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  • [Bullying and Corporate Psychopaths at work]

  • Right. Hello, everybody. I'm here to tell you a bit of a story about

  • why I got interested in the link between corporate psychopaths and bullying.

  • A long time ago, in a land far away,

  • I was running a business in the Far East,

  • and, as a part of that, I was moved offices.

  • And when I was moved offices, I was told I was getting a new boss.

  • And various people came up to me and said,

  • "You have to be careful about this new guy, this new boss you're getting.

  • He's very manipulative, he's very ruthless, very cunning,

  • and he's almost downright evil.

  • So, I thought, hm, this guy sounds like a bit of a monster, a bit of a devil.

  • And when people say things like that to you, that's what you expect.

  • You expect to meet a monster.

  • What you actually meet is an utterly charming man,

  • in a well cut suit, who looks very attractive.

  • He's very sociable, very extroverted and he doesn't look like a monster at all.

  • He looks like your next best friend. And so, you get confused.

  • Then you think that these people must have been wrong.

  • "He's not a monster, he's a nice guy.

  • I'm going to really enjoy working with this person."

  • Looking back years later, people would say to me,

  • "Well, how did you end up in the circumstances that you ended up with?"

  • And I could never answer that, until I read about corporate psychopaths.

  • And then it all clicked together.

  • So, that's my personal reason for getting involved in psychopathy

  • and corporate psychopaths.

  • And, as I started to read about bullying as a different part of my academic job,

  • I realized there's probably a large area of crossover

  • between bullies and psychopaths in the workplace.

  • So, I started to look at bullying itself.

  • It's usually described as being the regular and repeated belittling,

  • or humiliating, or, in some way, intimidating a person,

  • and it's usually a single person, in the workplace,

  • on a regular basis, as I said.

  • So, it involves things like regular conflict, arguments, yelling,

  • rudeness in the workplace, directed at a single person.

  • It seems to be all over the place, basically.

  • If you look at the papers to do with bullying,

  • it seems to be in every organization, and significant numbers of people

  • have experienced it. Usually it's in the 30 and 40 percentages.

  • And even organizations like

  • the Departments of Consumer and Employment Protection,

  • in Western Australia, where I was at the time,

  • whose job is to prevent bullying,

  • were accused by their own staff of having a culture of bullying.

  • And the staff insisted that they bring in private investigators

  • to investigate the bullying that was going on in the organization,

  • that was there to prevent bullying. So, it's all over the place.

  • So, that made me think, "But, why? Why is it all over the place?"

  • And the other thing that struck me in reading about it

  • is that companies and corporations and organizations

  • don't seem to know what to do about it.

  • They tend to want to sweep it under the carpet, to pretend it doesn't exist.

  • And quite often, they'll do things like,

  • they'll pay off the people who are being bullied,

  • and they'll insert a clause into that payoff, into that contractual arrangement,

  • whereby they're not allowed to talk about it.

  • So it all gets swept under the carpet.

  • The bully, in the meantime, gets promoted,

  • and they're the only one that's left in the organization.

  • But there are many ethical and financial reasons

  • why bullying should not be swept under the carpet,

  • and some of these are to do with individual reasons.

  • So, the negative effects,

  • the psychological effects on the individual concern are quite devastating.

  • So, they feel humiliated, belittled,

  • their careers quite often get ruined or disjointed.

  • They'll try and withdraw from the workplace,

  • they'll seek other jobs,

  • and they end up in lesser positions, or unemployed,

  • or in jobs they don't really want to do.

  • And their confidence and motivation is destroyed at a personal level.

  • But it also has an effect at a corporate level or an organizational level as well,

  • because there's a typical fight-or-flight response to being

  • in a conflict situation or to being bullied.

  • So, in terms of flight,

  • people withdraw their time and effort.

  • So, they'll stop doing overtime, they'll stop their extracurricular activities,

  • in terms of commitment to the organization and helping the organization grow.

  • And they'll fight back

  • in terms of things like counterproductive work behavior.

  • So, typically, if the bully is your manager,

  • or your supervisor, or your boss in some way,

  • you take him or her as a representative of the company.

  • And, therefore, your revenge is not on them particularly, as an individual.

  • It tends to be against the company.

  • So, you'll stop working properly, you'll sabotage normal work processes,

  • you'll withdraw your effort and your commitment, as I said, to what you're doing.

  • And the result of all that is just further conflicts within the organization.

  • The ethical and moral climate of the organization starts to diminish,

  • and that has knock-on effects in terms of how you treat your suppliers,

  • how you treat your tax returns and everything else to do with the company.

  • So, reading some of the literature on bullies and bullying,

  • there seems to be a sort of unspoken, underlying sense of bewilderment,

  • "Who are these people?

  • Who are these people that enjoy watching people get hurt?"

  • 'Cause it doesn't seem a normal thing to do,

  • a normal thing to want to do or to enjoy doing, and they clearly enjoy it.

  • Reading about bullies,

  • the words that are used to describe them are on the screen there.

  • So, they enjoy hurting other people, they're cruel, they're selfish,

  • they're parasitic, Machiavellian,

  • and you start to get in the literature a lot of words

  • to do with a dissocial personality.

  • So, antisocial personality disorder, sociopathy, psychopathy

  • and lots of these words are similar to words

  • used to identify corporate psychopaths.

  • Well, corporate psychopaths are those psychopaths

  • who are about 1% of the population,

  • and just by the way, who go into organizational and corporate positions,

  • rather than into a criminal career.

