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The Power of Ekko?! The Most Intense God of Ip LoL Ever!
Never been here before, have you? Faker makes his debut on the God of Ip LoL!
Watch our panel starstruck as never before!
CJ Entus Coach Dae-Young Son
SKT T1 Coach Jung-Gyun Kim
EX-LoL Champions Korea Commentator Min Kang
LoL Champions Korea Commentator Cloudtemplar
LoL Challangers Korea Commentator Bitdory
Hello Summoners! Welcome to the Faker episode of God of Ip LoL!
What? Faker? This is the Ekko episode! Ekko!
Get a Hold of Yourself!
Wait! Chronobreak!!!
Hello Summoners! Welcome to the Ekko episode of God of Ip LoL!
Ah, it’s great to be here, it’s been a while
Deja vu anybody?
Oh, it’s nothing, I’m sure.
It’s so nice for all of us to be back again with another awesome champion after our Bard episode.
Coach Kim, tell us how people reacted after your first episode.
Yes, the reaction was pretty hot
How hot was it? I’m dying to know
Well… I just heard how much more entertaining I was compared to the previous hosts
What, Really?
Who exactly was this everyone?
Wow you’re not really making any friends are you?
Well, my parents…
Yes of course, the parents also watch our show
How about you, Coach Son?
Yea. The reaction was out the roof.
Yes. Me too, the response was pretty overwhelming, mostly about how fat I looked
(From the side) Yeap, I second that~ lol
Sounds like everyone’s in agreement with that
Yeah, you definitely got chubbier. What have you been feeding yourself?
Oh yeah, everyone kept asking me who ‘the quiet one’ was, I told them that was Min.
Oh, your parents asked you?
Yes, yes for reals.
Hee hee, the silent one
What do you think about that, Caster Min? Aren’t you supposed to be the main headliner of Ip LoL?
Whenever a new champ comes out, things get pretty intense, like with Bard, and this head gear, pretty intense
How about you Cloudtemplar? What are your thoughts?
Yes, well… as the original member of God of Ip LoL...
Ugh… so tired of hearing that
Yes, it’s great, it’s continuously improving in every way,
the quality of the show is always going up and I’m pretty happy about that.
Yeah, I mean when else would we ever get to wear something like this?
I don’t think I’d ever have the chance otherwise
I think the concept was, Ekko: the time runner
something punky, something wild
Yeah… I’m not sure if we’re really pulling that off…
Coach Kim is
Yes I think the only guy pulling off the punk here is Coach Kim
I really want everyone to know that this really hurts my hands whenever I clap
Yeah, go easy with the clapping.
We’re here today to introduce Ekko, our new champion.
He’s already aroused a lot of speculation,
and we’d like to start off with an intro to what kind of champion he is.
People waste a lot of time
Then, they wish for more
They want more hours in their days
More days in their years.
More years in their lives.
I don`t need hours, or days, or years...
I only need seconds!
All time in the rift now belongs to Ekko
All of your skills have already been seen before
One small mistake? I can always try again!
It’s gonna take a lot to catch me!
Ekko the Boy Who Shattered Time
Ekko's basic attack and skills stack up
Every third attack on the same target deals bonus damage and slowdown effect
Third hits against champions triggers Ekko’s passive movement speed buff.
Ekko’s weapon can be thrown in a straight line and damages all enemies along its path
On its way back, his weapon deals extra damage and slows down all enemies in its path.
Ekko has an area effect skill that creates a wide slowdown zone
When Ekko enters this zone, he gains a shield and stuns all enemies within the area.
Ekko dashes to the selected location, and his next basic attack becomes stronger
And blinks from a long distance to hit his target.
Ekko returns to a previous location, and briefly turns invulnerable.
He partially recovers health and deals massive damage.
Before we get started, I want to present everyone with a special new chance.
I’ve brought with me Ekko’s lightsaber
Whenever the show starts going nowhere, and you’re not feeling it,
you can use this blade to cast Chronobreak!
Wow~ how does it work?
Didn’t you see it earlier?
So here we are, we’ve all traveled back in time like Ekko and returned to when we were younger,
did you know that Coach Kim’s actual nickname when he was little was The Kid?
