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  • I'm going to hold the mic because I definitely cannot stand still. I have far too much passion.

  • [Laughter]

  • Matt mentioned that I studied physics. It's true. I'm really into solving problems. It's

  • my thing. It's what I like to do. I like to figure stuff out. People often ask me why

  • I don't use my physics degree. Actually, I use it every day as I'm doing what I love

  • to do. Because for me, physics is just about solving problems, and figuring things out,

  • and creating systems. And what I want to share with you tonight is a way to systematize having

  • a passionate life.

  • Early in my twenties I realized I had a passion for helping people. I'd find myself sitting

  • down with friend who had a problem, who wanted to figure something out. We would work through

  • a problem in their life. And when we sat down, I'd always take out a piece of paper. We'd

  • be sitting at a table somewhere, and I'd just start to ask them questions. I wasn't trained

  • to be a life coach. I just started asking questions. What's going on in your life? What

  • do you want to do? Let's come up with a system, a strategy to get you more of what you want.

  • My passion is still sitting down with a person with that blank piece of paper. I've done

  • this with my friends. Those of you here who are my friends know that. My clients will

  • confirm that whenever we meet, I show up with a notebook and a pen.

  • Tonight I want to take you on a journey. Obviously I can't interact with you one-on-one here,

  • but imagine yourself sitting somewhere with me, with that piece of paper. I want to talk

  • to you about a system for finding your passion.

  • This is a funny story. I had just arrived in London and I was sitting with one of the

  • first British guys I had met here. I told him what I enjoy doing, saying "Maybe I can

  • do this for a living. Maybe I could just talk to people and help them live their dreams.

  • There's people in America that do this. They get onstage and talk about how to live out

  • your dreams. They get everybody excited."

  • He said, "Oh, yeah. We have people like that here. We call them wankers." [Laughter] I

  • was an American. I had just arrived here. I didn't know what wanker meant. I was thinking

  • about where to put wanker on my business card. [Laughter] About introducing myself at a party.

  • "I'm John Morgan."

  • "What do you do?"

  • "I'm a wanker." [Laughter]

  • Afterwards this guy said, "Just tell them you're an American, and they won't call you

  • a wanker. You'll be fine." [Laughter]

  • Anyways, I ended up pursuing life coaching. It's what I'm doing now, and I love it. It's

  • very exciting to be able to teach people how to live their dreams. I help people connect

  • with each other, specifically in the area of dating. I work with both men and women.

  • For me, it's a doorway into their lives. Helping someone meet the right person is usually far

  • deeper than what a person looks like, or what they do for a living.

  • When Matt created a meetup called "How to Live a Passionate Life," he contacted me and

  • asked me to be a speaker. I figured twenty people would come. One email, and the presentation

  • sold out in three days. I advised him to get a bigger room. He did, and we had seventy

  • people signed up in two days. There's a hundred people in this room, right now, all of you

  • interested in the idea of living a more passionate life.

  • Being in front of a hundred people that are interested in living a more passionate life

  • is very exciting for me. Think about that for a second. There's a hundred people here

  • that want to live a more passionate life. That are interested in living a more passionate

  • life.

  • So, just what is a passionate life? I'd like to throw this question out there. I want to

  • see if somebody can answer this for me. In your own words, tell me what you consider

  • a passionate life? Please.

  • Doing what you love doing.

  • Doing what you love doing. Okay, cool. Anybody else? Did you all come to find out what a

  • passionate life is? [Laughter]

  • Living without fear.

  • Living without fear. That's good. I like that. What else? I heard some mumbling. What is

  • it?

  • Appreciating what you have.

  • Appreciating what you have. Cool.

  • Sharing what you have.

  • Sharing what you have.

  • Doing something that inspires you every day.

  • Doing something that inspires you every day. Cool.

  • Challenging yourself.

  • Challenging yourself. Yeah.

  • Making a difference.

  • Making a difference. Cool. This is all good stuff. Let me twist the question and become

  • a coach for a second. How will you know when you're living a passionate life? Please.

  • You don't come to talks like this one. [Laughter]

  • You don't come to talks like this anymore. [Laughter] Bunch of losers! How else?

  • You're feeling fulfilled.

  • You're feeling fulfilled.

  • With no regrets.

  • With no regrets. I like that. I'm going to hold onto that. You're feeling fulfilled.

