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  • forget his wife, is Ben Affleck gonna kill his comeback with this movie?

  • you're watching Beyond The Trailer's review of gone girl

  • The hallmark of a sociopath is a lack of empathy

  • amy lost a lot of blood in there and then somebody mopped it up

  • why would they mop up the blood if they're trying to stage a crime scene?

  • Whatever they found, it's safe to assume that is very bad.

  • I finally realized I am frightened of my own husband.

  • I will drill you, as if you're doing a deposition. What to say, what not to say.

  • - A trained monkey? - A trained monkey who doesn't get lethal injection.

  • She's going to eat you alive!

  • - You assaulted here? - That's not good enough for you?!

  • - I hit her? - It's not even close!

  • absolutely not I never touched her

  • We now believe Nick is involved in the disappearance of our daughter.

  • yes now comes the tricky part in Ben Affleck's come back

  • transitioning back into hollywood proper after going off on his own to

  • rehabilitate his career

  • with fantastic results! because sure now everybody's all into the McConaussaince

  • but don't forget that before the shirtless wonder became hollywood's

  • golden boy du jour

  • JLo butt-kissing Affleck stood in that spot! he rebooted by stepping off camera

  • to direct Gone Baby Gone

  • and eased back on camera to star in the next two movies he directed

  • the town and Argo. that last one earned him the gold for best picture and saw him

  • returned to the Oscar stage

  • fifteen years after his screenwriting win for Good Will Hunting

  • indeed it seems Affleck's real strengths lie behind the camera but he's intent on

  • being in front of it

  • and Warner Brothers the studio behind both the town and argo

  • value their relationship with Affleck so much they decided to give him what he wants

  • the starring role in perhaps one of the biggest movies ever to come out of the

  • studio Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

  • and knowing full well how good he is behind the camera

  • Warner Bros listened to him when he said David Goyer's script need to be

  • rewritten by his Argo screenwriter Chris Terrio

  • and true to form Affleck seems to have known what he was doing

  • as Terrio is also writing the upcoming Justice League. but that's all happening

  • in the Warner Brothers' sandbox

  • meanwhile Affleck is having a much harder time starring in movies

  • where he's not in charge creatively. the company men

  • nobody saw it. To The Wonder? well nobody ever sees Terrence Malick movies

  • but nobody talked about it either

  • and runner runner? well it seemed just like old times with that one didn't it?

  • but gone girl sees Affleck working with David Fincher who supposed to be pretty

  • darn good behind the camera himself

  • but while gone girl has some solid box office buzz it doesn't have a lot of

  • awards buzz

  • in fact Fincher and gone girl author turned screenwriter Gillian Flynn

  • are using their gone girl interviews to promote their upcoming HBO

  • show

  • a remake of the UK's utopia and when people talk about gone girl they talk

  • about

  • Fincher, they talk about Flynn supposedly changing the ending up her own book

  • and a sex scene between Rosamund Pike and Neil Patrick Harris

  • that both actors described as incredibly graphic and

  • robotic. although Affleck shouldn't feel too bad about being left out as nobody

  • seems to have noticed that Reese Witherspoon helped produce this film

  • either. so can Affleck ever become the true movie star he's

  • always hoped to be? Or does he need to recognize his true calling

  • is as a multi hyphenate? gone girl comes frustratingly close to being an iconic

  • film but is undone by its own need to be

  • oh so clever now this is the non spoiler review and if you head over to the

  • spoiler review

  • explain that comment in detail but here let me just say that this could have

  • been the new fatal attraction

  • but instead is the greatest Lifetime movie ever made

  • or is that the mail equivalent up a Lifetime movie

  • at some point in the film tell appears tenable says it may be done are the

  • weirdest couple he's ever met

  • and i think thats this movie in a nutshell but what can we really

  • discussed without giving away spoilers with this film

  • it's difficult and then we can certainly discuss the ad campaign

  • and of boxes publicity department deserves a gold medal

  • for being able to pique your interest in this film %uh quite so as you can see

  • from the box office returns this weekend

  • without really giving anything away I think we can also discuss

  • David Fincher are to some degree I think he's truly a master visual storytelling

  • at this point

  • he is what elevates this material to be worthy of the big screen

  • and I think instructors like venture you're really the only

  • thing that could potentially a potentially save the mid-range movie

  • from going completely

  • digital now is gone girl

  • and instant classic no is gone girl

  • besides the publicity department an awards contender no

  • is gone girl a good date movie hell now

  • is gone girl: film people remember a decade from now

  • I'm share I will say this about time rolled up

  • it is very original very suspenseful

  • dripping with 8 n Bowl and speaking a bold if you want to go in CFL

  • aim high fly close to the Sun yet because if it's hubris like Eckes

  • totally under

  • then go and see gone girl if you want to see a film with

  • I'm

  • amazing up production values I perceive David engine company

  • go and see gone girl but otherwise I'd say it's a

  • very very very solid mid-range now

  • right so that's my review not spoil a review gone girl

  • if you've seen the film head over to my spoiler reviewer we can really

  • dig into this thing is there's plenty to discuss I hope you also leave

  • on your own short reviews I down below in the comments

  • here thank you so much for tuning in and you can check out some more episodes

  • right now

forget his wife, is Ben Affleck gonna kill his comeback with this movie?


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亂世佳人》影評:預告片之外的故事。 (Gone Girl Movie Review : Beyond The Trailer)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日