No idea why, but why don’t we start with him, what’s your take on Ekko?
Cause Ekko’s also a Kid? hahaha
Yeah, we need to start somewhere.
Yes, I really feel that Ekko was a champion made for me.
Why, Why??
I tend to keep grudges for a long time
Yes, you definitely do.
With Ekko, once I set my sights on someone, I can totally chase them down
Chase down anyone you set your sights on?
I totally agree with that. This guy still talks about his ex-girlfriend from ages ago, all the time.
Say you really want to catch someone nearby. Go home,
get homeguard, ult back
Now you can rush your target, third hit then instakill!
You can’t get a kill with homeguard,
but this build would definitely help eliminate that one single target.
First, you’ll need Ionian Boots for the CDR.
Yes, CD reduction, and then Lich Bane for the synergy with your basic attack
you’ll be dealing tons of damage.
By triggering the Lich Bane passive
Yes, Lich Bane even adds movement speed. If that doesn’t work,
then what’s that item with the MR and slowdown…?
Twin Shadows
Yes, if you get that item as well, you will take down at least one champion anytime
Seriously? Twin Shadow?
Yes Twin Shadows! Slowdown effect AND even finds the target for you.
That’s true, true that
If you really start chasing down one target,
wouldn’t they just stay low near their tower?
Just get in there, you can die together or go in with W and then ult your way out.
Ah, so not the ult homeguard but dive in, then get out with your ult.
Yeap, this is what Coach Kim is all about, he gets excited and starts talking down on people.
Ah, no no that’s not true! Should I chrono?
Well anyway,, so the chase….
Can you stop that, just stop moving your left hand!
I think I abused this move too much.
Repeated Chronobreak due to Coach Kim may be hazardous for stageprop
So, Ekko the pursuer. How should you use his skills to chase someone down?
So you got the Homeguards.
And the enemy will be running away
Then you cast W where they’re about to run
They can’t run that way no more.
So you make them swerve
Then Q
You can pretty much get them with anything now.
Oh that just looks so sad
Do we use chronobreak again? What do we do?
So, Ekko basically is the perfect champ for chasedown..?
Wow, you know how in the intro, Ekko just keeps turning back time over and over again,
that’s exactly what I’m seeing here. You are exactly like Ekko!
The Chasing Kid, Ggo-ma Choo-gyuk-ja, wait a minute… Ggo Choo? (Korean word for willy)
No, What…? No..
So, Ggo Choo, what’s on your mind?
Coach Son looks particularly confident today. I think he’s got something big up his sleeve.
Yes, I was a little frustrated by all that, I think of Ekko as the perfect top lane AP tanker.
Top lane? AP dealer/tanker?
Yes, if you go Trinity Force with Ekko, you get bonus damage with Sheen
Also, it gives you extra MS for chasing.
Not really, Hecarim’s advantage is also mobility
Ekko can get double the farming action,
return to your lane with your ultimate, then again with your teleport.
Like top lane Rek’sai with teleport?
Yes. I never thought Rek’sai was an effective tanker in the top lane
Ekko could do much better…
Doesn’t Team CJ use Rek’sai?
CJ lost after they got stomped on by Rek’sai three times
Ah, CJ didn’t make it to MSI because of Rek’sai.
Bengi. The J.U.N.G.L.E
So how do you see Ekko?
In one word. Super bullet-proof initiator
You know how leaders scream “follow me!” and rush out into battle
Lulu, Zilean, Sivir, and Kayle can all cast their speed buffs onto Ekko and he could just shoot out.
Yes, it’s like he immediately becomes some super stallion. He can cast W and rush in with E
I can take all the damage because I’m a tanker. Then my teammates can start pounding away.
If I think I’m gonna die, I can just ult my way out, but you know what?
I’m not going to die because I have Kayle, and Zilean AND Lulu at my back!
The skill synergy is pretty hardwired in there.
Cast W, then Zilean can use his Q on you as you rush in,
and then Zilean can WQ to stun everything around you.