  • I'm going to come back to that later. I think that's cool.

  • The next question I want to ask is an interesting thing for you to think about. Why do you want

  • to live a passionate life? I'm not going to ask you to share it with everyone, because

  • everybody's answer is going to be a little bit different. It's going to be unique to

  • each of you. And I believe feeling fulfilled is part of that.

  • When I was around twenty-two or twenty-three, I had just finished university. I was hanging

  • out with my friends, eating dinner at a TGI Friday's in America. There's like a million

  • of them. As I was sitting there, eating, I realized I couldn't see out of one eye. It

  • was kind of weird.

  • Over the next few days, I went blind in my left eye. Completely blind. I went to my family

  • doctor. He didn't know what it was. I went to an optometrist. She didn't know what it

  • was. She sent me to an ophthalmologist. He told me to see a neurologist. They gave me

  • an MRI, scanning my brain. They told me that my brain had lesions all over it, that I had

  • multiple sclerosis." I said, "What's that?"

  • They told me it was a disease which attacks the nervous system. Your immune system gets

  • confused, thinking your nervous system is bad for you, and it attacks it. And as it

  • does that, it damages the nerves, which can then no longer send signals.

  • Now, that freaked me out, and I asked them what my future held. Well, people live their

  • whole lives with just one episode, and it never bothers them again. It was possible

  • the blindness would go away and I would be fine. It was also possible that I would become

  • paralyzed and die. They couldn't tell me.

  • That was obviously a holy shit moment. It obviously it stressed me out. Over the next

  • week, I took steroids. The blindness went away. My vision returned, and is almost perfect

  • now. And over that week, I shifted from being really scared to really excited. I just flipped

  • it. I just flipped it.

  • My eye was fine again. I was healthy. I was strong. I was happy. I realized that this

  • disease is no different than the disease that every single one of you guys and girls have

  • right now—a disease called mortality. Mortality. And I believe this is connected to the concept

  • of fulfillment.

  • Mark Twain said that, "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things

  • that you didn't do than by the things you did do." My reason for living a passionate

  • life is because I want to make sure that when I die, I know that my life wasn't wasted.

  • And the way I will know that it wasn't wasted is by knowing that I really lived. I really

  • lived. How will I know if I really lived? I will feel fulfilled, because that's how

  • we know if we're alive. We feel.

  • That's my reason, and I'm sure all of you have your reasons. You might not be aware

  • of it, but you should take some time to think about it. Why should you want a passionate

  • life? Because from there comes the motivation to live that passionate life. In a few minutes,

  • we'll discuss how to make that happen.

  • If you and I sat down to have a one-on-one session, face-to-facethe first thing I

  • would tell you is that we are going to come up with a strategy for you to have a more

  • passionate life. The first thing I would ask you is to tell me about your life, and tell

  • me what you like to do.

  • You might say, "Well, I work. I work like fifty or sixty hours a week. Sometimes after

  • work I go out to the pub with my friends. Once in a while, I go out to eat. I try to

  • get to the gym at least once a week, maybe twice. Sometimes I go to a game."

  • "So, what else? What else do you like to do?"

  • "Well, there's this course I want to take, and this other thing…"

  • At that point I'll say, "Let me talk a little about my life and my passions, just to give

  • you an example of what I mean by passion."

  • When I was sixteen or so, I got my first guitar. At that point, it was just something I was

  • interested in. So, I took guitar lessons. The first thing I learned was how to pick

  • on one string. I started from this clunky picking until that, "Come as you are…" A

  • Nirvana song, right? I thought, Oh, wow! This is exciting!

  • From there it became strumming and learning chords. That was even more exciting. Then

  • the chords became riffs and songs. Then I started singing and writing lyrics. I started

  • a band, created an album and went on tour. Then I got passionate about playing the guitar.

  • And I consider the passion I had for playing the guitar a passion in depth. I went deeper

  • and deeper and deeper into playing the guitar, and grew more and more passionate about it.

  • Here's another example. I studied in Sydney. This was my first time leaving America, and

  • it opened my eyes in so many ways. I realized the world is not actually what it looks like

  • on American TV. That was amazing. Then I became interested in traveling. When I was at uni,

  • I went to Italy for a couple of weeks, and wrote a story about it. Then travel became

  • even more interesting to me.

