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  • In this American English pronunciation video, were going to go over the difference between

  • a Stop T and no T at all.

  • Sometimes I get questions from people asking what the difference is between a Stop T and

  • just leaving out the T. Other people say, “I can’t hear the Stop T at all.” It

  • sounds like nothing. So today were going to sort out the difference. A Stop T is different

  • than dropping the T.

  • A Stop T is when you stop the air, but don’t release the T sound. For example, the word

  • wait’. Wait. First I’ll say it with a True T. Wait, wait. Now I’ll slow it down

  • so you can hear the stop that happens before the release: Wait. Did you hear the stop?

  • Wait. Now I’ll say it with a Stop T. Wait, wait. I bet you can hear the difference between

  • a Stop T and a True T. Wait, wait. [2x]

  • Now let’s compare the Stop T and no T at all. Well comparewaitandway’.

  • Except for the T, they have all the same sounds. I’m not releasing the T, but I am stopping

  • the air, which makes it sound different. Wait, way. Wait, way. How would you describe the

  • difference? Way, wait. The wordwayis just a little longer, and the voice falls

  • off more in pitch. Way, way, wait. Withwait’, we stop the air. So it’s shorter, and the

  • sound stops before the voice falls off in pitch. Stop the air with your throat. Also,

  • depending on the context, you might lift your tongue into position for the T. But that’s

  • not actually necessary to stop the air. Way, wait.

  • Let’s look at some more word pairs. You identify what youre hearing.

  • Which word are you hearing?

  • It’s this word, can’t. Can, can’t.

  • Which word are you hearing?

  • It’s this word, stay. State, stay.

  • Which word are you hearing?

  • It’s this word, know. Note, know.

  • Which word are you hearing?

  • It’s this word, feet. Fee, feet.

  • I hope this video has made the Stop T more clear.

  • If there’s a word or sound you need help pronouncing, put it in the comments below.

  • And don’t forget to sign up for my mailing list for more information on speaking better

  • Englishit’s free. Click here or in the description below.

  • That's it, and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

In this American English pronunciation video, were going to go over the difference between


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Stop T vs No T - 美式英語發音表。 (Stop T vs No T - American English Pronunciation)

  • 107 40
    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日