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  • How good are we at identifying these hot sauces while blindfolded?

  • Let's talk about that.

  • ♪ (theme music) ♪

  • - Goooooooood Mythical Morning. - Nothing transforms a meal quite like

  • a hot sauce, one of my favorite things to put on top of food. And today we're

  • gonna find out who's better at tasting the hot sauces and telling the difference.

  • - Differentiating between them as well. - I'm pretty good at tasting them.

  • And eating them in rapid fashion. Yeah, I mean, you're a fan of hot sauce.

  • You've talked about it so much over the years that I've started to put hot sauce

  • on stuff, but I'm gonna go ahead and hedge a little bit and say that I don't think

  • I'm anywhere near as good as you are at identifying hot sauces.

  • - Really? - But we're gonna find out today.

  • - Okay. - Line yours up at home and be sure to

  • - play along. Get your blindfolds ready. - We're dealing with what we have found

  • to be very common hot sauces, at least here in the western part of the

  • - United States. - Mmhm. Start down here.

  • We'll start with Tabasco. It's in a class of its own, a very distinctive taste, but

  • it's popular the world over. We've got Tapatio, which is in a lot of restaurants

  • out here. You find it on almost every restaurant table. It's a Mexican hot sauce.

  • - He's cool, that dude. Big hat. - Frank's Red Hot, which is just a classic

  • - American hot sauce. Put it on anything. - Wing sauce. Ah, Cholula is one of my

  • favorites, because it has a wooden top. I'm sure that's why it's one of your

  • - favorites. - Oh yeah.

  • - Wooden top! - I love it.

  • - It is my favorite because of that. - Mexican flair. And then you've got the

  • Asian sensation known as Sriracha. Ah, rooster sauce. You know what's up.

  • And a favorite from my childhood: Texas Pete.

  • - Made in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. - Yes, it says Texas but it's from

  • - North Carolina. - But they sell it out here.

  • Okay, so what we're gonna do is, we have a number of rounds. We're gonna be

  • blindfolded, of course, and we have five rounds where we're just gonna taste one

  • of these six sauces. We're not doing six for six because we wanna make it a little

  • - challenging for us. - Mmhm.

  • So, that's just identifying one sauce. And then you've got two rounds where we're

  • gonna combine two sauces and make a Frankensauce, and there's one point

  • available per each sauce, so two points per round.

  • And then, I'm told there is a super-secret third round

  • - Yeah. - that we know nothing about, that is

  • worth three points, so I can come back from behind (laughs) and win at the end.

  • That's a secret sauce that is not amongst these, and we have to identify the pepper

  • - that it was made with for three points. - Okay. Are we ready to go to the

  • hot sauce zone? It's time to play...

  • - (Link) Can we identify that hot sauce? - (Rhett) ... while blindfolded?

  • Okay, I am currently bibbed and blindfolded. Rhett, are you...

  • - bibbed and blindfolded? - I'm blindfolded and bibbed.

  • - Ohh. - Is that the same thing?

  • - Yes it is... I think. - Okay. What we could do is we could just

  • put the hot sauces in a spoon and eat that, but who does that? Nobody does that.

  • - That would be crazy. - Booo, stupid.

  • You gotta put it on food and we're from the South, and everybody puts hot sauce

  • - on chicken. - Fried chicken.

  • Fried chicken! So we're gonna be delivering the hot sauce to our mouths

  • with fried chicken. But uh-uh, not just putting it in our hand. We're gonna be

  • using the patent-pended Chicken Stick, soon to be available at

  • -

  • You said "patent-pended," not patent-pending.

  • (laughs) Well, it pended and then... It's probably still pending.

  • Don't come near this, it is already pended. It is over.

  • All right, so let's gear up for Round One!

  • Yes!

  • (in unison over dramatic music) Round One!

  • - Okay, let's bring in the-- - Chicken sticks.

  • - Bring in the chicken sticks. - Imma open--

  • Oh, oh! (laughs) Mm!

  • - Mm. Mkay, mkay. - Mm.

  • Jen's a little aggressive with her chicken stick!

  • - (crew laughs) - Mm. That's kinda hot... and saucy.

  • - (Link) Mm. - (Rhett slurps)

  • - There's definitely a sweetness... - (Rhett slurps more)

  • - and a bite to it. - I got some on my hand and I'm licking.