  • As I got older, I made good money investing in property, and decided to start traveling

  • because I loved it. I bought a one-way ticket to Malaysia, not knowing how long it was going

  • to last. It lasted three years, because I was so passionate about it. My passion for

  • travel was not a deep passion, but a wider passion, wider in variety and breadth and

  • width. I was doing all sorts of different things.

  • Every time I had a new or different experience, I wanted even more new and different experiences,

  • whether it was seeing the Festival of the Hindus in Malaysia, or visiting concentration

  • camps. I visited all kinds of places, just to expand my mind and expand my experiences.

  • I became passionate about traveling, but in breadth, not in depth.

  • So, there's different kinds of passion. Everybody has their own balance and it's different for

  • everyone, but these are some examples. Are you starting to understand what I mean by

  • passion? Perhaps you're thinking, Now I get it. I see what you're talking about, but I

  • just don't know what my passion is. How do I find my passion? Have you ever asked yourself

  • what your passion is? Okay, cool.

  • How many of you believe in love at first sight? Raise your hand. Okay, cool. Well, I've got

  • some bad news for you guys. [Laughter] It's a fairy tale. If it ever happens, it's just

  • serendipity. It's just chance. I don't believe it's real. It's the same with finding your

  • passion. You're at the bookstore one day, flipping through a book. Someone walks up

  • to you and says, "Hey, what's up, man?"

  • You answer, "I'm just searching for my passion." And then, "Holy shit! There it is! I found

  • my passion! It's on Page 78 in this book!" No, that's not how it works. That's not how

  • you find your passions.

  • Passions have to grow. They're not just discovered. Passions are grown, not discovered. Just like

  • love. You don't discover love. You fall into love. What I'm suggesting is that you start

  • thinking about falling into passion. Now, how do you do that? That's the next question.

  • How do you fall into passion? If you can't force love, and you can't force passion, what

  • can you do?

  • Obviously, if you want to fall in love, you can't sit at home all day and never meet people.

  • You're not going to fall in love that way. You've got to be around people so you can

  • set yourself up and give yourself some really good odds at finding passion.

  • Which brings us back to the first question I asked. Notice, I didn't ask you, "What are

  • your passions?" I asked you, "What do you like to do? What are your interests?" Because

  • that's where it begins. And discovering the things that you like to do (or would like

  • to do but you're not doing now) is the next path you take to fall into passion. But you

  • need a start.

  • The next thing I would have you do is list ten things that you would like to do. The

  • next problem that typically comes up is, "Wow. That's great. I can see the things I'd like

  • to do, but I'm not sure I could ever do any of those things."

  • And I would respond, "Well, I'm going to talk to you about that, but hold on. Let me teach

  • you one more thing. Let's get some clarity around which of these ten things you're interested

  • in could actually develop into passions. Let me share with you my formula that will help

  • you discover those things about which you could be passionate."

  • When I was a little kid, I liked to shovel snow. I'd shovel snow with my dad, driving

  • the snow shovel around and creating paths like figure eights. My dad would always say,

  • "No, no, no. Do it this way. Straight, like this." I would do what he told me, but it

  • was never as much fun. I wasn't as excited about what he wanted me to do, and I became

  • less passionate about it.

  • When I was at university and playing in bands, I started building websites for the bands.

  • I enjoyed it. I'd stay up until three in the morning writing code, nerding and geeking

  • out. And it was fun. I was passionate about that. Then I started doing it for clients,

  • who always needed the website done by a certain date. It wasn't as fun anymore.

  • What happened? What changed with those things? What made them go from being fun to not fun?

  • Any ideas? I'm going to tell you. Don’t worry. [Laughter]

  • Responsibility.

  • Yes, responsibility, that's part of it.

  • Freedom.

  • Freedom. That's the word. My freedom was taken away. To be totally passionate about something,

  • you have to feel free to do it. You have to be free to feel it. When I was in my band

  • playing, there was no way I could have been passionate about it if I was unable to choose

  • who played in the band. I was passionate about travel photography, but there's no way I could

  • be passionate about taking pictures of crying kids in a studio. I was passionate about photography

  • and I was passionate about my band because I had the freedom to decide how I did the

  • photography and who was in the band.

