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  • People have been having sex and writing songs about it and carving statues of it and changing

  • fashion for it since the dawn of humanity, but it wasn't until fairly recently in the

  • 1940s that serious Western scientific study of sex began. And by most accounts you can

  • thank one guy for that: Alfred Kinsey.

  • Kinsey was born in 1894 in New Jersey, to poor strict Methodist parents. He studied

  • etymology in college, graduated with degrees in biology and psychology before heading to

  • Harvard. His doctoral thesis was on the genealogy of Gall wasps, a subject he tackled with intensity;

  • meticulously collecting over five million samples, measuring hundreds of thousands of

  • specimens.

  • And wasps are interesting and everything, but Kinsey's interests drifted toward human

  • sexuality and his research in Indiana University paved the way for decades of study into sex.

  • He surveyed thousands of men and women about their sexual habits and histories, and found

  • all sorts of interesting things related to sexual preferences, masturbation, orgasms,

  • and pre-marital sex. He established the "Kinsey scale" indicating degrees of sexual orientation)

  • and went on to write the seminal texts on sexual behavior in the human male and female

  • respectively.

  • Like many researchers of human behavior, Kinsey and his colleagues were - and in some ways

  • still are - pretty controversial. But he definitely succeeded in two very important tasks. One:

  • he was an early adopter of a scientific approach to studying sex, and two: he showed that the

  • popular perception of what people do and don't do sexually, versus what people actually do

  • and feel, was often very different.

  • Since then we've seen innumerable sex-related studies examining the physiological and psychological

  • and social elements of sex.

  • And, there's a whole lot of lingering misinformation and judging morality swirling around the subject

  • of sex. It can be a tricky topic for sure but we are here to clear some things up. It's

  • the entire purpose of life so there's no reason to blush.

  • So. Sex.

  • That one little word has complicated so many lives. The desire for or lack of sex has spawned

  • poetry and made babies and transmitted diseases and cost money and driven people batty and

  • kept late-night cable in business.

  • Even the word itself can mean many different things.

  • First we've got the verb kind of sex, the physical process of engaging in sexual acts

  • and intercourse, which, probably I don't need to describe to you.

  • Then we've got the biological definition, having to do with the anatomical parts that

  • go with the designations of male or female or intersex - those who were born with the

  • reproductive parts that don't fall into the predominant definitions of male or female.

  • And these are quite separate from gender, or an individual's sense of identifying as

  • male or female or another gender identity regardless of how that corresponds with their

  • actual reproductive plumbing. For transgender people, for instance, gender identity typically

  • doesn't match biological sex.

  • And remember that gender identity is completely different from sexual orientation, which we'll

  • talk about in a minute.

  • So beyond definitions, we have the physiological and psychological aspects of sex.

  • Let's start with the physiological, and with that, Masters and Johnson.

  • In the late 1950's and 60's, American gynecologists Williams Masters, and his collaborator and

  • future wife, sexologist Virginia Johnson, did something no researchers had ever done

  • before. They invited nearly 700 male and female volunteers, many of them sex workers, to come

  • into their lab and get it on, either alone or with their partners.

  • Their aim? To record the body's physiological response to sex. This involved wearing a whole

  • lot of wires and heart monitors and such, and is probably about as sexy as it sounds.

  • All the volunteers had to be willing and able to show arousal and be capable of orgasm.

  • And over the years, Masters and Johnson recorded more than ten thousand "sexual cycles". The

  • main thing they documented was that a complete sexual response cycle involved four distinct

  • stages - excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution - which Masters and Johnson maintained

  • happened in a linear way, one after the other.

  • In the excitement phase, things are gettin' goin', blood is rushing to all the necessary

  • places, genital areas are becoming engorged and secreting lubricant. Next comes the plateau

  • phase. Pulse, blood pressure, and breathing rates keep increasing and genitals are becoming

  • fully engorged. The penis is often secreting pre-ejaculate as vaginal secretions increase

  • until the big event orgasm during which muscles all over the body contract and breathing and

  • pulse rates hit their peak.

  • Of course, a biological male orgasm typically releases sperm that may lead to fertilization,

  • depending on the situation, but female arousal and orgasm also help facilitate conception,

  • again depending on the situation as those muscle contractions and lubrication help draw

  • up and retain sperm in the uterus.

  • Finally, the body comes back down to its normal state of affairs during the resolution phase.

  • It's during this phase that biosex males enter a refractory period during which they're unable

  • to orgasm again for a few minutes to a day or more whereas biological females refractory

  • period is very short in comparison.

  • While the four stage model of sexual response is still taught today, some have criticized

  • both its rigid linear setup, arguing that things don't always work so tidily in the

  • bedroom, and it's insistence in including orgasm which doesn't happen for everyone all

  • the time. Others also question the model's clinical focus on only physiological factors

  • arguing the cultural attitudes, psychological and relationship factors, and other external

  • details should also be considered when looking at sexual response.

  • I'll get back to that in a minute, but before we move on to the psychology of sex, we got

  • to talk about hormones.

  • You remember hormones, those chemical messengers brewed up by the endocrine system that travel

  • through the bloodstream and regulate all sorts of physiological and behavioral activities

  • from growth to digestion to sleep to sex.

  • Our sex hormones serve two major purposes. One, they direct the physical development

  • of biological sex characteristics, and two, they help activate sexual behavior.

