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  • Hello Fleming College

  • We have a rock and mineral ID test coming up

  • We got ah 40 rocks and minerals on there

  • 21 minerals and 19 rocks

  • So let's get down to business

  • Start off with our minerals

  • Quartz

  • Quartz has a hardness of 7 and is the hardest mineral in this set

  • The luster is glassy

  • Non-metallic

  • But be careful because quartz can be almost any colour

  • It has concoidal fracture

  • No cleavage but is sometimes in crystal form

  • It has sharp edges and is a common rock forming mineral

  • Calcite

  • Has a hardness of 3 and can be scratched with a knife

  • It's lustre is vitreous to earthy and non metallic

  • It has good cleavage and is rhombic

  • It can be many different colours

  • and effervesces with a dilute ten percent HCL

  • Plagioclase

  • Has a hardness of 6 and a non metallic lustre

  • It streaks white and has good cleavage at right angles

  • And twinning striations

  • It's usually light in colour white or grey

  • Orthoclase

  • A hardness of 6

  • It's lustre is non metallic vitreous

  • It streaks white it has good cleavage at 90 degrees

  • Colour is most often light to medium red but

  • can be white grey or green

  • Biotite and Muscovite

  • With a hardness of 2.5 to 3 it's very soft

  • It's lustre is non metallic

  • Perfect basal cleavage

  • Splits off easily into thin sheets that are

  • elastic or plastic

  • The colour is opaque to translucent

  • Biotite is always black

  • Muscovite is brown light green or beige

  • Hornblende

  • With a hardness of 5.5 it's as hard as a knife

  • It's lustre is vitreous non metallic

  • It has a bright black splintery appearance

  • It's cleavage not always easy to see

  • Angles fifty six degrees and one hundred twenty four degrees

  • The colour is black to dark green or brown

  • Pyroxene

  • Hardness of 5.5 same hardness as a knife blade

  • The lustre is vitreous to glassy and non metallic

  • The colour is light to medium grey or green

  • has visible cleavage plains at approximately ninety degrees

  • Talc

  • With a hardness of 1 it's very soft

  • and can be scratched with a fingernail

  • The cleavage is perfect basal

  • The streak is white the lustre is pearly to greasy

  • non metallic silky appearance slippery to the touch

  • Colour is pale green white yellow or translucent

  • Pyrite

  • Hardness of 6 to 6.5 it's harder than a knife blade

  • The lustre is metallic it has no cleavage

  • And is massive

  • The streak is greenish or brownish black

  • The colour is opaque pale brass yellow

  • Sometimes called fools gold

  • And is harder than chalcopyrite

  • Chalcopyrite

  • It's hardness is 3.5 to 4 softer than a knife blade

  • It has no cleavage and is massive

  • The lustre is metallic

  • The streak is greenish black

  • Softer than pyrite

  • The colour is brassy to greenish yellow

  • Graphite

  • The hardness of 1 to 2

  • It's lustre is metallic to dull

  • The cleavage is perfect basal

  • The streak is black and it marks paper

  • Has a greasy appearance and feel

  • The colour is black to steel grey

  • Hematite

  • A hardness of 5.5 to 6.5

  • The lustre is mostly non metallic

  • Found in compact red earthy masses but can

  • also be metallic dull silver

  • The streak is always red

  • Red powder will come off in your hands

  • The colours are red reddish brown black or metallic steel grey

  • Magnetite

  • With a hardness of 6 it can't be scratched with a knife

  • It's lustre is sub metallic dull metal appearance

  • There is no cleavage and it is massive

  • The streak is black

  • It is magnetic and will affect a compass

  • The colour is iron black

  • Gypsum

  • With a hardness of 2 it scratches easily with a fingernail

  • Lustre is non metallic

  • Clear crystalline form called celonite

  • Compact variety called alabaster most often in massive form

  • Colour usually white also grey reddish or brown

  • Serpentine

  • With a hardness of 2.5 to 4

  • Cleavage is not prominent concoidal fractures

  • lustre is non metallic greasy to waxy

