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  • December 7th 1941,

  • the turmoil of WWII enters its 27th month.

  • Japanese troops storm Shanghai.

  • German army stand at the gates of Moscow,

  • leaving 3.5 million casualties in their wake.

  • Nazi Germany has mainland Europe in its grip

  • Under siege, Britain hangs on by a thread.

  • 3,000 miles away,

  • the United States remains in peace.

  • 76% of her citizens support neutrality.

  • At 7:58 a.m., the peace is shattered.

  • 360 Japanese war planes descend on Pearl Harbor.

  • WWII has come to America.

  • This is America's war as never seen before

  • from the unique vantage point of space,

  • Witness the key battles unfold,

  • and the military strategies behind them in stunning detail

  • revealed other political Alliances, the global battle for resources,

  • and the astounding awakening of American military and manufacturing might

  • that will determine the outcome of the greatest conflict ever fought.

  • The unprovoked Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

  • will send shock waves across the globe.

  • But the America has feared the strike for months.

  • Since 1931,

  • Japan's Imperial ambitions have grown bolder and bolder.

  • First Manchuria is invaded,

  • then China itself.

  • When France falls to Nazi Germany in 1940,

  • Japan seizes control of French Indochina

  • The U.S. response is rapid.

  • Japan's financial assets are frozen.

  • and an oil embargo is imposed.

  • The message is clear:

  • withdraw from Indochina or be economically crushed.

  • After the embargo, Japan was faced with two choices:

  • stop territorial expansion, give in to the demands of the Allies,

  • or go to war.

  • Japan chooses war.

  • in the words of Prime Minister Tōjō,

  • it is either glory or declined.

  • it is imperative that they made the first decisive strike.

  • The Japanese knew they were never going to go

  • toe to toe with the United States in a long naval war in the Pacific.

  • They knew they didn't have the economic might and military might

  • For those calculations that they could (?)administer a knock out blow

  • to the capital ships of the US Pacific Fleet.

  • You could destroy the Pacific Fleet.

  • The ability of Americans to respond to anything for

  • many months would be taken away.

  • So the strikes of Pearl Harbor was not just a strike at a symbol of American power.

  • It blast American power in the Pacific.

  • What American intelligence cannot see is revealed from space.

  • Admiral Yamamoto's fleet

  • departs Japan on the longest assault in history.

  • Avoiding shipping lanes and land mass,

  • they arrive on-scene 275 miles from their target.

  • it's the perfect vantage point,

  • beyond the range of America's defensive radar

  • but at the optimum strike distance for its force of

  • 414 cutting-edge aircraft

  • --- the jewels in the crown, the Mitsubishi Zero.

  • It's faster than anything they had used before.

  • It's incredibly maneuverable and has extreme range

  • but while the technology was pretty good,

  • what mattered at Pearl Harbor was the men behind it.

  • It was the pilots.

  • The Japanese pilots had already been at war for years.

  • So they're well-trained crews.

  • You add on top of that

  • they had been planning on that attack for a long period of time

  • So they had been running wargames

  • stimulating and going through the action again and again.

  • So basically, many of them talked about how they could have done it if going in blind.

  • At 7:55 a.m.

  • the first wave of bombers swoop from the sky.

  • On the deck of the USS Arizona is Don Strap.

  • We knew right away that they were Japanese planes, and

  • we knew that they were bombing for ___ and something was really wrong.

  • Planes were strafing and dive bombing and

  • it's a ... horrible experience and a horrible sight.

  • There was a high altitude bomber dropped like(?) a 2,000 pound bomb.

  • and made it just devastating to everything in its path

  • (?)The concussion and

  • the smoke and fire (?)was horrendous.

  • It just was like you lost your home.

  • Of the battleships at anchor,

  • the Arizona, Oklahoma, West Virginia, and California are sunk,

  • the rest severely damaged.

  • In 68 minutes, Japan has crippled the heart of American Pacific Fleet.

