字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey this is MatSan 嘿這是MatSan and welcome to our culture section again 歡迎回到我們的文化篇 today with beer 今天有酒精陪伴 Rubi Rubi Ruby?! Ruby?! it's my dog's name 是我家狗的名字 cheers 主題: 波蘭有但台灣沒有的東西 first thing cheers Poland has hooker 第一件事 both countries have hookers 波蘭有妓女 I mean the place you can find hookers 每個國家都有妓女吧 in Poland it's interesting 我意思是說可以找到妓女的地點 you can find them at the outskirt 在波蘭很有趣 in the forest 你可以在郊區的 not in the forest 森林裡找到她們 near the road 不是在森林裡啦 because 森林旁邊的馬路 we usually drive from city to city 因為 yea and she's so amazed 通常我們都開車去不同城市 oh oh look look 對 她每次看到就很興奮說 even in the winter 你看你看! it's so cold 而且之前在冬天的時候 and they're wearing short skirt 超冷的哦 and just walking near those country road 但她們還是穿著迷你短裙 usually what do people do, if they want these hookers? 漫步在鄉間的道路上 stop by? 通常如果人家要召這些妓,他們都怎麼做? eh you know, I'm not taking hookers 路邊停車嗎? so probably stop by? 你知道,我沒召過妓 what I heard from my... 所以照理是路邊停車吧? sources 我從我的... secret sources?! 線人那聽到的 what I have read 秘密線人嗎?! they actually put them into the car 我讀到的是 drive her somewhere 通常嫖客把她們載到車裡 just do this 把她載到某隱密處 yea so we're always joking that 然後就做了 oh oh oh oh 所以我們每次都在開玩笑說 we should stop by 喔喔喔喔 and ask her: how much? 我們停車 and they'll be like...ehh 我要問她們 多少錢? how much? and then drive away 她們會傻眼 Poland has a law 多少錢? 然後馬上開走 that you cannot... 第二 波蘭有條法律 not only Poland 你不能... ok continue 不只波蘭 Poland and including lots of European countries 好 你繼續 have a law 波蘭還有很多歐盟國 you can't drink outside 有條法律是 drink alcohol outside 你不能在戶外喝酒 so like on the street 不能在外喝含酒精飲品 you cannot 所以像是在街上 in the park, you cannot 不能喝 anywhere 在公園 不能喝 we can say, generally, anywhere outside 任何地方 outside, but there are some 基本上就是戶外 restaurants 不能在戶外喝 但是 so you can just order the beer in the restaurant 有些餐廳有戶外座位 and go outside, take a seat 這種情況你可以從餐廳點酒 and drink it 坐到戶外喝 it's more like 是合法的 you can't really buy the beer 換句話說 and drink it outside 你不能去便利商店買酒 it's different 然後就在戶外喝 because in Taiwan you can 台灣不一樣 people just have picnic outside 在台灣是合法的 in the park 大家就在戶外 and drink beer 在公園野餐 or sitting under the bridge 喝小酒 near the river 或是坐在橋下 drink beer 河畔旁 I mean, we're doing it here as well 喝小酒 but 雖然我們在波蘭也是這樣做 it's illegal hohoho 但是... next one 好像不太合法 呵呵呵 in Poland 下一個 study master degree is for free 在波蘭 what about city? 讀碩士是免費的 if you study bachelor in Lublin 如果換城市呢? I can study master in Warsaw 如果你在Lublin (波蘭城市) 讀大學 doesn't matter which city you're gonna stay 我還是可免費在華沙 (波蘭另城市) 讀碩士 as long as it's in Poland 所以在哪個城市是沒差的 yea 只要在波蘭讀就是免費 awesome 對 you don't have to pay, but only in public school 酷 I don't have master 但只有在公立大學讀碩士是免費 I'm not even study master 我沒碩士學歷 me neither 我也沒打算要讀 I'm not a study person 我也沒讀碩士 so... 我不是讀書的料 f*** this 所以... then it's the stupidest law ever 管他的 made in Poland 再來是我覺得 you have to 波蘭最蠢的一條法律 drive a car with the lights on 政府規定 every single time, even in the day time 你無論何時開車,都要開大燈 yea, with the lights on 儘管是白天開車也要開大燈 but why Mateusz? why? 