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  • GORDON: I'm Gordon from Sesame Street.

  • Every year, there are a number of natural disasters that

  • affect many people.

  • Even if you are not directly affected, the television

  • coverage of these events can be scary,

  • especially to young children.

  • Several years ago, we featured a week-long story about a

  • hurricane on Sesame Street.

  • This storyline allowed us to provide children with

  • strategies to help them cope with their emotions when faced

  • with a natural disaster.

  • So watch with your child and talk about any fears or

  • concerns he or she might have.



  • Can you tell me how to get, can you tell me how to get--

  • Sunny day sweeping the clouds away.

  • On my way to where the air is sweet.

  • Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

  • Can you tell me how to get--

  • Come and play.

  • Everything's A-OK.

  • Friendly neighbors there, that's where we meet.

  • Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?

  • Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?


  • MARIA: Hi.

  • Welcome to Sesame Street.

  • Look at this.

  • LUIS: The hurricane made a real mess.

  • There was so much wind and rain.

  • MILES: Yeah, but we'll have everything cleaned up soon.

  • LUIS: Oh, yeah.

  • ALAN: Hey, thanks for helping me clean up, Miles.

  • MILES: No problem.

  • GABI: I can't believe the hurricane blew

  • away the tire swing.

  • MILES: Boy, that was some wind.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, Radar, the hurricane is all over.

  • Now we can go back home to my nest.

  • Wow.

  • Look at this mess.

  • Don't worry, Radar.

  • Everybody's cleaning it all up.

  • GORDON: Wow, the street really is a mess, Big Bird.

  • But it doesn't look like there's been too much damage.

  • Thank goodness Oscar went to Bob's.

  • BIG BIRD: And his trash can was there, too.

  • GORDON: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, oh no.

  • I wonder if my nest is a mess.

  • Now come on, Radar, let's go see.

  • GORDON: You know what, Big Bird?

  • I'll go with you.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, OK, Gordon, thanks.

  • Oh, wow, look at all this stuff.

  • GORDON: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: Wow.

  • Whew.

  • Oh, wow, look at the doors.

  • GORDON: Oh, I see.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • GORDON: Wow, that was some strong wind last night.

  • BIG BIRD: Jeepers.

  • Well, what about my nest?

  • GORDON: Oh my.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh--

  • Gordon.

  • GORDON: Oh no.

  • BIG BIRD: My home!

  • My nest, my everything.

  • GORDON: Big Bird, Big Bird, Big Bird, it's all right.

  • It's all right.

  • BIG BIRD: No it's not.

  • GORDON: You're right, you're right, Big Bird.

  • It's not all right.

  • But it will be all right.

  • BIG BIRD: But my nest.

  • What happened to my nest?

  • GORDON: Well, the wind was so strong that it

  • just blew it all apart.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh no.

  • Oh, [CRYING].

  • GORDON: It's all right, Big Bird.

  • I'm here with you.

  • WOMAN: Oh boy.


  • WOMAN: What a mess.

  • MAN: I can't believe the wind can do all that, you know?

  • BIG BIRD: My nest, my home.

  • MARIA: Don't worry, Big Bird.

  • We're all going to help you, and we're going to fix this.

  • BIG BIRD: My nest, my home.

  • GABI: Yeah, Big Bird.

  • My mom and dad are great at fixing things, remember?

  • BIG BIRD: My nest, my home.

  • LUIS: Hey everybody, I think I have a plan.

  • BIG BIRD: My nest, my home.

  • LUIS: Yeah, well, that's what this is about, Big Bird,

  • fixing up your home.

  • As we can see, there's been a lot of damage done here.

  • BIG BIRD: A lot of damage?

  • Oh my nest, my home.

  • MARIA: Well, that's what Luis is trying to

  • tell you, Big Bird.

  • We can fix this.

  • BIG BIRD: Really?

  • MARIA: Yes.

  • LUIS: Yeah, I can fix these doors up like new.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • But I want them just like old.

  • LUIS: Well, that's what I mean.

  • I mean we'll all work together.

  • And we'll clean this place up and make it just

  • like the way it was.

  • We'll put the doors up and the mailbox.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • OK.

  • Ha ha, so we could be home tonight, sleeping in my nest.

  • Do you hear that, Radar?

  • We'll be home tonight.

  • MARIA: No, no, no, Big Bird.

  • We can't get it all done by tonight.

  • GORDON: Even with everybody working together, Big Bird,

  • it's a lot of work.

  • ALAN: It's just going to take some time, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: But time--

  • my nest, my home.

  • Where will I stay?

  • WOMAN: You can stay with us.

  • GORDON: You can come hang at our place tonight.


  • BIG BIRD: But I can't stay with everybody.

  • I'm only one bird.

  • SUSAN: Oh, but Big Bird, there's lots of birdseed stew

  • left at our house from last night.

  • GORDON: Yep.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, OK.

  • Then I'll stay with you.

  • Thanks a lot, Susan.

  • SUSAN: Oh, you're welcome.

  • MARIA: OK, let's get to work.

  • PEOPLE: All right.

  • BIG BIRD: My nest, my home.

  • LUIS: Oh, Big Bird, we need your help.

  • BIG BIRD: Me?

  • GORDON: Yeah, well it's your nest, your home.

  • You can show us where everything goes.

  • LUIS: Like where the doors go.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • Well that's easy.

  • The blue doors go right here.

  • And then there's the kind of pinky door.

  • And then there's that peach-colored one that goes

  • over there.

  • ALAN: All right.

  • What about the mailbox, Big Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, I'll show you.

  • MARIA: OK.

  • Step right in here.

  • Careful, now, Big Bird.

  • Right there.

  • All right.

  • Good.

  • BIG BIRD: Right over here.

  • MARIA: Yeah.


  • Oh, Bird.

  • Hey, Bird, what--

  • Bird!

  • Your nest, your home.

  • What happened?

  • BIG BIRD: The hurricane happened, Snuff.


  • Poor bird.

  • Oh, that makes me feel sad.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, why do you feel sad, Snuffy?

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Because the hurricane messed up your

  • beautiful home, Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh yeah.

  • I feel sad, too.

  • My nest, my home.


  • GORDON: Say, Big Bird.

  • Where does this phone go?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, it used to be on that post right there.

  • GORDON: Right there?

  • Oh, OK.

  • BIG BIRD: Thanks, Gordon.

  • GORDON: Gosh, Bird.

  • You sure do have a lot of friends helping you clean up.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • They are fixing it all up for me.


  • That makes me feel happy.