On top of that, Ekko’s W triggers another stun
So Coach Son pointed out that Ekko could be a hugely effective top lane dealer/tanker
by utilizing his unique characteristics.
Now, onto Min Kang, our LoL Ggo Choo punchline creator,
what’s your take on this new champ?
First thing, do you remember how in his intro reel whenever he got beat up then turned back time then got beat again
he kept making that sound “Ekko, Ekko.”? You guys heard that right??
Yeah, whenever he got hit. Here, hit me. You used to box right?
Hit him harder harder. HARDER!
Yeah yeah, hit him really hard.
Where?? Where??
Solar plexus!
No, please... go easy
Ikk, Ekk!
Wait wait, Ek! He goes Ekko Ekko
Doesn’t he?
Yes, he does.
What do you mean Ekko Ekko..?
Look where this conversation went, fix this.
Give me a moment.
Need this?
Umm, Wait. No, no, no... OK~ chronobreak~~!!!
Ah, Wait
You can do it. You can do it
Is it still on cooldown
So… the Riot Champion Developer…
Here we go again...
For real, he created this champ after getting the idea from Korean traditional martial art of Taekkyun
You can definitely tell by the sound he makes.
Ikk! Ekk!
Take Jax’s E. Scary right? Say he’s coming at you with that,
you can dodge with E, like Ikk, then go in with Ekk!
Go in like this, then throw the Morgana Q
Now, if Oriana uses her ult, here use her ult
Wait, wait
So how old are you exactly?
So you’re saying you can dodge non-target and limited range skills then hit them with E?
Yes. With this guy, you can also perfectly counter ganks
So, say you’re getting boxed in,
all you need to do is hit W on you and the champ chasing you.
Then jump to the ganker using E then get back to your tower, or even E to a minion.
If that doesn’t work, then you still have your ult to get you out.
Now, let’s look at a straight-up head to head situation
You know how Q has more damage on its way back, but it doesn’t hit sometimes?
You could just flash forward to change the trajectory
make sure you last hit the enemy champ for that kill.
I think that’s very clear.
Sounds a little strange, but Ikko and Ekko, if you can keep that in mind it can help you master this champion
Yes, that’s how you have fun with this champ, Ikko! Ekko!
So I should pass that along to the next person right?
Pass it on!
Alright, let’s both go for it!
It’s fun
Ikko, Ekko!
Alright, then let’s turn to the original member of Ip LoL, what’s your take, Cloudtemplar?
Yes, well, first of all, it’s great to see everyone really trying so hard.
Is that the grace of someone watching down on us from up above?
I think everyone’s missed the point of this champion
The point?
Yes. This champion is essentially an assassin.
And what is the essence of the assassin but to get the last hit from way back
Wouldn’t you get a lot of flack if you just went for last hits?
Now, the thing that sets Ekko apart is that he has area control skills
like W and Q, skills that restricts enemy movement.
So keeping that in mind, I came up with a good team combo
The time-freeze, last-hit dream team
top Lissandra, jungle Sejuani, mid Ekko, ADC Ashe, support Annie.
So get this: cast W and Q and the enemy champs are like “what the…”
They can’t move. They freeze. Then use Ashe ultimate, Ikku, Ekko!
Ashe ult!
Then, Seju’s ult! Bam!
Seju’s ult!
Then Lissandra comes in! Wham!
Lissandra ult!
Annie’s ult! Annie’s ult! Tibber! Tibber!
Wow, this boy is just so excited right now~
Then Ekko can just roll with it, deal some damage here and there, until it’s time to leave.
By then, the other team’s pretty ragged and starting to flee, then Kaboom! Ekko’s ult kicks in, Pentakill
So we’re looking at an Ekko with a full-AP assassin build.
Really explosive damage, with W or his ult, plus he now has huge survivability,
which has always been a weak point for assassins.
So basically, all the advantages of the assassin, without any of the drawbacks.
Yes, now whenever we play games, we need to connect it to real life.
Connect LoL with your personal life?
Yes, nowadays, LoL is such a popular game and it can be played pretty light as well, so a lot of people play at work too.
Yes, definitely, Mr. Lee, I heard you’re good at LoL, we should play sometime.