  • From the Japanese perspective, the attack on Pearl Harbor

  • succeeded beyond the most

  • optimistic expectations. When you consider the losses

  • that the Japanese suffered in this attack, it is essentially nothing.

  • The Japanese lose 64 men to 3,649 U.S. casualties,

  • a human damage ratio of 57:1.

  • The Japan's margin of victory hides 2 major flaws in the attack.

  • But the Japanese failed to systematically attacked the oil fields

  • the oil storage tanks at Pearl Harbor.

  • If they'd spent one more sortie taking out those oil tanks,

  • they'd have crippled the whole Pacific Fleet (?)which would have

  • the fuel supplies to keep going.

  • More significant other ships the Japanese failed to target.

  • The American aircraft were absent from Pearl Harbor

  • at the time of the Japanese attack.

  • And as things evolved very quickly, it became clear that aircraft carriers

  • destined to become the most significant naval assets for either side

  • in the Pacific War and the American carriers were untouched.

  • Oil supplies and air domination,

  • 2 factors that will dictate the fate of WWII,

  • and Japan fails to damage either.

  • Instead, it has waken the full wrath of the sleeping of American Giant.

  • Pearl Harbor infuriated the American people

  • and also infuriated American military.

  • Massive casualties, destruction of most the Pacific Fleet

  • If you want to do one thing to unite a country

  • that before this it has been rather divided

  • about what to do about the war, Pearl Harbor was that.

  • This was like a lightning rod throughout the American population.

  • No longer was President Roosevelt limited in his options.

  • He had the United States population that was angry and unified

  • and desired revenge against Japan.

  • Her era of isolationism is over.

  • America is at war.

  • And begins its rise to become the most powerful nation on the planet.

  • Washington calculates victory will cost 300 billion dollars,

  • 4.4 trillion in today's money,

  • over one and a half times the total U.S. federal budget.

  • The government can raise half through increased taxes.

  • For the rest, it must turn to the public.

  • To raise 300 billion dollars was then (?)viewed as insurmountable challenge

  • because basically

  • we had to get half the population of the United States to buy bonds.

  • And what we were saying is we were in WWII,

  • We were in this to win.

  • It's a fight of good vs. evil.

  • And you, on an individual level, are going to make a difference.

  • To guarantee success, the ad men of New York,

  • recruit America's most potent propaganda asset.

  • We had a Hollywood machine.

  • America has mass market in movies.

  • They knew the power of Hollywood. They knew the power celebrities.

  • Over 300 movie icons joined the stars over America campaign.

  • Criss-crossing the nation,

  • Chicago, 2 huge celebrity rallies sell over 15 million dollars in bonds.

  • New York, a three-way baseball game generates 56 million dollars.

  • By the end of war, bonds campaigns raise 187.5 billion dollars.

  • To get everybody online behind one goal

  • and make the transaction is huge.

  • America and its beleaguered Allies are going to need every cent.

  • Four days after Pearl Harbor,

  • Nazi Germany declares war on the United States.

  • She now faces 2 vast and battle-hardened powers on 2 fronts.

  • When America went to the war,

  • It looked as if the military aggressors were going to win.

  • Seen from space,

  • America's peril is clear,

  • Her fleet is in disarray

  • and her Pacific assets

  • at the mercy of rampant Japan.

  • On the other side of the planet,

  • her strongest military ally Great Britain is buckling under siege from

  • Nazi Germany.

  • America is at the epicenter of the greatest conflict in history.

  • Roosevelt must make the biggest call of any U.S. presidency:

  • Which enemy to engage first?

  • Frank Delano Roosevelt decided that Germany was the one that

  • could take down our closest friends around the world

  • and they had to make sure that Britain survived.

  • Keeping Britain afloat was essential

  • to the long term prospects of victory.

  • It stood as a large aircraft carrier

  • that would enable an invasion onto the continent.

