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  • Minecraft is an enormous and expansive game built on surprisingly simple mechanics, but

  • with a lack of tutorials it can be confusing for many newcomers.

  • Follow me William Strife as I cover the basics to the advanced of crafting, surviving, and

  • building; welcome to the Minecraft guide.

  • In the first episode of the minecraft guide the basic of the basics were covered for what

  • to do during your first day in Minecraft. However, while the needs of survival are always

  • the same, what the world you spawn into looks like can vary greatly.

  • Any Minecraft world will have a very diverse landscape, with a multitude of biomes that

  • will generate. These Biomes include Plains, mountains, deserts,

  • forests, swamps, savannas, Mesa, jungle, Taiga, Mushroom, and ocean.

  • That's not the full list either, even though there are more biomes in the game, the remainder

  • are mostly technical and examples how the game tries to gradually transition between

  • climates. Additionally all biomes are influenced by

  • the way mountain and plains biomes are generated, meaning for instance a swamp can be on a mountain

  • or a desert can be shaped with rolling hills instead of being flat.

  • This variation allows for locals that are traditionally very flat, like deserts and

  • swamps, to have lots of height and vertical variation.

  • There are also several types of forests in the game as well.

  • The standard forest is populated with oak and birch trees, but there also exists a birch

  • only variant. Another forest type is the jungle biome, which

  • is thick with undergrowth, extra tall trees, and the occasional lost temple filled with

  • traps and loot. Then there's the Roofed forest which consists

  • of thick stubby dark oak trees, and giant mushrooms.

  • Another forest type is the Taiga, which is a grassy cold biome that is mostly populated

  • with tall spruce trees, and it also comes in a snowy variation where everything is covered

  • in white powder. There's also the mega taiga biome, which is

  • sometimes called a redwood forest. This woodland is covered in super tall and

  • thick spruce trees, there are boulders strewn about made of rare mossy cobblestone, and

  • the ground is covered with a special leafy dirt called podzol.

  • That's everything for forests, but before moving on there's flowers.

  • A special version of the standard forest is the flower forest, which is colourfully oversaturated

  • with flora of all type that can be found in the game.

  • Meanwhile there are some instances of the normal plains biome covered in a sea of sunflowers,

  • a petaled plant that always faces east.

  • Moving on the other Biome type that varies greatly is the plains biome, which intersects

  • with other types of biomes for varied effects. First though is a biome that is a strange

  • intersection of plains and forest, Savannah. The Savannah biome is populated with unique

  • leaning Arcadia trees, it's steady and flat like a planes biome, but it also never get

  • any precipitation or rain like a desert biome. Other more natural variations of the planes

  • biome include ice plains or tundra. As the name suggests the tundra biome is a

  • vast area of snow and ice with little to no vegetation, making it a less than optimal

  • location to call home. An extension of the tundra is the ice plain

  • with spikes. The ice spikes biome is doted with spires of packed ice which resemble trees.

  • The packed ice has no real uses beyond a special building materiel though, and it can't be

  • harvested by any normal means. That's about everything for the plains biome

  • and its unique instances, but there are still a few more landscapes to cover.

  • The renaming biomes begin with swampland which is fairly common, but can be difficult to

  • traverse, as wading through water is never a quick activity.

  • Next is the desert biome which comes complete with cacti, no water, dead shrubs, and occasionally

  • a special temple filled with both deadly traps and random loot.

  • The two final biomes are fairly rare, Mesa and Mushroom.

  • Mesa biomes are composed of hardened and stained clay as well as red sand.

  • The red sand is no different from normal sand aside from it's colour, making it little more

  • than a normal block with a unique twist. However, hardened clay is a useful building

  • materiel because, while it can be crafted, doing so isn't quick or simple making existing

  • hardclay fairly valuable. Additionally it can be combined with dyes

  • to create a multitude of colours for building purposes, meaning it's just about an architects

  • best friend. If this perks your interest and you want to

  • know more about dyes, don't worry there's an entire separate guide on the subject.

  • Anyway that's the gist of the mesa biome. The other rare biome is Mushroom, which will

  • always generate near water and commonly be an island unto itself.

  • Mushroom biomes are particularly unique for several reasons.

  • First of all grass blocks are replaced entirely with a fungal like growth called mycelium.

  • Second, mushrooms can grow in direct sunlight, which isn't possible under normal circumstances.

  • Normally mushrooms can only grow in low light levels like beneath a tree or in a cave.

  • Third, is a special passive mob native to the mushroom biome, the mooshroom.

  • Mooshrooms are particularly useful animals because, by right-clicking it's udder with

  • a wooden bowl, mushroom stew can be obtained. This means that, unlike other animals, Mooshrooms

  • can supply an infinite amount of food unlike normal cows which must be bred and butchered

  • for food. The final unique feature of the mushroom biome

  • is how, both on the surface and underground, hostile mobs won't spawn in it.

  • Obviously this means it's largely safe to work at any hour, day or night, when living

  • in the fungal domain.

  • In a broad sense that's all the possible biomes in the game, some of their nuances, and how

  • there's a bit of overlap between them. However, there's an extra extraneous feature

  • that pertains to biomes, trading, non-player characters, and the villages they live in.

  • Across all of Minecraft there are three biomes where villages will spawn plains, savannah,

  • and desert. These hamlets are the only locations where

  • villages will be found, and the size of these towns can vary greatly.

  • If the settlement is large enough it may also be defended by an iron golem.

  • If a town contains no less than ten villagers and twenty houses with wooden doors, there's

  • a chance a golem will naturally spawn to protect them.

  • Additionally iron golems can be built by placing four iron blocks in a T shape and a pumpkin

  • on top. Now the reason villages are worth an iron

  • golem, espicaly if you make one for them yourself which is by no means cheap to do, is because

  • they function as traders or merchants. There are a variety of villagers or testificates

  • that can spawn including farmers, butchers, smiths, librarians, and priests.

  • Each different type of testificate offers different types of trade deals, such as a

  • butcher offering raw meat, or librarians trading books and paper.

  • What they want in trade for their goods are emeralds, a particularly rare gem that can

  • only be mined in very limited quantity from modest heights in mountainious regions.

  • Because emeralds are rare and villagers use them as currency buying supplies off testificates

  • has very limited value. However, villagers will also pay in emeralds

  • for certain supplies. The deals they offer are random though, and

  • what they will buy and trade changes periodically. The reason jumping through all the hoops can

  • be worth the time is because emeralds, when crafted into blocks, serve one other purpose

  • beyond currency. They can be used to build a pyramid of which

  • a beacon can be placed atop. A Beacon is a very powerful endgame block,

  • and it's purpose is covered fully in a later video.

  • For now though keep in mind that emerald, having little practical use, is one of the

  • best items to use in combination with a beacon. That and who doesn't want more money.

  • The worlds in minecraft are like an incredible canvas, and with all the biomes and possible

  • landscapes that can generate, it means that starting over never means staring with nothing.

  • The journey across blockey vistas has only just begun though, so stay tuned because next

  • time staying alive and not starving is the subject of focus.

  • Until next time I'm William Strife of the Yogscast, and a Minecraft expect I'll see

  • ya later.

Minecraft is an enormous and expansive game built on surprisingly simple mechanics, but


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The Minecraft Guide - 02 - 生物群落和村莊 (Biomes and Villages) (The Minecraft Guide - 02 - Biomes and Villages)

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