  • BIG BIRD: Really?


  • Even though the hurricane blew away your nest, it didn't blow

  • away your friends.

  • BIG BIRD: Ha ha, that's true, Snuffy.

  • MARIA: Hey, Big Bird, where does this go?

  • BIG BIRD: Gee, Maria, I don't know.

  • It's not mine.

  • WOMAN: Oh, my hat.

  • There it is.

  • Oh, the hurricane blew it away.

  • I love this hat.

  • Oh, I was so sad.

  • Now I'm happy.

  • You're so kind.

  • Ta ta.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Bird, everyone's doing such a great

  • job to fix up your nest.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • Oh gosh, I just thought of something, Snuffy.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: What, Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Do you know what time it is?

  • You know what we usually do now, Snuff?

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: What, Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: We sing the alphabet song.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: You're right.

  • It's alphabet time.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah, but Snuffy?


  • BIG BIRD: You know what?


  • BIG BIRD: We usually sing it in my nest, near my alphabet

  • sign, which is usually up there.


  • I guess it got blown away in the hurricane.

  • GABI: Big Bird, what's this?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, that's it.

  • That's my alphabet sign.


  • I've got an idea.

  • BIG BIRD: What?

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: There may have been a hurricane, but we can

  • still have alphabet time.

  • BIG BIRD: We can?


  • Yeah, maybe we can have it right out here.

  • BIG BIRD: Out here?

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Gabi, Miles, kids, could you bring that

  • sign over here, please?

  • GABI: Sure.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Just hold it right up there.

  • MILES: Like this?

  • BIG BIRD: Snuffy, you're a genius.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Not so fast, Bird.

  • I'm not sure that this is going to work.

  • All right, let's try singing the ABC song, everybody.

  • You can sing along too, if you want.

  • BIG BIRD: OK, let's try it.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Everybody.

  • And--


  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T,

  • U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Now I've sung my ABC.

  • Next time, won't you sing with me?

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Hey, we did it!

  • It worked.

  • BIG BIRD: Like I said, you're a genius, Snuffy.


  • MILES: So Big Bird, where does this go?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, up above where my nest used to be.

  • MILES: All right.

  • GABI: OK.

  • Come on, guys.

  • BIG BIRD: Thanks, kids.


  • My stomach is all rumbly.

  • That means it's time for me to go home and

  • get my Snuffle snack.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, OK, Snuffy.

  • Well, thanks a lot.

  • You made me feel better.


  • Buh-bye, Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Bye, Snuffy.

  • You're a genius.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: See you later.

  • BIG BIRD: Genius.

  • Gee, and now it's time for me to go sit in my nest and have

  • my birdseed snack.

  • But I don't have a nest, and I don't have any birdseed.

  • It all got blown away.

  • What's a bird to do?

  • ALAN: Hey, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah?

  • ALAN: I could make you a birdseed

  • snack over at Hooper's.

  • BIG BIRD: You could?

  • ALAN: Sure.

  • BIG BIRD: Really?

  • ALAN: Come on.

  • What would you like?

  • BIG BIRD: OK, well, how about some birdseed cookies?

  • ALAN: Yes, I can do that.

  • BIG BIRD: Maybe I could have some birdseed milkshake?

  • ALAN: OK, yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: How about a birdseed pizza?

  • I'm

  • ALAN: Sure.

  • BIG BIRD: Have you got any birdseed ice cream?

  • ALAN: Birdseed ice cream?

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • So Alan gave me a birdseed snack, and then Baby Bear,

  • Elmo, and Alan sang me a lullaby, and I took my nap

  • right in Hooper's Store.

  • GORDON: Oh.

  • Well, I'm glad you got to take your nap, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah, it was nice.

  • GORDON: Mm-hmm.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • GORDON: What--

  • Big Bird, where are you going?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, I've got to go take a look out the kitchen

  • window and see how my nest is doing.

  • [SIGH]

  • Oh boy.

  • SUSAN: That sounded like a sad sigh, Big Bird.

  • GORDON: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah, well I do feel sad, Susan.

  • I looked at my nest, and it's my home, you know?

  • It's still not ready.

  • GORDON: Yeah, yeah.

  • We know, Big Bird.

  • But you know, you always have a home with us.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh yeah.

  • Nice, thank you.

  • SUSAN: You know, we're going to have dinner soon, but is

  • there something you'd like to do before we eat?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, you know, Baby Bear drew a

  • picture during the hurricane.

  • And he said it made him feel better.

  • So I think maybe I'd like to draw a picture.

  • GORDON: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: But you know what?

  • I don't have anything to draw with because the hurricane

  • blew everything away.

  • GORDON: Oh.

  • Well you know, Big Bird, we've got crayons

  • and paper right here.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh wow.

  • GORDON: Yeah.

  • Here you go.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh boy.

  • SUSAN: This is great.

  • What are you going to draw, Big Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, let's see.

  • I think I'd like to draw a picture of my nest, my home,

  • before the hurricane messed everything up.

  • GORDON: Hey, now that's a good idea.

  • All right.

  • You know, we're going to go get dinner ready

  • while you draw, OK?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh yum yum.

  • GORDON: All right.

  • SUSAN: OK.

  • Bye bye.

  • GORDON: See you.

  • So how's the picture coming, Big Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Gordon, I just finished it.

  • GORDON: Oh great.

  • Can I see?

  • BIG BIRD: Sure.

  • Ta-da.

  • GORDON: Hey.

  • BIG BIRD: See?

  • It's a picture of my home before the hurricane.

  • There's my nest, my mailbox, my alphabet sign, toy chest.

  • That's me in my nest with Radar.

  • Radar's very happy because he's home.

  • GORDON: And you know, you look happy too, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I'm happy in the picture, Gordon.

  • GORDON: Mm-hmm.

  • BIG BIRD: Because that's the way things used to be.

  • GORDON: And you know what, Big Bird?

  • That's the way things are going to be, too, as soon as

  • we get everything fixed and cleaned up.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh yeah.

  • It's like two pictures, the way it used to be and the way

  • it's going to be.

  • You know something?

  • GORDON: What?

  • BIG BIRD: I'm glad I drew this, Gordon.

  • GORDON: You know, so am I.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • TELLY: I'm going to be ready for the next hurricane because

  • I've got my early warning system.

  • Look at this.

  • When the wind blows, it makes the wheel turn.

  • As soon as I see the wheel turn, I know that there's a

  • hurricane coming.

  • Ah!

  • It's turning!

  • There's a hurricane coming!