  • - Is that against the rules? - How'd it get on your hand?

  • 'Cause Jen's aggressive with the chicken stick!

  • - What'd you do, push it away? - No, she just really sauced it up!

  • - (crew laughs) - (Link smacks lips)

  • - She's Canadian. - Now Imma tell you right now, that is a

  • - good sauce. - That is a gooood sauce.

  • Why don't you verbally process so I can get an advantage here?

  • I think it tastes really good, even though it was delivered aggressively, I don't

  • mind. I liked it. I would eat more of that chicken. I'd eat that chicken all day.

  • It's the hot sauce, not the chicken we're talking about.

  • Oh! Hot sauce! Oh, I gotta think about what that is.

  • - All right, I-- - I have a guess.

  • - I think I've got my guess. - Ready? Three, two, one.

  • (in unison) Frank's.

  • - Ohh! We're right there! We both agree! - Eyy! A little Frank action!

  • - Yeah, yeah, yeah? - You givin' me five?

  • - Yeah, yeah, yeah! - Yeah! I can sense--

  • - You felt that five come out? - I can sense that you were doing that.

  • All right, now, before moving on to Round Two, we need to cleanse our palates

  • and we're gonna stay with the Southern theme. We have a bowl of grits here.

  • - Just plain ol' grits. - And I'm gonna palate cleanse.

  • We don't have a grit stick, sorry.

  • Mm! Nothing like some bland grits to clean that palate.

  • Oh! Mm. I probably didn't need that much grits.

  • Mm. All right, onto Round Two.

  • (in unison over dramatic music) Round Two!

  • All right, bring it in, Becca. Rrengh!

  • - (with mouth full) Okay? Mm. - (crew laughs)

  • Mm.

  • Mm! Smoky!

  • - Definitely some smokiness in there. - I could do this a lot.

  • - This is good, isn't it? - I'm gonna demand all my chicken on

  • - chicken sticks from now on. - Mm! Um... all right.

  • - Maybe I'm better at this than I thought. - (mocking) Maybe I'm better than this!

  • - (all laugh) - Link, (shouts) you're better than this!

  • - I am too good for this, guys. I am out! - Okay, I'm ready. I think I know this is.

  • I think I'm ready. In three, two, one.

  • - (Rhett) Tapatia. - (Link) Cholula.

  • Uh oh! No agreement there! But we're in Mexico. One of us is right and one of us

  • - is wrong, I feel like. - Really, you think that's Cholula, huh,

  • - friend? Hmm! - I've actually never had Tapatio, so...

  • I said "Tapatia," but it's Tapatio is what I meant.

  • - Disqualified. - Y'all know what I mean.

  • Next round!

  • (in unison over dramatic music) Round Three!

  • - Rrengh! - (both laugh)

  • - That was the sound of my mouth opening. - That means, Jen, that means I'm ready for

  • - my chicken stick. - (laughs) Mrrengh!

  • Oh! Mm.

  • - (with mouth full) Mkay, okay! - (crew laughs)

  • Mm! This one's got some immediate bite. It's sour-er.

  • (smacks lips)

  • - (Link) Mm! Oh, gosh. - I've been down this road before.

  • - (chuckles) - Eh. This one is not-- ooh, I'm about to

  • - hiccup. I can feel it about to happen. - Yes you are!

  • Ah. (slurps) Man, it makes me feel alive! Are your lips stinging?

  • Yeah. My lips are stinging and my mouth is stinging.

  • I normally don't get this much sauce on my lips.

  • - It's very vinegary. - Never eaten with a chicken stick before.

  • Even got some over here on my cheekus. Cheekus... maximus.

  • - Okay, I think I know, man. - Yeah. I got this one too.

  • - Three, two, one. - (in unison) Tabasco.

  • - Hah! Yeah! Uh-huh! - Lemme drink a little. Mm, move on.

  • (in unison over dramatic music) Round Four!

  • I gotta put some grits on my lips 'cause they're burning so much.

  • - Grit lips. - (both slurp)

  • That's a good-- that could be a lip balm.

  • - (Link) Oh yeah. - Hey, man, you heard about Grit Lips?

  • - (slurps) - They're sellin' it at

  • - (laughs) - That's something I say to a woman

  • I'm sweet on. Hey Grit Lips, come over here and... pucker up.