  • Estrogens like estradiol contribute to female sex characteristics and are secreted in greater

  • amounts by females than males and while all humans make testosterone, it's the predominate

  • sex hormone for males, stimulating the growth and development of male sex characteristics.

  • Now most female mammals become sexually receptive when their estrogens peak during ovulation,

  • but it doesn't really work that way for humans. Our hormones are more loosely related to sexual

  • behavior, although studies have found that in general female's sexual desire spikes slightly

  • around ovulation, when woman are most fertile and males can also be affected by this spike,

  • responding with higher levels of testosterone when ovulating women are around.

  • But these short term changes hardly compare to the larger more major hormonal shifts that

  • occur throughout a life time.

  • Puberty, for one, tends to get everyone a lot more hot and bothered and interested in

  • dating and gazing at posters of their favorite celebrity crushes and later in life, as sex

  • hormone production normally decreases, our amorous urges and endeavors tend to decrease

  • as well.

  • Age affects our libido. But in the end you might think of sex hormones as fuel for your

  • sexual engine, and while an engine can't run on a totally empty tank, it also won't run

  • any better or worse on a full tank versus a half tank. We need our sex hormones, but

  • we also need the right psychological stimuli to turn us on and keep us going sexually.

  • So, finally, let's look at some of these psychological aspects of sex. First, there are the very

  • important social and cultural influences. Things like your families, your societies,

  • your religions, and your personal values. Does your community view sex merely as the

  • means for reproduction or can it be fun too? What are the views on premarital sex, and

  • homosexuality, showing some skin or kissing in public?

  • Then there are the influences of external stimuli. In western society, we're constantly

  • bombarded with sexually charged content from movies and TV to advertisements, R&B slow

  • jams, and Victoria Secret catalogs. And constantly looking at images of things that you find

  • extremely attractive can lead to folks viewing more average people, even their own partners,

  • as being less attractive.

  • But our sexual desire is also fueled by internal stimuli. Our imagination and memories and

  • fantasies. According to plenty of studies, at least 95% of people fantasize about sex

  • at some point. The thing you need to keep in mind is that none of these factors work

  • independently of each other. How we respond to both external and internal stimuli can

  • be really heavily influenced by social and cultural factors, and that is where a lot

  • of the thinking and studying of sex has gotten really complicated.

  • Human judgment and morality is often entangled with sex and desire and sadly, a lot of people

  • have been made to feel miserable for liking certain things or being attracted to certain

  • people. There's also just been a lot of misinformation out there. For ages, a lot of folks believed

  • that masturbation could make you go blind, become mentally ill, or kill the neighborhood

  • kittens. It doesn't do that.

  • And as I know, you're thinking right now one area of sexuality has been needlessly associated

  • with conflict, fear, and shame in many cultures is sexual orientation.

  • For our purposes, sexual orientation can be defined as a relatively enduring physical

  • or romantic attraction to another person. Heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual are

  • all types of sexual orientation. And although the field once stigmatized non-heterosexual

  • orientations, we now know that homosexuality and bisexuality are in no way related to mental

  • health.

  • Psychologists are also beginning to look more in depth at other sexual orientations. For

  • instance, Asexuality or nonsexuality, where no sexual attraction of any kind is experienced.

  • In any case, whether a culture itself is friendly to or tyrannical against any of these orientations,

  • all types prevail. Sexual orientation is neither chosen nor changed.

  • So, what might cause these differences? Hopefully you already know this but it's worth repeating.

  • There's no evidence that sexual orientation is determined by things like dominating mother

  • or passive father or sex hormone levels in your adult body or your history of childhood

  • abuse or whether your parents were gay or straight. In other words, decades of research

  • have led most researchers to believed that once you're born, there are no clear environmental

  • factors that influence your sexual orientation.

  • And there's been a lot of research into possible biological components of sexual orientation,

  • like genetics, brain anatomy, prenatal conditions, or other things. It's also important to know

  • that we're far from understanding sexual orientation on a purely biological level. If anything,

  • the evidence we've got simply strengthens the idea that sexual orientation isn't choice,

  • but rather a naturally varying occurrence among human beings, like height.

  • So.

  • After all this talk about sex, perhaps you're wondering why we do it at all. I mean, it

  • feels good obviously. But the biggest function of sex goes beyond pure pleasure. In fact,

  • sexual intimacy serves many of life's most basic purposes: some times procreation, but

  • also stress reduction, maintaining healthy relationships, social bonding, and the expression

  • of love, and overall fulfillment.

  • People say he brain is the most significant sex organ for a reason. And intimacy is often

  • its own reward.

  • Today, you learned about Alfred Kinsey's ground breaking sex surveys, the differences between

  • how we define biological sex and gender identity, and about Masters and Johnson's four-part

  • sexual response cycle.

  • We also looked at the role of sex hormones, in our development and drive, how psychological

  • and social factors play into sex, how we think about sexual orientation and why we have sex

  • in the first place.

  • Thanks for watching, especially to our Subbable subscribers who make crash course possible.

  • To find out how you can become a supporter, just go to

  • This episode was written by Kathleen Yale, edited by Blake de Pastino, and our consultant

  • is Dr. Ranjit Bhagwat. Our director and editor is Nicholas Jenkins, our sound designer is

  • Michael Aranda, and the graphics team is Thought Cafe.

People have been having sex and writing songs about it and carving statues of it and changing


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B2 中高級 美國腔

讓我們來談談性。心理學速成班 #27 (Let's Talk About Sex: Crash Course Psychology #27)

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    Vicky Wang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日