  • And psychologists have slowly come to realize

  • that those from better socioeconomic backgrounds, perhaps with a good education,

  • good family background, work out fairly early, that it's far easier

  • to get the power, the prestige, and the money that they want

  • from a corporate career than it is from a criminal career.

  • And so, they go into the corporate world.

  • So, the same words are used to describe them, these psychopaths,

  • as I used to describe bullies, with the exception that psychopaths,

  • the outstanding thing about psychopaths is they have absolutely no conscience.

  • So, there's nothing that inhibits them, in terms of how they behave.

  • They can be totally ruthless and sleep perfectly well that night,

  • because nothing they do bothers them, because they don't have a conscience,

  • and there's no feeling, no emotion in their lives.

  • So, having realized that there's probably a large link

  • between psychopathy and psychopaths and bullying,

  • I thought it would be interesting to do some research

  • to see how large that link actually is.

  • So, I took a psychopathy measure

  • from reading 200 and odd psychology papers on psychopaths,

  • and embedded it in a management survey

  • of management behavior, firstly doing this in Australia.

  • And what I found was one of the most outstanding things.

  • I found that psychopaths

  • seemed to account for around 26% of all bullying

  • in that particular sample of managers, of Australian managers.

  • It was 346 managers, research carried out in 2008, I think.

  • And there were quite a few other interesting statistics there, as well.

  • I mean, under normal managers,

  • employees encountered bullying less than once a month.

  • If there were corporate psychopaths in the organization,

  • then bullying went up to more than once a week.

  • 1.3 times a week, I think it was.

  • - And I measured lots of other things as well, besides bullying,

  • but that was the interesting thing for the purposes of today -

  • Because those results were so dramatic, I repeated it again in the U.K.

  • And - Let's get the right slide. That one -

  • And I found even more bullying in the U.K. than I found in Australia.

  • And I found that psychopaths and corporate psychopaths

  • were accounted for more of that bullying than they did in Australia.

  • So, up to 36% of all bullying is down to the presence of corporate psychopaths

  • in an organization, in this sample.

  • And the knock-on effects, more yelling, more arguments,

  • more disruption, more conflict, then, when psychopaths are there,

  • compared to when they're not there.

  • So, under normal managers, everything is, in terms of conflict,

  • everything is lowered, and much more sedate,

  • and much more smooth,

  • and much less chaotic, and less confusion.

  • So... Where are we?

  • In conclusion, I think that what I've

  • Having established the link between corporate psychopaths and bullying,

  • it starts to explain some of the big questions that are to do with bullyings.

  • For example, why is it so pervasive in all companies,

  • around the world and in all countries?

  • Well, the answer to that might be that,

  • because psychopaths are 1% of the population.

  • If we assume they are normally distributed across the whole population,

  • than there will be, in every major company,

  • there will be psychopaths.

  • And if there are psychopaths, than there will be bullying.

  • So, that explains why bullying is so common.

  • The other thing it explains is why bullying occurs in the first place.

  • Psychopaths bully for two main reasons. One of them is predatory.

  • So they do it because they like it. They do it because they enjoy it.

  • They do it because they like to see people squirm.

  • They like just to hurt people, they like to damage their careers,

  • and that's the thing that's hard for the rest of us to understand.

  • It's enjoyable. That's one of the reasons they do it.

  • The other reason they do it is what I've called instrumental bullying.

  • So, they're doing it quite often to create confusion and chaos all around them,

  • so that they can forward their own political and social and career agendas,

  • while everybody else is emotionally distracted.

  • So, it creates a smokescreen for them to get on with what they're really doing,

  • which is gaining power, and influence, and prestige,

  • and money within the corporation.

  • So, anybody, for example, a boss looking down on this whole situation

  • of bullying and emotional reactions

  • will see that the only person that seems to have kept their cool is this psychopath,

  • because he started it all in the first place.

  • And therefore, the only person that seems like they want...

  • deserves promotion is the psychopath.

  • It that's why it helps to answer the question

  • of why psychopaths seem to get promoted at the hierarchy

  • more than ordinary people do.

  • Because they create confusion around them

  • and that enables them to forward their own agenda to promote themselves.

  • So, if you link it at an organizational level,

  • companies like Enron, which was the biggest fraud in history at the time,

  • before the global financial crisis and things like that,

  • was reported to have a culture of bullying within it.

  • And they bullied their agencies, they bullied their advisers,

  • they bullied their suppliers to keep them in check and to stop them asking questions,

  • so that they could perpetuate this massive fraud that was going on for years.

  • So, it's a means to an end, as well as an end in itself.

  • And I think bullying in corporate banks, for example,

  • and linking it to the global financial crisis, was very evident as well.

  • There is a culture of, "Don't ask questions, or you'll get into trouble."

  • So, no ethical questions are allowed in these institutions,

  • and it enables them to get on with what they're doing, with their fraud,

  • and it prevents people from exposing it.

  • If anyone is interested in finding out more about any of these things,

  • those are the things to look up in your search engine.

  • Thank you for listening. Goodbye.

  • (Applause)

[Bullying and Corporate Psychopaths at work]


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TEDx】工作中的欺凌和企業心理變態。Clive Boddy在TEDxHanzeUniversity上的演講。 (【TEDx】Bullying and Corporate Psychopaths at Work: Clive Boddy at TEDxHanzeUniversity)

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