  • Now, I don't want to get you hung up on the idea that you have to be free by some external

  • standard. This is about perceived freedom, as Marcus was just talking about. It's about

  • perception. As long as you perceive it as freedom, then you are free. At this point,

  • I'd tell you to go through your list of the ten things you're most passionate about, and

  • place an "F" next to the things which would give you that feeling of freedom, whatever

  • freedom feels like to you.

  • Let's talk about the second way to find your passion. Think back to when you were a bartender

  • or a waiter or working retail. A job you liked in the beginning, but then after a while,

  • it got boring. Who here has had a job like that? Anybody ever have that? Yeah, okay.

  • What happened there? What happened?

  • It got stale. I couldn't grow.

  • It got stale. You couldn't grow. Did you look at my notes? [Laughter] No more answering

  • my questions.

  • You didn't grow. You were growing at the beginning of the job, because you were learning. Then

  • you hit a ceiling, and you couldn't grow anymore. The passion was turned off. The moment you

  • stop growing, you stop having access to passion, because passion depends on growth. You need

  • to be improving just enough to keep you moving forward, to maintain that desire, the belief

  • that you can actually do better. So put a "G" next to all the things you listed that

  • you like to do, which will satisfy you, and have an infinite potential for growth. You

  • want to keep growing.

  • Let's talk about the third way to help discover your passion. At the end of my third year

  • traveling, I was living in a tent and cycling my bike. I had just cycled the Pacific Coast

  • of the United States. I was about to cross into Mexico (because I was headed to South

  • America) and was sitting on a beach in L.A. watching the sunset. I thought, I've been

  • traveling for three years. I'm living my dream. I'm growing. I'm free. And yet, something's

  • missing. Like I'm living the dream, and I'm still not satisfied. Something is wrong with

  • me. I had to figure out what was wrong.

  • Let me give you a hint. If this roof caved in, right now, I'm pretty sure the first thing

  • you would do is ask yourself, Am I okay? Am I okay? But what's the second thing you'd

  • think about? Somebody tell me.

  • Your family.

  • But the minute you realized that you were okay (after the roof caved in) what would

  • be the next thing you would think about?

  • The guy next to you.

  • The people around you. The guy next to you. I'm okay. Are you okay? Instantly! The second

  • you know you're okay, you worry about if the people around you are okay. I believe this

  • is a core driver in all of us. And Marcus talked about this before, about giving. About

  • altruism. And this is not only part of fulfilling your life. This is about passion.

  • And the thing that kept popping into my head was that I was raising money to build a library

  • for kids in Cambodia. All of a sudden, I was ready to stop traveling and do something about

  • this passion. I realized that contribution (the letter "C") was a necessary component

  • to fulfillment.

  • Since then, I've discovered that contribution is not only necessary for self-fulfillment,

  • but is also a vital part of feeling passionate. For me to believe, for me to perceive that

  • what I'm doing is bigger than myself, I have to be making a contribution, doing something

  • for the greater good. Again, it's about our perceptions. That's where it comes from. So

  • put a "C" next to all the things you'd like to do that you think would give you a sense

  • of contribution. It's going to be different for everyone. F. G. C.

  • Once you've marked each of the ten things you'd like do with "F" for freedom, "G" for

  • growth, and "C" for contribution, you might be thinking, Oh. I get it. I can really see

  • how the things I'd like to do could turn into passions, if I was actually able to do them.

  • But man, I just know myself. How do I get the motivation to do these things? Does anybody

  • ever wonder that? How you start doing this stuff? Just nod like this. Nobody can see

  • you.

  • Let me talk to you about motivation. It's one of my favorite topics. It's one of my

  • top tips.

  • It's interesting, because passion is a kind of motivation. I call it perpetual motivation.

  • Because passion is the kind of motivation where you just feel this energy within, and

  • it keeps you doing something. You don't have to have the carrot and the stick anymore,

  • because you feel motivated from within. The reason why I haven't used an alarm clock in

  • ten years is because I wake up excited each and every day. It comes from within. It's

  • that passion. It's that feeling.

  • You know when you're a kid and you're going on holiday? You can't sleep the night before.

  • You're too excited, and you can't wait for the day to start. That's how passion is. That's

  • how passion works. So, perpetual motivation. That's what we want. But, you don't have it

  • right now, or don't have as much as you want. How do you get there?