要開燈哦 there's no why 但為何呢Mateusz? 為何? it's for our safety, Sansan 沒有為什麼 so the government claim 這是為了我們的安全,Sansan it will be safer for people? 所以政府宣稱白天開大燈 yes 對道路駕駛來說比較安全? since 2007 對 people are already like, whatever 從2007年開始 or we even put LED lights 大家已經麻痺了 underneath the actual lights 我們甚至會把LED燈 and put them on 設在大燈下面 so it won't harm your battery that much 然後在白天開LED燈不是車燈 just imagine 這樣對大燈比較不那麼傷 you'll drive in the day time, the night time 你就想 with the lights on 白天開車 晚上開車 so just imagine the condition, consumption of the lights 燈都是開著的 right 這對車燈的耗損率有多大 we don't have this in Taiwan 沒錯 but people are driving perfectly fine 在台灣沒這規定 so 但大家還是開車開得好好的 you can suggest your government... 所以 Tusk! (ex Prime Minister of Poland) 你可以建議你們的政府 not Tusk now Tusk! (波蘭前總理) Ewa! (present Prime Minister of Poland) 現在不是Tusk了 next, voiceover in all TV series Ewa! (波蘭現任總理) it's not like a voiceover of 下一個 所有電視影集都有配音 every single actor 我們的配音 like, there's a woman, covering woman's voice, no 不是每個演員都有不同的配音 what we put is 像是女生配女生的聲音 沒有 you can actually hear the original voice 我們的作法是 and then you have a voice over of a man 你可以聽到原始演員的聲音 of a man 接著你會聽到男配音員 yea, saying all the words 男配音員哦 so it's basically 配所有的對話 one voice over guy 基本上 one film, or one TV series 只有一個配音員 will only have one person 一部電影,一集電視 so it's like 就是一個人負責配所有的音 it's a 3 people conversation 所以想像 so he will be very busy 如果是個三人的對話 speaking for 3 of them 這配音員就會很忙 and it is pretty inconvenient for me to watch TV here, because 同時替三個人配音 I can't understand what the show is about 對我來說看波蘭電視不太方便的是 yes, cause he's too loud 我無法理解這齣到底在演什麼 so you can't really hear the original voice 對 因為配音員很大聲 yes, and it's also very distracting 所以你不太聽的到原始的英文 when you're watching 還有 這其實也滿令人分心的 I don't know for Polish people? 同時雙聲道 of course I prefer subtitles 我不知對你們來講感覺如何? but I like it in this case that 當然我比較喜歡英文發音 波蘭字幕 we don't do it as in Germany 但我喜歡我們的是 that they put the voice over for every of them 我們不是採用德國的作法 like they cut the English talking totally 他們是完全蓋過原始聲音 and they just put the voice over for every person 他們是把英文完全消音 we do this, as German's way 然後把德國發音直接配上去 for Korean TV shows 台灣跟德國一樣 shows, or drama and so on 但多數只在韓劇上 but usually for English speaking 偶像劇,娛樂節目這種的 we don't 但如果是英文發音的劇 Netherlands is great about this 我們不配音 they just put the subtitles 荷蘭在這點就做得很棒 it's really awesome, 他們就是加上荷蘭字幕 yea, I agree 真的很棒 next one 很方便 我同意 in Poland 下一個 we still keep those trash cars 在波蘭 we call it "le-sul-zi-che" in Chinese 收垃圾的方式還是採用子車 how to say it in English? 中文就是垃圾子車 boxes...? trash boxes? 要怎麼用英文解釋呢 you know, the recycling one 垃圾箱...? for glass, for normal, for paper and so on 就是有回收的 we used to have it in Taiwan 玻璃 一般 紙類 about 10 years ago, probably 台灣以前也是用這個 when I was very young 大概10年前 and right now 當我還很年輕時 we change it into 現在 mobile truck 我們改成 and it's for trash only 移動式的收垃圾卡車 it can squeeze the trash in 只收垃圾的垃圾車 and then 它可以壓縮收進來的垃圾 how to know the truck is here? 