字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey this is MatSan 嘿這是MatSan And welcome to our culture section 歡迎來到我們的文化篇 today we're going to talk about 今天我們要聊的是 so let's get into it 波蘭有但台灣沒有的事物 our registration plate 第二集! in Poland 我們馬上開始吧 we have the numbers and letters 這是什麼 firstly we have the letters 車牌 the codes in the beginning 我們波蘭的車牌 English codes 有包括英文字母和數字 these can be 2 letters or 3 letters 但首先 everything depends on the city 會先是英文字母 and on the voivodeship region 英文代碼在前面 that your car was registrated 這些英文代碼可以是兩碼或三碼 take your car as example 取決於 you're from Lublin 你車子註冊在哪個城市 so the code in the begging will be LU 還有哪個省 and then following by random numbers 沒錯 from the car plates 打個比方 you can see which city this person comes from, right? 拿你的車做比喻好了 yea 你從Lublin來的 that's quite interesting 車牌前面的代碼就會是LU and it's also our interest 再來就是接著亂碼 when we're driving on the road 從車牌上 and I'm like: oh there's a car from Gdańsk 你就可以看出這台車是從哪來的 oh there's a car from Kraków 對 it's pretty fun 那還滿有趣的 it's quite interesting on the streets in Poland to see that 還有這也是我們平常的興趣 and in Taiwan 當我們開車在路上時 we don't 哦那台車從Gdańsk來的 the numbers are usually random 哦那台從Kraków來的 we use indicators 其實還滿好玩的 and flash of our lights 在波蘭的路上 on the road to inform about something 看到這樣滿好玩的 so for example 在台灣 when you're passing the car 我們沒有這樣做 and the car let you pass them 通常數字都是隨意排的 they give you some space to pass them easily 在馬路上 for you to avoid the car 我們用警示燈,還有閃大燈 you will usually thank them 來告訴別人一些事 by thanking 當你在超車時 we use the indicator sign 前面那台車讓路給你超的時候 which is this broken car indicator, the triangle sign 通常你會說謝謝 you just press it 怎麼說謝謝呢 it's gonna shine for a while 這時我們就會用警示燈 and press it again 三角形的那個燈 so it means thank you? that's it? 你按了下警示燈 and can it means sorry? 燈閃了幾下後 if you do something stupid 就可以關掉了 and you do this as well? 所以這就是說謝謝囉? people sometimes do that as well 那這也能當作說對不起嗎? so it's thank you or sorry 如果你開車時做了蠢事 on the road 就按兩下說聲抱歉 also you can use the flash 人們有時候會這樣做 for exmaple 所以可以是謝謝或對不起 for informing people that they didn't turn their lights on 你也可以用閃大燈 or you can also do the same 譬如說,來提醒其他駕駛他沒開大燈 if you want to inform about the police 或者是你也可以 the person who is 用這方法來提醒其他人附近有警察 facing you 對面有來車的時候 the car is facing you 對面來車 they saw the police is there 他們可能剛經過警車 so they will use the flash as well 他們就會閃大燈 to inform you, there is a police near you 來提醒你警察就在前面 so just slow down 開慢點 it was fun in the beginning for me 一開始對我來說很新鮮 he told me that you can press this indicator to say thank you 他跟我說你可以按警示燈說謝謝 I'm like: wow I'm gonna do it 我就說:哇我要按 we use honk to say thank you 我們是用喇叭說謝謝,叭叭 you don't? 你們不這樣做嗎 no, no 不 we do this only when the accident is going on 我們只有在有意外發生時才按喇叭 or some retard is driving on the street 或是路上有白目在開車的時候才叭 so we sometimes use that 總之,我們會按喇叭說謝謝 to say thank you 讓我想到GTA V reminds me of GTA V 販賣酒類給酒醉者 in Poland, we got a law 波蘭有條法律 that you can't sell alcohol to drunk people 你不能販賣酒類給已經喝醉的人 not every shop cares about it 不是每間店都在乎這條法律 you can see that regularly that 你還是可以輕易地看到 people actually sell alcohol to the drunken one 店家賣酒給喝醉的人 but in Taiwan, there's even not a law like this, right? 不過在台灣是連這樣的法律都不存在嗎 yes, so far as I know 目前據我知道的 there's no law like this 我們沒有關於這的特殊法條 but 但是 I think it's because 我覺得這也是因為喝酒問題 people are not drinking that much in Taiwan 在台灣不是主要的社會問題 drinking is not a problem in Taiwan 所以這樣的規範沒有明確的被列出 so we don't have this kind of law strictly being set 不過 but 我看了些新聞 I read some news 因為酒後肇事是個受矚目的問題 because 所以 drink and drive, it is a problem 因為這些酒後肇事的意外 because of these accidents 社會上有些人試著提升這話題的重要性 people are trying to raise this topic 或許我們該正式這問題,設立明確的規範 maybe we should set this law 就像其他的歐美國家一樣 like European countries, like America 但是 but I don't hear much voice about this 現在我不太聽到媒體上有在討論這議題 and the next thing 姓名日 Poland got Name's day, but Taiwan doesn't have it 下一個 Name's Day is different than birthday in Poland, right? 