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  • It was Mr. Bean's birthday, and he wanted to enjoy it!

  • What could he do?

  • 'How can I make this important day a happy day?' he thought.

  • 'I know. I'll go out to a restaurant for dinner this evening! I'll enjoy that. '

  • Mr. Bean didn't often eat in restaurants. They were sometimes very expensive.

  • And he sometimes did things wrong when he was in a new or strange place.

  • Oh dear! Life wasn't easy for Mr. Bean!

  • That evening, Mr. Bean put on a clean shirt. He put on his best coat and trousers.

  • He put on his best shoes. Then he drove to a restaurant in the centre of town.

  • He arrived at eight o'clock and went inside. It was a very nice restaurant.

  • Everybody was wearing their best clothes, and there were flowers on every table.

  • 'I'm going to like it here, ' thought Mr. Bean.

  • 'This is a good restaurant for my birthday dinner. '

  • The manager met him at the door.

  • 'Good evening, sir, ' he said. 'How are you? Would you like a table for one?'

  • 'Yes, please, ' said Mr. Bean.

  • 'Follow me, sir, ' said the manager.

  • He walked across the room to a table, and Mr. Bean went after him.

  • 'Here you are, sir, ' said the manager. 'This is a nice table. '

  • He pulled the chair away from the table. Then he waited for Mr. Bean to sit down.

  • Mr. Bean looked at him.

  • 'Why is he taking my chair away?' thought Mr. Bean. 'What's he doing?'

  • And he pulled the chair away from the manager and sat down quickly.

  • When the manager went away, Mr. Bean sat quietly for a minute.

  • Then he remembered something.

  • He took a birthday card and an envelope out of his jacket.

  • Next, he took out a pen and wrote 'Happy Birthday, Bean' inside the card.

  • Then he put the card into the envelope and wrote his name on the outside of it.

  • He put it on the table, and put his pen back into his jacket.

  • After a minute or two, Mr. Bean pretended to see the card for the first time.

  • 'Oh! A card - for me?' he said.

  • He opened the envelope and took out the card. He read it carefully.

  • 'Now that's nice!' he said. 'Somebody remembered my birthday!'

  • And he stood the card on his table.

  • The manager arrived with the menu and gave it to Mr. Bean.

  • Mr. Bean started to read it.

  • 'Oh, dear!' he thought. 'Everything's very expensive! What can I have?'

  • Mr. Bean got out his money.

  • He had a ten-pound note and some coins. He put the money on to a plate.

  • 'How much have I got?' he said, and he moved the money round on the plate.

  • 'Ten, eleven... And forty, fifty, fifty-five! Eleven pounds and fifty-five pence. '

  • He looked at the menu again. What could he eat for eleven pounds fifty-five?

  • The manager came to his table.

  • 'Are you ready, sir?' he asked.

  • 'Yes, ' said Mr. Bean. He put his finger on the menu. 'I'll have that, please. '

  • The manager looked at the menu. 'The steak tartare, sir. Yes, of course. '

  • 'Yes, ' said Mr. Bean. 'Steak. '

  • The manager took the menu and went away.

  • Mr. Bean sat and looked round the restaurant.

  • There were a lot of people in the room.

  • There was a man and a woman at the next table.

  • They ate and talked.

  • Suddenly, a waiter arrived at Mr. Bean's table with a bottle of wine.

  • 'Would you like to try the wine, sir?' he said.

  • 'Oh, yes please, ' said Mr. Bean.

  • The waiter put some wine in Mr. Bean's glass and Mr. Bean had a drink.

  • It was very nice!

  • He smiled, and the waiter tried to put more wine into the glass.

  • Of course, the waiter was right.

  • First, the customer tries his wine.

  • When he is happy with it, the waiter gives him more wine.

  • But Mr. Bean didn't know this, and he quickly put his hand across the glass.

  • 'No, thank you, ' he said. 'I don't drink wine when I'm driving.'

  • The waiter looked at him strangely - and walked away.

  • He didn't say, 'Why did you try the wine when you didn't want it, you stupid man!'

  • Mr. Bean took the knife from the table and started to play with it.

  • He pretended to be a bad man.

  • He pretended to push the knife into somebody.

  • But he didn't really want to kill anybody, of course. It was a game.

  • The woman at the next table looked at him angrily, and Mr. Bean quickly moved the knife.