  • Texture often has greasy or slippery feel

  • And the colour is most often green

  • Barite

  • A hardness or 2.5 to 3.5

  • The lustre is non metallic vitreous often transparent or translucent

  • The streak is white

  • The cleavage is perfect basal and prismatic or

  • Could be massive with fractures

  • Specific gravity 4.3 to 4.6

  • Occurs in tabular crystals in granular form

  • or in compact masses resembling marble

  • Colour it's colourless to white yellow brown red green or black

  • Chrysotile

  • Hardness of 2.5 to 4

  • The texture it has flexible fibres which are easily separated

  • The lustre is non metallic and silky

  • Colours can be green white yellow or brown

  • Galena

  • Hardness of 2.5

  • Lustre is metallic

  • The specific gravity of 7.6

  • The streak is medium grey and colours are

  • medium to dark grey

  • The cleavage is parallel to crystal cube faces

  • Pyrrhotite

  • With a hardness of 3.5 to 4.5

  • The streak is greyish black

  • It has no cleavage and a specific gravity of 4.6

  • It may be yellow to bronze in colour

  • and tarnishes to iridescent colours

  • and may be magnetic and the lustre is metallic

  • Sphalerite

  • With a hardness of 3.5 to 4

  • The lustre can be black variety metallic or

  • other common colours that are non metallic

  • It has cleavage with a specific gravity to 3.9 to 4

  • The streak is brown

  • Colours can be yellow brown red or black

  • if iron is present

  • All right that will do the minerals

  • now let's get into the rocks

  • We're gonna start off with granite

  • It's texture is panoritic medium to coarse grained

  • The structure is massive

  • The colour is white to grey mostly pink

  • The hardness is greater than 5.5

  • It's composition is made up of quartz

  • orthoclase plagioclase biotite and hornblende

  • Basalt

  • Texture is affinitic fine grained

  • Structure is massive vesicular amygdaloidal

  • flow pillows ropey blocky or columnar

  • The colour is dark grey to black

  • The hardness is greater than 5 to 6

  • It's composition consists of

  • plagioclase pyroxene olivine and some hornblende and biotite

  • Limestone

  • Texture is calcareous coarse grained

  • The structure is characteristically thick bedded to

  • massive may contain fossils

  • particularly in the cement

  • The colour is variable

  • The hardness is between 3 and 4

  • Composition it must consist of fifty percent

  • or more of calcite

  • Shale

  • Texture is fine grained

  • Structure is laminated splits into thin plates

  • may contain fossils

  • Colours are light to dark grey

  • iron oxides may give brown and red colours which are dull

  • The hardness is soft easily scratched and weathered

  • may disintegrate in humid climates

  • It's composition consists of

  • silt and clay size particles and clay minerals

  • Gneiss

  • Texture is uneven granular

  • medium to coarse grained crystalline

  • Structure

  • Gneissic banding parallel mineral orientation

  • alternating light and dark bands

  • Colour is light granular layers and

  • dark foliated bands

  • The hardness

  • Granular layers 6 to 7

  • foliated layers 2.5 to 3

  • It's composition consists of

  • orthioclase quartz biotite hornblende

  • and it is named for parent rock

  • Marble

  • Texture is even granular

  • fine to medium grained calcite crystals

  • Structure is massive

  • Colour is white but accessory minerals will colour the rock

  • The hardness is 3 is easily scratched

  • and easily eroded

  • It consists of calcite or dolomite

  • Rhyolite

  • Texture is aphanitic may be porphyritic

  • medium to coarse grained

  • Structure is massive

  • Colour is light grey yellow and red

  • The hardness is 6 to 6.5

  • The composition consists of

  • Quartz sanidine feldspar biotite and hornblende

  • Andesite

  • Texture is aphanitic may be

  • porphyritic fine grained

  • The structure is massive

  • Colour is brown green and dark grey

  • Hardness is 5 to 6

  • and it's composition consists of

  • plagioclase hornblende pyroxene and biotite

  • Diorite

