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  • Yo, that's fucked up.

  • You didn't even hit me back, man.

  • >> I hit you up, you're really like,

  • I'm in the Valley.

  • >> I- >> I'm not gonna

  • fucking text you after that.

  • >> Why not? Yeah, I had to go to

  • the Valley.

  • >> Chinatown is the Valley for us.

  • [LAUGH] It's too far.

  • >> Chinatown is two blocks from your spot.

  • [LAUGH] That's fucked up. >> Chinatown is

  • two blocks away.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> I'm Nakul Mahendro.

  • >> I'm Arjun Mahendro.

  • >> And, we own Badmaash in downtown LA.

  • [MUSIC]

  • So, we're both born and raised in Toronto.

  • At a very early age, we were exposed to

  • our father being an amazing chef and

  • doing all these great things with food.

  • And then also, just the mix and match of

  • cultures in Toronto is absolutely amazing.

  • It really allowed us to

  • have a very wide ranging palette, and

  • understanding of different cultures of

  • foods, and flavors from all over the world.

  • >> Our father is a trained French and

  • Italian chef.

  • About 15 years ago,

  • he opened up an Indian restaurant in Toronto.

  • When he got rid of that,

  • we moved to Los Angeles and

  • we thought, let's open up something that's cool,

  • approachable, but still stuck to it's roots.

  • So, we said we'll take care of the restaurant,

  • you just help us out with the food.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> Badmaash means, pretty much bad ass in Hindi.

  • We've just wanted to create a really great

  • restaurant that served really good Indian food.

  • And, we felt like LA was really lacking that.

  • We try to bring flavors from all over Indians and

  • celebrate them.

  • We are Punjabi, so

  • there's more of a Punjabi influence on our menu.

  • >> Punjabi food is more fun, let's be honest.

  • >> [LAUGH]

  • >> Come on, buttered chicken.

  • >> Chicken tikka masala.

  • >> [FOREIGN] like chicken masala, [FOREIGN].

  • You want Punjabi food.

  • I'm, I'm really sorry.

  • >> Samosas.

  • The best part about being in the kitchen is

  • mixing all of this together.

  • We also bring a little bit of

  • our French culinary background.

  • A little bit of our Canadian in there.

  • Our Chicken Tikka Poutine is the best mash up.

  • It's a celebration of our Indian and

  • our Canadian background on one plate.

  • >> And, we wanted to have fun, as well.

  • Like, when we first started,

  • we had a dish called Holy Cow Keema Pow.

  • And, it was just like for the one's who eat beef,

  • why can't we have amazing dishes?

  • And, everyone says, what Indian people eat beef?

  • >> And then they'd go, what you're Indian?

  • >> [LAUGH]. >> And,

  • you'd be like yeah, but your not [SOUND].

  • >> I'm now doing the butter chicken.

  • We start off with a little bit of

  • sauce in here.

  • There is definitely, a special twist to it.

  • >> Butter chicken is considered like,

  • oh, yes, it's just buttered chicken and

  • rice, you know, the usual.

  • But, that chicken marinades for

  • 48 hours, we cook it in the tandoor, we char it,

  • we let it rest.

  • Essentially, it takes two days to get to the table.

  • >> Yummy!

  • >> Working together as family has its

  • ups and downs.

  • >> I think it's pretty cool though,

  • we all know our position.

  • There's no dad or brother at work.

  • >> Yeah. >> It's like you

  • gotta get your piece of the pie done.

  • >> As a chef, our dad is extremely strict.

  • >> Right. >> And, unforgiving.

  • If it's not perfect, why are you even here?

  • >> Okay. Enough? >> He's telling me

  • it's more than enough.

  • >> [COUGH] >> I don't think so.

  • >> It looks amazing now.

  • >> Order up.

  • >> And that's it.

  • >> [LAUGH].

  • >> It's the best.

  • I wouldn't have had it any other way.

  • >> He's the number one chef.

  • He's our father.

  • >> [LAUGH] Oh, my God.

  • >> [LAUGH].

