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  • I have been joined by award winning Ellie Goulding!

  • I have to ask you about 'Bad Blood' I'm sure everyone was asking about it!

  • No, no, no! No-one's asked me about it!

  • Wow, when you came on and looked at the camera with the gun, it was unbelievable!

  • I know!And to be honest, I wasn't in it that long!

  • But, I still think that I had the best part!

  • "What was it?"

  • "It's just like a bazooka thing, isn't it?

  • It was very heavy, I kept having to put it down, too heavy" "Was it surreal being surrounded by everyone like that

  • just being in that video?"

  • "The reason she's surrounded by these cool women

  • is cos she is cool, and like I said it's important to surround yourself with these people as it keeps you in a good place"

  • "How long did you do it, were you there all day?"

  • "No I wasn't there long, I think some of the others did

  • maybe more complicated parts with stunts and stuff

  • but no, I wasn't there for that long, it was pretty easy!"

  • "There should be a sequel!"

  • "I think that was a very special one off video anyone think that one!"

  • "Everyone's saying about you deleting that picture of you and Katy Perry,

  • surely this is getting out of hand now?"

  • "....oh! I deleted that because I looked bad in it!

  • and I think I was a bit drunk, and I thought it wasn't a very good

  • example of myself. That's so funny that

  • that's even a thing, no, I delete things all the time

  • I think cos I've got so many followers, like six million,

  • that when I delete something, it's a big deal. No, I delete photos of myself all the time,

  • I post them and I look and I go 'no, I don't look very good, delete!'"

  • "Do you think it might be to do with people going 'because you're friends with Katy Perry, you shouldn't be friends with Taylor'?"

  • "I'm very used to things being

  • made up so that's ridiculous

  • I'm great friends with Katy, I'm great friends with Taylor

  • That's very silly, no, no, I just looked bad in it!

  • I zoomed in on my actual photo and was like 'noooo!'"

  • "You don't look terrible!" "I did, I was a little bit drunk, I admit!"

I have been joined by award winning Ellie Goulding!


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A2 初級 美國腔

獨家:ELLIE GOULDING關於刪除Katy Perry照片的消息。 (EXCLUSIVE: ELLIE GOULDING on deleting THAT Katy Perry pic)

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    Cooper Lee 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日