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Backhand Low Service
Hello, I am Lee thanks for coming
in this video I will demonstrate
how to do low service
backhand low service in doubles
in doubles and mixed doubles also singles
if a player have not got confidence
in their service then difficult to be a winner
because their mind will be there
rather than making rallies
and making tactics for the opponent
so, its crucially important to have a solid
big confidence in service
I will explain one by one
number 1 - how to hold the shuttle cock
there are number of different ways
in holding the shuttle cock
the one, using two fingers on 1 feather
or hold feather together like this
its all depending on the way of a player in service
in my view
personally I like to hold the shuttle cock
by using two fingers, thumb and second finger
one feather hold
like this
and the other 3 fingers gently stretched
rather than bending
because if fingers are bent like that
then it likely hit my racket
so they let shuttle go too early
which is not good for controlling the shuttle cock
so, using 2 fingers, hold 1 feather
3 fingers gently stretched
second important thing here
the shuttle cock will be better to point
about the knee angle
rather than point the floor
if the shuttle cock is pointing the floor like this
then it will likely go upward
which opponent can attack
but if shuttle cock is pointing that way
then because of the weight of the shuttle cock
that will fly flatter like this
big difference
and then serve
the feet position, some they do side by side
like this
some left foot forward, some right foot forward
my personal opinion it really does not matter
more important thing is after the shot be ready
is more important
at this moment, I don't have clear reason
why a player should put their feet side by side
or right or left forward
I don't have any reason for that yet
so, feet choose any way you are comfortable with
ok, hold shuttle
now put the shuttle away from the body
because you need some room to make the movement
now, how to hold the racket
it will be better to hold the shorter grip
rather than longer grip
longer grip, its difficult to make flick
its easier to use with shorter grip
the thumb should be already lied there
so they can use the power of fingers
when they flick or they can use it when they do low service
they can push little bit gently
by the fingers
so ready together
and then the racket will go little bit backward my wrist
rather than my arm
if a player using their arm like this
then its difficult to control it
stay still here and use more wrist
how to hit the shuttle cock
push will be better, gently
gently push
rather than
when they hit, its difficult to control
difficult to make good accuracy
gently back, and gently push
in this way, push way
shuttle will fly better way
nice and flat way
if you are tall player then it will be better to stay
very close to the service line
because you are tall, you can still make flat service
but if you are little bit smaller
then standing this close to the line will be not good idea
because if you stay this close and when
if you are smaller player like this
it will go up way
so opponent can attack it
if you are small
then its better to stay little bit further back
so you have more flying distance
which you can make flatter service
and now, little bit more advanced service
there is 'T' and there is corner
personally it will be better to serve 7 or 8 serves to the 'T'
and then may be 1 or 2 or 3 go to the corner
because 'T' will be good, because flying time is shorter
and opponents they don't have good angle to attack
but they do from the corner
but some times
this player should be able to make surprise corner service
to do that this is the tip
shuttle is straighted
yeah from that side, if you see that
shuttle is straighted like that
and then if you serve like this shuttle will fly straight
in order to serve that corner from here to over there
then you can turn your shuttle cock little bit side ways
not when you are ready, like this
because they can see it
opponent can see what you are doing
so, stay like this and then when you are making impact
you turn your shuttle cock as well as your racket angle
so the shuttle goes to the other side
have a look
slowly like this and then turn and hit it
so shuttle goes that way
ok now ready
so, normal ready and then turn it
service deceptive
one more please
if you do that your opponent will not be ready for the 'T' only
he has to be ready for both ways
which in order to make your opponent start slower
from the other side
you can, in this way from here to that corner
you have to move your wrist little bit
not straight forward
you do that and then you change your angle
that will be exactly the same
but at the impact change it
so its deceptive
next one, the advanced
in a way it can make some mistakes
some top players they do that way
their racket angle goes that way
instead of vertical they do that
and then they slice it
they cut it from here to that way
like that
from here like this
so it generates more spin
have a look please, here
from here slice it
like this
and some people they hold like that
and they slice that way
so on the move shuttle will little bit shakes
which makes opponent difficult to return
but remember
most important thing in service is no mistake
safe service will be the bests service
rather than fancy and difficult service
because as there is more difficulty for opponent
in the other way there is higher possibility to make mistake
most important things in having a good service is
is the belief in your service
when you serve
please believe your service
rather than afraid of opponent attack
it does not matter what sought of technique
and how much practice you do
if you do that type of practice without your belief
then the time will be wasted and there is no improvement can be made
because, how?
if you don't believe there is no result
so, does not matter how fast the opponent is
as long as you do good flat service
your opponent cannot attack it
so, do believe in your service
thank you