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23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized or decriminalized Marijuana. 2 States,
23 個州和哥倫比亞特區已將大麻合法化或非刑罪化。2 個州
Washington and Colorado, have made it legal for recreational use, which is the ultimate
goal for groups trying to fully legalize weed. Colorado did this more than 8 months ago,
對於試圖將大麻完全合法化的團體來說,這是一個目標。科羅拉多州在 8 個多月前就實現了這一目標、
and the numbers are in so we can finally look at some of the effects of legalizing weed.
First off, let’s look at the givens.
Legalizing weed adds tax revenue; That’s obvious. Colorado expects a $98 million dollars
大麻合法化會增加稅收,這是顯而易見的。科羅拉多州預計將有 9800 萬美元
jump in tax revenue from weed sales this year alone. Legalizing weed also adds jobs. It’s
僅今年一年,來自大麻銷售的稅收收入就猛增了 1.5 億美元。大麻合法化還增加了就業機會。這是
estimated by the Marijuana Industry Group that about 10,000 people now work in the weed
據大麻產業集團估計,目前約有 10,000 人在大麻產業工作。
industry in Colorado, nearly 2,000 of which started in the first half of this year. Most
今年上半年,科羅拉多州有近 2,000 家工廠開工。大多數
were already working in Colorado’s medical marijuana industry prior to 2014. And the
在 2014 年之前,他們已經在科羅拉多州的醫用大麻行業工作。而
weed industry only accounts for about .04 percent of Colorado’s workforce. So, those
除草行業只佔科羅拉多州勞動力的 0.04%。是以,那些
numbers shouldn’t be overblown, but sales are good and further job growth is expected.
Those are the things that we know for sure. They have a direct causal relationship to
the change in the law. But there are also things that we can’t directly tie to law.
These have a corollary relationship, but are still worth mentioning as they may allay some
Anti-legalization groups feared that legalizing recreational weed would lead to an increase
in driving fatalities. There is no direct evidence of that. In fact, the number of driving
fatalities were down in the first half of 2014. They also feared that there would be
2014 年上半年死亡人數有所下降。他們還擔心
an increase in hard drug use. Again, people are actually using less hard drugs now than
they were ten years ago. They feared that more high school aged kids would be smoking
weed. Again: no. And they feared that there would be a spike in violent crime and crime
in general. There hasn’t been. The crime rate is actually trending down.
So, does that mean that weed makes our highways, high schools and streets safer? No. Like I
said, there is no direct connection between legalizing recreational marijuana and any
of these statistics. We can’t prove causation, but we can show that since weed became legal,
things have not gotten worse.
So, are there any proven negatives to come out of these first 8 months?
那麼,在這最初的 8 個月裡,是否有任何已被證實的負面因素?
Yes, sort of. Not really. There is some anecdotal evidence that the general public isn’t quite
ready for edible marijuana. One man ate edible marijuana and then shot his wife. Another
man ate edible marijuana and then fell off of a balcony. The police think that marijuana
played a role in both incidents. And the number of children who have been admitted to Children’s
Hospital of Colorado in Aurora due to consumption of marijuana in the first sixth months of
奧羅拉市科羅拉多醫院的一名病人,因在《世界人權宣言》生效後的前 6 個月吸食大麻而死亡。
the year is already more than all of last year. Again, this evidence is largely anecdotal,
but it has been enough for the state to start looking at its THC limits and labeling requirements
for edible goods. On the whole, the experiment appears to be a success, but we won’t know
for sure until it has been in practice for many more years.