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My name is Elias.
I want to learn to play rugby.
I play with a lot of people.
We're high up overlooking Rio in one of the favelas.
我們在一個貧民窟 俯瞰里約熱內盧
We're lucky enough here to be able to be at a school that overlooks Rio
我們很幸運能夠來到 一所俯瞰里約的學校
and be out here with the kids
who have never seen a rugby ball or never even heard of rugby.
他們從未見過欖球 甚至未曾聽過這東西
Can you see that big building over there? I live under it.
看得見那幢很大的建築物嗎? 我就住在那下面
HSBC is introducing the sport to thousands of kids
滙豐將欖球介紹給 數以千計的小朋友
and is also training coaches to help develop the sport in Brazil.
同時也栽培教練 以協助在巴西發揚欖球
- Now, then, are you ready? - Yes!
- 你們準備好了嗎? - 好了!
I think knowing the type of athletes
and the sports that are played here in Brazil,
you can see their footballing ability,
and they quickly picked up the ability to pass and catch a ball smoothly.
他們很快就學會欖球技巧 可流暢地傳球和接球
The transition is quite exciting for them.
They're really wanting to use their feet,
but they're still out there having fun.
The ball is round... It's oval. And you can't play with your feet.
那個球不是圓的,兩頭尖尖的 而且不可用腳踢
You play with your hands.
Rugby is a sport with very well-established values and rules.
欖球是一種具有 完整規則和對球品有要求的運動
It promotes courage, teamwork and respect.
其價值觀鼓勵勇氣、 團隊精神和尊重
These are very important values for any society,
particularly to develop a country's new generation.
在培養國家未來新一代時 尤其重要
You need to be careful - look at where you are throwing the ball,
straight into your friend's hands.
No shots now!
Since the Olympic inclusion, the sport really has grown.
自從獲奧運會納入之後 欖球就不斷發展
With the Olympics in Rio it's going to be a real showcase for the game.
里約將要舉行奧運 屆時是展示欖球的好機會
It gives everybody around the world the opportunity to start playing rugby.
這樣讓全世界的人都有機會 嘗試打欖球
I feel like I'm a rugby player.
我覺得自己 像是個真正的欖球選手