  • When I was sixteen, I had a pickup truck. It was my first car. It was a four-speed,

  • manual shift. After about a month, the starter stopped working. So, every time I parked it,

  • I had to make sure that I parked it either on a flat street or downhill. Then I'd have

  • to open the door and push the car until it starting going. Then I'd jump inside, pop

  • the clutch, put the thing in gear and it would start.

  • And it would run. It would run fine, but I had to do something manual. I had to use some

  • additional energy in the beginning to get me to that point of perpetual motivation.

  • To get me to the point of passion. So, you need raw, external motivation and strategies

  • to get you doing the things that you would like to do.

  • Another question that you might ask yourself unconsciously is why do I not do all the things

  • that I want to do? Isn't that weird? Do you ever even think about that? You really want

  • to do these things. Why are you not doing them?

  • My friend James has helped a lot of people make changes and become motivated in their

  • lives. He talks about the amygdala, the part of your brain that creates your emotional

  • drive. The signals that the amygdala sends to the rest of your brain are 75 percent dedicated

  • to avoiding pain and 25 percent dedicated to seeking pleasure. This means that most

  • of your brain is working hard to keep you safe, and that only a small part of your brain

  • is working hard to make you feel good.

  • For as many years as human brains have existed, they've been working mostly to keep you safe.

  • Now all of a sudden the world has expanded, and there is more stuff that we want. Some

  • of the things we want may be perceived as dangerous, and our brain has yet to adapt.

  • We're stuck here, staying safe, and it creates this kind of inertia. You have to overcome

  • that in order to get moving.

  • So, let's talk about this idea of perception. Because think about it for a second. Your

  • brain is trying to keep you safe based upon how you perceive the risk. And the risk of

  • the situation is just some ideas that you have. They are based on your perception, which

  • comes from your perspective.

  • My friend Mark has this cool idea that he calls reverse role models. People often ask

  • me, "How did you end up traveling the world? I'd really like to do that, but my parents

  • don't think it's a good idea. My friends think it's irresponsible. I have a career."

  • I always ask them if they would like to live the lives of the people that are telling them

  • not to do the thing that they really want to do. They usually answer no. You have to

  • realize that the advice your family or your friends are giving you comes from what they

  • know to be safe, and that's what will end up leading your life. So if you don't want

  • their lives, you need to do what they're telling you not to do." They are reverse role models.

  • Think about your perceptions. Think about how your perceptions are causing your fear.

  • Because actually, the fear is just an idea. You're not about to fall off a cliff. It's

  • much more complex than that. It's about undoing your perceptions. Digging deep. Figuring out

  • where these fears come from.

  • The second thing you can do besides looking at the fear in a different way is to understand

  • fearlessness. That's a big word, and sometimes a scary word. But I believe that your more

  • passionate life always exists outside of your comfort zone. Always. It has to.

  • So, instead of looking at fear as a stop sign, what if you looked at fear as a sign post

  • leading you towards your more passionate life? It's still going to feel like it feelsbut

  • if you feel it, that means you're thinking about it. If you're thinking about it, that

  • means you care about it. If you care about it, you've got to do it so that you become

  • fulfilled. So that you're really living. You're really living.

  • What's the third factor? We talked about fear, and looking at fear in a different way. We

  • talked about using fear as a signpost. The next thing you need to learn is how to move

  • beyond that fear. You need to turn that desire into what I call a need-strength desire.

  • You need to need it, because until you need it, you're not going to do it. And that also

  • comes down to perception, and that is about the why. Remember I asked you why you want

  • to live a more passionate life? You have to come up with a reason why that's big enough

  • to move you. And that creates emotion. And emotion causes motion. Emotion causes motion.

  • Obviously, I can't do that for you here. If we were working one-on-one, I'd work to figure

  • out what your reason is, because everyone's different. We would work to help make you

  • feel, to push you forward. And there's other people in this room that can help you. James

  • can help you. Marcus can help you. Matt can help you. Figure out your reason, and have

  • it fire you up to push you forward and get you moving.

  • Those are three tips to getting the pickup truck started so you can jump in and get that

  • perpetual motivation. But, there's still one piece missing. I know you've become excited

  • before. You've all been excited about something. You've been motivated before. You started.

  • But then after a while, whatever motivated you just died off and you stopped. What's

  • that about? I thought you said all you have to do is this, then the truck would keep going?