  • Next, he hit the glasses and plate on his table with it.

  • Ping, ping, ping they went!

  • And after a minute, he played the song 'Happy Birthday' on the glasses.

  • He smiled and thought, 'I'm very clever!'

  • But the woman at the next table didn't think, 'That's clever!' or 'Oh yes, that's funny!'

  • She thought, 'That man's really stupid!' And she looked hard at Mr. Bean.

  • Mr. Bean put the knife down and looked at his napkin.

  • 'It's a very nice napkin, ' he thought.

  • The waiter saw Mr. Bean looking at his napkin.

  • He didn't say anything, but suddenly - flick! - he opened it for Mr. Bean.

  • 'That's clever, ' thought Mr. Bean. 'I'll try that!'

  • And he began to move his napkin. Flick! Flick! Flick!

  • Suddenly, the napkin flew out of his hand.

  • It flew across on to the next table.

  • The woman at the table looked round again.

  • But Mr. Bean pretended not to see her.

  • His face said, 'It's not my napkin!'

  • A minute later, the waiter arrived with his food.

  • There was a large cover on the plate and Mr. Bean couldn't see the food.

  • But he gave the waiter the money on the table.

  • Customers don't usually give a waiter money when he arrives with the food.

  • But the waiter didn't say anything.

  • He took the money and put it in his jacket. Mr. Bean was happy.

  • 'I'm doing everything right, ' he thought.

  • The waiter took the cover off the plate and walked away.

  • Mr. Bean looked at the food in front of him.

  • He put his nose near the meat and smelled it.

  • Then he put his ear next to it.

  • 'What's this?' he thought.

  • He put some of the meat into his mouth.

  • Suddenly, the manager arrived at his table.

  • 'Is everything all right, sir?' he asked. 'Are you happy with everything?'

  • 'Mmmmm, ' said Mr. Bean. He smiled.

  • The manager smiled, too. He walked away - and Mr. Bean's face changed.

  • There was no smile now. 'Aaagh!' he thought. 'They didn't cook this meat!'

  • But he had to eat it. 'I don't want people to think that I'm stupid,' he thought.

  • 'But I'll never ask for steak tartare again! Never!'

  • He pushed his plate away.

  • But then the waiter went past his table.

  • 'Is everything all right, sir?' he asked.

  • 'Oh, yes,' said Mr. Bean. He smiled.

  • 'Yes, everything's very nice, thank you.'

  • He smiled and pretended to eat some meat.

  • But the waiter went away before Mr. Bean put it into his mouth.

  • 'What can I do with it?' he thought.

  • 'I can't eat this. Where can I hide it?'

  • Then he had an idea.

  • Carefully, he put the meat into the mustard pot and put the cover on it.

  • 'Where can I put some now?' he thought.

  • 'I can't eat it, so I've got to hide all of it. Oh, yes, the flowers!'

  • He took the flowers out of the vase.

  • But then the manager went past, so Mr. Bean pretended to smell the flowers.

  • 'Mmm, very nice!' he said. The manager smiled and walked away.

  • Quickly, Mr. Bean put some meat into the vase and pushed the flowers in on top of it.

  • He looked round the table.

  • 'Where next?' he thought. 'Yes! The bread!'

  • He took his knife and cut the bread roll.

  • Then he quickly ate the middle of it.

  • Now he could push some meat inside the roll.

  • He did this, then he put the roll down.

  • He looked at the meat on his plate.

  • 'There's a lot of it, ' he thought. 'Where can I hide it now?'

  • He looked at the small plate on the table.

  • Perhaps he could hide some meat under the plate. He looked round.

  • 'Nobody's watching me, ' he thought.

  • So he took more meat from the big plate in front of him, and put it under the small plate.

  • Then he pushed down hard with his hand.

  • The waiter walked past his table again.

  • Mr. Bean smiled at him and put his arm on the plate.

  • After the waiter went away, he pushed down on the small plate again.

  • 'That's better, ' he thought. 'Now you can't see the meat.

  • Good. But there's more meat. Where can I hide it?'

  • He looked round the table.

  • 'The sugar pot!' he thought. 'But it's got sugar in it. What can I do?'

  • He thought quickly, then he put some sugar into a wine glass.

  • Next, he put some of the meat into the sugar pot.

  • Then he put the sugar from the wine glass on top of it.

