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字幕列表 影片播放

  • Everybody's really been looking forward to the new video from Lumpy and the Lumpettes

    大家都在熱切期待著 藍比與他的好友所推出的新作!

  • Even Lumpy!


  • Russell's a huge fan!


  • He can't wait to tell all his friends about it!


  • Hey, Russell! You didn't create that video! You just copied someone else's content.

    喂,羅素!你並不是這部影片的原創者! 你剛剛盜錄了別人的影音內容

  • Uploading someone else's content without permission could get you into a lot of trouble --

    未經許可上傳別人的影音內容 會讓你惹上麻煩

  • -- it may be copyright infringement.


  • Copyright is a form of protection for original works of authorship


  • including literary,


  • dramatic,


  • musical,


  • graphic,


  • and audiovisual creations.


  • Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed or publicly displayed

    未經版權擁有者授權或並無合法權利 逕行重製、散佈、演出或公開展示

  • without the permission of the copyright holder or the legal right to do so.


  • Even though YouTube is a free site, you can get in serious trouble for copyright infringement

    即使 YouTube 是免費網站 你還是有可能因為侵權而惹上麻煩

  • You can be sued --


  • -- and found liable for monetary damages.


  • You could lose your booty!


  • Or worse, you could lose your YouTube account!

    更糟的是 你的 YouTube 帳戶可能遭到停權!

  • You only get a few chances.


  • If YouTube receives a valid notification of alleged copyright infringement from a copyright holder

    如果 YouTube 收到版權擁有者 寄出的侵權通知

  • for one of your videos, the video will be removed in accordance with the law.

    是針對您所上傳的任何一部影片 我們將會依法移除該部侵權影片

  • You'll be notified via email and in your account,

    你會收到電子郵件通知 也會在帳戶中顯示通知

  • and you'll get a strike.


  • If YouTube finds you're a repeat offender --

    如果 YouTube 發現你多次侵權

  • -- you'll get banned for life!

    你的 YouTube 帳戶將會遭到終身禁用

  • Here's an idea: why not make your own video?

    告訴你一個好主意: 你何不自製影片?

  • Uh oh! You're making a video of Lumpy's live performance of his song,

    喔,這樣不對! 你錄下了藍比的現場演唱畫面

  • which is still protected by copyright.


  • You still may not be able to upload it without permission.


  • Oh, Russell. Your reuse of Lumpy's content is clever, but did you get permission for it?

    羅素,改成翻唱藍比的歌曲了 腦筋動得很快,但取得許可了嗎?

  • Mashups or remixes of content may also require permission from the original copyright owner,

    拼湊、混音或翻唱一首歌曲 可能也要事先取得版權擁有者的許可

  • depending on whether or not the use is a "fair use."

    如果是「合理使用」的情況 則無需取得授權

  • In the United States, copyright law allows for the fair use of copyrighted material under certain limited circumstances without prior permission from the owner.

    美國的版權法允許他人在有限制的 情況下,得以不經版權擁有者的許可 合理使用版權內容

  • Under the law, determinations of fair use take into account the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the work

    根據法律規定,是否為合理使用 必須綜合考量使用目的、使用方式 版權作品本質、使用作品數量多寡

  • used in relation to the work as a whole, and the effect of the use upon the potential market for the copyrighted work.

    作品內容,以及使用後對版權作品 所屬的潛在市場產生的效應

  • Other jurisdictions may have similar copyright provisions protecting fair use or fair dealing.

    其他國家也可能有類似 合理使用原則的保障法規

  • If you are uncertain as to whether a specific use qualifies as a fair use, you should consult a qualified copyright attorney.

    如果您不確定特定行為是否符合合理使用 的條件,請向專業的版權律師諮詢

  • If someone copies your work after you've posted it, you have the right to take it down.

    如果你發佈的作品遭人盜用 你有權要求撤下該部影片

  • YouTube provides tools for rights holders to control the use of their content.

    YouTube 提供了一些工具 協助版權所有人控管其發佈內容的使用權

  • If someone takes down your video by mistake, or as the result of a misidentification of the material to be removed,

    如果有人誤將你的影片撤下 或是因為誤判要撤除的內容而導致撤下

  • there's a counter-notification process for that.


  • You can send YouTube a notice that there was an error.

    你可以將此錯誤向 YouTube 通報

  • But be careful...


  • If you misuse the process, you could end up in court.

    如果誤用這個程序 你可能會吃上官司

  • And then you would get in a lot of trouble! That's how the law works.

    然後你就會惹上一身麻煩 法律就是這麼一回事

  • That's more like it! By singing an original song, you're creating your own content.

    這才算是自創作品!演唱自行創作的歌曲 才算是自製影片內容

  • When you make an original video, you're the owner of your own copyright, and...

    當你錄製原創影片時 你就是當然的版權擁有者

  • have the right to post it to YouTube.

    並且有權在 YouTube 上發佈影片

  • Original content is what makes YouTube interesting. Start creating your own, and who knows?

    原創內容讓 YouTube 趣味盎然 自己動手製作影片吧!說不定...

  • Your video could explode!


  • [BOOM!]


  • If you're still unsure about copyright issues, YouTube has some resources as a starting point.

    如果你仍然不太了解版權議題 YouTube 提供了一些入門指引

  • For more information, click the link for "Copyright" at the bottom of every page.

    如需瞭解詳情 請按一下每個網頁底下的「版權」按鈕

Everybody's really been looking forward to the new video from Lumpy and the Lumpettes

大家都在熱切期待著 藍比與他的好友所推出的新作!


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