing like that.

  • I'll do one more stitch.

  • So the outside piece goes over and then under.

  • And then, you move your fingers, and you're

  • going to go under and then over.

  • OK, and then, you just keep going under, over, over, under.

  • But that's kind of tricky for my brain to process,

  • so I process it better when I think of it like this.

  • I have four strands.

  • You can see all of them.

  • Take the leftmost piece, and you're

  • going to go over and then under and then over.

  • So you basically basket weave it through.

  • And then, you just take these two middle piece

  • and you cross them over each other.

  • Ta-da.

  • And then, you go back to that leftmost piece,

  • and you do it again.

  • Over, under, over.

  • And then, switch those middle two.

  • Sorry.

  • My fingers are fumbling.

  • OK, and then, you go over, under-- this is so hard for me

  • to do slow-- and then, over again.

  • And then, switch them.

  • So when I'm going fast, this is how it looks.

  • I'll show you.

  • This is why my brain doesn't process when I slow it down,

  • because I kind of combine the steps so

  • that it goes really fast.

  • But it's basically just the same technique I just showed you.

  • Either way you want to process it is fine.

  • We're going to just keep going down the hair strands

  • until we run out of hair.

  • Whoops.

  • Missed one.

  • And we are almost there.

  • When you get to the end of the strands-- this is probably

  • my last one-- then, you're going to stop.

  • Now, you have your four pieces again.

  • Hold onto those two on your right.

  • Reach back and grab that far-most left one.

  • And hang onto the second one in from the left.

  • Don't ask me why, but it has to be that piece.

  • Then, you're going to just take it and push up.

  • And that's going to slide it all the way up and snake it.

  • And then, when you loosen it, when you undo it, push it back

  • a little bit, you can see that it creates that lovely little

  • rippled pattern that I love on the brain.

  • So once you've got that where you want it, take an elastic

  • and secure the ends.

  • And you will have like one piece that's longer than the rest.

  • That's normal.

  • That's because that's the one you

  • used to slide everything up it.

  • Get your ends.

  • Now on her hair, what we're going to do--

  • pull these just a little bit more

  • so we get that little rippled pattern.

  • I'm just going to pull it back, find a little spot back

  • in here, maybe a little bit further.

  • That's good.

  • And then, I am going to bobby pin it back.

  • So it's just like a side pull back sort of effect.

  • Crossing my bobby pins so that they

  • stay in place a little bit better.

  • You can use as many as you need so it feels secure.

  • And then, I'm going to take a flower

  • and just kind of pin it right over that spot, too, which

  • just adds a little bit more pizazz.

  • And then, loosen things up so that it's not

  • too tight and rigid.

  • OK, turn forward.

  • And then, you can see why we left some hair

  • right here so it just frames her face.

  • And we have our lovely, four-strand slide-up braid.

  • We'll turn her sideways so you can see it.

  • And around.

  • And we're done.

  • I know you guys are going to love this one.

  • And be sure to go and vote for us.

  • We're in a contest to be one of the Top 25 Mom

  • Vlogs by Circle of Moms and POPSUGAR.

  • We're so grateful to have been nominated by one of our fans.

  • So please go and vote for us.

  • We're doing really well right now.

  • But there are so many other good vlogs right behind us.

  • We're going to have to have all of your votes to keep our lead.

  • So please go vote.

  • You can find the link in the description box below.

  • Or you can find it where else?

  • -In the banner of our YouTube channel.

  • It's a little pink circle.

  • You can click on that.

  • -And also on our website.

  • So you just click on the button and then click a vote for us.

  • And we will see you guys next Sunday.

  • -See ya.


  • -Hey, do you love your sisters?

  • -Yes.

  • -You do?

  • -Mm-hm.

  • -Why?

  • -Because they're being nice.

  • -They're being nice.

  • Is it sad to be the only boy in our family?

  • -No, because I have a brother.

  • -Who is it?

  • -Braidy.

  • -Braidy's your brother?

  • -Uh-huh.

  • -Do you like him?

  • -Mm-hm.




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A2 初級

4股 "滑升 "辮子|可愛的女孩髮型。 (4-Strand "Slide-Up" Braid | Cute Girls Hairstyles)

  • 39 7
    庭寶 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日