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  • Hello, folks. So this morning, we've come along to a very good language school in London

  • because we want to have a look at what it's like to be a student in one of these schools.

  • Come, and let's find out.

  • -- Hi, Lee.

  • -- Hi, Ben.

  • -- So our viewers are learning English on the Internet. What would be an advantage of

  • coming to a language school for a time to learn some English?

  • -- I think the key difference is that when you're at a language school, then you are

  • part of a whole experience. If you're learning online, it's great, but it's for an hour or

  • two, and that's it. Whereas if you come to the school, then you have complete immersion

  • in a whole day of English if you like. If you're staying with a host family, you have

  • English experience before you come to school. All day, you're speaking English, and if you

  • take part in our social activities in the evening, then you're carrying on. So it's

  • constantly learning and taking in and processing of new information.

  • -- Sure. So if someone was studying here and staying with a host family, they might share

  • meals with the family.

  • -- Yeah.

  • -- And I guess there are students coming from many different countries.

  • -- Exactly. And of course, then you get this interaction with loads and loads of different

  • students from all over the world, which, again, really challenges you in different ways when

  • you're learning English, I think.

  • -- And do students come here for a couple of weeks?

  • -- Some do. Some students come for a couple of weeks. Some students come for a year. It

  • depends on what that student is looking for, what they need, what their plans are. So it

  • can be either-or.

  • -- And I guess it's very exciting being here in London. You know, we've got a lot of English

  • culture around us.

  • -- Of course. I mean, the history, the art, the literature, the theatre scene is just

  • really advantageous to learning English. It's just an amazing city. So to come and study

  • here is a really good thing, I think.

  • -- Yeah. I mean, I guess the student can learn more the more they put themselves in an English

  • environment, the more they speak.

  • -- Exactly. If you immerse yourself in something completely, then you're going to get more

  • out of it, I think.

  • -- Cool. Well, is it possible to go and have a look at a class this morning?

  • -- Yeah. Absolutely. I think Dan is waiting for you upstairs.

  • -- Great. Thank you very much. --You're welcome. --Let's go upstairs.

  • So let's go and have a quick look now at a general English class and what that looks

  • like in a language school. Okay. Come have a look.

  • -- Hi, there, Dan.

  • -- Hi.

  • -- Hi. We've just come to have a look at your general English class today.

  • -- Hello.

  • -- What exactly are you going to be doing in class today?

  • -- Today, we're looking at the difference between literal and non-literal meanings of

  • nine elements of vocabulary. I was just asking Nir what he thought about the difference between

  • "enough food" and "too much food". So, sorry.

  • -- I think it depends.

  • -- Okay. In this meaning, do you think that it's -- if there is "lots of", is it good

  • or bad?

  • -- Yeah. It's good.

  • -- Good? Would you agree, guys? It's good?

  • -- I think it's bad.

  • -- Okay. Hands up if you think it's good. Nir, you stand alone, my friend. I'm sorry.

  • Hands up if you think it's bad.

  • -- In fact, that's what I looked like last night at about 10:30. But what other words?

  • Fly. That's what I'm looking for, "fly". Read the sentences with your partner. I want you

  • to decide two things. No. 1, which sentence is the literal meaning? Which sentence is

  • the non-literal meaning. No. 2, what do you think the non-literal meaning means in other

  • languages? Okay. Good. So it's a word. You can use it, but it doesn't mean what you think

  • it means here. In this case, you mean "hard", not "hardly".

  • -- "To question." "Question" can be a verb?

  • -- Yes. Of course. "I question." Yeah. Good guess. Well done.

  • So that was a great lesson from Dan. They're really engaging in the teaching, and the students

  • were obviously enjoying it. We're going to go down to the lunch hall now and grab a bit

  • of lunch. And then, we've got a couple of students who we'll be talking to. They're

  • from different parts of the world. So I'm hungry. Let's go and eat.

  • [Crowd chatter]

  • Well, that was a delicious lunch. And we enjoyed having a look at Dan's class. Now, we've got

  • three students at the London School of English here. And firstly, folks, could you tell me

  • what course you're doing and how long you have learned English for? So starting with

  • Takami.

  • -- I'm taking a Cambridge English examination preparation course. It's called FCE. So just

  • this course I have studied three weeks. Yeah. I have another five weeks.

  • -- Okay. And before, when you were in Japan, how long did you learn? Like, one year, two

  • years learning English? Or --

  • -- Honestly, no. Nothing.

  • -- Nothing at all? Okay. Wow. Very interesting. Okay. Thanks. And Veronica?

  • -- I've done the general course for one month, and then I've started three weeks ago the

  • CAE course, which is the Cambridge Advanced Exam. And that last --

  • -- Why did you choose this course?