  • >> Anything else?

  • >> You gonna come out with and party, or what?

  • >> [LAUGH].

  • >> [LAUGH].

  • >> We decided to hook up with Lele from Sugarfish.

  • >> We've been the biggest fans of

  • Sugarfish ever since the grand opening of

  • their Downtown location.

  • We went the first day.

  • And then, one day there's some guy some

  • you never expect there's a some Italian guy with

  • a thick Italian accent and a baseball cap on.

  • He was introduced to us after his meal,

  • as the owner of Sugarfish, and

  • we're like, what?

  • >> What? [LAUGH].

  • >> We also had Alvin Cailan of Eggslut.

  • >> Yeah, he's wild man.

  • >> He's wild.

  • We, we met Alvin I guess when he was building

  • out his location here at Grand Central Market

  • in Downtown.

  • He would eat at Badmaash few, few nights a week

  • and that's kinda how we got to know each other.

  • >> And then, we also brought Ryan with us,

  • who works in the kitchen, cool dude, solid guy,

  • hard worker.

  • >> Are you guys ready to get the hell out of here?

  • >> Yeah. >> All right, let's

  • do this. Let's do dinner.

  • Bottoms up.

  • We're going for dinner.

  • We're going to Alma, our friend Ari Tamer's spot.

  • He's doing an amazing thing for Downtown, and

  • LA, and you know,

  • he, I think he represents a young guy, who knows

  • what he's doing, and he's really striving for it.

  • And, I'm, I'm starving.

  • You guys are hungry?

  • >> Yeah. >> Hell, yeah.

  • >> Yeah, okay, perfect.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> [LAUGH].

  • >> My name's Ari Taymor.

  • I'm the chef and one of the owners at Alma,

  • and we do Californian food, everything's from

  • the markets, and we do a tasting menu every night.

  • Downtown LA is it's really busy.

  • It's really vibrant, really diverse.

  • There's tons of different types of cuisine, and

  • it's, it's a lot of fun to be down here.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> These are Shigoku Oysters.

  • >> Oh, my god.

  • >> I love this on top.

  • It was just like, it blew our socks off.

  • Really, like, such small, tiny little bites, and

  • such amplified flavors.

  • >> I'm gonna ignore you now.

  • >> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH]

  • >> The Wagyu

  • Ribeye Tartare, honestly, it didn't need

  • anything else.

  • >> Lele was like what is this?

  • I need to know everything.

  • >> What is in this?

  • >> He called the server over.

  • He goes, find out where you get this meat from.

  • >> Yeah. >> It's grass fed

  • beef garnished with sunchoke chips,

  • a little bit of dill.

  • This is a sauce made from oyster and

  • a little more dill.

  • We like to use meat kind of, as a seasoning, and

  • so it's really just early in the menu,

  • not very heavy.

  • It's perfect.

  • >> So, I think what chef Ari really wanted to do

  • there was show his diners what really good meat is.

  • So, he's like, here's the best meat possible.

  • You're welcome.

  • >> It's good with the wine.

  • >> It's good.

  • >> That tartar dish was, it's like neck in

  • neck for first, with the next course.

  • >> This is a slow cooked egg yolk.

  • They're really nice farm eggs from the market.

  • Finished it with some puffed amaranth and

  • these are chives.

  • It's a really fun play on textures.

  • The yolk kind of has the,

  • like the mouth feel of a fudge.

  • It's this really rich flavored soup that

  • almost has no dairy in it.

  • And it's, sunchokes are one of

  • my favorite vegetable so.

  • >> I feel like everybody fucks up soup man,

  • but they fucking nail it.

  • >> Almost kind of our place to go,

  • when we have a nice evening to kinda relax,

  • when we're not in a rush is kinda to enjoy a great

  • meal, great service.

  • So, that's kind of our like, our zen place.

  • >> I mean, this chicken was really good.

  • >> The carrots were better.

  • >> The carrots were great, but

  • in my opinion the egg in the tartar, number one.

  • >> Yeah. >> The vinia, number two.