  • If Britain fell under Nazi domination,

  • the challenge would be almost insurmountable.

  • For Roosevelt, the future of great Britain

  • is the future of the war.

  • But after 17 months of fighting alone,

  • its survival rests on a knife edge.

  • Isolated, Britain's only hope is to keep her supply routes open,

  • a fragile lifeline German Admiralnitz seeks to destroy.

  • Britain depended on the import of 5 million tons of stuff every month.

  • German Admiralnitz argued very persuasively:

  • "We can subtract a million tons a month, we will bring Britain to its knee."

  • nitz's lethal weapon is the U-boat.

  • Capable of traveling thousands of miles submerged

  • and armed with a deadly cocktail of deck guns, mines and torpedoes,

  • it is the perfect weapon to starve Britain into submission.

  • When they attack, they're sending over 9,000 tons

  • of supplies to the bottom of the ocean.

  • With one munition, one torpedo

  • when it detonates, it creates this void underneath the vessel

  • that cracks(?) the vessel to collapse.

  • it's the difference between

  • being stabbed and someone breaking your back.

  • It's a killer.

  • Churchill introduces naval convoys

  • to protect the merchant fleets.

  • nitz's response is devastating.

  • Admiralnitz introduced this thing called the Rudeltaktik,

  • wolfpack attack tactics. A Rudel is a pack of animals.

  • and instead of the approaching singly as submarines done in the past,

  • the Germans would have their U-boats stringing out in these long patrol lines.

  • and then they would use radio signals to congregate the pack

  • and overwhelm the defense of the convoy.

  • The results are devastating.

  • When you get caught by a pack of these,

  • you might lose half or more of the convoy.

  • In 12 months,

  • 900 ships are sunk.

  • Only 29 U-boats are destroyed.

  • It's a war of attrition. Britain is losing fast.

  • Winston Churchill knows it's one big thing.

  • In 1940 that for Britain to be able to fight this war,

  • you need American help and you can't do it alone.

  • Churchill tirelessly lobbies Roosevelt for American support.

  • Though officially neutral, Roosevelt cuts a deal.

  • The U.S. gives 50 destroyers to Britain

  • to keep it in the fight,

  • but at a price.

  • In return,

  • Britain hands over 8 of its overseas bases to America,

  • and dismantles its preferential trading system with its colonies.

  • It's a very mixed deal for Britain because on the one hand, it helps Britain fight the war.

  • They couldn't have done it without American support materially.

  • On the other hand, it accelerated the collapse of the British empire.

  • It makes the Empire more and more unaffordable

  • which to Winston Churchill

  • (?)that's a very painful deal that one the public has to be mind.

  • December 1941,

  • America enters the war.

  • Its first act of aggression is to join Britain in the battle of the Atlantic,

  • a strategy that meets with disaster.

  • When America enters the war,

  • the battle of the Atlantic actually takes a turn,

  • worse for the Allies.

  • The amount of Allied shipping that sunk

  • goes up by these astronomical amounts.

  • By mid-1942,

  • 2,703 Allied ships are sunk,

  • a U-boat kill ratio of 36 to 1.

  • It's an unsustainable rate of loss.

  • Even with America fighting alongside,

  • the liberty of Britain and the freedom of Europe

  • hang by a thread.

  • Mid 1942,

  • Britain remains in a stranglehold of the German U-boat menace.

  • American ships coming to its aid are being destroyed at alarming rates.

  • To reverse their fortunes,

  • the Allies must gain the upper hand in the intelligence war.

  • The most critical factor in the Battle of Atlantic

  • was the exchange of information between the Americans and the British.

  • (?)It maximized by the technology of electrical capability on both sides.

  • The precedent for this vital collaborations is the Tizard Mission,

  • 15 months before the Pearl Harbor attack.

  • With Nazi invasion seemingly inevitable,

  • Henry Tizard, head of the British aeronautical committee,

  • persuades Churchill to gift America every scientific innovation Britain holds

  • in exchange for access to U.S. production lines.

