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Freelancer Job Application Conversation
Hello Madam, I have read your recent job posting for a Web administrator
to set up some product pages in WordPress.
這個職位需要在 WordPress 系統上建立一些產品頁面
I feel that I would be a good match for the task.
Hello John, thanks for contacting me. Tell me about your experience and why you
John 你好,謝謝你來電。 聊聊你的經歷還有你認為
think you can complete this job.
I have been a website administrator for 3 years full-time
working with frameworks including WordPress, Ruby On Rails, and Drupal.
使用的框架包括 WordPress、Ruby On Rails 以及 Drupal
I studied Computer Science at university and have completed
many jobs like the one you require.
I am confident that I can complete the task quickly and properly.
Can you show me examples of some product pages you have set up in WordPress for your clients?
你能展示一些你在 WordPress 中為客戶所建立的產品頁面範例嗎?
Yes I can Madam. Some clients had me sign a confidentiality agreement,
however, I have provided some examples of pages I have setup with permission from my clients.
This is great. Do you have any testimonials for your past client jobs?
太棒了。你有任何過去的客戶評語嗎 ?
Yes Madam, I can provide you a link to my online profile.
It has all of my recently completed jobs and the feedback and ratings from my clients .
How long do you estimate it will take you to complete this task?
你預估要花多長時間完成這項工作 ?
I estimate that this will take me 3 hours to complete.
我預計將需要 3 小時來完成這項工作
I can finish it by tomorrow morning, 11am.
我可以在明天上午 11 點前完成
What is your rate?
您開價多少 ?
My rate is $20 an hour.
我的價碼是一小時 20 元
Let’s set the fixed price for the job at $60. Do you agree?
這整項工作的費用訂在 60 美元。你同意嗎?
Yes Madam. Can you please send through the job contract so that I can begin?
好的,女士。可以請您把工作合約寄給我好開始作業嗎 ?
Yes, of course.
What is the best way to contact you if I have any questions regarding the job?
Please send me a message on Skype. If it is urgent and you don’t get a reply, please
請用 Skype 傳訊息給我。如果情況緊急但沒收到回應,
email me at email@employer.com
請寄 email到 [email protected]這個信箱給我
Copy that Madam. Can you provide me with website access and all of the content to be created?
瞭解,女士。能否請您提供網站訪問權限以及所有要建立的內容呢 ?
Yes, I will. I will add it so you can access everything via our Google Drive.
好,我會的。 我會新增權限讓你可以存取我們 Google 雲端硬碟裡的所有內容
Do you need anything else to get started?
你還需要什麼才能開始作業嗎 ?
No Madam. This should be enough for me to get started. I will contact you if I require anything else.
I look forward to the completed job.
Thank you for the opportunity to work with you. I appreciate it very much.
You’re welcome. Talk to you soon.
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