So you could ask your boss to play Ekko
and then have the dream team ready, Sejuani, Annie, and the rest.
Then you can just tell your boss, “Sir, please use your ult!” and then Pentakill.
Then you could just be like, “Wow,,, Nice shot, Sir!”. That’s Ekko right there, that’s what he’s all about.
As you know, our goal is not necessarily to show you the one best way to play the champions
but the many different ways that the champion could be played in a fun way
Please keep these four suggestions in mind as you play Ekko.
Jung-Gyun Kim`s Tip : You can`t run away from me! kid pursuer Ekko
Dae-Young Son`s Tip : Follow me! Super bullet-proof initiator
Min Kang`s Tip : Ikk, Ekko! Takkeyon style
Couldtempler`s Tip : Time freeze. Upgraded assassin.
So now we move on to the part of the show where we invite a pro-player. Today we have a really special guest.
Coach Kim, could you do the honors?
Why is he so nervous again all of a sudden?
No I’m not! Well, there’s really not enough words to describe this player,
I think we should just show everyone who it is, this is pretty exciting.
Let’s do it.
OK, allow me to introduce… Sang-Hyuk Lee.
Hi everyone, my name is Sang-Hyuk Lee, I am the mid-liner for SKT.
Faker! Faker! World’s BEST Mid! WBM! WBM!
Wow, I think this is just such a huge honor for my family.
What? What do you mean?
I’m gonna tell my son as soon as I get home that I was in the same show as Faker.
This is an auspicious moment for God of Ip LoL, it’s unbelievable that Coach Kim actually brought Faker…
No, No. We need to be very clear, he had nothing to do with this at all.
Really? he didn’t do anything?
Oh, so Coach Kim didn’t bring him…
Did you happen to watch Coach Kim when he debuted on our show last time?
Ah, yes, I watched it.
And what did you think?
Actually… I didn’t watch it.
SKT players don’t really watch Coach Kim’s programs.
I’m actually really good friends with Faker.
What? You’re making that up!
Please, enough of that
Seriously, ask him
This guy is always about the politics
Ask him for real just ask him. Just ask the man.
You think he’s going to say no here?
Alright, let’s get to the bottom of this. When is Faker’s birthday?
What, why would I remember a guy’s birthday?
Moving on. So Faker, what was your first impression of the new champion Ekko?
Hmm, I thought he could be a really interesting champ because of his ability to turn back time,
and when I actually go to play him he really was a lot of fun.
A little complicated, but definitely worth it.
Do you think he suits you?
Yes, I think so.
Is there any champ that doesn’t suit Faker?
The first few rounds were difficult…
That is such a weak question.
Stop with the cheap questions.
Everything goes well with Faker.
Hey, let’s maintain some standards here, please.
I think I underestimated Faker. I sincerely apologize.
He was actually trying to help out with the interview
He’s just greedy.
You’re bringing down the standards of this show.
You can’t be comparing Faker with other mid-liners
This is Faker, it’s Faker
Yes, this is Faker
So in the beginning, there were some complications, but now you’re all settled in?
Yes, after another few more rounds, I think I got a handle on how this champ works
Wow, you already mastered it… Already…
So Faker, have you ever, as an LoL pro-player,
ever wanted to turn back time?
Wow, really cheap question.
What? Can’t we throw that out there when the champion’s skill is time travel?
Well, I never really thought about that.
You know why? Because Min really wants to go back to the LCK way back when
Me too, me too!
No, I do not. Not me. I don’t want to go back. Nope.
At least to the time before he lost his job.
Anyone can tell that Min has the most reason to turn back time.
What the… I’ve never been happier than I am now
Ok Whatever.
Yeah things really worked out for you this last gig, Min
Time to actually play out the strategies with Faker’s Ekko.
Mission game play!
Faker and the Gods of Ip LoL will try out two of the combo strategies
First mission, the “Follow me” combo
Protect Faker at all cost!
If Faker dies, the mission fails
Second mission, the last hit combo
Help Faker make a Pentakill
If at least one of the missions succeed, Faker will select an MVP who will be awarded additional time for their self-promotion for the end-of-show vote.