  • The blueprints are packed into a single trunk.

  • Embarking from Britain, it reaches Washington D.C. in September 1940.

  • That box was described by one American official

  • as much an important cargo that ever reached ashores(?).

  • The trunk contains the memorandum on the feasibility of the atomic bomb,

  • designs for jet engines,

  • rockets,

  • superchargers,

  • gyroscope gun sights,

  • submarine detection devices,

  • self sealing fuel tanks,

  • plastic explosives,

  • and perhaps the most important invention of the WWII,

  • a working magnetron #12.

  • --an advancing (?)__ radar technology a thousand times more effective

  • than the best American counterpart.

  • This was revolutionary. You can put it into an aircraft,

  • you can put it on a ship,

  • then you can take that technology

  • and take it anywhere on the battle space.

  • American assembly lines begin mass-producing the device

  • that will change the course of the war.

  • Its first challenge:

  • to close the deadly mid-Atlantic gap.

  • From space,

  • the bone yard of Allied shipping is startlingly revealed(?).

  • You can fly missions from the United States. You can fly missions from Britain.

  • But you can't quite close everything.

  • You've got the middle land --- a gap in the middle.

  • The U-boats realized that and concentrated in that area.

  • By April 1943,

  • 3,450 Allied ships have been lost.

  • But new carriers are launched.

  • loaded with long-range aircraft

  • fitted with the magnetron #12.

  • And the gap begins to close.

  • It turns the Atlantic from this wide mass

  • in which the U-Boat can hide in to know,

  • "I can find you out there."

  • As British codebreakers cracked the German enigma code,

  • the final piece of the Ally resurgence falls into place.

  • And the tactical and technological advantage

  • is exploited in the convoy battle known as ONS-5.

  • Among all the convoy battles, one of the most important ones was ONS-5 in April '43.

  • It's important really because it demonstrated the area

  • how far the Allies'd gone.

  • 42 ships of the slow bond ONS-5 convoy

  • leave Liverpool for Canada.

  • Fornitz, it is a perfect target.

  • nitz's feeling this freight(?) has a urgency

  • like he needs to sink more, more tons of shipping

  • and he actually presses his luck in this battle.

  • The first wave of U-Boats sinks 13 Ally ships.

  • But as thick fog falls, the advantage switches.

  • Armed with the German codes and advanced radar,

  • the Allies strike back with impunity.

  • nitz (?)quite __ and he shouldn't bring in more U-boats than he should

  • which are then in fact shot out by the convoy.

  • After the battle, Dönitz says (?)Battle of the Atlantic is over

  • because he sees how expert

  • the British and Americans

  • have become in(?) detecting U-boats, chasing them down, and killing them.

  • With ONS-5,

  • the Battle of the Atlanta is all but won.

  • And the astonishing transformation of American industry

  • can start to dictate the fortunes of war.

  • With the money and the might to out- produce the Axis,

  • America embarks on an unprecedented industrial and social revolution.

  • You had a War Industrial Board and they looked around the United States

  • and said this particular place is going to be where we're gonna build tanks, we're gonna build planes here.

  • And so the population went there.

  • It's as if in WWII somebody had picked up

  • the North American continent at the eastern seaboard

  • and raised it and tipped it, and everything

  • people, money, machines, everything

  • just slid westward across the continent.

  • The population of California swells by 53%,

  • Oregon by 40%,

  • and Washington by 37.

  • 19 million women become the core of the American labor force,

  • working in war factories, transportation and agriculture across the nation.

  • Manufacturers of all sizes become a critical part of the war effort.

  • Typewriter manufacturers, can goods manufacturers,

  • they are all converted, they're all mobilized, if you will, to support the war effort.

  • Car factories turned into making bombers and

  • refrigerator factories turned into making armored cars

  • (?)Not for nothing it's called the production miracle.

