字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Here we are in central Tokyo at Tokyo Dome City, a place to full of fun challenges 我們現在東京市中心的東京巨蛋城,一個充滿有趣的挑戰的地方 like thunder dolphin 像是雷霆海豚 a roller coaster that goes through a building and of course 一座帶著你穿越建築物的雲霄飛車,當然 Tokyo Dome but today we're talking about food challenges 還有東京巨蛋本身也充滿挑戰,但今天我們要談的是大胃王挑戰 and help me out is KAI OKUDERA who is a food writer for 而協助我的是 KAI OKUDERA,他是網站TokyoCheapo.com上面的美食作家 Tokyo Cheapo com..... and master of the universe 也是國際的大師 Hello KAI, so I wanna talk about food challenges KAI,所以我想要來談談大胃王挑戰賽 but what strikes me as unusual are that food portions in japan are quite small 但讓我覺得不尋常的是,日本的食物份量都很小 aren't they? 不是嗎? Very true I came here almost three years ago 真的沒錯,我是將近三年前來日本的 on the first six weeks I was here I lost about seven kilos (15pounds), just because the food here is so much smaller 而一開始的六個星期,我因為食物份量少就掉了七公斤(十五磅) That's right I think it's all built around this principle of Mottai-nai 是啊,我認為這是基於 「Mottai-nai(日語)」這個原則 meaning don't waste anything. Definitely, I think 意思是不要浪費任何東西。我認為... I'm from HAWAII and people will go to the buffet and stack food on top 我從夏威夷來的,那裡的人到自助式餐廳把食物堆疊得 like a pyramid and take that back to the table and eat it all 像金字塔一樣,把它帶回桌子上吃完後 and try to do it again and again and again until they can't move 然後又再去拿,再去,再去,直到動彈不得為止 right in Japan you don't see anyone having like a Fujiyama(mountain) of food 在日本你就不會看到有誰把食物堆得像富士山一樣 So I've seen a lot of really unique food challenges in Tokyo like that 在東京我已經看過很多很特別的、挑戰大胃王的餐廳,像是 Go GO curry Go GO curry 2.5 kilogram curry rice food challenge like fried stuff on top 二點五公斤的咖哩飯,還有炸物蓋在上面的大胃王挑戰 definitely something I want to try out yeah I think I saw like Skytree 我真是是想去試試看,我是有看過像東京晴空塔那樣的 TEMPURA don, it's about maybe about this high 天婦羅丼,大概有這麼高吧 Tokyo's full of lot of food challenges and KAI and I went to one nearby here 東京有許多挑戰大胃王餐廳,而KAI和我去了這裡附近、在飯田橋的一間餐廳 in Iidabashi where I had a monster GYOZA dumpling and you had the... 我在那裡吃了野獸級的大餃子,而你吃了... Triple jumbo Raman(noodle) 三倍大的巨無霸拉麵 KAGURAZAKA-HANTEN is right next to Iidabashi station 神樂阪飯店就在飯田橋車站的旁邊 one of Tokyo's big crossroads and a student hub. You can't help walking by the 那是東京一個很大的交叉路口,也是學生匯集之地。你會忍不住走過 restaurant window and saying 餐廳的櫥窗,然後說: "HUH? Are you serious?" on the bottom are 4 food challenges with the Jumbo 「啥?你是認真的嗎?」在櫥窗的下層是四種大胃王挑戰的食物,而巨型 GYOZA (dumpling) being the most ridiculous 餃子看起來是最荒謬的一個 a 100 GYOZA plate, massive fried rice triple jumbo Raman and this 一盤一百個餃子、超大盤的炒飯、三倍大的巨型拉麵,和這個 a GYOZA for GODZILLA 像是給哥吉拉吃的巨型餃 the inside is humble but inviting. A lot of Japanese celebrities have been here 店內簡陋但又引人入勝.。許多日本名人已經來 to try these challenges 這裡挑戰過 they even have a wall of fame 他們甚至還有一片名人牆 KAI's Ramen comes first KAI的拉麵先來了 the best Ramen is always served fast how's this competitor feeling? 好的拉麵總是很快就上桌。這名挑戰者現在感覺如何? It's a lot of Ramen but I think I can do it 拉麵好多,但我想我可以辦得到 of course KAI has a strategy right? KAI當然有策略,是吧? No strategy just gonna eat it 沒有策略,就只是吃而已 here comes the biggest dumpling in the world 世界上最大的餃子來了 it's massive and don't try this at home sort of thing 它好大!不要在家裡嘗試這種事 2.5 kilograms pork mince 二點五公斤的絞肉 with some veggies all wrapped in a bread like shell. It's equivalent to about one 與一些蔬菜包在貝殼形狀的麵皮裡,它大約相當於一 hundred normal size GYOZAs 百個一般大小的餃子 maybe more! This is my EVEREST 甚至是更多!這是我的聖母峰 You climb a mountain one step at a time but first we need to cut this thing open 想爬高山,必須要一步一腳印,但首先我們要先得把它切開 Like cutting through a cake.... 就像切蛋糕一樣 would you look at that? 你來瞧瞧 jumbo GYOZA is gushing with juice. It's just waiting to be devoured 巨型餃子正流洩出汁來,它在等著要被大快朵頤了 normally you can pick up each GYOZA with chopsticks 一般來說你可以用筷子夾起餃子 but this mama needs a fork and knife 但這個迷人的東西需要刀叉才行 Crust around the GYOZA is more like bread 餃子的外皮更像麵包 than a GYOZA (dough) 而不像餃子(生麵糰) Soaks in all the oil....from the meat 豬肉釋出的油脂都被吸收了 pack with flavor! 