The horrible penalty for getting the least votes is to remove their wig and deliver the ending comment for the show.
Can the Gods of Ip LoL and Faker complete the missions?
First, I’m sure everyone would really be interested to know what rune and mastery settings Faker would use on Ekko.
Since it’s my first time playing Ekko, I’m just going to go with the standard AP champion settings, 21-0-9 for masteries, and standard AP champion runes.
I really like the leveling CDR, so I put that in there.
So we are in the game now. What are your starting items?
Hmm, I think I’m going with the flask, since he’s a melee champ.
So starting with the flask, and loading up on potions even at the cost of starting a little late.
Yes, even if you buy a flask and wait to get 4 potions, you won’t miss a single minion
Anyone that lets Faker die should retire immediately
Yes, if you let him die, immediate retirement.
And then you can slide into that job?
No, no. It’s not for me
Hey, but you don’t have a job to retire from.
No, so it doesn’t apply to me. I’m just saying you should play with that mindset.
I’m just saying that it’s that important
So starting off as a battle between melee champ and a ranged champ…
oh… letting go with the Q? oh, trading some hits…
If I get third hit, then faster movement speed, usually melee champs have to take a few hits when pulling out
but Ekko can get out faster, with less damage.
Ah, I used W too late, again.
Well, looks like our top lane is doing really well
It’s best to lay down a W before starting to trade hits
Ah, since W takes a little time, you need to use it in advance…
Oh, Evelynn
Come to top, ult on.
Ah, so always lay down W on the retreating route.
Oh, wait?
A counter play?
I don’t think I’ll get it
I should have told you
Faker, here I am. I’m here, Faker, I’m here
Coach Kim, what are you doing??
I’m going, I’m going. Sivir is coming too.
Get around, circle around wide
Ah~ take me take me, I’ll die
There’s more, there’s more. Mundo, Mundo. We have to just get him, and get out.
Good. Good job
Faker, Faker!
Go. Go. Go in.
Going in. Slow then stun? Ah~
I’m pulling out, pulling out. Save me, Save me! OK OK
Faker, Faker
Faker, you have me. I got you
Everyone is now prohibited from saying Faker
You can use Ekko’s ult to return to lane with his ult so let’s buy this item.
And after buying your items
As long as you use your ult within 4 seconds, you can return to lane.
Uhhh… I need to tell you guys something… Min is abandoning his lane to go mid
I’ll use my ult for you!
Gather mid as soon as your ult is up!
Ekko gives out percent damage to targets with less than 30% HP
What? What are you doing?
Hey, hey, hey, Ekko, what are you doing? We need to wait for Lulu.
Lulu, make me bigger.
Ekko. Take Varus out
I’ll use my ult here to get Ahri.
Hey, Mundo’s on me. Mundo come to me.
Nice Faker. I got you. I got you.
I’m going in
OK~ Faker
Can we get Lulu’s ultimate?
If I get her here, then stun her..
Faker, at least you should live
Oh, did the stun go in?.
Flash? Really?
I think I will live
But that fight wasn’t to our benefit, so…
Take Alistar out first. They’re all here
Ah, Sivir!
Give me something. Give me something. What are you doing?
The Buff is for Ekko
Kayle had an ult!
I saw Evelynn with the Pink ward
Get back. I’m using my ult here.
Vayne isn’t here
Going in with the ult and hitting stun. Wow~
I’m just gonna take out Ali then back out.
Wow, Faker is the bomb!
Oh, Ali. Go up and take them out one by one
Ah, I think we gonna win this
I’ll give you MS buff
Yea, I think we got this.
Wow, Faker
I’ll take the hit for you. I’ll take it, just run.
I’m here
Wait Wait~?
W, stun
Oh, Stun! Nice~!
Got her~!
Slowdown hits
Omg~ Faker~!!
This is like a nightmare, we’re like on the top and bottom and just screaming out OMG~ Faker!
Ali has no flash. I’m dead.
Ahh, what are you guys doing?
Ahri has ult
Ooohhh, you can’t curse here. You’ve been off the air too long.
