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  • I think what's important to understand when we're talking or reflecting on the topic of

  • bullying is that young workers are far more vulnerable to workplace bullying, and people

  • with disability are more vulnerable to it as well. So for young people with disability,

  • it can be an area where there needs to be a certain amount of vigilance. And I suppose

  • that's where it can be beneficial to have a support agency working with you when you're

  • in a job.

  • What's important around the notion of bullying is to understand that in the workplace - workplace

  • bullying - for it to be classified as such, it needs to be sort of behaviours which are

  • repetitive and unreasonable in the context. And they cause a risk to your health and safety.

  • So generally it's the kinds of behaviours that happen over a period of time, are not

  • appropriate to the situation, and really can risk how you feel in terms of your health

  • or your actual physical safety. And that's emotional and mental health as well, it all

  • sort of falls in there.

  • Bullying is unfair and it's inappropriate and it's generally the kinds of activities

  • or behaviours which might intimidate you or offend you, insult or humiliate you, and it

  • can be physical or it can be psychological as well.

  • If you're being bullied for any reason, or even for no reason, you should get in touch

  • with your occupational health and safety rep. If you don't have one, or you're working with

  • a smaller company, it's always good to talk to the Fair Work Ombudsman if this is happening

  • as well. You can get those details from their website.

  • The Ombudsman can investigate bullying and harassment if it's around personal characteristics

  • such as religion, or physical or mental disability.

  • I would also recommend linking in with a Disability Employment Services Provider if you've got

  • one, because they know a lot about some strategies to help you to identify where something might

  • be happening, and what you could potentially do about it.

  • But essentially bullying is not OK, and it does happen. So we need to be aware of it,

  • and then to shout out when it is actually happening. Because it is not OK, and it shouldn't

  • happen.

  • For more information, visit the Youth Disability Rights Hub at

I think what's important to understand when we're talking or reflecting on the topic of


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B1 中級

什麼是職場欺凌,有什麼防護措施? (What is workplace bullying, and what protections are there against it?)

  • 149 15
    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日