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  • RYAN GUZMAN: Hey, Step Up fans.

  • KATHRYN MCCORMICK: We're here to announce the first-ever

  • worldwide Twitter flash mob.

  • RYAN GUZMAN: And we want you to participate by submitting a

  • video of yourself individually doing a simple choreographed

  • dance to Timbaland's "Hands in the Air."

  • JAMAL SIMS: We're going to demonstrate easy

  • but powerful moves.

  • You'll be able to choose one that best

  • expresses who you are.

  • KATHRYN MCCORMICK: And don't worry about if you're not a

  • professional dancer.

  • We want everybody to participate, regardless of

  • your experience.

  • RYAN GUZMAN: And once we've collected all the dance

  • videos, we're going to create a flash mob music video

  • staring you.

  • JAMAL SIMS: Shoot a video of yourself doing one of the

  • following dance moves, and tweet the video link with the

  • hashtag stepupmob.


  • RYAN GUZMAN: We're here to teach you the first section of

  • the online flash mob.

  • It's four eight-counts.

  • Really easy.

  • You should be able to pick it up really quick.

  • And one, two, three, four-- bring up your knees--

  • five, six--

  • hold for two counts-- seven and eight.

  • Go back to the other side.

  • And one, two, three, four-- knees again-- five, six--

  • hold again--

  • seven, eight.

  • Then one and two, three and four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • One and two and three and four, and then you're going to

  • go five and six, seven and eight.

  • And it's a ripple effect.

  • All right guys, I'm going to pass you off to Kathryn.

  • She'll teach you the next section.

  • See you guys soon.


  • I'm going to teach you part two of the online flash mob.

  • You just finished with your hands across

  • your right foot front.

  • You're going to let your body drop for six counts.

  • And your arms can do anything they want.

  • So you're going to drop, two, three, four, five, six.

  • You're going to step out on your right with your right

  • hand out, seven--

  • step out on your left-- eight, bring

  • everything together on one.

  • From here you're going to step back on your right foot as you

  • do a body roll.

  • So you're going to go three, four--

  • step back on your left foot--

  • five, six.

  • Then you're going to do a pony with your

  • right foot down first.

  • And your arms are going to go up.

  • So you're going to go pony down, down, down.

  • From here, you're going to step out on your left foot.

  • You're going to groove to the left.

  • So you step, and then you swing your arm.

  • And then you're going to go back to the right.

  • Swing your arm.

  • You do this for a full 14 counts.

  • From here, you're going to add the pony step

  • back in one last time--

  • and down.

  • And that's part two of the online flash mob.

  • Now, here we have Misha here to teach you part three.

  • MISHA GABRIEL: I'm going to teach you part three of the

  • online flash mob.

  • We take it from where Kat left off on seven, eight.

  • One, two--

  • arms go-- three, four, five, repeat, seven, eight.

  • One, two-- arms go-- three, four, five, seven, eight.

  • One, two, three, four, five, seven, eight.

  • One, two, three, four, five, seven, eight, and one.

  • Going on from there, we have and one, two, march three,

  • four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • There's a little roll-off effect.

  • I'm going to go first.

  • This is one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven, around.

  • We go one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • From here, it's a little ripple effect.

  • From right to left, we're going to go, push one, two,

  • three, other way, push five, six, seven.

  • Again, back one, two, three, other way,

  • five, six, seven, eight.

  • And walk around, one, two, three, four.

  • We repeat this roll off, and five and six and seven, eight.

  • Now I'm going to throw it to my two boys

  • here to take you home.

  • JAMAL SIMS: What's up, everybody.

  • We're going to show you the final step.

  • MALE SPEAKER: We're going to take it where Misha left off.

  • We're here on five and six, seven and eight.

  • I'm going to bounce, one, two, three, four,

  • five, six, seven, eight.

  • One, two, three, four, five, six, bounce seven, eight.

  • And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • One, two, three, four, five, six, this is seven, eight.

  • And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • And one, two, three, four, five, six, walk

  • seven, eight, one.

  • And you freeze on one.

  • JAMAL SIMS: All right, so that's it.

  • You all have learned it.

  • We're ready to do it.

  • We'll perform it with the stars of our

  • movie and have fun.

  • Let's do it.


RYAN GUZMAN: Hey, Step Up fans.


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Step Up Revolution - Virtual Flash Mob官方舞蹈教程 - #StepUpMob. (Step Up Revolution - Virtual Flash Mob Official Dance Tutorial - #StepUpMob)

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    凱雯 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日