字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey it’s Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business 嗨,我是瑪莉·芙萊奧(美國跨多行業專家),你正在收看的是Marie TV,這裡能讓你學會 and a life that you love. And it’s Tuesday. I hope that you’re watching this on a Tuesday 創造你所熱愛的事業,今天又是禮拜二喔,我希望你每週二都會固定收看 because that’s the day it is and it’s Q&A Tuesday. This question comes from Martina 因為今天就是星期二,正是你問我答時間,今天的問題來自瑪堤娜 and she writes: 上面寫道: “Hi Marie, I just want you to know that I find you absolutely inspiring and fascinating.” 「嗨瑪莉,首先我想跟妳說,妳的節目啟發了我很多,而且內容很讚又風趣」 Thank you so much. “Here’s my Q. I’ve always wanted to lead an organized life, however, 非常謝謝妳,「我的問題是,我一直想要過一個較有規律、組織性的生活,但卻總是事與願違 reality is much more hectic and chaotic. I expect big things for myself and I have a 常常最後都變得一團亂。我期許自己能成大業,也對我的人生 vision for my life and I push myself hard to achieve it. I’m not a perfectionist, 有所憧憬,所以我努力地驅使自己以達到目標,雖然我不是完美主義者 but I always wanna go further but my friends don't get my goals and ambitions and they 但我總是想要往前衝,不過我朋友卻不懂我的夢想還有抱負 keep telling me to slow down. I feel like I should keep going but maybe I’m wrong 他們常告訴我不要那麼衝,我覺得我應該照闖不誤,但又或許我錯了 and I should listen to my friends and just let go a bit. What do you think? Thanks, Martina.” 也許我該聽我朋友的話,稍微放鬆一點,妳覺得我該怎麼辦呢?謝謝妳,瑪堤娜上」 Martina, this is an awesome question. I will tell you, there’s only two reasons that 瑪堤娜,妳問題問得非常好,我來告訴妳,這些叫妳慢慢來的人 people tell you to slow down. Reason number one is they don't have the ambition and the 通常有兩大原因。原因一,這些人通常都沒有抱負,也缺少像妳一樣 drive that you have. You’ve gotta get, girl, that this is a gift. Most people wish they 驅使自己向前的動力,妳要了解這一點,孩子,這是上天給妳的禮物,因為有許多人渴望著 had that hunger to create. So if people are trying to tell you to slow down and you don't 自己也能有這種野心來創造夢想,所以如果下次有人再告訴妳慢慢來,但妳不願意的時候 want to do it, don't let anybody squash your dreams, don't let anybody keep you small. 就千萬別讓任何人壓制住妳的夢想、澆熄妳那蓬勃的野心 I always think about that analogy of crabs being in a pot and one of the crabs is trying 我一直覺得這跟「一群在壺中的螃蟹」的譬喻很像: 有隻螃蟹想爬出來看看外面的世界 to crawl out and the other one is trying to pull him down. That’s what it feels like 但另一隻卻試著把牠拉下來,這種感覺就好像別人告訴妳慢慢來不用急 when people tell you to slow down and you really don't want to. 可是妳實際上卻一點也不想這麼做 I mean, as a naturally driven and ambitious person myself, the worst thing you can tell 我想說的是,我天生也是那種驅策心強盛、很有抱負的人,我最不能忍受的就是別人 me is slow down. I’m not gonna slow down, it’s not who I am. I have a hunger to create, 告訴我慢慢來不著急,我才不要慢下來,那才不是我的做事風格,我可是有著創造一切 to serve, to make a difference, and my biggest hope is that I go through my life and I am 全心全意、立志做大事的抱負,我最大的願望就是,能將我人生的每一分每一秒 sufficiently used up at the end of it. I’m not talking about getting sick or burning 運用得淋漓盡致,我的意思不是讓自己變得走火入魔 myself out, I’m just talking about harnessing that natural ambition and drive that I already 或是把身體搞壞,而是我會善加利用這項我原本就有的天賦 have. So don't tell me to slow down, I’m not gonna do it. If you want to slow down, 來驅策我自己,所以不要跟我說什麼慢工出細活,我才不吃這一套,如果你自己想慢慢來 great, you’ve gotta do you. But don't squash my dreams, don't try to make me go slower, 很好,那是你家的事,但請不要壓制住我的夢想,也別試著想拖慢我的步伐 and for the love of all things holy, don't tell me to slow down. 