波蘭有「姓名日」但台灣沒有 so you can have 2 birthdays basically? 在波蘭,姓名日跟生日是不一樣的,對吧? I would say 所以基本上你可以過兩次生日? younger generation don't do that at all now 我會說 we have Name's day 年輕一代不太過姓名日了 for example, I don't even know when is my Name's Day 當然,姓名日還是存在的 everytime my grandma is calling me 但像我就不知道我姓名日是哪一天 she called and said: happy Name's day 然後每一次 I'm super surprised 我奶奶就會打電話給我 because I don't even know I have Name's day on that day 來祝我姓名日快樂 how does it work about this Name's day? 我每次都很驚訝 we've got a calendar with names there 因為我根本不記得那天就是我的姓名日 and your name.... 你可以解釋一下姓名日嗎 for example 我們年曆上的每一天都有註明名字在上面 your name shows up at 16th of June 譬如說 so that means on 16th of June, you got your Name's day 你的名字出現在 so is there lots of names in one day? 六月十六日 sometimes there are 2 names 這表示這一天就是你的姓名日 sometimes...I don't know, maybe 3 所以一天內會有很多個名字嗎? Poland doesn't really do Name's day right now 有時候一天會有兩個名字 it's mostly about older generations 甚至一天有三個名字 because 波蘭現在比較不盛行過這節日了 they treat it as a birthday 這比較是老一輩的人在過的 they don't... 因為 they don't really... 老一輩的人把姓名日當成生日在過 they are not focusing on birthday 他們不太重視生日,也不太過生日 they are focusing on Name's day more 比較重視的是姓名日 and we're already like birthday people 我們已經是過生日的世代了 so we rather spend time with our friends 所以我們比較喜歡和朋友們一起過「生日」 on birthday 另外我覺得也是因為 and also i think, it's because in Poland 波蘭的名字 the names are generally, pretty much the same 重覆性很高 guys are like: Jacek, Mateusz 男生常見就像是Jacek, Mateusz those few names 就是那幾個名字在重覆 so it's easier for people 也因為如此 to categorize these names 你們可以輕易地歸類名字到一年中的每一天 because in our case 因為如果是我們的名字 everybody got super different names 每一個人的名字都超不一樣的 you can be super creative at names 所以不太可能這樣做 train stations, bus stations 要付錢的公共廁所 you have to pay for the toilet 火車站、公車站 it's pretty bad, because 多數都是付費的公廁 sometimes you even pay 3zł 這滿不方便的 for one pee 因為有時尿一次尿你要付3波幣 (約25台幣) and it's a lot, right? 還滿貴的 yes it's a lot 你就想 just imagine, Poland is pretty big 相較於台灣,波蘭佔地很廣大 comapring to Taiwan 如果你搭客運去旅遊 and if you want to travel by bus 去別的城市玩 to another city 總共4到6小時的車程 which will take you, for example 6hrs or 4hrs 中間會停幾次給你休息的站 there are stops in every station 如果你想上廁所的話 so if you want to pee 每次上都要付錢 you have to pay for evey toilet 另外不太方便的原因 also it's quite inconvenient 因為這個長途旅行 because of this long time travel 你會默默覺得有點小緊張 you're so nervous, because in the bus 因為客運裡面沒有廁所 there's no toilet 有些客運還是有 some buses do 我知道,我是說很多都沒有 I mean, lots of them, they don't 因為這樣,你上車前 in this case, before you travel 就要去上廁所 you need to pee 當然你就會覺得我去上一下好了 of course you need to pee 在客運裡時 and in the bus, you're like 你又會覺得,我不要喝太多水好了 I don't want to drink too much water 因為我也不知道再來會多久之後才能尿 because I don't know when will be the next pee station 你就不會感到那麼放鬆 you're not that relax at driving 很不幸地 unfortunately 這樣來說,火車就勝出了 so in this case, train wins 我不喜歡火車,但火車在這就有優勢 I don't like train, but train wins 因為至少火車附有廁所 cuz train at least has toilet there 你不需要付錢 and you don't have to pay for it 但裡面很髒 but it's disgusting 很臭、很髒 smells, stinks 我有過一次火車的經驗 I had an experience in the train 我去上火車內的廁所 that I went to the toilet 廁所的門鎖有點壞了 and the lock was kind of broken 因為我們搭的那火車也滿舊的了 because that train we took was pretty old 我就想說 I'm like ok,這樣應該鎖好了 ok, it's locked 就開始尿尿 then I'm peeing 尿完後正準備要穿褲子 after pee, I was going to wear my pants 就在我穿上內褲之前 and before I wear my pantie 有個男生就開門了 a guy just OPEN THE DOOR 他真的有看到我的...那裡 he really saw my...there 你的那裡 your there 他欲望馬上燃起 and he got horny 沒有啦 no! 