W looks pretty awesome,
especially with the skin.
Omg! Faker said 'W looks pretty awesome especially with the skin!'
I have no HP. Are we gonna fight?
It’s OK even if you’re low.
Ambush Stun!!
Faker, il go around you
They are all at the bottom
Movement Speed, Movement Speed
Let’s check it out first
Ult, ult, hit me with your ult
Faker! Let’s go
Hey Faker, where are you? I’ve got my ult up, we can fight.
Faker, Faker, Faker.. Come here
I have Zhonya. I have Zhonya
I still have my ult too
Lulu’s ult!!! What?
What are you doing Cloudtemplar??
Uh, I thought it was Zhonya first.
He used it on himself
I thought he was gonna use his ult on me first.
So I have Zhonya means I’m gonna use Zhonya first?
W works for vision check as well.
Oh, vision check..
Yes, and since it has a quiet long spell range, it’s good for checking baron as well.
On my way now…
My ult is up in 10 secs, I have Zhonya.
Faker, Faker, No!! Faker!!
Cover me
Lulu’s ult. Oh? Dash in with E and ult is on so going back in
I got Vayne. Vayne
Hit Vayne. And the buff!
3 hits, ah, 3 hits
Wow, Lulu was amazing
No, no. that was me! I did it.
So our first mission “Follow Me” combo failed with the death of Faker.
I’m so sorry, I should have covered Faker better
Ah, I should have used my Zhonya earlier
Since I went flask the last time, I’ll go with Doran’s Ring to see how that feels
OK, this time with Doran’s Ring
What? A lane swap?
This game is completely separate from the last game.
Yeap, it’s a lane swap.
The enemy just lane swapped.
Omg, this is LCS or something?
Il get him as well
He’s coming around and you got him there.
Yes, Ekko’s Q skill is easy to make it on target since it has bigger range.
I like that W timing. Right on spot, wow
We got this one.
Stun, and flashed
We got it. Nice. Annie did well in there
Annie earned 1 points from Faker
Uh? I should have one
Faker, nice shot
What What?
It’s ok, It’s ok
I’m here, I’m here. Ashe! Ult please. NOW NOW!!
I used it to mid. Faker, get ready. It’s gonna hit
Going in and then stun 3 guys. Stunned 3 guys and there goes Ashe’s ult! Wow~
We got stuns! Stun!
We got Gragas and one more stun. Annie takes the attention and get them all.
Wow, I made this set-up. This is definitely mine.
Uh? I think I got him. I got him! I got him! Faker, Get them!
Go Go Go Go Sejuani! Follow him
I’m watching
Wow~ really?
Got them stunned
They couldn’t dodge this stun. You got them, right?
Last hit, last hit, last hit!
Oh, man, manners please, come on.
I totally backed out for him, I’m sorry.
Ughh? I can’t believe you messed that up?
That was… cute
If you play Ekko for first time, this could be one of the mistakes. So please be careful
Ah, I like this attitude.
I think they are taking our blue
I’ll go
Hey everyone! Protect it
Faker! Protect blue!
Omg, Smite.
Get him! Get Gragas
Get him, Get him. No matter what, Just get him!
Chase, chase, chase, all the way, all the way, all the way, kill! kill! kill!
I have to eat blue. Just keep going.
No flash. Last hit. Last hit. OK. Let’s go. Let’s go.
I’ll use my arrow, got it, got it. No, too fast.
Do you have your ult?
That was close
Faker, shall we get this?
Yes if you have ult, yes
Get him! Got him!
Let’s pull out then
What are you guys doing?
I am getting a headache for real
Why, Why, Why?
Can you check the blue on the other side?
I’m on it
Everyone. Our Faker doesn’t have blue
What, we can’t let that happen
I don’t think Ekko needs blue all that much, but still…
Kalista is coming. Kalista
We need that Pentakill. Uh? Annie? Did you just take some of that XP? Faker’s XP?
Oh, back up, back up, Back up! Just leave it
I’m backing up
I slowed them
Oh, Kalista!
Ah, I could go back with ult
I’ll die for you, Faker
Save him!
