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  • I'm Demi Lovato. I'm a recording artist, author, songwriter and actress. I'm also living with

  • bipolar disorder. I've seen some dark times, especially with the depressive phase of the

  • illness. Bipolar depression really got my life off track, but today I'm proud to say

  • I'm living proof that someone can live, love and be well with the bipolar disorder when

  • they get the education, support, and treatment they need. Through my music tours, you've

  • seen me speak out against the shame and silence around mental illness. Now I've started to

  • bring my mental health advocacy to a new level. Through the Mental Health Listening and Engagement

  • Tour, I will be learning from some of the most amazing mental health advocats while

  • sharing my own story so that I can hopefully be a source of inspiration to others. I want

  • to shine a light on the people out there who, like me, are learning to live well with mental

  • illness by getting the right diagnosis and finding the right treatment plan. I want to

  • be the most informed and powerful advocate I can be, and to help people find the courage

  • to seek help. People living with mental illness often have low expectations because they've

  • been hurt or disappointed in the past. I want to change that. Our society tends to shame

  • or ignore those with mental illness, and I want to change that, too. I want people to

  • expect more from our society and for their futures. The Mental Health Listening and Engagement

  • Tour kicked off at the JED Foundation, an organization dedicated to emotional health

  • and preventing suicide. The work they do really matters and is changing the way young people,

  • their schools and families think about what it means to be healthy. This is all so important

  • to me and I can't wait to tell you more as I learn more along this tour. In the meantime,

  • if you or someone you care about could use help, reach out for support. Asking for help

  • when you're struggling is a sign of strength. You can be your own advocate, and you have

  • the power to help advocate for the people in your life, too.

I'm Demi Lovato. I'm a recording artist, author, songwriter and actress. I'm also living with


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黛米-洛瓦託解釋她與躁鬱症相處融洽 (Demi Lovato Explains She Is Living Well With Bipolar Disorder)

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    黃鈺茱 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日