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  • - Today we take a bath... in ice. - Let's talk about that.

  • ♪ (theme music) ♪

  • Goooood Mythical Morning-g-g-g! (shivers, puffs air)

  • Today we're gonna do something that we occasionally do, which is put ourself

  • through something unpleasant for your entertainment. So get ready for that.

  • - It's happening again. Ice baths. - I'm just-- Agh, ice baths. I...

  • - Man, I didn't sleep well last night. - Really?

  • - Thinking about this. - Thinking about this?

  • - Yeah! - Well, I feel sorry for you. But I'm also

  • - doing it, so not really. - I mean, don't you question whether

  • - we can do this? - I don't wanna think about that. I am

  • - positive. I'm a positive thinker. - He questioned just seconds ago

  • - whether we could even do this. - Don't tell them that!

  • This is what I wanna tell you. I wanna tell you that ice baths are something that

  • people have done-- humans have done this for ages! In cold places, people like to

  • run and jump into arctic pools and cut holes in ice and they run and take a

  • - little ice bath. - Boop!

  • It enlivens you! It's a way to experience all that there is on the human spectrum

  • - of experience! Cold and hot! - Oh!

  • People do that. They get really cold and then they go into a sauna and then they

  • - come back out, you know? - Are we gonna get really hot?

  • - It makes you live forever, I don't know. - No.

  • But, interestingly, one of the things that's happened in more recent past is

  • - athletics has incorporated... - Athletics have been around a while.

  • Athletics have happened in recent past, no. So, athletes are now doing this as a

  • treatment. Apparently, ice baths help with reducing inflammation, so a lot of people

  • who work out really hard and then they'll go and get in the ice bath, and there's a

  • quicker recovery time. There's marathon runners that really swear by this thing.

  • And also when people are injured, it's a great way to treat the inflammation.

  • And you live longer because everything's being slowed down.

  • - Slows down. Oh, yeah. - But your quality of life also slows

  • - down to a crawl. - Here's how it works. Typically,

  • you take an ice bath for 6-8 minutes, and when athletes do this, they're kinda

  • doing it for their extremities, so sometimes they'll wear a rubber cover

  • over their midsection so they don't cool their core temperature too much. But

  • - anyway, they do it for about 6-8 minutes. - Are we gonna do that? No.

  • So we're gonna do this today, but there's no rubberized cover. In fact, we're making

  • - it a little bit more interesting. - Yeah. We have gotten our hands on some

  • huge metal vats that we're gonna be taking ice baths in. This ain't no dinky just

  • stick your toe in. We're sticking our entire bodies in these ice baths.

  • And then we're gonna try to go eight minutes.

  • - Yeah. - And every two minutes, we have devised

  • something to up the ante and make it even colder. Who are we and why do we exist?

  • - For this kinda thing. - This is gonna be great!

  • People do this and now we're joining their ranks.

  • (both) To the ice baths!

  • ♪ (dramatic music) ♪ (sloshing)

  • - Ahh, look at these tubs of ice! - Hey, nice robe!

  • You wanna take a bath together? Oh, we got our own bath.

  • (Link) Ah, these are frigid. I put my hand in here a second ago, and the pain...

  • Oh, you cheated. I'm not-- I'm not ready for this at all. I'm not used to it.

  • - (sighs) All right. - Let's disrobe on the count of three.

  • - Three, two, one, disrobe. - (Rhett and crew laugh)

  • Wow. You probably weren't prepared for that when you clicked on this

  • - video today. - (all laugh)

  • - All right! - Oh, gaaah!

  • - No hesitation. Step in there! - What? What? What? What?

  • - Put your foot in there! - Eight minutes?!

  • Yeah, eight minutes. Put your left foot in first.

  • Three, two, left foot... (high-pitched) Ohhhhhh!

  • Put your right foot in.

  • - (Link, breathless) Oooh kay. Hoooly! - (Rhett) Okay, all right.

