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These days, getting together takes a lot of planning.
Sometimes we just want to hang out with friends who have some free time.
Hangouts let you shoot the breeze with whoever's free in the Circles you choose.
現在使用 Hangouts 服務,您就可以和所選「社交圈」裡有空的朋友們閒磕牙。
With just a couple of clicks, it feels like you're in the same room with your friends,
even if you're miles away from each other.
With Hangouts, friends can drop by unexpectedly -- it's like bumping into someone you know
甚至可以一起觀看喜愛的 YouTube 影片,然後加上自己的感想!
at a local cafe.
有了 Hangouts,好友們就可以在網路上不期而遇,
So drop in anytime, and say hello, face-to-face-to-face.