  • Texture is phaneritic

  • coarse grained structure is massive

  • Colour is light to dark grey

  • Hardness is 5.5 to 6

  • The composition consists of

  • greater than ten percent of quartz

  • with orthioclase plagioclase hornblende and biotite

  • Gabbro

  • Texture is phaneritic coarse grained

  • The structure is massive

  • The colour is dark grey or greenish black

  • The hardness is greater than 5.5

  • and the composition consists of

  • plagioclase pyroxene hornblende and olivine

  • Porphyry

  • The texture is porphyritic

  • it has coarse crystals it's a light colour matrix

  • The background is fine grained and dark colour

  • ahh the colour varies

  • The hardness is greater than 5.5

  • usually picked from the individual mineral

  • the composition varies

  • Nepheline Syenite

  • Texture is phaneritic and coarse grained

  • Structure it has poor cleavage

  • is translucent with greasy to glassy lustre

  • The colours can be white yellow grey green

  • or even reddish or pink

  • The hardness is around 5.5 to 6

  • The composition consists of

  • sodalite apatite pyroxene sphene and feldspar

  • Limestone

  • Texture calcareous rock fine grained

  • Composed mainly of the mineral calcite

  • The structure stratification usually indistinct

  • sometimes fossils present on surface of rock

  • colour is variable

  • The hardness is ahh 3 to 4

  • dense variety's break with a concoidal fracture

  • It must consist of fifty percent or more

  • of calcite

  • Dolomite

  • Texture is coarse to fine grained

  • Structure is massive

  • Colour is white colourless buff brown pink or grey

  • Hardness is 3 to 4

  • effervesces very slowly in cold hydrochloric acid

  • Sandstone

  • Texture

  • even granular sand size

  • Structure is massive bedded cross bedding

  • and ripple marks

  • Colour varies depending on cement

  • white tan brown red or green

  • Hardness varies depending on cementing materials

  • quartz grains

  • The composition consists of quartz grains

  • if feldspar grains called arcos silica carbonates clay

  • or iron oxides as cementing agents

  • Talc Schist

  • Texture is medium to coarse grained

  • talc feel and flakeyness

  • Structure

  • Schistose foliation parallel alignment of

  • flaky minerals make more than fifty percent

  • Colour is silvery white grey yellow to brown

  • tones from iron oxides

  • Hardness and ease of splitting depends on

  • micaceous minerals present

  • usually soft 1 to 3

  • Composition consists of name for foliation

  • producing minerals which are present

  • micas muscovites

  • chlorite talc and hornblende

  • Slate

  • Texture is dense and fine grained

  • Structure is slatey foliation

  • thinner layers parallel alignment of mica

  • flakes no fossils

  • Colour is usually medium to dark grey

  • or black green purple red brown

  • and shiney lustre

  • The hardness is easily scratched with a knife

  • and is brittle

  • It's parent rocks are shale or mudstone

  • Quartzite

  • Texture is even granular

  • fine to medium grained sugary

  • Structure

  • massive thick bedded outlined of

  • original grains imperceptible

  • Colour is white when pure

  • light to dark grey or brownish to pink

  • from accessory minerals

  • Hardness is 7 tough but brittle

  • with splintery fractures

  • The parent rock is quartz rich sandstones

  • grains and cement

  • Muscovite Schist

  • The texture is medium to coarse grained

  • with a talc like feel and flakeyness

  • The structure is schistose foliation

  • parallel alignment of flaky minerals

  • make up fifty percent

  • The colour is silvery white grey yellow with brown

  • tones from iron oxides

  • Hardness and ease of splitting depend

  • on micaceous minerals present

  • which are soft

  • from 1 to 3

  • The composition named according to the

  • most conspicuous foliating producing

  • mineral in the rock

Hello Fleming College


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B2 中高級 美國腔

岩石和礦物鑑定 (Rock and Mineral Identification)

  • 106 2
    leo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日