然後 because of the sound 要怎麼知道垃圾車到了呢? yea, we put a specific music into this truck 你們加上音樂 when you hear it 沒錯 我們在垃圾車上加上特定的音樂 you'll rush downstairs to throw trash 當你聽到垃圾車音樂時 isn't it pretty annoying? 你就可以跑到樓下去丟垃圾了 it's not 這樣不會很麻煩嗎 because it's every day routine 不會呀 so you know 這已經成為每天的慣例了 what time the truck will arrive 所以你已經知道 but lots of Western countries 垃圾車幾點會到你家門口 like, lots of countries 不過還是有很多西方國家 still do this normal trash cars 真的很多國家 yea, we have it 還是在使用垃圾子車 but for block of flats 台灣還是有垃圾子車 super big block of flats 但主要是給公寓 but for normal flats, single houses 大型的公寓 we usually don't 但如果是一般的人家,透天的房子 we use this everywhere 我們不用子車 next one 波蘭通通用 you can find self-counter 下一個 in supermarket and gas station in Poland 你可以在波蘭超市和加油站 also in US 找到自助結帳或自助加油區 so how does it work? Mateusz 在美國也是一樣的 the self-counter in supermarket 所以自助區是怎樣呢? Mateusz is basically 超市裡的自助結帳區 of course you got cashier 基本上 but 當然還是會有正常結帳員的櫃台 you can just go to the self one 但是 it's actually a machine 你也可以直接去自助結帳區 which is telling you to scan all the things 就是收銀機 by yourself 你就掃所有你買的商品條碼 like, you are the cashier 自己來 yea 你就是收銀員啦 it is faster 沒錯 it is very fast 其實這比較快 usually it's even written 這很省時 to be there (at the self-counter) 通常他們也會有限制 you can have only 15 articles/ items 使用自助結帳的前提是 so it's faster 你不能買超過15件商品 I actually don't know why Taiwan doesn't have it 這樣消耗排隊的時間比較快 everything is served by someone 我其實不知道為何台灣沒有自助結帳 people help you to do that 基本上所有結帳區都是有人幫你服務的 well, it's not slowing us down 別人替你做 but when I was in US 雖然說這樣結帳也不會比較慢 they also have the self-counter 但我之前去美國時 and it's super convenient as well 他們也很盛行自助結帳 even they don't have the limit of the items 非常非常方便 also about the gas stations 就算他們沒有商品件數限制 也是快 as I know from you 另外關於加油站 that Taiwanese, and also Japanese 我從你那聽到的 they (staff in station) 台灣,我想還有日本 tank your car 加油站員工 yea 會幫你加油 they do that for you 沒錯 and in here 他們會替你服務 also you've got places like that 在波蘭 but usually 我們也是有專人服務的加油站 we do it by ourselves 但通常 yea you get out from the car 我們都是自助加油的 open this...fuel stuff 你從車子出來 put the fuel stick/ pistol (?) 打開油箱 and tank your car 把油槍放進去 and then you pay 最後 加油 就這樣 you do it by yourself 再來去結帳 also in America 全都自己來 yea 在美國也是這樣 Taiwan only has the gas self-service 對 not the fuel 在台灣有自助加氣站 in some videos, I see some girls 多數加油比較沒自助 they forget which side is the opener of their car 在一些影片裡,我看到一些女生 so 她們忘了自己車子的油箱在哪一邊 they park in the wrong direction 所以 and they try to pull this whole pistol 她們停車時就停錯邊 to the other direction 然後硬是要把油槍 and it's actually destroying it 扯到另外一邊 well..maybe I'll be the same 完全就是在破壞油箱哈哈 lastly, you in Taiwan only got bus 這個嘛...