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  • What's up Food Tuber's! Okay we're going to do an incredible dish.

  • We're going to be doing fish cooked in salt. It's epic. It's amazing. It's delicious. It's nutritious.

  • We're going to do it with Asian style greens. This is beautiful. Romantic and for a special occasion.

  • To show us how to do it we've got the one and only Bart from bart's Fish Tales.

  • Wooo!

  • How are you doing, brother? Thank you for having me.

  • What I do? I travel the World to live to fish to cook together with the most amazing beautiful

  • sustainable fisheries around the world.

  • So yesterday morning I went fishing right in the middle of the North sea.

  • We got this bunch of beautiful seabass.

  • And drove all the way to London.

  • If you know these stories behind it it tastes even better.

  • So we made this seabass in a salt crust which means all the flavours will stay inside.

  • So I have a big bowl, some rock salt, we have a fish of erm one kilo

  • and on one kilo of fish you use one kilo and half of rock salt.

  • And for every 500 gram you use one egg white.

  • So we need 3 egg whites for this dish.

  • I've added a little splash of water. You want to make it muggy and yeah it should stick to your hands.

  • Tell me about this fish.

  • We make it Asian style so I cut my lemongrass a bit diagonal. I have some

  • lime slices

  • and tuck that into the belly of the seabass.

  • Beautiful. So, coriander

  • just fold it First we'll make a beautiful

  • nice little bit of the sea crust.

  • About 1cm thick? Yeah.

  • This should be closed because you want the juices to stay inside the fish.

  • Okay so all around then? Yeah cover it all around.

  • It's very important to make sure the skin is not damaged because if the skin is damaged

  • erm all these salty flavours will come inside and influence the taste. Are you happy with that?

  • It's beautiful. It is. I feel like a child again.

  • Sand castles.

  • How long are you going to cook that for?

  • So it's 190 degrees right?

  • And we have it in the oven for like 25-30 minutes.

  • We gonna make beautiful salad.

  • So seaweed and sea plant

  • really rich in vitamin B12.

  • Really good for your bones. It's nutritious and the way for our future.

  • And it's sustainable and there's loads of it.

  • So here we have wakame. So we get rid of the leaves.

  • So you're using the stalk?

  • Yes. We're going to slice it in stripes.

  • I just want to show you. This is coming straight out of the sea

  • here you have a pan of boiling water, no salt.

  • We add it to the water.

  • And take it out. Wow! It turns from brown to green.

  • That's the before and after guys. Look at the difference!

  • So I've blanched the stems for like two minutes.

  • So Bart shall I just prep these down so they're small and delicate? Yep.

  • So at the same time I'm boiling water here I'm going to

  • And also guys, spinach, chard, you know those gorgeous cabbages. You can do exactly what we're doing now.

  • Beautiful. It has amazing colours.

  • Okay so lets talk about this dressing then brother.

  • What flavours are we using? Where is the inspiration from?

  • Yeah well the inspiration comes from Japan.

  • We start with one and half tablespoon of soy sauce.

  • And some lemon.

  • Some rice vinegar. Mirin to make it sweet. Brown sugar.

  • Some chilli.

  • Garlic too. Half or whole?

  • Half. I'm going to use some ginger. About a teaspoon.

  • Whisk.

  • Perfect. So we're going to put this onto the greens. Yeah.

  • Some sesame seeds.

  • So this is essentially marinaded.

  • Little bit of lime zest to top it off. That's so delicious.

  • Wahey! Easy on the salt crusted seabass.

  • I just go around the outside of the fish like this.

  • If we're lucky what we're gonna get is the most incredible fish.

  • Beautiful! There's your oven there guys.

  • Start cutting from head side towards the tail.

  • Now you're going to fold it over.

  • Oooh!

  • Just look how easy this meat comes away from the bone. I'm just pushing it. Look at that! Woo!

  • Man, we gotta plate this up.

  • Look at how juicy it is guys.

  • Nice job Bart.

  • Gorgeous miso sauce.

  • There's only one thing to do now. Eat it.

  • So I'm going to try the fish first.

  • The flavour is ridiculous. It's so clean. It's so juicy.

  • And then of course the seaweed.

  • It's got texture, flavour.

  • So there you go guys. Something a little bit different.

  • If you want to check out any more of Bart's fish Tales

  • then go over to his channel now. Hit the box down there.

  • Guys if you like it, give us a thumbs up.

  • Of course if you haven't subscribed subscribe!

  • Cos it's free, and also subscribe to Bart's channel as well!

  • If you love your fish.

  • Until next time from me and Bart. Bye! How do we say bye in your language? Bye bye! Ciao.

What's up Food Tuber's! Okay we're going to do an incredible dish.


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B1 中級

焗鱸魚配亞洲綠菜|傑米-奧利弗和巴特的魚故事 (Baked Seabass with Asian Greens | Jamie Oliver & Bart's Fish Tales)

  • 180 53
    林子鈞 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日