他反應是:噢噢對不起 and he was like: 我整個... oh oh, sorry 這真的好尷尬 and I was like.....this is so awkward 結論就是 the conclusion about this 要在旅行前上廁所又不想付錢的話 to "not to pay before travel" 你可以去車站附近的百貨公司上免費廁所 you can go to the shopping mall 在波蘭投票 next to the train/bus station 她很驚訝她可以進入投票所 she was surprised that she can get into that voting place 就算她在這裡沒有投票權 even she doesn't have any permission to vote 你可以看到 then you can see just some covers (at the voting place) 投票區的遮蓋其實不多,只有幾個板子檔著 not that much 波蘭的秘密投票制度沒那麼嚴格 people in Poland are not so strict about that 沒錯 yes 因為在台灣 because in Taiwan 我們也是都是借用學校的教室投票 we also do the voting at school 但是 usually in the classroom 他們會設立一個投票亭 but 有布簾擋住 they set up like a booth 像是一個密室嗎 with the cover 不是 some kind of chamber? 長得很像拍大頭貼的拍照亭 no, it looks like this photobooth 你可以看到有四個投票亭 yea, looks like that 你領了投票卷後 there are like, 4 of them 跟行政人員領完後 and you get the vote 之後你就可以進入投票亭 this paper 是很保密的投票制度 from those administrators 你不能把自己的票亮給其他人看 and then you get into this booth 另外,台灣是蓋投票章 it's a very secret voting 在波蘭是用筆直接在格子裡打個x來投票 you cannot show your vote to anyone else 書寫跟蓋章的不同投票法 and also 因為如果你寫下了你要投的名字 they've got stamps 這就是變相的 we got X 從字跡洩漏了你的身分和你投的人 yea you just cross the person you want 所以基本的概念就是 and you got stamps 不能洩漏投票機密 we got stamps, yea 你不能秀你的票給大家看 because... 你不能跟你的選票自拍然後上傳Facebook people say that if you write their name 這絕對是違法的 it will be somehow 禮貌 leaking the idea of who you're voting for 在台灣 so the main idea is to 當你去便利商店時 not showing who you vote for 像是711或是波蘭的小青蛙超商 so you can't show your ticket to the public 你不會特別打招呼 or make a selfie with it and upload it onto Facebook 不會特別對店員說: 哈囉,早安 it's definitely illegal 所以你們會直接開始對話 in Taiwan, when you go to convenient store 直接說: 我要買這個那個 like 711 or Żabka this kind of store 或就是簡單的: 嗨 you don't say "hello" 人們不太在乎你開頭有沒有先打招呼 "hi, good morning" to those cashiers 不過在波蘭 so you just start the conversation with 人們很有禮貌 I would like to buy this and that 儘管是對陌生人 yea or just hi 不管在哪,當你要開始一段對話時 doesn't really matter if you say...greeting to them or not 不管是跟收銀員還是誰 but in Poland 你會先說:你好 people are very polite 接著才開始講你要的東西 even to strangers 接著是再見 so 當你購物完之後 whenever you start the conversation with the cashier 你會跟對方說:再見 and so on 謝謝,再見 you say "hello" 對我來說是很有禮貌的 and then you start to say what you want 我們不太這樣做 and "goodbye" 另外像是bon appetit and when you finish your shopping 當我在公司時 you say "goodbye" 儘管那些同事不認識你 "thank you, goodbye!" 他們還是會祝你大飽口福 super, super polite for me 當他們對你說smacznego時,你要回應謝謝 we don't really do that 結束! and about "bon appetit" 動物警示牌 when I'm working in the office 在波蘭 even though those colleagues they don't know you 當你開車在路上時 they still say "smacznego" 你會看到標誌 wish you have a great appetit 警告你這段路可能會有 when they say smacznego 動物穿越馬路到對面的森林 you have to say: thank you 警告牌上你可以看到是一隻動物 dzięki 當你開在波蘭的鄉間道路時 koniec! (the end!) 你可在路旁看到乳牛啊,羊啊 Poland, when you're driving 我每次看到那些乳牛都要驚呼一次 you got signs 因為牠們好可愛! which are informing you that 我也要一隻 there might be animals crossing 大概就是這樣啦 from this forest to that forest 希望你們喜歡這一集 you can see cow and sheep 希望你們有學到更多波蘭和台灣不同之處 when you're driving at the countryside 沒錯 across the city in Poland 請記得在這影片按讚 I'm always so amazed by those cows 訂閱我們的頻道 cuz they're SO CUTE!! 和在底下留言 I want one! 也記得要到我們的Facebook粉絲頁按讚呦 so that's pretty much it 我們愛你 hope you guys enjoy the video 再見 hope you guys learn something more stay juicy! 下次見囉 about differences of Poland and Taiwan 我很juicy!! please still like this video subscribe the channel and comments below :D don't forget about Facebook fanspage we love you as always goodbye! stay juicy! see you next time! I'm juicy!!
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 波蘭 台灣 名字 火車 客運 生日 波蘭有而臺灣沒有的東西#2! (Things Poland has but Taiwan doesn't #2!) 1894 110 阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字