  • There's a hurricane coming!

  • Everybody watch out!

  • GINA: Telly, Telly--

  • TELLY: There's a hurricane coming!

  • GINA: Telly, Telly, Telly, calm down, calm down.

  • TELLY: Gina.

  • GINA: Telly, shh, calm down.

  • It's OK.

  • It's OK.

  • It's OK.

  • The wheel is turning because there's a

  • light breeze, all right?

  • Look, the hurricane is over.

  • It's not coming back.

  • It's OK.

  • TELLY: It's not?

  • GINA: No, look.

  • The sun is out.

  • It's a beautiful day.

  • See?

  • Yeah.

  • TELLY: Oh.

  • Oh.

  • Good.

  • But just in case, I've got my umbrella, my

  • raincoat, and my rain hat.

  • GINA: Oh.

  • Um, what is that thing on the top of your head there?

  • TELLY: Oh, that's a light, just in case

  • the lights go out.

  • And look, Gina, goggles.

  • Goggles.

  • With all that wind and rain, I don't want my

  • eyeballs to get wet.

  • GINA: Yeah, well, you certainly

  • did a lot of planning.

  • TELLY: Thank you.

  • GINA: But really, Telly, listen to me.

  • Do not worry.

  • The weather is fine.

  • The hurricane is over.

  • There is not going to be another hurricane, OK?

  • TELLY: Well, good.

  • GINA: Yeah.

  • TELLY: I'm glad to hear it.

  • GINA: Yes.

  • TELLY: But just in case, I even remembered my triangle.

  • GINA: Oh.

  • Well, what would you need a triangle for?


  • Really, Gina?

  • GINA: What?

  • TELLY: How would you like to be stuck in a hurricane

  • without a triangle?

  • I mean, think about it.

  • ALAN: You know what?

  • I think this is enough for today.

  • It's getting late.

  • MILES: Yeah, I'm kind of hungry. yeah.

  • LUIS: Yeah, we've done enough for today.

  • Tomorrow, we'll do more.

  • BIG BIRD: Wait.

  • What about my home?

  • It's not done yet.

  • I want to go home.

  • Radar wants to go home.

  • MARIA: Oh, don't worry, Big Bird.

  • You'll have your home back soon.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I'm not feeling worried.

  • I'm feeling a whole lot of things, like I feel so, so--

  • MARIA: What, Big Bird?

  • What are you feeling?

  • BIG BIRD: Angry, I'm angry at that hurricane

  • for wrecking my home.

  • MARIA: Well, I don't blame you.

  • I can see why you'd feel angry.

  • I'd feel angry, too.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • Well, you hear that, hurricane?

  • This is Big Bird, and I'm really, really angry at you.

  • Oh boy.

  • I'm feeling something else, too, Maria.

  • MARIA: Well, what's that, Big Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Sad.

  • I feel sad.

  • I miss my home.

  • This is where my nest used to be.

  • MARIA: It's very sad losing the things you love.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • GABI: Come on, Big Bird.

  • You can stay with us, tonight.

  • BIG BIRD: Really?

  • LUIS: Yeah.

  • Tomorrow, we'll all keep working.

  • You'll have your home back soon.

  • PEOPLE: Yeah.

  • ALAN: That's right, don't worry about it.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh really?

  • OK.

  • You know what, Maria?

  • MARIA: What?

  • BIG BIRD: I'm starting to feel something else.

  • MARIA: What?

  • BIG BIRD: Hungry, really hungry.

  • MARIA: Oh--

  • oh, good.

  • Then let's eat.

  • LUIS: Yeah, hey, I got a great recipe for

  • sunflower seed souffle.

  • You've never tasted anything like it.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh boy.

  • ALAN: Yummy.

  • BIG BIRD: Hey, well, thanks, everybody.

  • ALAN: All right.

  • LUIS: All right.

  • See you.

  • ALAN: See you guys later.

  • BOB: Bye bye.

  • LUIS: Come on, [SPANISH].

  • BOB: Bye, Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Bye, Bob.

  • TELLY: Hurricane!

  • There's a hurricane coming!

  • Hey, everybody-- hey, Gina--

  • GINA: No, no.

  • Telly, Telly, wait, wait.

  • Telly, stop.

  • TELLY: What?

  • GINA: Stop.

  • TELLY: What?

  • GINA: There is no hurricane.

  • TELLY: What?

  • GINA: There's no hurricane.

  • TELLY: No-- yes, there is.

  • Look, look, the pinwheel is moving.

  • What makes it move?

  • Wind.

  • What is a hurricane?

  • Lots of wind.

  • GINA: Yes.

  • TELLY: A hurricane's coming.

  • GINA: No, Telly, Telly, Telly, that is not the wind.

  • That is not the wind.

  • The pinwheel is moving because you are waving it in the air.

  • There is no hurricane.

  • OK?

  • TELLY: Oh.

  • GINA: Yeah.

  • And just because there's wind, Telly, does not mean that

  • there's a hurricane.

  • And if there is a hurricane coming, you're going

  • to hear about it.

  • You're going to hear about it on the radio or on television,

  • and you are going to have plenty of time to prepare.

  • TELLY: Wait a minute.

  • Let me get this straight.

  • GINA: OK.

  • TELLY: What you're saying is, there's no hurricane coming?

  • GINA: Right.

  • TELLY: So I don't need my high-tech

  • early warning system?

  • GINA: No.

  • TELLY: Can I keep the pinwheel for a toy?

  • GINA: Yes.

  • That is a great idea.

  • TELLY: Great.

  • GINA: I like that.

  • TELLY: No hurricane coming!

  • No hurricane coming!

  • LUIS: Hey, Big Bird, how about some more?

  • BIG BIRD: Thanks, Luis, but--

  • no, I guess not.

  • MARIA: What's the matter?

  • Didn't you like the sunflower seed souffle?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I guess I'm just not very

  • hungry after all.

  • And I mess my old nest.

  • MARIA: Aww.

  • You're right, Big Bird.

  • It was a good nest.

  • BIG BIRD: Mm.

  • I remember so much about it.

  • GABI: Like what?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I remember once when Ernie slept over,

  • and he sang me a lullaby.


  • Lullaby and goodnight with pink roses bedight, with

  • lilies o'er spread is Big Bird's sweet head.

  • Lay you down now and rest.

  • May your slumber be blessed.

  • GABI: That was a really nice memory, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Hmm.

  • You know something?

  • Remembering stuff about my nest makes me feel better.

  • In fact, I think I feel good enough to eat some of this

  • sunflower seed souffle.

