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  • And the first act is 21-year-old beatboxer, Dave Crowe.

  • And this one, this one I've been working on a little bit, lately.

  • It's a little bit naughty but, er, I really like it.

  • Okay, go on.

  • Could I do it?

  • Took me two years to get the technique.

  • If you got it now, I'd leave!

  • What, that noise?

  • No, that noise is fine.

  • You just, like, pretend to be a woman,

  • and have... imagine a guy's, like, stroking your finger across your back,

  • and you'd be like...

  • D'you want me to stroke your back?

  • Go on, then.

  • Ready?

  • No, don't, don't have to touch...

  • No, alright, yeah-yeah. No, don't, don't have to touch...

  • Yeah-yeah.

  • And now, all you need to do is just make this noise:

  • And now go:

  • And that'll, like, help the technique.

  • Right (!)

  • Go on.

  • Come on, now.

  • It sounds wrong.

  • Yeah, but... It sounds wrong.

  • It sounds wrong.

  • It soun... it sounds like you're really enjoying a poo.

  • What's your name?

  • Dave Crowe. Call me, call me 'Crowe'. That'll be ...

  • Okay, Crowe, what's your act?

  • Beatboxer, general noise-maker

  • Do you think this is something the Royal Family would find entertaining?

  • I think they might, they might dig it.

  • Alright. Definitely.

  • Definitely.

  • Okay, Crowe, when you're ready.

  • Yeah? Okay, Crowe, when you're ready.

  • Okay, Crowe, when you're ready.

  • Naughty!

  • It's like the guy out of 'Police Academy'.

  • Very good!

  • Good one!

  • I think you're very talented; I think the act's all over the place, um,

  • I think you're unprepared.

  • I do.

  • I do.

  • Look, mate,

  • what Simon Cowell knows about beatboxing can be written on a postage stamp.

  • I mean, absolutely ridiculous.

  • I've had the pleasure, I've met

  • I've had the pleasure, I've met Prince Charles a few times, right,

  • and whenever we meet we normally end up ...

  • Dropping a beat. ... talking about beatboxing. Yeah.

  • ... talking about beatboxing. Yeah.

  • And, er,

  • and I think he really would dig ya. I do.

  • I'm digging you right now.

  • I'm digging you, bro.

  • I just thought it was incredible. I don't know how you make your mouth do that.

  • You've definitely got talent, and this is what this show is all about.

  • (Thank you)

  • Piers, yes or no?

  • Yes, brother.

  • Mr Cowell, your verdict?

  • I'm gonna say yes.

  • Crowe,

  • that's three yesses.

  • Three yesses.

  • Respect!

  • Very good.

  • Cheers, man.

  • What a reaction.

  • Yeah, it went down really well, like.

  • He's good.

  • He's really good.

  • He's good! He's really good.

  • He's really good.

  • What about Piers?

  • He loved it, like,

  • I th... to be honest with ya, I think he has a real

  • as soon as I started, y-you know, I th... to be honest with ya, I think he has a real

  • urban hip-hop bean inside of him somewhere that, like,

  • creeps out whenever somebody does something that he, you know ...

  • An urban bean?

  • Right, I'm telling you, he's got an urban bean just in there, yeah,

  • and whenever anybody beatboxes, DJs, graffiti's, or MCs really well,

  • this bean starts ... like that, and he's like, "yes!".

  • I think I need to discuss this 'bean' business with the judges.

  • Now, Dave the beatboxer.

  • Brilliant.

  • Great!

  • Possibly one of the best we've had?

  • Yes! Possibly one of the best we've had?

  • Yes.

  • The best, I think.

  • You know, he and I connected.

  • He's got a message for you.

  • Yeah?

  • He said you've got an ur...

  • "Respect"? He said you've got an ur...

  • He said you've got an ur...

  • ... tch, yeah (!). He's got an ...

  • Yeah, go on. ... tch, yeah (!). He's got an ...

  • ... tch, yeah (!). He's got an ...

  • His words were, he said:

  • "Piers," he goes

  • "he's got an urban bean."

  • Yeah-yeah.

  • "That when he sees a beatboxer or anyone doing graffiti,"

  • Feel it!

  • Like Banksy.

  • ... he ... Like Banksy.

  • Like Banksy.

  • ... just comes alive.

  • Yeah-yeah. Totally. I dig it, man.

  • He just ... Yeah-yeah. Totally. I dig it, man.

  • Yeah-yeah. Totally. I dig it, man.

  • I dig it.

  • He doesn't dig it.

  • Actually, for once I agree with Piers.

And the first act is 21-year-old beatboxer, Dave Crowe.


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A2 初級

[+標題] Beat-boxer Dave Crowe在2008年英國達人秀上的表現。 ([+captions] Beat-boxer Dave Crowe on Britain's Got Talent 2008)

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    郭承定 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日