  • What's that all about?

  • An experiment is being done in Berlin where they put give volunteers an MRI. Each volunteer

  • is given a box to hold, and each box has two buttons. All the person has to do is push

  • one of the buttons the moment they decide they want to push that button.

  • In the next room is a researcher looking at a computer screen, and watching the activities

  • of the volunteer's brain. When a volunteer pushes a button, the researcher sees it on

  • a timeline. He's looking at the areas of the brain that light up. And the researchers found

  • a definitive correlation between certain areas of the brain lighting up and certain buttons

  • being pushed. One area of the brain lights up when you push the left button, and another

  • area of the brain lights up when you push the right button.

  • What's crazy about the correlation is there is a gap in time. The researcher can see what

  • your response will be six seconds before you actually push the button. Six seconds. What

  • does that mean? I'm not going to stand here and say that means you don't have free will.

  • The theory is that your decision process is deeper than your conscious thought. That the

  • thoughts you think you're having are actually far deeper than the surface thoughts, and

  • are a result of your existing neurological patterns. The things you do habitually.

  • I want to give you an example of this. Everybody clasp your fingers together like this. Clasp

  • your hands together. Interlace your fingers. Notice which thumb is on top. Now I'm going

  • to have you separate and then reclasp your hands, but have the other thumb on top this

  • time, so all your fingers switch by one. Does that feel a little bit awkward? Yes, because

  • you're used to it the other way.

  • Now, I'm going to count to sixty, and every time I count, you're going to open and clasp

  • your hands back together. You're going to do it the awkward way every time. And each

  • time you clasp your hands together, squeeze. We're going to do it sixty times. Ready? All

  • right? Sixty times.

  • One, two, squeeze, three, four, five... Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight, fifty-nine,

  • sixty. Separate your hands, and just put them together in whatever way comes naturally to

  • you. [Laughter] How did it go? It's not going to be the same for everyone, right? How does

  • it feel? Does the new way feel a little bit more comfortable than before?

  • Yes. Repetition. It creates new neurology in your brain. Something that felt awkward

  • a minute ago now started to feel normal. Now, obviously this will fade. You've got to do

  • it many more times, over time, in order to make a permanent change.

  • You have to do this in life, as well, in order to live your passions. You've got to build

  • habits. You've got to use motivation to get you going, and each time it starts to wane,

  • you've got to use motivation to keep you going until you create habits. And once you have

  • that consistency and commitment, the habits create possibility for growth, freedom and

  • contributions to forge a new passion.

  • Obviously if I could sit down with you, one-on-one, I would go through this. But I am offering

  • you three choices. The first is there's a piece of paper in front of you with a checkbox

  • and an e-mail slot. Put your e-mail on there. On Monday, I'll send you a worksheet that

  • lays out this entire method. You can try to do this by yourself. And if you do, please

  • send me the results, because I'd love to read it.

  • The second option is that I am offering ten people a private session where I will help

  • you plan out your passionate life. I'm offering this at one-third the normal cost, and the

  • first ten people that talk to Faye (that pretty blonde in the back) will get to sign up for

  • that.

  • The third thing is obviously I do coaching and mentoring. If anybody is really interested

  • in working with me to develop a more passionate life, come talk to me. We can talk about that

  • as well.

  • Whatever happenswhether you just download my worksheet or we end up working togethermy

  • hope is that this piece of paper with all its words, lines, and circles lays out a plan

  • for you for a more passionate life. That you go off into the world and you start doing

  • new things. That you start to create habits, and break through your fears, and you push

  • yourself. That you learn to understand yourself better.

  • A few months go by or maybe a few years. I bump into you some day, somewhere. I ask,

  • "How have you been? How have you been since the talk?" And you start telling me what you've

  • been up to. You start talking about this thing and that thing. And you don't even realize

  • how much you're talking, because you're going on and on and onmodestly but excitedly.

  • You're bringing your whole world to me and talking about it with so much energy.

  • I stop you, and I say, "Wow! You really live a passionate life." And you stop for a second.

  • You look surprised, but you think about it, and you say, "Yes. I guess I do." Thank you.

  • [Applause]

I'm going to hold the mic because I definitely cannot stand still. I have far too much passion.


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何找到你的激情 (How to Find Your Passion)

  • 174 8
    Nate Liu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日