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  • - Oh my God, Chandler Bing, ah!

  • (upbeat music)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hey, I'm Laj Najiv from India.

  • - My name is Andero Arerro,

  • I'm from Mexico City, Mexico.

  • - I'm from Berlin, Germany.

  • - I'm from Scotland.

  • - I'm from New Zealand.

  • - And I'm from Israel.

  • - And I'm from London, England.

  • I'm from Saigon, Veitnam,

  • and this is my attempt at the American accent.

  • Since my husband is from Michigan,

  • I decided I would do a midwestern accent.

  • Last time I went out with Brad

  • he spilled Faygo and Better Made chips

  • all over me at the Tiger's game.

  • My name is Tim.

  • You can call me Mit, it's backwards for Tim.

  • In Minnesota, you know all those people up there.

  • I love hockey man, and I was like,

  • "Oh, yeah, I love hockey too."

  • I love me some good Wisconsin cheese.

  • Hello there, I'm from America,

  • and I say words like aluminum

  • and spell color without the U.

  • I literally love bacon.

  • Bacon is love.

  • Bacon is everything.

  • Okay, so let's get back home to New York,

  • we like it over here.

  • Brooklyn's in the house.

  • So the last time I was in New York,

  • I was with a friend of mine called Joe.

  • You know, he looked at me and said,

  • "Did you (bleep) my wife?"

  • God that was very, very bad.

  • Hey, forget about it.

  • All right, already.

  • Get out of here.

  • Let's go to the store to get some coffee.

  • I would like a Dunkin' Donut.

  • How you doin'?

  • My name is Mike, I'm from Joysey.

  • You want to go over to Manhatten,

  • maybe get a slice, some coyffee?

  • I don't know, forget about it!

  • Eh, I'm walking here!

  • I think my favorite American accent to do

  • is the southern accent,

  • just cause I like the way that they talk,

  • and the way they pronounciate the words.

  • To me, the southern accent sounds like this,

  • I'm going to chew tobacco all night long.

  • I was always saying to myself,

  • "Jump on the horse, cowboy, and do your best."

  • Hey there, ma'am,

  • you all seem a little bit lost

  • and I thought I could come and help out.

  • Hey, ya'll, I'm from Alabama.

  • I live with my grandmom and my dog,

  • my, my dog, my (laughs)

  • I can't not do a New York accent.

  • So I'm going to do California.

  • And your eyebrows are like, um, sleek,

  • is that the word?

  • Like, oh my God,

  • it's like making fetch happen.

  • He's just really hot,

  • and like, I don't know, whatever,

  • like we just hooked up,

  • what's the big deal?

  • Josh is my (mumbling)

  • totally hot, six pack abs.

  • Josh, he's like so poor,

  • he doesn't have any money.

  • Like Josh, get your act together,

  • buy me some presents, yo.

  • It's the small things in our lives,

  • that keep us rolling and keep us going.

  • So we got to know how to appreciate those things, right?

  • - Most of the comedy we watch (mumbling) and sitcoms

  • are American.

  • This is just how we think you guys talk.

  • So no hard feelings, and peace out.

  • - [man] When I think of the midwest

  • I think of tornadoas in a big dust bowl,

  • and people doing absolutely nothing at all.

  • Every single Indian who goes down to America

  • and then comes back,

  • comes back talking like this.

  • So yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Best of luck to you guys.

- Oh my God, Chandler Bing, ah!


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A2 初級

世界各地的人們嘗試美國口音 (People Around The World Try An American Accent)

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    zhixiu0223 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日