  • LUIS: Well, here, let me get you a fresh

  • hot plate, Big Bird.

  • GABI: Mm, yummy.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh boy.

  • LUIS: There you go, Big Bird.

  • You should be comfy there for the night.

  • BIG BIRD: Looks pretty nice.

  • GABI: Does it feel like your nest?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, not exactly.

  • I think Radar misses the old nest.

  • LUIS: You know, Big Bird, I was thinking

  • about your old nest.

  • And my favorite memory is when that baby honker hatched out

  • of her egg.

  • GABI: You saw that?

  • BIG BIRD: Saw it?

  • He helped.

  • LUIS: I still remember sitting on that egg.


  • GABI: You sat on an egg?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, sure.

  • He had to.

  • LUIS: I just wish Big Bird would get back soon so he can

  • take over for me.


  • LUIS: It's moving.

  • BIG BIRD: Remembering all these good things that

  • happened in my old nest really helps me feel better.

  • MARIA: Oh, I'm glad, Big Bird.

  • LUIS: Well, we're all pretty tired.

  • Why don't we get some sleep?

  • MARIA: Good night, you two.

  • LUIS: Good night.

  • GABI: Night, Mom.

  • BIG BIRD: Good night, Maria.

  • Good night, Luis.

  • GABI: How are you doing?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, I'm OK.

  • I was just remembering all sorts of memories about that

  • good old nest of mine.

  • GABI: Good.

  • I'm sure you have a lot of great memories.


  • It was a spot for sleeping and a place to play, a comfy, cozy

  • corner any night or day.

  • It was the best place, my home, that

  • good old nest of mine.

  • I had my toys around me and my teddy bear.

  • In my imagination, I'd go anywhere, right there in my

  • place, my home, that good old nest of mine.

  • I could feel much bolder there or find a

  • friendly shoulder there.

  • And when I needed cheering, I'd start Birdketeering.

  • I had lots of visitors from far and near.

  • And everyone would say, I like it right here, right here, in

  • your place, your home, that good old nest of mine.

  • GABI: You have a lot of nice memories of

  • your nest, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • Gabi, you know, I've been thinking.

  • When I get my new nest, I'm going to start making a whole

  • lot of new memories.

  • [YAWN]

  • But right now, I think I'm just going to dream about some

  • of the old memories.

  • Good night, Gabi.

  • GABI: Good night, Big Bird.



  • Oh, Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Hi, Snuffy.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Oh, Bird, there you are.

  • Oh, Bird, guess what?

  • Luis says that it's all right for you to go back home now.

  • BIG BIRD: Really, Snuff?


  • Yup.

  • I'll come back later, Bird.

  • I'm still helping my mom clean up after the hurricane.

  • The wind blew cabbages is all over our cave.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh wow.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: See you, Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: OK, Snuffy.

  • Bye bye.

  • Wow.

  • You did a great job fixing these doors, Luis.

  • They look really strong.

  • LUIS: Big Bird, nobody is going to

  • blow these doors down.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh boy.

  • TELLY: Hold on, hold on.

  • I'll be the judge of that.

  • Now don't worry, Big Bird.

  • We're going to test these doors and make sure that they

  • don't blow away.

  • You never know.

  • There could be another hurricane today.

  • BIG BIRD: Another hurricane?

  • TELLY: Could be.

  • BIG BIRD: Today?

  • TELLY: Yeah, could be.

  • LUIS: Telly, wait a minute.

  • There's not going to be another hurricane.

  • The weather report said it was going to be sunny all day.

  • TELLY: Well, you can't be too sure, Luis.

  • Oh, Mr. Wolf?

  • Mr. Wolf?

  • MR. WOLF: Yeah, boss.

  • LUIS: Hey, aren't you--

  • MR. WOLF: That's right, Mr. Wolf at your service from

  • Huff, Puff, and Puff Construction.

  • TELLY: Yeah, yeah.

  • He's going to huff and puff on these doors and make sure they

  • don't blow away.

  • All right.

  • Go on, Mr. Wolf.

  • Show them how you huff and puff.

  • MR. WOLF: OK.


  • TELLY: Wait a minute, wait a minute.

  • Not me.

  • You're supposed to blow on these doors to make that

  • they'll stay on in a hurricane.

  • MR. WOLF: Oh.

  • LUIS: You can huff and puff all you want.

  • Nothing is going to blow these doors down.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • Luis made them nice and strong.

  • LUIS: Mm-hmm.

  • MR. WOLF: Hmph.

  • Yeah, I've heard that before.

  • OK, stand back everybody.


  • MR. WOLF: Hey.

  • These doors are strong.

  • TELLY: Then it's safe for Big Bird to go home?

  • MR. WOLF: Yep.

  • LUIS: I told you it was safe.

  • BIG BIRD: Great.

  • Come on, Radar.

  • We're going home.

  • TELLY: All right.

  • Hey, you know, Mr. Wolf, that was some pretty good huffing

  • and puffing you just did there.

  • MR. WOLF: Hey, it's what I do.


  • BIG BIRD: Wow.

  • Oh, wow.

  • MARIA: Ah.

  • BIG BIRD: Gee.

  • MARIA: Well, Big Bird, what do you think?

  • LUIS: We tried to put everything back the way it was

  • before the hurricane.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • Oh, and look, you even fixed my mailbox.

  • "B. Bird." That's me.

  • LUIS: And your phone works again.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, gosh, that's great.

  • I can call my Granny Bird then.

  • MARIA: Mm-hmm.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • Oh.

  • There's just one thing you forgot.

  • LUIS: What's that?

  • MARIA: Oh, what's that?

  • BIG BIRD: My nest.

  • LUIS: Your nest?

  • BIG BIRD: Yes, my nest.

  • My nest is my home.

  • It was right here, do you remember?

  • It blew away in the hurricane.

  • Now where are Radar and I supposed to sleep?

  • MARIA: Well, Big Bird, we kind of thought that you would

  • build your nest.

  • BIG BIRD: Me?

  • LUIS: Well, yeah, Big Bird.

  • I mean, you're a bird.

  • I mean, that's what birds do.

  • Birds build nests.

  • MARIA: Yeah.

  • And Luis and I don't know much about building nests.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah, but neither do I. I was just an egg when my

  • nest was built.

  • I was hatched in that nest.

  • I never had to build my own nest.

  • Oh boy.

  • Where will I go?

  • What will I do?

  • MARIA: Now, now, Big Bird.

  • We know you're upset.