  • - (laughs) A woman you're sweet on? - (slurps)

  • - Okay, all right, bring it in. - Like, you've got some gritty lips, girl.

  • - Mm. - (Link) Mm!

  • (Rhett) Aw yeah. Mm.

  • - That's almost too easy. - Takin' flight! (chuckles)

  • But I'll tell you right now, not my favorite on chicken.

  • - No, that's better on a... a pizza. - It's gotta a slow burn to it.

  • - In three, two, one-- - (in unison) Sriracha!

  • - Yeah, that one is so distinctive. - It's so distinctive, Link.

  • I almost said "Linktive." So distinctive, Linktive. Can I call you Linktive?

  • - Sure. - Moving on!

  • (in unison over dramatic music) Round Five!

  • - (Rhett) Mmm. - That's hot. I've got a cumulative

  • buildup of heat now, that the top of my head's starting to sweat.

  • - Huh. - My nose is really starting to run.

  • - I'm a little confused. - Yeah, I know. After that Sriracha...

  • - I know that was Sriracha. - (clears throat) Mm!

  • No, no, no, no. No, no, no. Yes, yes, yes. It's coming to me.

  • - It's definitely fried chicken, still. - I think I have an advantage because

  • - I have a beard. - You're eating it off of the beard?

  • - No, no I'm not. (chuckles) - Okay, I'm ready. In three, two, one.

  • (in unison) Texas Pete!

  • - Yep! - Winston-Salem, North Carolina

  • - right there! - Yeah, represent!

  • - (manly grunting) - Take your shirt off, twist it around

  • - your head... spin it like a helicopter. - Okay, so, that's five rounds so we're

  • gonna get a score update, see where we stand.

  • (Noah) All right, so the first sauce, Round One, was Frank's Red Hot.

  • - Woo! - (Noah) You both got that right.

  • - Ho, ho, ho! - (Noah) Second round was Cholula.

  • - Whoah! - (Noah) You guessed wrong.

  • - (Noah) Link, you were right. - Link in the house!

  • - Early lead! Early lead! - (Noah) Round thir-- Round Three was

  • - Tobasco. You both got that. - Round Third!

  • (Noah) Round Four was Sriracha; you both got that right.

  • - (Noah) Round Five was Texas Pete's. - Aw, yeah.

  • Okay. Wow, five for five! I thought you would be good at this, Link! You hedged

  • - a little bit; it was unnecessary. - I know, man.

  • - I didn't taste the wood! - It's the grits, it's the grits.

  • I didn't taste the wood! Hm! Sorry! Okay, I'm down four to five going into the

  • - Frankensauce rounds. - She didn't put the cap in my mouth,

  • - either, if that's what you're asking. - Frankensauce rounds, go!

  • (Morgan, evilly over dramatic music) Frankensauce!

  • Now, this is not gonna be easy. Two sauces, one... leg.

  • (with mouth full) Okay! Oh.

  • (Link) Mm.

  • (Link) Mm.

  • Uh.

  • Hm.

  • Gah.

  • Hm.

  • Ehh.

  • Hm.

  • Mm.

  • Wow. (slurps) I don't know, man! But I'm... (groans)

  • - All right. - Wow, okay. I-- hm.

  • All right, Imma... Imma go for this. Three, two, one.

  • - (Rhett) Texas Pete and Tapatio. - (Link) Frank's and Cholula.

  • Oh, so we're both totally different. I said Frank's and Cholula, you said

  • - Texas Pete and Tapatio. - Okay, how'd we do?

  • (Noah) All right, you both got one point on that one. It was Frank's Red Hot and

  • - (Noah) Texas Pete. - Dangit! That was-- I wanted to say that

  • - 'cause it tasted so classic! - (Link) Okay.

  • But I was just trying to mix it up a little bit, dangit!

  • All right, still in the lead! Next up.

  • (Morgan, evilly over dramatic music) Frankensauce!

  • - Okay, here we go. - Chicken stick in, chicken stick in!

  • Rrengh!

  • - Okay. I got this. - Hold on!

  • - C'mon, the pressure's on, Rhett! - Hold on.

  • It's all over. Imma go over here and take a nap. (snores)

  • - Okay, all right. - Mkay. Three, two, one.

  • (in unison) Sriracha and Tobasco!

  • - Oooh! - (laughs)

  • - The Tobasco has such a-- they both are - (in unison) so distinct...