說不定我也會這樣 as public transportation 最後 台灣的大眾交通工具 and metro 有公車 and metro 還有捷運 normal yea 嗯還有捷運 and we have 這很正常 trams and trolleys 在波蘭 我們還有 tram 電車和無軌電車 both are running with the electricity 電車 and 兩者都是靠電力驅動的 on the rail 然後 yea, trams on the rail 是跑在軌道上的 and trolleys 對 電車是有軌道的 ah, it's something different 然後無軌電車 it's like 是不同的東西 the bus with cables 就像是 trams, they run on the rail 公車上面加了纜線 like train 電車是跑在軌道上的 smaller train, lighter train 跟火車一樣 I will say 小型,輕型火車 and trolley 我會這樣比喻 it's like, bus with cables 然後無軌電車 for me, I mean according to what I see 就是有纜線的公車啦 I like tram, he doesn't 至少我看到的是這樣 and the reason why I like tram because 我喜歡電車,他不喜歡 it is avoiding traffic jam 我喜歡電車的原因是 especially in rush hours 電車可以避免塞車問題 and it's so slow 特別是上下班時間 well 可是它很慢 for me, 10 mins is 10 mins 這個嘛 they won't have delay because of the traffic 對我來說,時間表說10分鐘到,就是10分鐘到 yea I got you 電車不會因為塞車而慢到 because 我懂 in Poland 因為 especially in Warsaw 在波蘭 you have the specific rail 特別在華沙我看到的 guys in Taiwan don't have tram 電車有自己的路,自己的軌道 and believe me, it's good 台灣沒電車 but anyways 相信我,這是好事 I would rather say 總而言之 sometimes tram is good 我會說 when it's separated 有時候電車好 like, the trams have their own roads 當電車跟一般客車分開 tram pass 電車有它自己專用的路 yea 電車專區 because 沒錯 we have being to Łódź, to Kraków 因為 I would say 我們住過Łódź和Kraków that it's not really perfectly made there 我覺得 cuz tram is sharing the road with cars 電車在那的路線分配不太完美 so it's like 因為電車跟客車是一起共用馬路的 tram steals 所以說 I mean at least what I've seen in Kraków 就像是電車搶了客車的空間 I don't know that much about Kraków 至少我在Kraków看到的 but Łódź for sure 雖然我對這城市不太熟悉 that trams stay with cars Łódź很多路是這樣的 in the traffic jam 電車跟客車擠在一起 which doesn't make sense 一起塞車 and you as a car driver 這完全沒道理 you feel like you're the tram actually 而你身為開車的駕駛 because you drive on the rail 你會覺得自己是台電車 I love Łódź 因為你開在電車的軌道上 I really love Łódź 我愛Łódź but this thing is just...epic 我真的很愛Łódź for me it's cute 但這交通的設計真的是...經典 I'm always like: We're trammie! 對我來說很可愛呀 yea all the time 我常說: 我們是電車耶! when we're driving in Łódź 對 每一次 and she's like: oh we become a tram! 我們在Łódź開車時 and what about trolley? 她就會說: 噢我們變成電車了耶逼 Lublin got trolley 那無軌電車呢? actually trolley is not that popular in Poland Lublin (M的家鄉) 就有無軌電車 because what I know 其實無軌電車在波蘭沒那麼盛行 only Lublin and Gdynia got 就我所知 I don't know about other cities 波蘭只有Lublin跟Gdynia這兩城市有無軌電車 for me it's just like a bus 我不知還有哪些城市有 with higher percentage of being broken 對我來說它就像公車 because you know 壞掉機率更高的公車 these cables 因為你知道 can fall down 上面的纜線 and then the driver needs to fix this 有時會掉下來 you can see the separated road 這時司機就還要停下來修 only for trams 你可以看到分開的軌道 just in the middle of these two roads in here 是專門給電車的 here, this is the tram 在雙向道的中間 just going 這裡 這是電車 these are the things you will see in Poland 行駛中 but you probably won't see in Taiwan 這些就是你會在波蘭遇到 yes 但在台灣不會遇見的事情 hope you guys enjoy our video 沒錯 see you next time! 希望你們喜歡這一集 see you 下次見囉 bye! love you! 再見 don't forget about liking our Facebook fanspage 愛你哦 don't forget about liking the video 不要忘了到我們Facebook專頁按讚 subscribe and comment below ;D 也別忘了替影片按讚 dumb you dumb 訂閱和在底下留言!! :D have a nice Sunday 笨 你才笨 have a nice Sunday 祝你有個快樂的星期日 or Monday 祝你有快樂的星期日 or whatever day 或是星期一 we love you 或是隨便哪一天 see you! byebye! 我們愛你呦
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 電車 波蘭 台灣 垃圾車 戶外 碩士 波蘭有而臺灣沒有的東西! (Things Poland has but Taiwan doesn't!) 1756 114 阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字