  • 'Good!' he thought. 'Nobody can see it in there. '

  • Suddenly, Mr. Bean could hear music.

  • 'Where's that coming from?' he thought.

  • He looked round - and saw a man with a violin.

  • After a minute or two, the man came across to Mr. Bean's table and played for him.

  • Mr. Bean smiled. 'This is nice, ' he thought.

  • Then the man saw Mr. Bean's birthday card, and the music changed.

  • The man started to play 'Happy Birthday'!

  • The people at the other tables looked round when they heard the song.

  • 'Who's having a birthday?' they thought.

  • Then they saw Mr. Bean and smiled at him. Mr. Bean smiled back at them.

  • He pretended to eat some of the meat, but he didn't put it into his mouth.

  • The man with the violin walked round Mr. Bean's table and watched him.

  • He played his violin and waited for Mr. Bean to eat the meat.

  • And he waited... and waited... and waited...

  • 'I'll have to eat some,' thought Mr. Bean. 'He'll only go away when I eat it. '

  • So he put the meat into his mouth.

  • And the man with the violin turned away to the next table.

  • The meat was in Mr. Bean's mouth, but he didn't want to eat it.

  • He wanted to put it somewhere. But where?

  • He looked at the man with the violin. He moved quickly.

  • He pulled open the back of the man's trousers and opened his mouth.

  • The meat fell inside the trousers!

  • He smiled. 'That was clever, ' he thought.

  • The man with the violin moved round the next table.

  • He played a song to the man and the woman. The music was very beautiful.

  • They listened and drank their wine. They watched the man with the violin, so their eyes weren't on Mr. Bean.

  • Nobody's eyes were on Mr. Bean. He saw this, and he had an idea.

  • Mr. Bean quickly took the woman's bag from the floor.

  • He opened it and pushed some meat inside it.

  • Then he put the bag on the floor again.

  • But when he did this, he accidentally put his foot out.

  • The waiter walked past with some plates of food - and he fell over Mr. Bean's foot!

  • The plates fell on to Mr. Bean's table, and on to the floor.

  • There was a loud CRASH!, and the people at the other tables looked up quickly.

  • 'What happened?' they said. Then they saw the waiter on the floor. 'Oh, dear!' they said.

  • Now Mr. Bean had another idea. Here was the answer to his problem!

  • He moved very quickly. He pushed the meat from his plate on to the table with the other food.

  • Then he pretended to be very angry.

  • 'Look, you stupid man!' he said to the waiter. 'Oh, look at this!'

  • The waiter got up from the floor.

  • 'I'm sorry, sir, ' he said. 'I'm really very sorry. '

  • The manager arrived at the table.

  • 'I'm very sorry, too, sir, ' he said. 'Oh, the food-!'

  • 'Yes, it's everywhere!' said Mr. Bean. 'Look! It's in the mustard pot.

  • It's in the bread roll. It's in the vase of flowers.'

  • He took the woman's bag from the floor. 'And it's in here!'

  • He pulled open the back of the violin player's trousers. 'And here!'

  • The waiter couldn't understand it.

  • 'Go back to the kitchen, ' the manager told him, and the waiter went away.

  • Then the manager turned to Mr. Bean. 'Please, sir, ' he said. 'Come with me.'

  • 'What?' said Mr. Bean. 'Oh, yes, all right.'

  • The manager took Mr. Bean to a clean table. 'Sit here, sir, ' he said. Mr. Bean sat down.

  • 'Thank you, ' he said.

  • The manager opened Mr. Bean's napkin. Then he got the birthday card from the other table.

  • He put it on Mr. Bean's clean table. 'Thank you,' said Mr. Bean.

  • The man with the violin came across and played 'Happy Birthday' to him again.

  • Mr. Bean smiled. Now everything was all right.

  • 'Now I can start again, ' he thought.

  • 'And this time I'll do everything right.' The waiter arrived at Mr. Bean's table.

  • He put a plate in front of Mr. Bean. The manager smiled and took off the cover.

  • Mr. Bean looked down. And he stopped smiling.

  • There, in front of him, was a very large plate - of steak tartare!

It was Mr. Bean's birthday, and he wanted to enjoy it!


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A2 初級

通過有趣的故事憨豆先生學習英語(第2級) (Learn English through Funny story Mr Bean (level 2))

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    Peter Yang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日