看在我所熱愛一切事物的份上,請別叫我放慢腳步 Now for reason number two. People will tell you to slow down if you’re a hot mess and 理由二,人們會因為你常把事情弄得一團亂 you’re always overwhelmed and you’re like crazy chaotic running around like a chicken 常常不知所措,像個無頭公雞四處亂竄的時候 with your head cut off. Here’s the deal, if you’re missing deadlines and you’re 要你放慢腳步,這麼說吧,假設你常常錯過事情的最後期限 always dropping the ball people will tell you to slow down because you’re inviting 犯錯對你來說也是家常便飯,這時候別人就會告訴你慢下來,因為你老是呷緊弄破碗 it. Now, you can be driven and ambitious without seeming like a crazy person. So you can say, 這時候,你可能會表現得不像個狂人,但還是有野心、想奮發向上,你可能會跟別人說: “You know what? I’ve got so much going on in my life and I’m so excited about it.” 「你知道嗎?因為我的生命裡有好多事情在發生,所以我才會那麼興奮」 Or you can say, “Oh my God, I have so much going on. I’m overwhelmed, I’m crazy busy, 又或者你可能會說:「喔我的天啊,我有太多事情要做,我快受不了了,我真是超級無敵忙 I can’t keep up with anything,” and then of course people are gonna say, “You know 我覺得我快落後於人了」,那當然其他人就會這樣回你:「你知道嗎? what? You need to slow that shizzle down.” 你真的應該要好好冷靜點,腳步慢下來」 One last thing. I want you to pay attention to who is telling you to slow down. If it’s 最後一項重點,我希望你仔細注意是什麼人告訴你要慢慢來,如果這個人過著 someone who has an amazing life and they’re creating great results, it’s someone you 精彩無比的生活,也創造出不少人生佳績,這個人你也十分尊敬 respect, and you really want to take a page outta their book, well, maybe they’re worth 甚至想從中效仿他們,這樣的話,或許他們的智言 listening to. And on the other hand, if the person telling you to slow down has a crappy 值得一聽,另一方面,如果這個要你慢慢來的人,過著糟透的生活 life, they’re not someone you admire or respect, don't listen to them. And I want 他們就不是你值得欽佩或尊重的對象,他們的話聽聽就好,最後我希望你們 you to remember this tweetable. 記住以下這則推特轉發訊息 When you’re hungry for success, don't let anyone feed you crap about slowing down. 「當你渴望成功的欲望來臨時,別聽信旁人要你慢慢來的屁話」 That was my A to your Q Martina, I really do hope it helps. And now I would love to 以上就是我對於妳提出的問題之解答,瑪堤娜,我真的希望能幫助到妳,現在我想聽聽看 hear from you. If you consider yourself a hungry, driven, ambitious person, are there 大家的想法,你是否認為自己是個備受好勝心驅使、野心蓬勃的人?又或者 things that people say to you that drive you absolutely bananas? 別人曾跟你說過什麼話,很令你抓狂? As always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at MarieForleo.com, so come 如往常一樣,每一集結束後,在MarieForieo.com網站裡,都會出現熱烈的討論,所以現在 on over and leave a comment now. 就請你到網站上,留下你的想法吧 Did you like this video? I certainly did. If you did, subscribe to our channel and it 你喜歡這部影片嗎?我非常喜歡呢,如果你也喜歡,請訂閱我們的頻道 would be awesome if you shared this with all of your friends. And if you want even more 若能再將它分享給你的朋友,那當然是再好不過了。如果你想要更多 resources to create a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from 超讚的資源去創造你熱愛的事業及生活,或者想要我只會在email裡提到的 me that I only talk about in email, come on over to MarieForleo.com and make sure you 個人洞見的話,就請你來MarieForleo.com網站 sign up for email updates. 並且註冊以利收到電子報 Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special 繼續闖蕩你的事業,並繼續朝著你的夢想邁進,因為這世界正需要 gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and I’ll catch you next time on MarieTV. 你那獨一無二的天賦,非常感謝你的收看,我們下回再於Marie TV上見囉
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 多益 慢慢 慢下來 夢想 腳步 瑪莉 【MarieTV】人們總是說你太有野心?來聽聽專家的分析!(Too Ambitious) 13522 1016 Adam Huang 發佈於 2024 年 08 月 11 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字