字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Oh dogs...A best friend that always has your back. 喔,狗狗... 一直在你身邊的好朋友。 In fact, studies have shown that men are three times more likely to get a girl's phone number if they have a dog by their side. 事實上,研究顯示男人帶著狗的話,能成功要到女生電話的機率會多三倍。 And do you ever feel like your dog just gets you? 而且你有時候會不會覺得狗狗就是懂你? It turns out that humans and dogs both respond to emotional sounds. 其實人類跟狗都對情緒的聲音有反應。 When your dog hears you crying or laughing, the response in their brain is similar to that of a human's. 當你的狗狗聽到你在哭或笑,牠們腦子裡的反應跟人類的反應很類似。 In fact, they interpret your crying as another dog whining, which may make you wanna cuddle your buddie. 事實上,牠們把你的哭聲解讀為其它狗在哀嚎,因此可能會讓你想要抱抱你的朋友。 But did you know that dogs often curl up into a ball when sleeping to conserve body heat and protect their most vulnerable organs in the abdomen from predators? 但你知道狗狗經常在睡覺時捲成球狀來保持體溫,和保護牠們腹部裡脆弱的器官被掠奪者攻擊嗎? Comfy. 舒服。 If you're not always around to cuddle, leaving them some clothes that smell like you will actually help them with separation anxiety. 如果你無法一直在牠們身邊給牠們抱抱,留給牠們一些有你的味道的衣服能著實緩解牠們的分離焦慮感。 And while you may think you have the smartest dog, animal psychologists believe most dogs are about as smart as a two-year-old human. 當你覺得你的狗是最聰明時,動物心理學家相信大部分的狗狗大概都和兩歲嬰兒一樣聰明。 Dogs can understand more than 150 words, count up to five, and notice simple errors such as one plus one equals three. 狗可以理解超過 150 個詞彙,數到 5 以上,還能辨認簡單的錯誤像是一加一等於三。 Dogs are also capable of solving spatial problems. 狗還能夠解答空間問題。 They learn the location of hidden treats, find the fastest route to the park, and operate mechanism such as latches and simple machines. 牠們知道零食藏在哪裡、尋找到公園的最快路線、和操作機械像是門鎖或是簡單的機器。 And by the way, dogs aren't completely color-blind as many people think. 另外,狗也不是像大家所想的完全色盲。 But unlike the three specialized receptors in our eyes to distinguish colors, dogs only have two. 但不像我們眼睛有三個特別的接收器專門來辨認顏色,狗只有兩個。 Because of this, they see black, white, blue and yellow. 因此他們能看到黑、白、藍和黃。 Meanwhile, their brains don't interpret red and green, but instead see gray. 同時,牠們的腦袋不能辨認紅色跟綠色而只能看到灰色。 Of the 75 million domesticated dogs in America, Labradors are the most popular. 美國七千五百萬隻家犬中,拉布拉多是最熱門的。 But the most intelligent dog breeds are Border Collies, Poodles, and German Shepherds. 但是最聰明的品種是邊界牧羊犬、貴賓、和德國牧羊犬。 However, these are measures of intelligence that compare to our own. 但這些聰明程度的測量是與人比較。 Dogs are amazingly smart in other ways. 狗其實有很多方面都很聰明。 You've probably heard of drug sniffing dogs, but did you know that dogs can sense seizures, detect low blood sugar, and can sniff out cancer? 你應該有聽過測毒品的狗,但是你知道狗可以察覺到癲癇,偵測低血糖,還可以嗅出癌症嗎? In one study, dogs were able to identify 30 out of 33 cases of prostate cancer by smelling participants' urine. 在一個研究中,狗透過聞前列腺癌病患的尿,能在 33 個案例中辨認出 30 個。 It's believed that dogs' highly sophisticated sense of smell can detect variation and the presence of volatile organic compounds. 我們相信狗高度敏感的嗅覺可以偵測變化和易揮發的有機化合物。 Their sense of smell is 10000 to 10 million times more sensitive than humans', depending on the breed. 取決於不同的品種,他們的嗅覺比人靈敏 10000 到 1000 萬倍。 A secreted fluid from their nose helps them smell by capturing scent chemicals in a thin layer of wet mucus on their nose. 牠們鼻子的分泌物能幫助他們捕獲氣味粒子到鼻子的一層薄薄的黏液上。 In fact, for a dog, breathing is different than smelling. 事實上,對狗狗來說,呼吸跟聞是不同的。 A small fold of tissue called the Alar Fold separates the flow of air, depending on whether they are sniffing or breathing, 一個小的褶皮下组織叫鼻翼襞可分離氣流,取決於他們在嗅還是呼吸。 which also allows them to pick up pheromones in the air to help locate and determine the readiness of possible mates. 這也讓牠們偵測到空氣中的費洛蒙,幫助他們定位和決定理想的伴侶。 Tinder for dogs. 狗的交友軟體。 On top of it all, humans really do love dogs. 更重要的是,人類真的很喜歡狗。 A recent study found that dogs activate the same hormonal response that triggers us to love and care for our own babies. 最近有個研究發現我們被狗激起的荷爾蒙跟我們對自己寶寶的愛是一樣的。 Accompany that with studies showing decreased stress and anxiety, and it's clear why they've become such an important part of our lives. 這種陪伴被證實能降低壓力和焦慮,而且很清楚為什麼他們成為我們生活裡重要的一部分。 They truly are women and men's best friend. 他們真的是男人和女人的好朋友。 Umm well, unless you are a cat lover. 呃... 除非你是一個愛貓人士。 In which case, you should watch our scientific debate on cats versus dogs, where we try and figure out which precious pet is truly the best. 這樣的話,你應該去看我們對狗和貓的科學辯論,我們嘗試弄清楚到底哪個珍貴寵物才是最好的 Head on over to that video to help us to decide which side wins, and subscribe from our weekly science videos. 快去看那個影片來幫助我們決定哪邊獲勝,並訂閱我們每周的科學影片。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 狗狗 聰明 抱抱 偵測 嗅覺 分離 你不知道的「汪星人科學」(The Science of DOGS) 26441 1061 Angie Hsu 發佈於 2024 年 05 月 21 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字