  • But I'm sure that if you just think about it, you'll be able

  • to figure out how to build a nest.

  • After all, you're a bird.

  • And birds are great at building nests.

  • LUIS: Yeah.

  • And we'll help you, won't we, honey?

  • MARIA: Yes, of course.

  • Big Bird, why don't you start thinking, OK, and we'll be

  • back in a little while.

  • We're going to help Alan fix the awning at Hooper's Store.

  • OK?


  • LUIS: All right.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, thanks.

  • Thanks.

  • Gee.

  • OK, Radar, why don't we just put our heads

  • together and think?

  • How do we build a nest?

  • Ah, I know.

  • No, I don't know.

  • Well, what about--

  • I got an idea.

  • No, that's no good.

  • You have an idea?

  • Nah.

  • [SIGH]

  • I can't think of anything.

  • Can you?

  • Think, Radar, think.

  • How do we build a nest?

  • [SIGH], it's no use.

  • [SIGH].

  • I may be a bird, but I just don't have any idea how to

  • build a nest.

  • I. M. PIG: We can build you a nest.

  • PIG: We sure can, I. M.

  • PIG: That's

  • right, I. M. PIG: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, who are you?

  • PIG: We're architects from the firm of Pig, Pig, and Pig.


  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • Well, what's an architect?

  • PIG: Someone who builds houses.

  • I. M. PIG: You've heard of me, of course, I. M. Pig, the

  • greatest animal architect in the world.

  • PIG: Oh, the best, I. M.

  • PIG: You sure are, I. M.

  • PIG: The greatest, I. M.

  • PIG: You're the best, I. M.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I haven't heard of you.

  • I. M. PIG: Oh.

  • Well, then, you've heard of the Empire State Building?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh yes.

  • You built the Empire State Building?

  • I. M. PIG: No, I built the nest on the 32nd floor.

  • PIG: It was a beauty.

  • PIG: Wonderful.

  • I. M. PIG: Now tell me, what kind of a nest would you like?

  • Take notes, piggies.

  • PIG: Yes sir, I. M.

  • PIG: That's right, I. M.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I don't know.

  • I'd like a nest that's cozy and comfortable.

  • Oh yeah, and something that won't

  • blow away in a hurricane.

  • PIG: Hurricane.

  • Is that two H's or one?

  • I. M. PIG: Ah, pish tosh.

  • I can do better than that.

  • I have a great imagination, right, piggies?

  • PIG: Oh, the best, I. M.

  • PIG: The very best, I. M.

  • PIG: Fantastic, I. M.

  • PIG: Beautiful, I. M.

  • I. M. PIG: I'll build you the most incredible, the most

  • fabulous bird's nest ever.

  • PIG: He will, he will.

  • PIG: Yes.

  • I. M. PIG: [SINGING]

  • I'll build you a castle with feathers for decor.

  • You will have a heated bird bath with a

  • spa on every floor.

  • Or how about a pyramid made of glass and chrome?


  • All I really want is a home.


  • All he really wants is a home.

  • I. M. PIG: [SINGING]

  • I can see a penthouse 40 stories high, with lots of

  • elevators so you'll never have to fly.

  • You'll have a bird's eye view from your perch inside a dome.


  • All I really want is a home.


  • All he really wants is a home.

  • I. M. PIG: [SINGING]

  • I'll build a mansion fit for a bird of paradise, with a nest

  • in every room.

  • Ha, you'll never use one twice.

  • You'll be the envy of every bird from Anaheim to Rome.


  • All I really want--


  • All he really wants--


  • All I really want is a home.

  • I. M. PIG: Hmm.

  • PIG: Hmm.

  • I. M. PIG: I can see it now, yes, a bird's nest with towers

  • all around.

  • Yes, or maybe a luxury condominium with a golf course

  • and flowers that spell out "Big

  • Bird." PIGS: Ooh.

  • I. M. PIG: Huh?

  • BIG BIRD: Ooh.

  • I. M. PIG: Huh?

  • PIGS: Ooh.

  • I. M. PIG: Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, just as long as it's homey.

  • My old nest was really homey.

  • I. M. PIG: Hmm.

  • Come along, piggies, we've got work to do.

  • PIG: Right away, I. M.


  • BIG BIRD: Gee.

  • Don't you kind of wonder what my new home is

  • going to look like?

  • I know I do.

  • I. M. PIG: All right, Big Bird.

  • I've designed the most incredible bird's

  • nest you've ever seen.

  • Am I right, piggies?

  • PIG: Oh, you're right, I. M.

  • PIG: Oh, it's true, I. M. It's true.

  • I. M. PIG: I call this one I. M. Pig's Nest of Straw.

  • PIGS: Ooh.

  • I. M. PIG: See, it's light.

  • It's airy.

  • It's made entirely of straw.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, gee, it looks more like a house than a nest.

  • I. M. PIG: Think of it as a bird house.

  • But you can sit on top of it like a nest.

  • PIG: Yeah, yeah.

  • I. M. PIG: See, that's you right up there on top.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh yeah.

  • But won't it blow away in a hurricane?

  • I. M. PIG: Blow away?

  • PIG: Ah, ah, ah, achoo!

  • PIG: Gesundheit.

  • PIG: Thank you.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, see what I mean?

  • I. M. PIG: I told you not to use straw.

  • It's too light.

  • PIG: Sorry, I. M.

  • I. M. PIG: Oh, never mind.

  • Never mind.

  • Show Big Bird the next nest.

  • PIG: OK.

  • I. M. PIG: I call it I. M. Pig's House of Sticks.

  • PIGS: Ooh.

  • I. M. PIG: Yeah, see there, it's all natural and made

  • entirely of 100% genuine Popsicle sticks.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, it's nice, but it doesn't look

  • like a nest, though.

  • And I don't think it's very strong.

  • I. M. PIG: Strong?

  • Why, of course it's strong.

  • PIG: Ah, ah, achoo!

  • PIG: Gesundheit.

  • I. M. PIG: Oh.

  • I told you not to use Popsicle sticks.

  • They're not strong enough.

  • PIG: I am disgraced.

  • I. M. PIG: Popsicle sticks, feh.

  • Never mind.

  • I have designed the strongest nest ever built.

  • I call it I. M. Pig's Nest of Bricks.

  • PIGS: Ooh.

  • BIG BIRD: Bricks?

  • Bricks?

  • I. M. PIG: Yeah, you see, the bricks

  • were my idea, of course.

  • It's very best, sturdy and strong.