  • American industry produces 87,000 ships and landing craft,

  • 100,000 tanks and armored vehicles,

  • 300,000 aircraft,

  • 2 million trucks,

  • 20 million rifles and small arms,

  • and 41 billion rounds of ammunition

  • enough to kill the population of the world 17 times over.

  • Yet America's decision to engage Germany first comes at a price.

  • The Japanese centrifugal offensive was a shock to everybody.

  • They seemed unstoppable.

  • Japan advances through the Pacific unchecked.

  • capturing American, British and Dutch territories

  • in a string of decisive victories.

  • Within 6 months,

  • they have near complete control of the Pacific Theater.

  • They captured territory for 2 main reasons.

  • First one was for resources.

  • Dutch's industries provided oil and rubber

  • which they're gonna need to keep the war machine going.

  • They also knew America will eventually respond.

  • As so, a lot of territories were going to be barriers

  • to set up against the Americans when they came back across.

  • April 1942, America strikes back.

  • Launching from the USS Hornet, 16 B-25s

  • kick start the next phase of war

  • by bombing Tokyo.

  • For the Americans, the raid is a chance of strike back.

  • Even though it didn't really do very much material damage,

  • but it made major impact on Japanese leadership.

  • The military was embarrassed

  • that they allowed their ... the emperor to be threatened like that.

  • The Japanese respond,

  • setting their sights on America's most westerly Pacific base.

  • From space,

  • their strategy is clear.

  • Seizing the island of Midway when extend their defensive perimeters

  • deep into American waters.

  • And their plan is

  • "Work on a surprise to the Americans. We are going to seize the Midway.

  • and then they're going to be forced to come out and fight us on our terms."

  • The problem for the Japanese is

  • the Americans already know they're coming.

  • The story of the American code breakers

  • is one of these lesser-known but that's one of the most important

  • parts of the story 'why America wins in the Pacific.'

  • From June 1939, the U.S. navy combat intelligence unit

  • under the command of Joseph Rushmore

  • has been attempting to decipher JN-25, the Japanese naval code.

  • Using punch card technology and mathematical analysis

  • they work around the clock.

  • In the lead up to Midway,

  • the decisive breakthrough is made.

  • They break the code.

  • They knew the Japanese were coming.

  • They knew where they were coming to Midway.

  • They even knew when they were coming.

  • U.S. intelligence

  • finally grasps the full-scale of the Japanese attack.

  • The situation is highly precarious.

  • For the weakened fleet

  • and up against the battle-hardened enemy force,

  • Midway is the moment of truth.

  • In anyway the Midway battle would work for America

  • was to have their carries in the right place

  • and to have the strength against Japanese just at the right time.

  • The Americans had got to get in the first major shot.

  • At 4:00 a.m., Japanese bombing of Midway begins.

  • What Admiral Nagumo can't see

  • is 275 miles away, safely outside the range of Japanese radar,

  • 4 U.S. carriers are poised for a counterattack.

  • Only at 7:40 a.m.,

  • does the Japanese reconnaissance plane spot the U.S. fleet.

  • Battles often(?) decided by minutes and seconds.

  • At Midway, it's filled with important minutes and seconds.

  • When the late spotter plane finally finds American fleet,

  • Admiralty Nagumo sticks(?) with the dilemma doubt:

  • Do I outfit my aircraft for bombs to bomb the Midway as they already are,

  • or do I stop, take those bombs off and put on torpedoes,

  • so they go after America Fleet?

  • And whatever decision he comes upon

  • is going to be a major impact on the rest of the battle.

  • While they were doing __

  • there's along critical waiting point

  • with aircraft on the decks huge quantities of explosive around

  • for the Japanese, this was the riskiest moment.

  • It is the moment America has been waiting for.

  • 41 Douglas torpedo bombers descend for the attack.

  • But the America torpedo bombers show up unescorted, completely vulnerable.

