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  • Rob: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Rob.

  • Neil: and I'm Neil. Hello.

  • Rob: Hello, Neil! Today we're talking about voting.

  • Now I'm sure it's something you've done Neil?

  • Neil: Of course. And earlier this year we had a general election in the UK where I voted.

  • And I'd feel guilty if I didn't exercise my right to vote.

  • Now a right in this case means somebody's legal claim to vote.

  • Rob: In a general election we vote for a government that runs the whole country,

  • but we also have local and European elections too sometimes.

  • Neil: Yes but voting in the UK is optional, so you don't have to do it,

  • whereas in some countries voting is compulsory,

  • and compulsory means something that you have to do.

  • Rob: So if you were in Australia, where the government passed a law that made voting compulsory,

  • you would have had to pay a fine of $20 for not voting.

  • Neil: And that's because the Australian government believes that

  • voting is a duty and not just a right.

  • Rob: Duty means something you have a responsibility to do.

  • Neil: And it's your duty Rob to ask me today's quiz question!

  • Rob: Yes, sir! So can you tell me, what is a constituency?

  • Is it ... a) the people who live in and vote in a particular area?

  • b) the politicians who make and change the laws of a country?

  • or c) a town or district that has its own government?

  • Neil: Well I'm no expert on politics,

  • but I'm going to go for c) that's a town or district that has its own government.

  • Rob: OK. Well, we'll find out later on in the show whether you're right or wrong.

  • Now it's time to hear what a truly young person has to say about compulsory voting.

  • Neil: Oh right, unlike me you mean? Well, here's Michael Yip,

  • who is a student at Warwick University and therefore much younger than me.

  • Michael Yip: A lot of the people that I speak to just say

  • "I don't care" or "I don't really know what's going on" and in this way,

  • another reason why I'm quite cautious about this is because it could sort of

  • engender this sort of slapdash attitude towards politics where you know it's sort of seen as, you know,

  • being conscripted for national service, you just want to get it over and done with.

  • Rob: So Michael says he is cautious about the idea of introducing compulsory voting.

  • So why is that, Neil?

  • Neil: He thinks forcing young people to vote will engender or give rise to a slapdash attitude.

  • Now what does slapdash mean, Rob?

  • Rob: It's a good word, isn't it?

  • It means doing something quickly and carelessly.

  • Neil: Oh you've never do that, would you?

  • Now, Michael compares compulsory voting to national service.

  • National service is compulsory government service that usually means

  • military service and is also known as conscription.

  • Rob: So when it's something you haven't chosen to do,

  • or which you actively don't want to do,

  • it's a case of getting it over and done with.

  • Neil: And that means finishing something difficult or unpleasant as quickly as possible.

  • Rob: Young people might just pick a political party out of a hat,

  • which means to choose randomly rather than making an informed choice.

  • Neil: So some people think that politicians need to improve political education.

  • Now let's listen to broadcaster and writer Rick Edwards talking about this.

  • Rick Edwards: If you said to politicians,

  • "Right, 3.3 million first-time voters are definitely going to vote",

  • then they will have to speak to them

  • and they will have to make an effort to go to where they are

  • and I think that's the change it would create.

  • Rob: So compulsory voting would mean a responsibility for the politicians too.

  • Neil: That's right. They need to engage and educate young people.

  • Otherwise reluctant voters may deliberately spoil or waste their votes.

  • Rob: The government could also include a "none of the above" option on the ballot paper.

  • Neil: Can you explain a bit more about that Rob?

  • Rob: Well, it means you tick this option if you don't want to vote for any of the listed political parties.

  • Neil: An interesting idea. Well my option for now is to get the answer to the quiz question.

  • Rob: OK, well, I asked: What is a constituency?

  • Is it ... a) the people who live in and vote in a particular area?

  • b) the politicians who make and change the laws of a country?

  • Or c) a town or district that has its own government?

  • Neil: I said c) a town or district that has its own government.

  • Rob: Well, you ticked the wrong box, Neil!

  • The answer is a) the people who live in and vote in a particular area.

  • Now, did you know the UK is currently divided into 650 areas called parliamentary constituencies,

  • each of which is represented by one MP in the House of Commons?

  • And each constituency can have a different area.

  • The largest is Ross, Skye and Lochaber in Scotland measuring approximately 12,000 square kilometres.

  • The smallest constituency is Islington North in London measuring a little over seven square kilometres.

  • Now, can we hear today's words again please, Neil?

  • Neil: OK. We heard:

  • right

  • general election

  • compulsory

  • duty

  • engender

  • slapdash

  • national service

  • conscription

  • over and done with

  • pick (a political party) out of a hat

  • spoil

  • Rob: Splendid! Well, that's the end of today's 6 Minute English.

  • I hope it got your vote!

  • You can hear more programmes at

  • Please join us again soon.

  • Both: Bye.

Rob: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Rob.


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B1 中級 英國腔 多益

BBC 6分鐘英語2015年8月13日--義務投票。 (BBC 6 Minute English August 13, 2015 - Compulsory Voting)

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    Adam Huang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日