  • - Ohhhh! Every time-- ohhh! - (Rhett) Three--

  • - Noooooo! - Two, one--

  • - (crew laughs) - Nooooo!

  • - Drop. Drop! - No, no!

  • - No, no, no! - Drop! Drop! Drop!

  • - Okay, drop! - (Rhett) (rapid high-pitched noises)

  • - (high pitched) Ah! Ahhhh! - (shouts) Oh! It's takin' my breath away!

  • - Oh! Bbbrh! - Ohhh! Ohhhh! Ohh!

  • (shouts) You gotta bring your arms in! Bring your arms in!

  • - No! - Be a man!

  • - No! - Bring your arms in now!

  • - (Link) Ohhhhhhh! - Three, two, one!

  • - (sputters) - (pants)

  • - (Noah) We are starting the timer now! - The timer hadn't started?!

  • What, are you crazy?! I've been in here for a minute, you freaks!

  • - (crew laughs) - (Link) Ah, ah...

  • Ah! Put your arms in, Neal! Agh! Rrgh. (pants)

  • - I can't, I can't, I-- Ah! Ah! Ah! - Mmmgh my whole life is flashing

  • - before my eyes! - Oh, oh, oh! It's so cold!

  • - I'm gonna go to my safe place. - Oh my goodness!

  • I can't move! Agh!

  • Oh...

  • (sped up audio)

  • - Ohh! - It's kinda nice.

  • Cross your eyes a little bit. (laughs) Cross your eyes a little bit, it helps.

  • - Seriously. - I can't keep my arms in.

  • (shouts) No, c'mon! Put your arms back in, Neal! What do you think this is?

  • - I'm gonna be the king of the ice! - Ahhhh! I can't keep 'em... ohh.

  • (sped up audio)

  • Ohh, I'm gonna try to pee to warm up anything.

  • - (Rhett and crew laugh) - No! Don't do that.

  • - Somebody give me a knife. - Don't do that!

  • Somebody give me a knife to cut my legs off so the blood will warm... my outerness.

  • - Is it supposed to burn? - (crew laughs)

  • - It's burning. - It's burning!

  • - It's burning me! - You know what? You know what?

  • Are you burning? (teeth chatter)

  • Agh. Don't shiver 'cause that makes it worse.

  • - Has it not been two minutes? - Where are we at?

  • - We're at two minutes now. - (crew) Gentlemen, two minutes.

  • Okay, the two minute mark. We're gonna up the ante. Now we're gonna do a

  • singalong... with Frozen.

  • (Link) Yes, maybe this will take me somewhere...

  • (Rhett) Those earmuffs are nice! (laughs) Those earmuffs...

  • ♪ (both singing "Let it Go" poorly while crew laughs) ♪

  • the cold never bothered me anyway

  • (sped up audio)

  • It's the chorus, I know this part!

  • ♪ (both singing "Let it Go" poorly while crew laughs) ♪

  • the cold never bothered... ♪

  • - (crew laughs) - Musical interlude.

  • (sped up audio)

  • - ♪ (both singing "Let it Go") ♪ - (crew) Four minutes!

  • - That was nice. That made it better. - It did make it better.

  • What do we do now? Oh, now we induce brain freeze.

  • - Oh, oh. - (crew) Raspberry.

  • - Are your nipples in? - (crew laughs)

  • Yeah, they're-- I'm right at nipple level.

  • - My nipples are totally in. - (Rhett) I think they burned off.

  • I could kill-- I could poke your eye out with my nipples right now.

  • They're kinda perky. (laughs) Mine are a little perky right now.

  • Ohhhh! Okay, so we are going to brain freeze ourselves?

  • - (crew laughs) - Listen, you gotta really go for it.

  • - You gotta really go for it. - (crew laughs)

  • - I can't feel anything that's-- oh. - This is actually warm.

  • - Ah! Brain freeze! - (crew laughs)

  • Aup! Brain freeze, seriously! Aaagh. I can't believe I'm doing this.