  • They're shot down like fish in the barrel

  • They just don't survive.

  • 35 out of 41 planes are lost,

  • not a single bomb (按:torpedo) hits the Japanese fleet.

  • it seems that Japan has struck the decisive blow.

  • And all of a sudden,

  • the dive bombers're coming and the whole war changes.

  • A 2nd wave of the American dive bombers descends.

  • There's a Japanese fleet with no air cover

  • and decks're covered with airplanes, and torpedos, and bombs.

  • They are just tortures to be lived(?).

  • and Dive bombers were coming in

  • and 3 Japanese aircraft carriers are destroyed in minutes.

  • As the final Japanese carrier was destroyed

  • along with 250 elite Japanese pilots,

  • the balance of power has dramatically swung in America's favor.

  • We had 7 new carriers under construction.

  • They had 1 carrier under construction.

  • So they were never going to be able to replaces these carriers.

  • What it meant is they'll be thrown back on the defensive for the duration of war.

  • In a global theater of war,

  • control of the air is proving to be one of the determining factors for victory.

  • On the other side of the planet,

  • America's first strikes on Nazi Germany

  • are coming from the sky.

  • The major cities in Europe are the new front line of the war.

  • 6 months on from Pearl Harbor

  • and the battle fronts of WWII are at a tipping point,

  • America and her Allies have stalled the momentum of German aggression in the Battle of Atlantic.

  • And halt Japanese territorial expansion in the decisive victory at Midway.

  • And in June 1942,

  • the first American bombers arrive in Great Britain.

  • They join a brutal battle for air supremacy

  • that has raged over Europe since the outbreak of the war.

  • Germany's Luftwaffe squadrons draw first blood

  • bringing Poland,

  • then the Low Countries and France

  • to their knees.

  • The fall of France in 1940

  • (?)really seemed they vindicate the superiority of Blitzkrieg.

  • There'd been concerns that the Germans maybe unstoppable.

  • With Nazi domination almost complete,

  • Hitler turns the Luftwaffe against his last remaining opposition, Great Britain.

  • It is imperative

  • that its Royal Air Force holds.

  • The states in the Battle of Britain for British are survival.

  • July 10th 1940, the Battle of Britain begins.

  • The Luftwaffe pounds British defenses and it's major cities.

  • The RAF adapts very quickly

  • and begins to shoot down more German bombers and fighters

  • than the Germans can replace.

  • 1,900 German aircraft are destroyed in 113 days.

  • It is an unsustainable rate of attrition.

  • So they were forced to cancel the Battle of Britain

  • and began massing force to put the invasion of Soviet Union.

  • The Battle of Britain is Hitler's first major defeat of WWII.

  • Airpower is the new orthodoxy of the modern warfare.

  • Roosevelt orders vast squadrons of aircraft to be manufactured.

  • At Ford's Willow Run plant in Michigan,

  • an astounding 8,500 bombers are produced.

  • Over 127,000 bombers are made.

  • 13,600 are transported to British airfield.

  • The assault on Germany

  • can now enter a new phase of intensity.

  • __ the air force in Britain had a number of impacts, number one,

  • guaranteed that the Germans were not able to launch a major attack against Britain.

  • They had the Battle of Britain there, just too many Ally planes there.

  • It also was a boost to British morale that Americans finally come in mass.

  • But the American airmen

  • are entering a new kind of warfare

  • where sheer weight of numbers is no guarantee of success.

  • The amount of weapons that are being thrown up to stop the bombers

  • is having an enormous toll.

  • The survivability rate is going to be 11 to 1 to the infantry.

  • It's actually safer to be an infantryman on the ground in European in a foxhole

  • than it is to be in this advanced machine flying high above.

  • After losing 1,135 bombers,

  • the RAF switches to nighttime raids.

  • But in the dark,

  • only 1.5% of all bombs fall within 3 miles of the target.