I got you. I got you
Oh, they just made a predictive shot
I’m coming. On my way.
I made them frozen
No flash on them
Just live Faker. Get out Faker!
Save him! Save him! Just ult!
I’m backing up now.
I’ll take the heat from the side
Using W
Faker. Uh? What is this?
Uh? Death sentence?
Hey, my ult up in 2 second. Move back a bit.
Ah, I couldn’t stun them. Uh? I think they’re dead.
Faker, Let me take the fall. I’ll die for you.
Wow, he survived from this.
So looks like we have the game advantage, but the mission is getting the Pentakill. Shouldn’t we try?
We can push the tower or get Baron… get sight on him and I could ult as an initiator
With W in the back
No not yet, not yet, not yet… Ohhh I don’t hink that’s it
Can we still back up?
Zhonya, Zhonya, Zhonya!
We have noob in this game. Don’t go in Faker.
Should we fight this now?
I don’t have flash yet
I’m going in. There are 5 of them
I think we need to take them from the front
I’ll take the hits. I’ve been saving my ult too.
I spiced them all up for you guys. I did
We have to get them from the front
From the front. First get Renekton. Stun Renekton.
Renekton first?
I think we could make it Penta
They’re ults are gone
Back up back up ult ult ult!!
Ult and BAM! One, two, three
Four, Quadra
Faker, faker, I get this right? I made this, right?
Faker, Faker, Faker, Faker! I stunned four in the front
No, no, I saw it all and it was Faker he did it all by himself
Faker, you were awesome
Everyone did a great job, everyone
I was in there the very first and I stalled them
Go? Go?
I’m going back, going back, let’s do it, back back
Kalista here
One more Penta kill?
One more??
Get Thresh first
Got it got it Chogath Chogath locked down
Don’t kill him. Don’t kill him
I’m just hitting all of them equally
Here, take it take it take it take it
I’m hitting I’m hitting I’m hitting
Spread the damage, I’m diving in diving in. I’m tanking I’m tanking.
I did everything I can. Everything.
Still hitting, Two.
Chogath, Chogath
I have Zhonya I have Zhonya
Zhonya, four! Double Penta really?
I’m tanking, I’m tanking, I’m tanking
Penta kill!!
Too easy.
I made this
I think our combo was really tight
No, no it’s got nothing to do with the combo
Yeah I already told you, nice shot Faker
Should we try another Pentakill right away, after going home?
Back up all the way and then return for ambush?
Chogath I’ll snare Chogath.
Faker, take this, take it! Ohhh man.
I was trying to snare it but then Ashe auto hit
You did that on purpose
So our second match was a victory! And we got our mission.
In a lane battle, Ekko should trade hits by going in for three hits and pulling out,
and taking advantage of the speed boost passive to gain the advantage.
Q deals higher damage on its way back
W has a delay so it’s important to use it in advance and then dash in for full effect
In the early stages, your ult can be best used to return to lane or to evade ganks.
The best combo when running away is to cast W on your trail
and then sync the ult to go back for instant stun and damage
I think my item build is the most perfect set for late game
Faker, how was it to actually play Ekko?
After playing with him, how was it?
I think I started to get a handle on him around the end of the second match
and I think he’s a really good champion for me.
Let’s go ahead and ask Faker to pick the MVP and the most disruptive player.
Remember, the world of competitive gameplay is cold as ice.
In the last hit combo Pentakill, who was the most helpful?
I think everyone did a great job, so I think I need to hear everyone’s own interpretation
We really need to listen closely to this
A Pentakill can only happen when there’s enough power,
I was the one that presented the first Penta to Faker.
Wow, you’re taking up a lot of time
Wow, you remember all that?
Keep it short
I used my ult in the mid lane as soon as I got it, I think I provided the most assist,
I think I provided the most assist,
I even dealt W and slowdown as I moved aside.
He’s distorting the truth.
No interruptions, and don’t even…
They’re not that close, are they?
Faker should know.
I went mid the most often, and it was my sacrifice that set up the first Penta.
I drained them of their ults and spiced them all up. Faker should know.
