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Only in Japan
So here we are in the center Shibuya in CENTER GAI
A place that's famous for
cheapen easy restaurants that cater to young people
Some other filling entire buildings and this seems like the perfect jumping-off point to
start this episode
Japanese food in India and help me out to highlight some of this
is Chris shell was a newbie to Japan recently coming from
Banglore right
How you doing
I'm good
So tell me what's your favorite Japanese food?
hands down comment RAMEN
Flavors of the of just reading a little perfect combination
So what would you thin kare trending right now
Well, Indian I say
loved maybe MISOSHIRU and GOHAN
Becuse the more kalman everyday foods
and I think people on it right out for
How would you
say the differences between Japanese food in India and Japanese food here in Japan
I say just the flavor that thing median
change the flavor this so I think that
makes a big difference
So what we're going to do now is take a look at a restaurant I found in GOA
Which is on the seaside so I think it's good for fresh fish
Yeah, I think that good combination
Take a look
It's a popular seaside resort with the unique European history
To build up an appetite for all the great food here
All you have to do is go to the beach
I joined a group but wanna be acrobats for some real may have
They make it look easy
But when you get up there when you look down at that
really shallow water
It makes me think
Perhaps I'd rather be at a seat
in a fine Japanese restaurant instead
Well known Japanese restaurant near Anjuna beach
The name means fish
Leave India behind
and during New World
And it's a world beloved Japan
SAKURA cherry blossom garden on the ceiling
The best Japanese SAKE
It's authentic
They even have ASAHI SUPER DRY
served ice-cold for the home six yr
be Acrobat from Japan's
The restaurant is beautiful and peaceful
But we're really here for the moon's
Avocado shrimp Mayonnaise MAKI roll
This is a hit with the European tourists
Welcome sight for the hungry these dumplings will take you back to
that small Rahman joint you've been craving
back in Japan
Boom UDON WAKAME sesami
Handmade with local ingredients in the restaurant
I can love those noodles up all night long
The main course sesame roll tuna complete with MISO soup GOHAN
Look at those juices
It's ready me too how old
A mule did for any lover a good food
All available so far from Japan
That's so close to my stomach
Bude is beyond simple words
It's meant to be neat
The first by leaves me speechless
This is too much food a single road warrior it needs
a family
Lacking chopstick skills
No spoon?
It's in RAMEN is ubiquitous you can find them anywhere in
convenience stores and supermarkets
and the really late and easy to transport other countries so what I did
was like
I bought a case of them took them into the countryside in India
adjust let them go to town see what happens
That's one great experiment
Take a look
Nipani city is located between Mumbai and Bangalore
with the closest major city call a plumber
Rule charming and friendly that Nipani life
No way
It auto rich on motorcycles and good old walking
And it's a perfect place to test Japan's famous
Instant RAMEN
From the start there's one thing that never changes RAMEN
In center fresh
It brings a smile to everyone's face
Let's try
Instant Pasta with TARACO
a spicy small fishing
First we discover a strainer for the noodles and labor pacts
The noodles are freeze-dried but preserved in a package to maintain its
That requires scissors although there's usually an easy to open
cut in the back in the can be found
And hot water
Wash in straining
at water again
I think we forgotten that this is pasta
That's okay
It'll taste good with the season
Here comes TARACO
Spicy fish shaped
Mix it all up and I guess we're
Ready to eat
How does it taste?
What'you taste it's good?
It doesn't look like a PANDHARA RASSA
It's like a white RASSA
Indian famous dish
Yeah,it's good,it's good,very good
This is taste fish ate
Yeah,it does look like
Okay ,okay,thank you
Nipani residents are getting curious about our taste testing
Everyone wanted a fight
Endless noodle
as always wild
That smile says it all
One bowl isn't enough for such group
The only thing to do was to keep trying more flavors
Here's a premium flavor TONKOTSU
Instant RAMEN
Don't remove the lid completely
We need the lid on after adding water
But that's okay
Roll with it
The crowd waits in anticipation
This RAMEN has a lot of ingredients to it
Just mix it all up
It's normal two-week three minutes
The noodles don't seem to be cooperating
How are your chopstick skills
Bringing the ball up to your basement standing will make it easier to eat
How is taste?
Yeah,it's good
Little spicier than that on a other one
Now slipped the hot noodles
and slurp again
There are many different ways to keep RAMEN
Fun is one of the ingredients
No chopsticks
No problem
Eating with hands as part Indian culture
This is a potato and cheese RAMEN
It's easy
and water
and mix
and slurp
Of course
Like a hungry SAMURAI in any
Tokyo RAMEN joint
How about the strong got
is the up to the RAMEN challenge
Try it Hands free
Those glorious noodles need to be eaten fast
All up
It's your energy
But wait there's more
This is from a famous maker
and perfect for a vegetarian
Creamy milk and seafood
Once again just add water and wait three minutes
Mix it up and
Tasty easy and portable
Instant RAMEN might just have a home here in India too