包裏著滿滿的香氣 The 1st bite always goes down easy doesn't it? 吃第一口總是很簡單,不是嗎? food challenges like this has really grown in Japan 像這樣的挑戰大胃王餐廳在日本越來越多 I asked the manager simply what's the deal 我簡單問了店長這一切的來由 don't overdo it? This is a challenge and like all challenges we take it seriously 不要太勉強?這可是個挑戰,那麼就要像我們挑戰其他事情一樣認真 it's more than food, right 這可不只是吃東西啊,是吧? GYOZA is usually a side dish accompanied by a bowl of Ramen 餃子通常是作為搭配拉麵的小菜 but really it can stand by itself as a meal especially when it's as big as a 但當它大得跟蛋糕一樣的時候,它也可以獨立成主餐 cake let's check in with Kai 我們來看看 Kai怎麼樣了 one down and two to go KAI made a classic mistake 一碗已經吃完,還有兩碗要吃,KAI 犯了典型的錯誤 with the timer on he slurped down boiling hot noodles and has paid the price 因為計時器緊迫盯人,他咕嚕咕嚕就把滾燙的麵條吞下肚,也因此付出代價 the scorched mouth! You have to really pace yourself with the monster food challenge 他燙到嘴巴了!面對大胃王挑戰,你必須按部就班才行 the first bowl...the second bowl... 第一碗...第二碗... slowing down...I burned the mouth pretty bad... 速度就慢下來了,我嚴重地把嘴巴燙傷了 What % of your stomach full? 你的胃大概幾分滿了? Let's not talk about negative thing, stay positive 我們不要談這種負面的事情,要正面一點 ok my stomach is about 好吧,我的胃大概... seventy percent full 滿了七成了 Eaten only about 30 percent I'm not good at math but that 但餃子大概只吃了百分之三十。我的數學不太好,但 doesn't sound very promising 聽起來好像不是很有希望 KAI has hit the wall hard KAI陷入嚴重的撞牆期 each bite goes down like a brick..... even delicious Rahman has its limits 每吞一口都備嘗艱辛...即便是美味的拉麵也沒辦法吃太多 Pick it up! the second wind, right? 振作!再展雄風啊! Second wind? You feel it? Eye of a tiger? 要再次出發了嗎?你有感覺到了嗎?像老虎的眼睛那樣殺氣騰騰的 hit the wall this is the moment where 在撞牆期 you have to grab the inner... 你需要攫取你內在 power your inner strength! fight through it 的能量、內在的力量,徹底戰鬥 you push, push it into the stomach let it 用這股力量去推動你的胃 work!! You don't give up 運作,直到最後都不能放棄 until the end!! You hear that KAI??You don't give up 你聽到了嗎,KAI?不要放棄 that's right 沒錯 sometimes pep talks aren't enough 有時候說些激勵的話也無能為力 Are there really ways to defy human limits 這些大份量的食物還真有辦法挑戰人們的能耐 I saw this on TV once 我曾經在電視上看過一次 massage down.... Maybe not 你可以幫胃按摩幫助消化。也許不行 with time running short and our stomachs at the limits 隨著時間即將用盡,我們的胃也到達了極限, there was just no where to go it's not polite to leave food on your plate in 真的是退無可退了。在日本,在盤中留下食物是不禮貌的, Japan most Japanese eat 大多數的日本人會把 every grain of rice in their bowls at meals but the human body has its limits 碗裡的每一顆飯粒吃光光。然而,人體終究是有極限的, especially for untrained competitive eaters like us man versus food 特別是像我們這種未經訓練的挑戰者。這場人類和食物對抗的比賽, food 2, man nothing. But it was fun 食物得兩分,人類...一分都沒有。但這很有趣, and the memories will last a lifetime and so will that flavor 這將會是一生的回憶,而巨無霸餃子和三倍大拉麵的滋味 jumbo GYOZA and triple RAMEN 也會一直留存 It's been few days since that MONSTER GYOZA challenge and I'm still tasting it 自野獸級巨型餃的挑戰結束後已經過了好幾天,但我仍是餘韻猶存 After taste of the pig 在體驗過豬的生活以後 yeah it's not pretty. No it's not! One of our biggest regret I think was 是啊,那感覺不太好。確實!我最後悔的是我沒有 not finishing it.Leaving something on the plate. There's always another food challenge, isn't there? 吃完,把東西留在盤子裡了。還有別的大胃王挑戰可以參加吧,是吧? Yes! Tokyo in Japan are loaded with food challenges! So if you're walking in 沒錯,日本東京充斥著這種大胃王挑戰,所以如果你到 the city and you see a food challenge in the window 東京,看到窗上張貼的大胃王挑戰資訊 don't be afraid to go in and just try it Bring some friends! 不要害怕,進去試試看就對了。帶些朋友去吧! Mottai-nai! 不要浪費!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 餃子 挑戰 東京 拉麵 日本 食物 東京的怪物食物挑戰★ WAORYU!TV ONLY in JAPAN #20 東京的怪物食物挑戰。 (Tokyo's Monster Food Challenge ★ WAO✦RYU!TV ONLY in JAPAN #20 東京大食いチャレンジ) 416 36 阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字