  • - Op, here it comes! Gghh-- - (crew laughs)

  • - Lung freeze! Brain freeze again! - (Rhett) Here we go.

  • I got another one, I'm serious! Aaaaaah!

  • - ♪ Let it go, let it go... ♪ - That's over.

  • (sped up audio)

  • Auh! There it is. There it is. Total brain freeze!

  • My brain freeze takes a little bit longer than yours 'cause my brain is bigger.

  • - (crew) Six minutes. That's six minutes. - We are six minutes in.

  • - (Rhett) What do we do now? - This goes out to all the Mythical Beasts

  • - out there. - (Noah) Frozen helmet.

  • - Okay. - All of you out there in Mythical Beast

  • - Land, don't try this! - Okay, now we put on the frozen--

  • - the ice helmet. - If you're an athlete...

  • - Ohh! - This is good for you!

  • Woooh! That's not, that's not-- ooh. Ooh!

  • - (shivering) That really-- - (Link) I'm gettin' a body tremor!

  • (shivering) It really takes it to the next level!

  • Aah!

  • - (crew laughs) - (shivering) How did that happen?

  • (shivering) Oh, man, I woulda never thought this would happen but...

  • - (laughs) Wow! - (shivering) But something about putting

  • a thing on my head is really what made it start going.

  • - (shivering noises) - (shivering) Putting the thing on my head

  • is really what made it start going. (sad laughing)

  • (both making shivering noises)

  • - Put your arms in! - ♪ Let it go, let it go... ♪

  • - Put your arms in! - (shivering noises)

  • (both making shivering noises)

  • (sped up audio)

  • - Ohhhh! - You feel healthier?

  • - No! - (crew laughs)

  • Ohhh, g-g-g-g-g-gosh. Oh my g-g-goodness.

  • - Hey, look! There's a Sprite down in here! - (all laugh)

  • Hey! Hey! I don't have one!

  • - Here you go, man! - I don't wanna drink--

  • - It's cold! - (crew laughs)

  • - Not a sponsor. - (crew) Five, four, three, two, one!

  • ♪ (triumphant music) ♪

  • - Bring in the crane! - (crew laughs)

  • (Link) Oh, I can do this. Oh...

  • (both laughing and shivering)

  • - Gah. Everything's in slow motion. - (laughs) Oh, gosh...

  • (groans) Ohh...

  • (shivering) Uuuugh...

  • Agh! Ohhhhhhhh.

  • - Wow. Yeah, straighten up. - (crew laughs)

  • (teeth chattering) I'm so glad we did this!

  • - (crew laughs) - Me not.

  • - Thanks... thanks for watching. - (all laugh)

  • Thanks for liking and commenting on this video.

  • - Why're we holding hands? - 'Cause I need you right now.

  • (both laugh) You know what time it is.

  • - Hi, I'm Melanie. - And I'm Ashley, and we're from

  • - Cottage Grove, Minnesota. - And we're at a Minnesota Wild hockey game.

  • (both) It's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality!

  • If you get cold, you should get a hoodie! How 'bout a Good Mythical Morning

  • hoodie, or a Rhett & Link hoodie? Available at

  • - To warm you up! - Click through to Good Mythical More

  • where we process what's happened to us. (shivers)

  • - I don't know if I can turn around. - Whoa, that fell!

  • WinFace fell, but it didn't happen anyway.

  • (Link) Contemplating... Lit'l Smokies.

  • (speaking over thoughtful piano music) (Link) Lit'l Smokies. Smoky and little.

  • (Rhett) I wanna... immerse myself into a crock pot full o' Lit'l Smokies right now.

  • (Link) I know. It would feel so warm. I wouldn't even be tempted to eat 'em,

  • I would just let 'em warm me up.

  • [Captioned by Caitrin: GMM Captioning Team]

- Today we take a bath... in ice. - Let's talk about that.


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B1 中級 美國腔

極限冰浴挑戰 (Extreme Ice Bath Challenge)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日