  • Then, the rest, but everything good.

  • >> I actually got like inspiration from that.

  • That's how you know, you're, you're fucking

  • with a real good chef, is when you are inspired to

  • go back in your kitchen and do something amazing.


  • >> [LAUGH] I love you.

  • >> I love you too.

  • >> All right, let's bounce man,

  • lets go to Horse Thief.

  • >> Well, we're headed to Horse Thief.

  • It's like on the back end of Grand Central Market.

  • It is a really good barbecue joint.

  • >> Texas barbecue.

  • >> They're from Texas.

  • They do Texas barbecue the real way.

  • They use all free-range, organic meats.

  • And we love it.

  • >> That center cut brisket is

  • like meat butter.

  • Honestly, I'm gonna put this out there.

  • It's the best patio in downtown LA.

  • Whenever we go to Grand Central Market,

  • we're always bound to bump into someone we

  • know, especially since we know, like, a lot of

  • the chefs and purveyors and vendors there.

  • >> Cheers. >> Cheers gentlemen.

  • >> Cheers guys.

  • >> Thank you for having us.

  • >> Bang, bang.

  • >> Bang.

  • [MUSIC]

  • You got barbecue, you got beer, and then you have-

  • >> You're staring- >> This.

  • You're staring at this right over here.

  • This is what it's about, this brisket.

  • The center cut, you see all the fat.

  • You see that smoke ring?

  • >> This is Texas barbecue and

  • this is what it's about.

  • >> They focus on

  • what they're suppose to focus on.

  • Everything is top shelf, top quality.

  • I can eat that brisket every single day for

  • every single meal, it's awesome.

  • >> And, how long do you smoke this for?

  • Brisket?

  • >> About an hour and a half per pound.

  • >> Oh, yeah?

  • >> So, 15 plus.

  • [MUSIC]

  • >> You know, don't put your fingers all over it.

  • Come on!

  • Yeah, you're getting the best piece.

  • What are you doing?

  • >> You're too late.

  • You guys complain and now you don't get nothing.

  • >> Hey, you guys, get the fuck out of here!

  • Yeah. >> I am so good and

  • let's just go home to bed and Arjun was like,

  • we're going to Wolf and Crane.

  • And so, I was like, you know what?

  • Fuck it. We're going to Wolf and

  • Crane [LAUGH].

  • Growing up, so we had this what was it?

  • 1982. >> Chrysler.

  • [CROSSTALK] Chrysler, Chrysler Caravan.

  • It was like the first fucking caravan invented.

  • >> The Oswald shit. >> The worst car ever.

  • >> Yo, it was so old and rusty.

  • This one time, I got pissed off at Arjun.

  • He was sitting on back I, I close the door shut,

  • and the door slid, it went [SOUND] closed.

  • And then, it [SOUND].

  • >> And, it fell off.

  • >> And, it fell off of the fucking van.

  • [MUSIC]

  • Wolf and

  • Crane is a really cool Japanese-American bar.

  • The thing I really like is you

  • get an artisan cocktail, but they serve it fast.

  • >> Yeah. >> Oh.

  • >> Cheers, cheers,

  • cheers. >> Cheers, buddy.

  • >> Cheers, man.

  • >> I was like,

  • all right, enough of the kid stuff.

  • Let's get this party started.

  • By my fourth shot of whiskey,

  • it just kind of felt like I was shooting.

  • It was like tasty.

  • This was like a Cosmopolitan.

  • >> She did it.

  • >> I did not. >> She hit the table.

  • All right, it was my knee I think.

  • >> Yeah, we are driving to our

  • restaurant which is walking distance.

  • >> We never drive.

  • >> We never walk.

  • >> We never drive, we never walk.

  • We just take Uber.

  • >> We just go.

  • >> Somehow, we just levitate

  • to the restaurant.

  • >> We just go. >> Yeah.

  • We just end up there.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [APPLAUSE] So, we already had this beautiful meal,

  • then we had barbecue, then we had all these

  • drinks and we're kinda just like, drunk food!