  • It will never be blown away by the big, bad--

  • I mean hurricane.

  • PIGS: Ah, ah, ah, achoo!

  • BIG BIRD: Gesundheit.

  • I. M. PIG: See there?

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • Well, it is strong.

  • I. M. PIG: You bet.

  • BIG BIRD: But, well, it doesn't look very comfortable.

  • I mean, I never heard of a bird house made out of bricks.

  • And it doesn't look like a nest.

  • I. M. PIG: Well, if you want what all the other birds have,

  • then maybe we should have had a bird design it.

  • PIG: That's right, I. M., that's right.

  • BIG BIRD: Wait, wait a minute.

  • What you just said, that's a great idea.

  • I. M. PIG: Huh?

  • BIG BIRD: I'll ask my Granny Bird.

  • I. M. PIG: Your Granny Bird?

  • When you can have the I. M. Pig?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, yeah.

  • My Granny Bird has built lots of nests.

  • I. M. PIG: I must go where I'm appreciated.

  • Come on, little piggies, we're building a new hotel at the

  • Best Nesterns.

  • PIG: OK, I. M. Right behind you, I. M.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I can't wait to call my Granny Bird.

  • She'll know just what to do, yes sir.

  • MARIA: So Big Bird, did you figure out how

  • to build your nest?

  • BIG BIRD: Not yet, Maria.

  • But I'm going to call my Granny Bird and

  • ask her to help me.

  • She's built lots of nests.

  • MARIA: Big Bird, that's a great idea.

  • I'm sure your Granny Bird will know exactly what to do.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, I hope so.

  • Let's see.

  • 555--


  • B-I-R-D.


  • BIG BIRD: It's ringing.

  • Hello, Granny Bird?


  • Is that my favorite grandson?

  • BIG BIRD: Yes, Granny Bird.

  • It's me, Big Bird.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Is everything all right, dear?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, no, Granny Bird.

  • Everything is not all right.

  • My nest blew away during the hurricane.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Oh, I hate when that happens.

  • Now don't worry, grandsonny.

  • Your Granny Bird will fly over right away and

  • build you a new nest.

  • BIG BIRD: Really?

  • Oh thanks, Granny Bird.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Now let's see.

  • If I start flying now, I should be there

  • in about three weeks.

  • BIG BIRD: Three weeks?

  • GRANNY BIRD: As the crow flies.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • But Granny Bird, I can't wait three weeks.

  • Radar and I want to sleep in our own nest.

  • Maybe you could just tell me how to build a new nest now.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Why certainly, Big Bird.

  • I've built many a nest in my day.

  • All you have to do is get twigs.

  • BIG BIRD: Get twigs, that's all?

  • GRANNY BIRD: That's all.

  • You just get twigs.

  • Then you'll know what to do.

  • BIG BIRD: I'll know what to do?

  • Are you sure, Granny Bird?

  • GRANNY BIRD: You're a bird, Big Bird.

  • If you get twigs, the nest will come.

  • Well, I've got to fly.

  • My gardening club is about to start.

  • And the early bird catches the worm.

  • Bye bye.

  • BIG BIRD: Bye, Granny Bird.

  • Thanks.

  • MARIA: So what did your Granny Bird say, Big Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, she told me to get twigs.

  • MARIA: Get twigs?

  • That's it?

  • BIG BIRD: Yes.

  • She said I'd know what to do.

  • I hope she's right.

  • MARIA: Well, there's only one way to find out.

  • Let's get twigs.


  • Get twigs, get twigs.

  • MARIA: OK, Big Bird.

  • We've got the twigs.

  • How do we build the nest?

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: Um, well, I don't know.

  • Oh, my Granny Bird said all I had to do was get twigs, and

  • the nest would come.

  • Now we've got the twigs, but I still don't know

  • how to build a nest.

  • MARIA: Big Bird said he doesn't know how

  • to build the nest.

  • Linda says, don't worry, Big Bird.

  • We'll help you figure it out.

  • Right?

  • ALL: Right, yeah.

  • ALAN: You know what?

  • We're just going to need to take it one twig at a time.


  • Twig by twig, building it together.

  • Bit by bit, every little stick has got a place.

  • Every little sprig can play a part.

  • Every little leaf will fill a space.


  • Will you look at that?

  • We've made a start.


  • Building it together, twig by twig.


  • All we really need is cooperation.


  • And a lot of determination.


  • Building it together, twig by twig.

  • BIG BIRD: Wait a minute.

  • Maria, that twig doesn't go over there.

  • It goes the other way.

  • And Luis, that one goes over here.

  • Oh, and you know, we're going to need some string, some

  • strong twine, and more twigs.

  • ALAN: I'll get that.

  • BIG BIRD: Gee, Granny Bird was right.

  • I'm a bird, and I do know how to build a nest.

  • Ha ha.


  • Twig by twig, building it together.

  • Branch by branch, over here we need a little twine.

  • Over there, we need a bit of string.

  • Isn't this a wonderful design?

  • How about a feather from my wing?


  • All we really need is cooperation.


  • And a lot of determination.


  • Don't forget about imagination.


  • The art of building nests is building them together.


  • Twig by twig.


  • Nests aren't easy, but I know what to do.

  • Got to put the twigs around like so, got to get some mud

  • to be our glue.

  • OSCAR: Did somebody say mud?


  • Got to get it right, now take it slow.


  • Putting it together twig by twig.


  • Friend by friend, putting it together.

  • ROSITA: Oh, Elmo!

  • Pal by pal--


  • Gotta build a nest for Bird to live.


  • Gotta have a home for him to stay.


  • Gotta give it all that we can give.


  • Gotta help the bird in every way.


  • Building it together.


  • Friend by friend.


  • The art of making nests is building them together, twig

  • by twig, leaf by leaf, friend by friend.


  • And that's how we built Big Bird's nest.

  • ALAN: Wow.

  • ELMO: Yay

  • ALAN: All right.

  • BIG BIRD: You know, it's really starting

  • to look like a nest.

  • Thank you, everybody.

  • You know, I couldn't have done it without all of your help.

  • MARIA: Hey, you're the bird, Big Bird.

  • LUIS: Yeah, right.

  • We just did what you told us.

  • We were happy to do it.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh thanks.

  • Oh, you're putting the twigs there perfectly.

  • But Telly, can you push some more mud in there?

  • Mud is what makes the twigs stick together.

  • TELLY: You got it.

  • MARIA: Big Bird, this nest is as big as your old one.

  • Shouldn't we stop soon?

  • ELMO: Big Bird will know when to stop, Maria.

