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  • To correctly cook barley, start with a pan on medium-high heat. Next, take your barley

  • and pour it into the pan. The barley is going to expand about two to three times its size

  • so you want to make sure that your stock pot's big enough to hold that. Allow your barley

  • to toast for just a second it'll help bring out the nutty flavor. Once your barley is

  • toasted go ahead and add about two times the amount of liquid. I like to use chicken stock

  • or beef stock, it helps bring out extra flavor within the product. Next, bring your liquid

  • to a boil and then a simmer. Allow your barley to cook thirty to forty minutes until it's

  • nice, soft and chewy. Barley, when it's complete, should have looked like its expanded about

  • two to three times it shape. It's also got a pearled look to it. And that is how you

  • cook barley.

To correctly cook barley, start with a pan on medium-high heat. Next, take your barley


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B2 中高級 美國腔

烹飪技巧:如何煮大麥 (Cooking Tips : How to Cook Barley)

  • 204 12
    Mr.chen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日