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What up FoodTubers? Okay, we've got a beautiful dish:
prawns, butter beans, lemon, chili.
Super tasty, super healthy.
This is a lovely meal for four people,
around about 420 calories, so really controlled calories, two of your veggies a day,
and really tasty, and it's going to fill you up.
And it's a great fast, mid-week meal.
What's not to love? Well, let's do it.
So, wok. Wack it on a medium/high heat. Slice up some spring onions.
One bunch, nice and fine. Or, use a nice food processor,
with a little slicer attachment, super efficient.
You're gonna get that lovely hum of flavor from the spring onions.
One or two chilies depending on how spicy it is.
I'm just gonna finely slice that, I'm actually not gonna deseed it,
because there's a little bit of heat in there, and I wanna keep that.
We've got twelve beautiful prawns here, I've deveined them.
Let me show you how to do that. When you rock the head forward,
you can get a pair of scissors, and you can just run your scissors down the back.
Stick your scissor in, or a knife, and you can pull your vein out.
It takes just a few minutes, it cleans the prawn.
I actually like to take the shell and the tail off. I know it sounds gross, but if you squash
that head, that is where the big, big flavor is. The big big flavor.
So, if you're a little bit kinda squeamish, then take the head off, but if
love food, and life, and generally everything that gets your taste buds going,
leave the head on.
So in this hot pan, we're gonna use olive oil, couple of table spoons is more than enough.
In with the prawns. Nice thing about prawns, they're really high in vitamin B-12,
so that's good for your immune system, and nervous system.
Give it a shake, look at the colour change straight away.
As we're cooking so efficiently, I'm gonna just get my nice few slices of bread, and toast those,
on a griddle pan. The prawns are nearly cooked actually.
I'm gonna let it have a little bit of spring onion and chili rainfall.
Absolutely gorge.
We're gonna go in now, with the mangetout. Four handfuls.
You can use sugar-snap peas. We don't want to overcook these greens.
I'm kinda keeping this Mediterranean, I juts happen to be using a wok.
You could do this in a paella pan. So look, that's had a minute,
and then, I'm gonna go in with two tins of drained butter beans.
Wonderful source of protein, and they really suck up flavors beautifully.
I've got 500 grams of lovely tomatoes. Different sizes, shapes, colors.
Just hack 'em up. You can hear now the pan has stopped frying,
because the moisture has come out of the butter beans, so it's kinda steaming in their now
which is no bad thing, feel free to sort of like make this your own.
If you wanted asparagus in there, all good, if you wanted to put in a nice handful of frozen peas in there,
or broad beans, really really good.
I'm gonna throw in the tomatoes, beautiful colours, a little bit of seasoning:
salt and pepper. Our toast is done. Just get a piece of garlic, a couple of little rubs
of this will make all the difference. Sort of Spanish, Greek, Turkish, Italian. Very nice.
We're into about 5 minutes of cooking, it's pretty much done. Parsley, we're just gonna finely slice
that, and the delicate stalks as well. Put some lovely lemon zest in there, it's so fresh.
One or two lemons depending on how juicy they are. Look at that.
The thing I love about this cooking, it's really good fun to do. It all happens pretty much in one pan.
So simple.
Have a little taste.
Ah the lemon juice and the chili are so good. Get a nice big platter, this is how I like to do it,
put the toast on the bottom. If you want to be pretty about it you could kinda put them on the side,
but I love, once I've done that, just putting these herbs in. Look at that guys.
5 minutes work, hot steamy, big flavor, and that, I'm really proud of.
Super fast, nutritious food, really colourful, really fresh. So guys I hope you enjoyed that,
if you like it give us a thumbs up, if you've got any comments on what you would do, put it in the
comments box below. If you want the recipe, it's from one of my old books, so click the link below,
it'll take you to my website, and we'll sort you out , and I hope you enjoyed it. Take care guys, lots of love, bye!