  • Birds know everything about making a nest.

  • BIG BIRD: Actually, I'm not so sure about stopping.

  • I'd better ask my Granny Bird.


  • BIG BIRD: Oh, it's ringing.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Hello.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, hi, Granny.

  • It's me, Big Bird.

  • I have a question.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Ask away, grandsonny.

  • Asking questions is a great way to get answers.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh good.

  • Well, how do you finish building a nest?

  • GRANNY BIRD: Simple.

  • You add the final twig.

  • BIG BIRD: The final twig?

  • GRANNY BIRD: Yes, the final twig.

  • BIG BIRD: What is the final twig?

  • GRANNY BIRD: The final twig is a special twig.

  • It's the last one you put on the nest.

  • And after that, the nest is done.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, Granny, you're so wise.

  • But how do you find it?

  • GRANNY BIRD: You look for it.

  • BIG BIRD: Wow, she knows everything.

  • GRANNY BIRD: Birds know it when they see it.

  • It's not too small or too big.

  • It's just the final twig.

  • Gotta go.

  • I have a seven-seed loaf in the oven.

  • Bye bye.

  • BIG BIRD: Bye.

  • Thanks.

  • LUIS: What'd she say?

  • BIG BIRD: She said, find the final twig.

  • TELLY AND ELMO: The final twig?

  • BIG BIRD: The final twig.

  • MARIA: Well, you've got a lot to choose from.

  • BIG BIRD: Let me see.


  • Birds know it when they see it.

  • It's not too small or big, this special kind of twiggy

  • sort of final sort of twig.

  • A twig to end all twiglets, don't need another one.

  • 'Cause when you add this twig, the nest is done.


  • The twig, the twig.

  • Find the final twig.

  • A twig that's not too little, a twig that's not too big.


  • Birds know it when they see it, so do not ask a pig to

  • help you find the final twig.

  • Yeah.

  • Twigs.

  • That's not it.

  • Those are too big.

  • That's too small.

  • Telly, that's a rock.

  • TELLY: Could you remind us what we're looking for?


  • A very special sticklet for when you build a nest.

  • The twig you put on last of all, after all the rest.

  • I don't see it anywhere.

  • BOY: Is this it?

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • Oh, this is it.

  • Yes, yes, my inner bird says this is it.

  • Yes, good work, [? Saj. ?]

  • TELLY: We found it!

  • ALL: Yay!


  • The twig, the twig.

  • We found the final twig.

  • It's thicker than a sprig and thinner than a fig.


  • It doesn't wear a wig.

  • It doesn't dance a jig.


  • It's simply not too little or too big.


  • The nest is almost finished.

  • The time has come, my friend, to add the final twig.


  • The nest is done--

  • the end!

  • Yay!

  • TELLY: All right!

  • Now get in that nest.

  • Come on, get in.

  • BIG BIRD: Not yet.

  • ALL: Huh?

  • BIG BIRD: Snuffy's coming to see me get in the new nest

  • after he takes Alice to school.

  • So we have to wait for him.

  • He should be here soon.

  • TELLY: It's time.

  • Big Bird's going to get in his new nest at last.

  • BIG BIRD: That's right.

  • And I waited for you, Snuffy, like I promised.

  • I wanted you here.


  • You are a bird of your word, Bird.

  • And may I say, nice nest.

  • ELMO: Yeah, Elmo helped build it.

  • GABI: We all helped build it.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah, they all helped.


  • I wish I could've helped build it, too, but I had to stay

  • home and help my little sister Alice.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, that's OK, Snuffy.

  • You helped her.


  • BIG BIRD: And now, dear friends, at last, I'm going to

  • get into my new nest.

  • Ta-da!


  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: All right.


  • BIG BAD WOLF: Don't go in that nest.


  • MARIA: Look who just blew in.

  • ELMO: The Big Bad Wolf.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: City nest inspector.

  • LUIS: City nest inspector?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Yeah, I just got wind of this.

  • Don't sit in that nest until I inspect it.

  • TELLY: For what?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Ah, to see if it's safe for birds, if it's

  • fit to sit.

  • Mm-hmm, uh-huh, oh.

  • Uh-oh, you've got a problem here.

  • This mud is still wet.

  • TELLY: Well, we just finished putting it on.


  • Oh, wet, wet, wet.

  • No, no, no, no, no.

  • You can't sit in this wet nest now.

  • You'll squash it flat into a twig pancake.

  • Why, you could bump your tailbone.

  • I declare that this nest is squishily unsafe.

  • Until the mud dries, I declare it--

  • ALL: Closed?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Mm-hmm.

  • BIG BIRD: You mean, I can't go in my nest?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Nobody can, not while it's wet.

  • Sorry, son, but safety first.

  • Call me when the mud dries.

  • LUIS: "Huff, Huff, and Puff, City Nest Inspectors.

  • If it's huffing and puffing, we do it."

  • BIG BAD WOLF: I'll come back and give it

  • the hurricane test.

  • TELLY: Well, what's that?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: This.



  • TELLY: I had to ask.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: See you tomorrow, after the mud dries.

  • BIG BIRD: Tomorrow?

  • Tomorrow?

  • But I want to sleep in it tonight.

  • Oh, and so does Radar.

  • And now it's closed.

  • MARIA: Oh, Big Bird, it'll only be for one more day.

  • BIG BIRD: It's a million years.

  • TELLY: Well, at least we finished it.

  • BIG BIRD: But, but where will I sleep tonight?

  • GORDON: Well, you can stay at our apartment again.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, thanks.

  • But gee whiz, if birds were meant to live in apartments,

  • I'd know how to build an apartment.

  • I want to be in my home, my nest.

  • MARIA: Oh, Big Bird.

  • What can we do now?

  • ELMO: Ooh, ooh, Elmo knows.

  • Let's help the nest get dry right now, today.

  • ALL: How?

  • ELMO: Well, Snuffy can dry the nest with his snuffle.

  • TELLY: He blew Slimey's spaceship to the moon.

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh wow.

  • Would you, Snuffy, please, so I can

  • sleep in my nest tonight?

  • ELMO: Please, Snuffy?

  • GABI: Now it's your turn to help.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Well, help is my middle name, Aloysius Help

  • Snuffleupagus.


  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: All right.

  • Stand back, everybody.

  • Breath, don't desert me now.



  • BIG BIRD: Wow.

  • TELLY: Hey, don't blow it to the moon.

  • Just dry it.

  • ELMO: Elmo hopes this works.

