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  • Japanese bakeries are everywhere and a very creative with what they bake

  • But all of them have THIS in common

  • Basically its a piece a bread.It's hard and sweet on the top

  • sugar and butter. And soft on the inside. Today we're going to take a closer look

  • at the MELON PAN

  • Asakusa is one of Japan's most famous traditional centers

  • and sits in the heart of central Tokyo. Millions of visitors come to

  • Sensoji Temple to pray

  • or just feel the traditional spirit of Japan

  • Just around the corner from Sensoji

  • is a restaurant preserving the tradition of Japan's most popular bread

  • it's called ASAKUSA Kagetsu-do

  • and it's been a popular place

  • for piping hot melon pan for over a decade

  • they call it Japanese traditional sweet bread in English

  • and people just love it!

  • The smell of hot and fresh sweet bread from the door

  • is hard to pass up

  • Owner Yoshifumi Yuki explains

  • the interior takes you back in time! This retro Japan field is popular with locals

  • and tourists alike

  • but why is it called melon pan?

  • Here is a real melon, and here is a melon pan

  • I guess they look alike

  • In Japanese, melon is pronounced meh-lon and

  • and pan is the word for bread in portugueses

  • the first westerners to arrive in Japan

  • in the 16th century

  • Yuki san recommends the melon double wammy

  • it's a hot melon pon with a housemaid melon soda

  • neither tastes like melon

  • but a melon soda has a green melon like color

  • that's close enough

  • Why the cherry?

  • Yuki-san says it adds color

  • A simple yet traditional snack in the heart of Asakusa

Japanese bakeries are everywhere and a very creative with what they bake


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B2 中高級 美國腔

瓜盤傳統。日本甜麵包 ★ WAO✦RYU!TV ONLY in JAPAN #05。 (The Melon Pan Tradition: Japanese Sweet Bread ★ WAO✦RYU!TV ONLY in JAPAN #05)

  • 268 21
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日