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  • [Jacob Bronowski] Man is a singular creature

  • He has a set of gifts which make him unique among the animals

  • So that unlike them, he is not a figure in the landscape

  • He is the shaper of the landscape

  • [Alice Roberts] We are all children of Africa

  • They say this is where it all began

  • [Bronowski] In a parched African landscape

  • Man first put his foot to the ground

  • [Roberts] Africa was our only home

  • for tens of thousands of years

  • until a small handful of people made their way out of Africa

  • [Carolyn Porco] These beings with soaring imagination

  • Eventually flung themselves and their machines Into interplanetary space

  • These beings with soaring imagination

  • Eventually flung themselves and their machines Into interplanetary space

  • [Roberts] We are all children of africa

  • This landscape has been home to humans Two hundred thousand years

  • [Porco] We have come so far

  • All of this is cause for great celebration

  • We have come so far

  • This is a story about us

  • [Roberts] Those early Europeans

  • Were people like you and me

  • But it is humbling When you see the challenges they faced

  • People like you and me

  • Overcame the Neaderthals

  • People like you and me

  • Made it through the ice age

  • [Porco] These beings with soaring imagination

  • Eventually flung themselves and their machines Into interplanetary space

  • [Jane Goodall] We are not the only beings With personalities, minds, and feelings

  • Chimpanzees have very clear personalities

  • [Robert Sapolsky] Take a chimp brain foetally

  • And let it go two or three more rounds of division And out comes symphonies and ideology

  • [Goodall] We are not the only beings

  • [Neil de Grasse Tyson] Everything that we are That distinguishes us from chimps

  • Emerges from that one percent Difference in DNA

  • [Roberts] People like you and me

  • Overcame the Neaderthals

  • People like you and me

  • Made it through the ice age

  • [Porco] These beings with soaring imagination

  • Eventually flung themselves and their machines Into interplanetary space

  • These beings with soaring imagination

  • Eventually flung themselves and their machines Into interplanetary space

  • [David Attenborough] Using his burgeoning intelligence, This most successful of all mammals

  • Has exploited the environment to produce food For an ever increasing population.

  • Instead of controlling the environment For the benefit of the population

  • Perhaps it's time we controlled the population To allow the survival of the environment

  • CC by Anderson Lobo

[Jacob Bronowski] Man is a singular creature


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B1 中級 英國腔

科學交響曲--"非洲兒童"(我們的故事) (Symphony of Science - "Children of Africa" (The Story of Us))

  • 133 7
    陈枫 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日