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-Hey, everyone.
I'm Mindy from Cute Girls Hairstyles.
What are you doing?
Are you mimicking me?
-Hey, I'm still your mom.
You need to be nice to me.
That is not very nice.
Today we are going to do the waterfall headband combo,
and I think you're really going to like it.
So to begin this hairstyle, we're going to create a part,
and I've already done hers.
If she'll tip her head forward you
can see pretty much goes from ear to ear.
Once I got it separated off, I pulled the remainder
of her hair back into a ponytail so it just keeps it out
of the way.
And now we're going to start our waterfall braid.
I'm going to have her tip her head right here for me,
and we're going to begin by just picking up a piece of hair.
And I have another video that I will put a link to that
actually goes into detail on the waterfall braid,
but I'll kind of go over the basics of it right here.
So you divide it into three pieces
and begin a regular braid-- regular French braid--
and on the front part you're going to add hair in.
And the only difference is that on this back part
you're just going to drop that strand of hair.
I'm going to use a clip to just hold it out the way.
And then you're going to pick up another piece of hair
and add it in to replace the piece that you dropped.
So again, on the front we're going to simply braid it
in like normal, and then we're going to take that back strand,
drop it, and then pick up another piece of hair
to replace it and then continue our French braid.
So while I'm continuing the French
braid because this is just repetitive.
It just goes over, and over, and over.
I'm going to have her tell you a funny story that just happened.
She just started seventh grade.
So it was her third day of school,
and tell them what happened.
-I was in math class, and the boy that sits behind me
passed me a note that said, I think you're cute.
Text me.
Here's my number.
And so I was nudging my friend that sat next to me,
and I showed her the note.
And so we were kind of giggling over it, and then
the girl next to us--
-Was he a cute boy?
He was not.
And then the girl next to us wanted
to see what we were giggling about,
so we showed her the note.
And then by that time we were all making so much noise
that the teacher got curious, and so she
asked me to hand her the note.
And so I handed her the note, and she read it.
So then she decided she was going to read it out
loud in front of the whole class, so then me
and the poor kid were so embarrassed during class.
-Yeah, I felt bad for both of you
guys because I feel bad for the boy and for you.
Really embarrassing, especially like your third day of school.
-So I'm still just continuing what I was doing before.
You can see I've now started a second clip
just 'cause that first one got kind of full.
And I'm still just adding in hair on the back; on the front.
Almost done.
Turn you a little bit more.
And then at the end, I'm going to show you
several ways to finish this off.
Several options.
OK, so I'm going to go ahead, and when
I get this right behind her ear where it's kind of hidden
by her ear, I'm going to go ahead and add a rubber band.
So I have a little tiny black rubber
band that's going to match her hair pretty well,
and I'm just going to add that on like that.
So normally I would just leave that down right behind her ear,
but I'm going to finish braiding this
just because i want to show you an option that
includes another braid.
So if you were going to use the braid
you just wouldn't add the rubber band.
Does that make sense?
Braid, braid, braid.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Then you can just release these.
You want to grab the other one out of your hair?
Reach back.
The other hand would be better, probably.
Option one would be to put the rubber band here and not
do the braid, and then leave her hair down.
So you would just simply undo-- pretend
like the braid's not there.
Undo this back ponytail.
She's got a little bit of curl and wave in her hair
from earlier.
And then you just let the strands fall down.
Tip forward so they can see.
Can you see where that stranding comes
in where we've let it hang down through the waterfall?
Show them the back.
Head up.
OK, so option two would be to do a cute ponytail,
so you can leave this braid out on this one if you want.
Pull it into a high pony, grab a rubber band,
and secure it with an elastic.
And then you could even take the braid
and use the braid to wrap it over the hair
and wrap the rubber band, or you could pull this
into the ponytail and then just use a piece of hair
so you could do a cute high pony.
Now, pretend like this braid's not here
because it's all up into the pony.
Does that makes sense?
That one's like one of my personal favorites
because I just love the fun ponytail.
And that one is a great option for any athletic people.
So like lacrosse, soccer, gymnastics,
anything like that this would be a great option.
So another one is to just do a nice bun-- sorry.
So you just do your bun.
You could do a sock bun if you wanted.
Whatever works best on your hair.
And then secure the bun with bobby pins or a rubber band,
and then you could, again, take your braid
and wrap it around your bun.
You could do it forward or back.
So I kind of like it forward.
And secure it.
Tip down so they can see.
So that would give you the nice bun option.
So it's the messy-- waterfall braid--
can't talk anymore-- going into a nice bun
with the braid option.
-I think this one might be my favorite.
-That one's yours?
She particularly loves buns, which
is so depressing because her hair, for me,
is so beautiful that I love, love, love it,
love it when she wears her hair down,
but she loves her hair up out of her face.
I tease her and call her the librarian
when she does her buns.
And fourth option would be a messy bun,
which you can or can't do.
Some people love them; some people hate them.
So a messy bun.
For this one I would undo the braid.
Will you work on doing that up to that other elastic for me?
Thank you.
Add that into the ponytail this time.
Take your elastic, and however you
choose to create your messy bun, just go ahead and do that.
Her hair is so long and thick that her's get humongous,
so she doesn't love, love the messy bun
even though it's really fun.
There's my other elastic.
And I also have another video showing two ways
to do messy buns that are really good.
And then, of course, just add a few bobbies here and there
to pin down and secure anything you're not loving,
and you're done.
So you still think the bun's your favorite?
My messy buns get crazy.
-And there you go.
So lots of options.
Lots of ways to play with this one.
Fiddle with it and tell me which ones are your favorite.
There you go.
We had some kind of exciting news this week.
We hit 100 million video views.
And this is our 150th video according
to our account, so yay on that one too.
So we thought it would be fun to do a little video
with our number three daughter that you guys are always
asking about and ask some questions to her.
So leave a comment below telling me
what you'd like to see her answer,
and we will see you guys later.
Hope you enjoy.
See ya.