  • -- The CAE?

  • -- Yeah.

  • -- Because I needed to get into university, and I've also heard that this academy prepares

  • very well students to pass the exams. And I've been --

  • -- So you're hoping to study in a university in England?

  • -- No, not in England, in Switzerland.

  • -- Okay.

  • -- And they are asking for a B in CAE. And yeah. They've told me that this academy really

  • will help you to pass the exam successfully.

  • -- Good luck to you.

  • -- Thank you.

  • -- And Francis, tell me, how long have you been learning English, and why did you decide

  • to come and study in England?

  • -- I started English in secondary school and some more in university. And I decided to

  • come here because I want to improve my English a lot. But only for pleasure. And for me,

  • the best place to learn English is in London.

  • -- Sure.

  • -- So I come here, and I'm learning here in this school.

  • -- Cool. Veronica, had you been studying in Spain how to speak English?

  • -- I've studied English in Spain, but with au pairs. At school as well, but the level

  • in my school was pretty low. So yeah. The au pairs have helped me to get this fluency.

  • -- And how do you find the teachers different in London and in a language school compared

  • to in a school where you're from?

  • -- Well, I think that teachers here have more experience, and they do really know which

  • mistakes do students make. Whereas the teachers in Spain, obviously, they are experienced

  • as well, but not as much as a language teacher would be.

  • -- So they're more specific?

  • -- Yeah. More specific. They know the mistakes that people from different countries make,

  • and yeah. I think that's the main reason, I think.

  • -- So Takami, do you feel you're improving your English in a good way?

  • -- Yeah. Just getting better. But of course, I need to more improve. But I feel that day

  • by day getting my English better.

  • -- Cool. And so for all of you, it's been stimulating; it's been an interesting time

  • being here? You're obviously making really good friends here. Is it something you'd recommend

  • to people?

  • -- Absolutely. You should go.

  • -- Yeah, definitely. Yeah. I've already spread it all over.

  • -- You should come here. It's a life experience. You have to do it once at least in your life.

  • I enjoy it a lot. I improve my English a lot. I make a lot of friends from different parts

  • of the world. So it is amazing. I enjoy it a lot.

  • -- So guys, I've lived in London for six years. And I feel I know it well, but for you coming

  • to London, is it a good place to come to? Is it easy for you to speak to people and

  • practice English being here in London?

  • -- Yes. I met some very friendly people in the pubs or wherever you are. And yeah. It's

  • very easy. For me, as I said, it's a life experience to be here. So London, for me,

  • it's the capital of the world.

  • -- Wow.

  • -- It's not the United States; it's not Washington. It's London. Very cosmopolitan.

  • -- London's on the map.

  • -- Yeah. Absolutely.

  • -- And are there enough things for you to do?

  • -- Definitely.

  • -- On the weekends, for example, are there opportunities to do things?

  • -- Yeah. You won't run out of chances or different activities to do. One weekend, you can go

  • and see a theatre play, a musical, and then visit different areas from the city. It is

  • a very versatile city. You can go to the north of London, and it's completely different from

  • the south of London. So you won't ever --

  • -- I feel like I'm in a different country in some parts.

  • -- Yeah. It's like a country. So you won't ever get bored of living here.

  • -- Great. So the best way for you guys to learn English, is it from reading? Is it from

  • listening? Is it a mixture? What's the best way?

  • -- I think it's a mixture because you learn the grammar basics in class. Then, afterwards,

  • you can socialize at lunch. And then afterwards, with the social program, you're able to talk

  • to everyone and get to know everybody and talk about your country, their country. You

  • learn different cultures. You -- yeah. You get to socialize.

  • -- Is it difficult for you to speak English to someone from Spain?

  • -- Well, if we --

  • -- It was easy the first day that we met each other, so it's easy. Yeah. If you met someone

  • and you start speaking English, it's easy to ongoing with that.

  • -- And if both of us want to speak English, then it's okay. Because I know other Spanish

  • students here that they feel that they want to speak Spanish with me, for example. But

  • don't do that because we are all here to improve our English, and we are interested in learning

  • English, not in speaking our native language.

  • -- It's true.

  • -- And here, you have the possibility to speak 24 hours.

  • -- That's why it's the best way.

  • -- So after school, you can go to the pub.

  • -- No sleep.

  • -- Exactly.

  • -- We are trying to speak English even with same country people.

  • -- That's cool.

  • -- It's important.

  • -- Well, thank you so much for coming in and speaking today. It's been really useful. And

  • I hope there's been something for you to learn back home. Thank you, guys.

  • -- Thank you.

Hello, folks. So this morning, we've come along to a very good language school in London


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A2 初級 英國腔

在語言學校學習英語 (Studying English at a Language School)

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    Lo Koop 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日