  • Keep blowing, Snuffy.

  • LUIS: It sounds drier.

  • ELMO: Ooh, the nest is going to get dry.

  • Yay!

  • BIG BIRD: Look at him blow.

  • Am I lucky to have a friend like him!

  • Wow.

  • Mr. Wolf, you told me to call when the mud

  • on my nest was dry.

  • Well, it's dry now.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: It can't be.

  • That was only 10 minutes ago.

  • BIG BIRD: Well, it's dry.

  • Hey, tell him it's dry, gang.

  • ALL: It's dry!

  • BIG BAD WOLF: I'll be right over.

  • BIG BIRD: He'll be right over.



  • TELLY: It's too soon for the Big Bad Wolf.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Open the door and let me come in.

  • ELMO: Not by the hair of Elmo's chinny-chin-chin.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Then I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow

  • your door in.

  • ELMO: It's him, all right.


  • BIG BAD WOLF: I told you so.

  • TELLY: This is not my day.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: So the nest is dry, huh?

  • ALL: Yeah.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Well, it looks dry.

  • It feels dry.

  • Sounds dry.

  • The nest is dry.

  • ALL: Yay!

  • BIG BIRD: OK, nest, here I come.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: But--

  • ALL: Huh?

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Is it safe?

  • ALL: [GROAN]

  • BIG BAD WOLF: If another hurricane comes, will it blow

  • away again?

  • ELMO: Will Big Bird ever get to go in that nest?

  • LUIS: We made this one extra strong.

  • BIG BIRD: Yeah.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Well, to make sure, I will huff and puff as

  • hard as I can, as anyone can.

  • Stand back and keep your eye on the nest.



  • BIG BIRD: Wow.


  • BIG BAD WOLF: I give up.

  • I'm all huffed out.

  • This nest is hurricane ready.

  • This nest is safe.

  • This nest is fit to sit in.

  • This nest is open!

  • ALL: Yay!

  • TELLY: The nest is open!


  • BIG BAD WOLF: I've got one question.

  • How'd you get that mud to dry so fast?

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Well, just like this.



  • You know what you just did?

  • You just blew away the Big Bad Wolf!

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: I hope he's all right.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: All right?

  • I'm thrilled, elated.

  • You blew me away.

  • What a huff!

  • What a puff!

  • What's your name?


  • BIG BAD WOLF: How would you like a job huffing

  • and puffing for me.

  • We'll change our name to Huff, Puff, and Snuff.

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: No thanks.

  • I've got to finish snufflegarten first.

  • BIG BAD WOLF: Well, in that case, I gotta blow.

  • I'm doing grandma's house for lunch.

  • BIG BIRD: OK, goodbye and thanks, Mr. Wolf.

  • OK, now my friends, I, Big Bird, will

  • get into my new nest.

  • Thanks.


  • BIG BIRD: Friends, if I had to build this nest all by myself,

  • why, it would've taken forever, years, months, even.

  • But because you all helped me, it took only two days.

  • TELLY: All right!

  • Now get in the nest.

  • Go ahead.

  • In the nest.

  • BIG BIRD: OK, I will, I will.

  • But first--

  • ALL: [GROAN]

  • BIG BIRD: Nest builders, I'd like to add this.


  • When I was homeless, with no place to rest, you got

  • together and made me a nest.

  • I want to thank you, thank you, thank you

  • for being my friends.

  • Buckets of rain fell out of the sky.

  • You took me home to get cozy and dry.

  • I want to thank you, thank you, thank you

  • for being my friends.

  • My Granny says friends stay friends by the little things

  • they do for each other.

  • Thanks for my nest, pals.

  • Next hurricane, I'll help you.

  • Thanks, Maria and Luis.

  • Ah, thank you, Snuffy.

  • Hey, and thank you, Elmo and Telly.

  • Thanks, Dakota and Samantha.

  • And thank you, Gordon and Gabi.

  • Gosh.

  • And I want to thank my Granny Bird.

  • And thanks, thanks, Oscar.

  • OSCAR: Oh.

  • BIG BIRD: OK, and I want to thank you, too.

  • MARIA: Big Bird, we have something to say to you, too.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh.

  • ELMO: Yeah.


  • Big Bird, Big Bird, you are the best.

  • Welcome, welcome home.

  • It was fun to build you this nest so you need not roam.


  • Friends stay friends by the little things

  • they do for each other.


  • Thanks for the nest, pals.

  • Next hurricane, I'll help you.

  • ELMO: That's OK, Big Bird.

  • LUIS: De nada, mi amigo.

  • TELLY: No problem.

  • MARIA: We loved building it.

  • BIG BIRD: Anyway, thank you for being my friends.

  • ELMO: No, no, no.

  • Thank you for being our friend, Big Bird.

  • BIG BIRD: No, no, no, I thank you.

  • ELMO: No, no, no, thank you.

  • BIG BIRD: No, I thank you.

  • ELMO: No, no, no, thank you.

  • BIG BIRD: I thank you--

  • ELMO: No, no, no, no, no--

  • MARIA: Elmo.

  • ELMO: OK.


  • I want to thank you, thank you, thank you.


  • We want to thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • We want to thank you, thank you, thank you

  • for being our friend.


  • For being my friends.

  • Thanks.

  • ELMO: Oh yay!

  • TELLY: He's in.

  • Yeah.


  • MARIA: What's the matter, Big Bird?

  • ELMO: Yeah, don't you like your new nest?

  • BIG BIRD: Well, there's something missing.

  • TELLY: Something's missing?

  • MARIA: What is it?

  • ELMO: Yeah, what is it, Big Bird?

  • BIG BIRD: Radar.

  • Where's Radar?

  • TELLY: Radar?

  • ELMO: Radar, where are you?

  • TELLY: Radar.

  • BOY: Here!

  • SNUFFLEUPAGUS: Oh, there he is.

  • TELLY: Oh, yeah, thanks, [? Saj. ?]

  • Look, Elmo.

  • ELMO: Yeah.

  • GORDON: Yeah, there he is.

  • Look at that.

  • There's Radar.

  • GABI: Hey, Radar.

  • BIG BIRD: Ah.

  • GORDON: Here you go, brother.

  • BIG BIRD: Oh, Radar, we're back home.



  • ANNOUNCER: Go to to visit your Sesame Street

  • friends for videos, games, and sunny days.

GORDON: I'm Gordon from Sesame Street.


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芝麻街。Sesame Street Gets Through a Storm (Sesame Street: Sesame Street Gets Through a Storm)

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