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  • a refugee is a person who's been persecuted

  • in their home country and had to flee for safety

  • the biggest challenge is making an American friend

  • today is significant because it gives us an opportunity

  • to recognize refugees in our community

  • I have been in the united states for about six years

  • its an opportunity for the community to come together Every one of these folks

  • has an amazing story

  • we were the first arrivals in the United States of our Families

  • Utah is absolutely fantastic what I like about

  • Utah is that it is really beautiful back home we have conflicts

  • There are dancers that have been scheduled all day long

  • all day long from different countries we have a soccer tournament

  • final, crafts tents

  • kids activities, face painting, baby goats

  • obstacle course for young people

  • I've never imagined that I would be in the United States you know

  • today this event is the most important event

  • because it brings different countries together

  • This is a great place

  • to make a friend that is why we do it

  • learn more at

  • people having fun at World Refugee Day

a refugee is a person who's been persecuted


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B1 中級 美國腔

2015年世界難民日 (World Refugee Day 2015)

  • 103 12
    James 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日