Now Cloudtemplar?
It was really just getting too long and we had to make that Penta, so I took allt he hits,
I was the main tanker.
Ah ha~ the tanker…
Actually, at the end of the day, I was just so happy to be playing with Faker.
I’m satisfied with that. I’m happy with that.
Wow, that was deep.
Well, I was also…
Alright, the moment of truth. Faker will now pick the number 1 and number 4 most valuable player.
Honestly, all four did such a great job so this is a bit of a dilemma…
but I think Coach Son was…
What? Coach Son?
By just a little
By a little??
Just slightly, I think he did slightly better
I agree
Ok, now who’s fourth one?
Ah, and the fourth one is...
Wow I’m nervous
Let me step in here and speak on behalf of Faker,
everyone did really well, but by a slight edge…
You did that last show too.
I’m really sorry but, Min was the…
Need some help? Or do you want to do the honors?
Help me out.
Help him take off his wig, or his final comment! Or Something!
Wow, he’s really excited but if we have to do this anyway,
I’ll just set that down right here.
That must feel so cool
Yes, very cool, this could actually be a good thing
Hey hey hey, easy easy. It’s really tight. How is it?
Wow, you look pretty good still
Looks a little like that old lady in the cooking show
Semi- looks like that cooking old lady
OK so now, we’re ready for today’s final comments, expectations for Ekko, and a shout out to the Summoners.
So starting with Coach Son in first place?
So I think I showed you everything in today’s game, which Faker himself acknowledged.
I don’t consider myself a good player. But even though I’m not very good, my strategy worked out.
I think this shows how much potential this champion has, and just how easy it is to strategize with him.
This shows that everyone can do it as well. I think that everyone should vote for me.
How about Coach Kim?
Yes. I think Ekko is a great champion to play with friends.
Because he can chase down and in LAN party games he can really be a lot of fun.
LAN parties... yes we play a lot of that too…
You know, let’s say Min is on the other team. I can’t just hit him,
or someone who you don’t really like, you can really take them down, I think that’s great
Right, so he is the best pursuit assassin. Same point you made earlier.
First of all, Ekko is Faker
I mean, why do you play LoL? Because you want to be the hero, you want to carry the game,
but then things just don’t work out, you make a few mistakes,
but then you can turn that all back and become Faker,
this champ gives you the chance to be Faker. Everyone should really try it out.
My Ip LoL comment is simple. I am Cloudtemplar, the original God of Ip LoL.
Oh, are we supposed to be also giving our final comments on Ekko?
Uh, well, I think everyone had the same opportunity for comments, so.
I prepared something for the show…
OK, moving on moving on
No, No. Coach Son was MVP so he gets that chance. Go ahead, you’re up.
Ekko is like a solo in a concerto.
We say how he can pull together some epic, standing ovation plays,
and this was like the solo part in a concerto… that’s Ekko.
That’s why he’s like a solo.
Got it.
You should just solo queue by youself then.
Now, madame chef?
I think that in LoL, it’s important to have fun playing, but it’s also just as important to be fun to watch
Ekko fulfills both of these things.
Yes. Watching Faker play Ekko was really mesmerizing.
Fun to watch too?
Yes. It was really rivetting.
So that’s why you were all over the place, you were too busy watching the game.
Yes, I was watching Faker’s moves more than my scenes.
Then, make one last comment for you to become God of LoL Talk for today.
Well… I leave that to everyone, what words can I say
I think he’s really sorry
Did I really have to take this off and? I can’t really see what I look like,
but I’m sure everyone knows how hard I’m trying to make sure everyone enjoys the show.
So this wraps up the Ekko episode of God of Ip LoL.
It was great to have the best pro-player, mid-liner, Faker here with us to learn about Ekko,
Ekko really showed himself to be a champion that can carry the game with style, just like Faker.
I hope this show inspires everyone to go out and play Ekko and experience it themselves.
Alright then, when I say “Faker Meets Ekko,” you say “God of Ip LoL” and strike the official pose to close.
Faker meets Ekko! God of Ip LoL!
Do I have to do this too?
Faker meets Ekko! God of Ip LoL!