  • - That I tasted one and then two. - Yeah, they both cut through.

  • - So, were we right on that one? - (Noah) You got both half right.

  • It was Sriracha, but it was Sriracha and Cholula.

  • - Agh, dangit! - Ohhhhh, man!

  • I had an opportunity to pull away and I didn't!

  • If you mix Rooster and Cholula you get Tobasco, and we just totally ruined

  • - their secret! - Okay, so Link, going into the final

  • round, you are up by one, which means that I have to get this one right and you

  • have to get it wrong in order for me to win. So, you have to guess the pepper.

  • It's one sauce, but we have to guess the pepper that it's made with.

  • (Morgan, over dramatic music) Mystery Sauce!

  • Okay. Guess the pepper. All right, whatever, let's do it. Bring it in.

  • Eeeengh.

  • (Link) Hm.

  • Lotta smackin' happening. Boy, it is very distinct.

  • - I might need a second bite. - I call for a second bite also.

  • Okay. I just slurped some... mm.

  • - All right. - It doesn't taste good.

  • - It makes my ears hurt. - (sings) ♪ I think I know the answer! ♪

  • ♪ I think I know it! I wanna guess it right now. ♪

  • - Um... - ♪ It makes me wanna sing! ♪

  • - (smacks lips) - Are you ready for the three count?

  • (rapidly) Are you ready for the three count? Are you ready for the three count?

  • - Yeah, okay. - Three, two, one.

  • - (Rhett) Chipotle! - (Link) Chili pepper.

  • - Chili pepper is what I said. - Chipotle, chipotle!

  • - I said, "chil-l-l-ly pepper." - (Noah) Unfortunately, you are both wrong.

  • - Yeah! - No, it's a chipotle! Ancho chili.

  • - (Noah) Habanero. - Habanero. Habanero!

  • Hold on, hold on. Take the mask off. You need to bring that sauce to me.

  • - Oh my goodness, I can't see anything. - Because if there's chipotle peppers in

  • the sauce, then I would still need to get some points.

  • What're you... what--

  • - Nope. No chipotle peppers. - (crew laughs)

  • - Link, you win! Congratulations! - Woo! Look at me, pepperhead!

  • Oh, that's all you get is the hat? Okay, I feel okay now.

  • - (laughs) - Whoa, I am crying.

  • - But it is shiny. - Oh, I made a mess!

  • - All right! - That chicken stick made a mess!

  • Try that on your own time, but make your own waiver and sign it first.

  • We wanna thank you for watching and thank our sponsor,

  • (Link) Visit and enter code "GMM" at checkout to get a dot com domain

  • - for only $1.99! Link in the description. - Don't let somebody steal that website

  • idea that you've got: I Only Want My Chicken On A Chicken Stick...

  • - (in unison) ... dot com! - is still available!

  • It Burns and I'm Wearing a Mask... dot org!

  • - (crew laughs) - That's fair game.

  • - That's probably already taken. - (all laugh)

  • - Thanks for liking and commenting. - You know what time it is.

  • - Hey, I'm Taylor. - Hey, I'm Eric.

  • - We're from St. Louis. - I bet you think this deer is real.

  • - Nope! - It's time to spin the

  • (in unison) Wheel of Mythicality!

  • You know, you could put hot sauce on chicken. You could also put hot sauce on

  • chicken and waffles! And if you like waffles, you should go to our Instagram

  • - for Waffle Wednesday! - Also, to click through to Good Mythical

  • More, just click through to Good Mythical More.

  • - All you gotta do is click through. - Where we're gonna get the crew to play,

  • Can You Guess That Hot Sauce?

  • (Rhett) Rhett confesses he has never washed his hands.

  • - So, Rhett. - Yeah.

  • Be honest with me, man. Give me something. Give me some sort of information.

  • Truth or Dare? Is this Truth or Dare, Chili Man?

  • - Yeah, let's... and, ah... truth. - I've never washed my hands.

  • And you know what? I stirred your grits with my fingers earlier. (tongue clicks)

  • (sniffs) It's fine.

  • [Captioned by Caitrin: GMM Captioning Team]

How good are we at identifying these hot sauces while blindfolded?


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B1 中級 美國腔

盲目的辣醬味道測試 (The Blind Hot Sauce Taste Test)

  • 1508 31
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日