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  • During WWII, British Security Service or MI5 had a program called the Double XX system.

  • It was a counter-espionage system that relied on spies and double agents to spread disinformation.

  • For example, agent Zigzag (or Eddie Chapman) leaked falsified information to Germany by

  • reporting that their bombs where hitting the intended target, Central London. But in reality,

  • they where undershooting by several kilometers and missed every single time. Because of this,

  • the Germans never corrected their aim and continued to undershoot for the rest of the

  • war. Another disinformation plan was Operation Mincemeat. The British attached falsified

  • top secret documents to a corpse and dumped it outside the coast of Spain. When the German

  • high command got a hold of the documents they where fooled into believing that British forces

  • planned to invade Greece and Sardinia and quickly moved to intercept. In reality, the

  • intended target was Sicily and the Allies took on the Axis powers by surprise. And while

  • the Nazis had trouble identifying these spies and double agents, Britain's Double XX system

  • was extremely successful. In fact after the war, it was discovered that every single agent

  • that Germany sent to Britain had either been apprehended or simply surrendered.

  • The only exception was one agent who was never detected...

  • because he committed suicide.

  • An incredible amount of bombs where dropped during WWII. It's been estimated that the

  • Allies dropped 3.4 million tons of explosives across Europe and Asia. That's 27,000 tons

  • every month. What's even scarier is that anywhere between 5-15% never detonated.

  • Which means that they are still buried beneath our feet, waiting to explode at any given moment. In

  • Germany alone over 5500 bombs are discovered every year.

  • During the final months of the war, the horrifying Japanese unit called Unit 731 planned for

  • a long-distance biological attack on the United States. The attack had no military value but

  • was seen as a final attempt to dissuade the US from invading the Japanese mainland. They

  • called it "Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night". Five submarines were to be sent across the

  • Pacific Ocean, each carrying three aircrafts loaded with plague-infected fleas. The submarines

  • would then surface near the coast of San Diego and launch several kamikaze attacks on the

  • city. The plague would in turn infect people in the area and slowly kill off the population.

  • The operation was to be carried out on September 22nd, 1945. However, because the US used an

  • equally devastating weapon (the atomic bomb) only a month before,

  • Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night never took place.

  • At the end of the war, Japan and Russia never signed a formal peace treaty ending hostilities.

  • So between them, WWII is technically still ongoing.

  • The word Nazi originate from the German word "Nationalsozialist". However when Hitler became

  • the leader of the group in 1920 the original abbreviation for the National Socialist Party

  • was Nasos or simply NSDAP. But the word Nazi also derives from a Bavarian word meaning

  • "simple minded" or "a foolish person". It's believed that this lead opposers to instead

  • favor the term Nazi and the word eventually made its way back to Germany as well.

  • The most successful German interrogator of WWII was man named Hanns Scharff. What's interesting

  • is that despite all the horrible things that occurred during WWII, he never once used any

  • torture techniques to conduct his interrogations. Instead, he treated prisoners with kindness

  • and respect and pretended to be their friend. Hanns was well known for taking his prisoners

  • on a stroll through the nearby woods. But he didn't use these nature walks as a time

  • to directly ask his prisoners obvious military-related questions, but instead relied on the prisoners'

  • growing desire to speak to anyone outside of their isolated captivity. In doing so prisoners

  • often revealed bits and pieces of useful information Hanns had been instructed to acquire. Frequently

  • without them ever realizing they had done so. His techniques where so successful that

  • after the war, he held lectures around the US including the Pentagon about his unusual

  • interrogation strategies.

  • In early 1940, the Nazis began their occupation of Denmark to facilitate a planned invasion

  • of the strategically more important target Norway. As the Danish government was unprepared

  • and heavily outnumbered, the invasion only lasted a couple of hours until they where

  • forced to surrender. Despite of this, Denmark managed to save almost their entire Jewish

  • population. In 1943 Hitler ordered all Danish Jews to be arrested and deported. When the

  • Danish resistance movement heard of this they managed to secretly evacuate 7,220 of Denmarks'

  • 7,800 Jews to nearby neutral Sweden.

  • During WWII it was difficult for the Coca-Cola Co. in Germany to import the necessary syrup

  • they needed to make Coca-Cola. To circumvent this, the head of Coca-Cola decided to create

  • a new product for the German market using only ingredients available at the time. The

  • new soda became "Fanta". The name was taken from the German word for imagination "Fantasie".

  • When Hitler visited Paris in 1940, the French cut the lift cables on the Eiffel Tower so

  • that if Hitler wanted to visit the summit, he would have to climb all the 1,710 steps

  • on his own. As a result of this, Hitler never climbed the Eiffel Tower and it has been said

  • that Hitler conquered France but never conquered the Eiffel Tower.

  • As the war came to an end, The Red Army marched into Nazi Germany and came across an horrific sight.

  • During the four and a half years of its existence, 1.3 million people where sent to Auschwitz.

  • 1.1 million of them would never leave.

  • The acts of inhumanity and cruelty conducted here

  • can not be expressed through words. But for many of those fortunate enough to be liberated,

  • the nightmare had only just begun. Female survivors fell victims of rape by their supposed

  • saviors as they tried making their way back home. Tens of thousands of women across Europe

  • were plainly raped to death as The Red Army marched on.

  • It has infamously become known as The Rape of Europe.

  • The ones who managed to return home in the hopes of continuing their normal lives

  • where crushed to find their homes either destroyed or now owned by someone else.

  • With no home, no belongings, no money, and many without relatives or friends as they

  • had all been killed in the war. Would find themselves struggling to survive

  • long after the war ended.

  • Over the course of the war, Auschwitz was staffed by roughly 7,000 members of the German SS.

  • Only 15% of whom were either killed or later convicted of war crimes.

  • Such as the commander of Auschwitz who was captured in 1946 and then hanged in 1947.

  • The ones who managed to escape could enjoy a fairly comfortable life in post-war Germany.

  • Some even managed to escape Germany altogether using fake identities.

  • Never facing the consequences of the crimes they had committed...

During WWII, British Security Service or MI5 had a program called the Double XX system.


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B1 中級 美國腔

10大事實 - 第二次世界大戰 (Top 10 Facts - World War II)

  • 244 21
    Gengyu Wu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日