  • [LAUGH] Got some drinks down,

  • Ryan let's cook something.

  • >> Every time we have a party here, our wine rep

  • knows because we just, we like champagne.

  • >> Everybody, cheers.

  • >> Come on.

  • >> And we're just gonna do

  • some lamb burgers right now.

  • But, we're not gonna do them the way that we

  • do them for the guests.

  • We're gonna do them the way that we need to do

  • them for right now, cuz we've had a few drinks.

  • This is why we go out and get drunk.

  • So, we're going straight up poutine,

  • Montreal style.

  • The ladle and

  • the pot, the double dragon, right here.

  • We're gonna start this family style.

  • This is actually like a play on our,

  • on our poutine.

  • You wanna do some butter chicken sauce on it?

  • Just fuck shit up?

  • I'm doing something that we said we

  • would never do.

  • Now, normally, you would have,

  • you would have chicken tikka,

  • if you were in Punjab you would have chicken tikka.

  • Like, after going out drinking, fuck it,

  • Johnny Walker Black and Scotch.

  • You go to a [FOREIGN],

  • which is like a roadside fucking cafe,

  • which is just a tandoor and

  • a few Indian guys, and you have Chicken Tikka.

  • In Toronto, where we were from, we'd go in and

  • we'd have a fucking poutine.

  • So, I got Toronto on the bottom and

  • I'm putting India on the top.

  • So, I got my chicken down.

  • I'm just getting my sauce going and

  • we're gonna do this.

  • It only happens for you guys.

  • >> [SOUND] You grab a fork and you go for it.

  • >> Whoo.

  • >> It was really tasty.

  • And, that cheese was all melty and the chicken was

  • so soft, and the fries were so crispy.

  • And, the flavor of butter chicken sauce and

  • it was awesome.

  • >> I am making a special dish.

  • >> It's a surprise.

  • >> It is a surprise.

  • >> Ryan, he decided to do some pizzas,

  • some naan pizzas.

  • And, this is something that, you know,

  • chef has done before.

  • Ryan's kind of seen him do it.

  • I mean, loaded it up with chicken tikka and

  • green peppers-

  • >> With the tomato chutney.

  • >> Red peppers, tomato chutney as a sauce,

  • all on naan dough.

  • And, it was beautifully soft in the middle and

  • super crisp on the outside.

  • It was perfect.

  • We had our friends from Grand Central Market,

  • followed us.

  • We met some people at Wolf and Crane.

  • They also came by.

  • We had Russell and Wade there from Horse Thief.

  • Parle-G is like the fucking cookie in India.

  • This is like,

  • if you are in India, you fuck with this cookie.

  • And, my brother and

  • I, we first fell in love with this cuz the girl on

  • the front, she's kinda just going like this.

  • And we were like, oh, what is she doing?

  • She's throwing up gang signs!

  • She's fucking, it's Bloods and

  • Cripps over here!

  • So, that's what we're

  • working with right now, and just to have some fun

  • we're gonna throw some ice cream.

  • We balled this up a little earlier.

  • We made little ice cream balls over here.

  • We're, we're just gonna do some,

  • Parle-G ice cream sandwiches.

  • [MUSIC]

  • You wanna do it like this, you wanna hold it,

  • and you wanna bite it fast, so it.

  • It's the crunch like this.

  • >> If we were supposed to have an amazing time and

  • be with amazing people then last night

  • was an awesome success.

  • We really had a lot of fun.

  • We don't normally get to go out and

  • have a good time.

  • We're normally the ones throwing the party which

  • is a good time for us but it was really great to

  • go and have some drinks and have some bites.

  • >> Fuck, yes.

  • Everything is awesome.

  • Now, get the fuck out!


Yo, that's fucked up.


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B1 中級

冰淇淋三明治和Tikka饢。廚師與Badmaash兄弟共度良宵。 (Ice Cream Sandwiches & Tikka Naan: Chef's Night Out with the Badmaash Brothers)

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    Sū-guân Âng 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日