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Hello and welcome. In this video we are going to talk about Scabies. Scabies is a highly
您好,歡迎光臨。在這段視頻中,我們將 談疥瘡。疥瘡是一種高度
contagious skin infection caused by an itch mite. But dont you worry. Here are some simple
傳染性皮膚感染引起的癢 蟎。但不要擔心。下面是一些簡單
remedies that you can try at home.
Take 1 tablespoon each of tea tree oil and olive oil. Mix this well. Take a cotton pad
取1湯匙每個茶樹油和 橄欖油。混這口井。拿化妝棉
and apply this directly on the effected area. Do this about twice daily for roughly 2-3
並直接應用此對受影響的區域。 為此每天約兩次,大約2-3
weeks. This will help in reducing the pain and itchiness at the same time speeding up
週。這將減少疼痛幫助 和發癢同時加快
the healing process. Also know that pregnant women and nursing ladies should avoid tea
癒合過程。也知道懷孕 婦女和哺乳的女士應避免茶
tree oil. Tea tree oil can be a little irritating to the sensitive skin so first apply it on
樹油。茶樹精油可有點刺激性 對敏感的皮膚,所以首先應用在它
a small patch of area and then go ahead.
Take 1 spoon of turmeric powder. add a few drops of lemon juice and a little bit of water
取1湯匙薑黃粉。添加一些 檸檬汁滴和水一點點
to thicken the paste. Mix this well and apply this on the effected area. Let this be on
增稠的糊狀物。均勻混合 這對受影響的區域。讓這成為上
the effected area for an hour and then wash it off with lukewarm water.
受影響的區域一個小時,然後洗 它關閉用溫水。
Take a handful of fresh neem leaves,and a pester and mortar and crush it well. Make
拿一把鮮楝樹葉和 糾纏和迫擊砲,並摧毀它做好。使
a paste out of these neem leaves and apply this paste. Wash off the effected area well
一貼出來,這些楝樹葉和應用 本貼。洗掉受影響的區域以及
and then apply this paste. Let it dry off naturally and then wash it off to quicken
然後將此膏。讓它乾枯脫落 自然地,然後把它洗掉加快
the healing process.
Hope this video helped you. Stay healthy. But for more such videos subscribe to stylecraze.
希望這部影片幫助你。保持健康。 但對於更多這樣的視頻訂閱stylecraze。