  • The American decided that's too inefficient

  • that you had to do it in day light where you can see the target.

  • They thought we'd got more ever defended bombers.

  • We think this would work.

  • American confidence is based on the B-17,

  • the most sophisticated war machine of its times.

  • The B-17 is an amazing aircraft.

  • They called it the Flying Fortress worldwide.

  • It has 13 fifty caliber machine guns

  • arrayed all around to give it a __ fire,

  • You have fire coming out the front

  • You have fire coming out the flanks

  • below, above, and in the rear.

  • It was believed that he could fly in broad daylight

  • unescorted by fighter aircraft

  • deep into the heart of the enemy territory

  • and unleashed an amazing amount of ordnance on enemy targets.

  • With unswerving faith in the B-17s,

  • the American Eighth Air Force plan a dual raid

  • to destroy the heart of German aviation production.

  • The SchweinfurtRegensburg mission was seen as

  • a way to really prove that

  • precision bombing idea would work.

  • They seemed to have picked out the key industry that they can knock out

  • that would cripple German economy.

  • They had the battle plan they thought would get them to the target.

  • Two squadrons of B-17s,

  • commanded by Colonel Lemay and Brigadier General Williams,

  • prepared to attack simultaneously splitting German defenses.

  • Almost immediately, the plan begins to unravel.

  • It's a foggy day in England. Lemay got his guys up.

  • The other bomber division couldn't get up.

  • The decision was made that they couldn't land Lemay's guys. They sent them on.

  • When the Regensburg mission goes in on itself,

  • the bombers were sitting ducks,

  • not only for flak,

  • but for the Germans they were gathering from all over to halt and fence them.

  • The Schweinfurt leg then comes in,

  • -- enough time after the Regensburg leg __, so the Germans can refit and rearm.

  • And it goes through the same ___.

  • 60 US bombers are destroyed,

  • double the losses ever suffered in a single raid.

  • The problems for the Allies was that

  • we took the marketing of the Flying Fortress seriously.

  • We took the idea that it can protect itself with its own machine guns

  • and not have to worry about escorted seriously.

  • And that didn't work.

  • The flaw is startlingly clear from above,

  • the lack of fighter escort protection,

  • the fighters have limited range,

  • and can only protect the bombers part way to their targets,

  • leaving them dangerously exposed.

  • Then we get the real game changer. We get the P-51,

  • P-51 was an amazing fighter on so many different levels.

  • But the real key is it had an amazing range.

  • It went with the American bombers all the way in, all the way out.

  • That meant we could take down the German defenses.

  • We could create true air dominance.

  • And that's when you see

  • the Luftwaffe essentially swept from the skies.

  • Once the Luftwaffe is destroyed,

  • we have pretty much free reign over the German skies.

  • We really start to take down the oil industry.

  • Oil, the single most essential commodities of WWII.

  • The possession of large supplies of oil

  • was the only way to victory.

  • Without oil, mechanized armies could not fight.

  • From space, the battle for the world's oil reserves is revealed.

  • America is self sufficient.

  • It's oil fields are the cornerstone of Allied military strength.

  • In contrast, Germany's stockpile of 20 million barrels

  • is rapidly running out.

  • One of the weaknesses of the German war effort was couldn't it access to

  • unlimited quantities oil? They then decided to use

  • synthetic oil and synthetic oil was really critical

  • for making (?)up that difference.

  • Synthetic oil, produced from coal and natural gas,

  • is the life blood of Hitler's mechanized forces.

  • As Allied air raids cripple Germany synthetic fuel production,

  • Hitler's best hope is to seize the Caucuses oil fields.

  • Deep inside Russia, the 2 sides clash

  • in the bloodiest fighting history has ever seen.

  • At stake is the outcome of WWII.

  • September 1940,

  • while America remains neutral,

  • Hitler has mainland Europe in his grip.

  • But in the skies over Britain,

  • the Nazis relentless westward advance is halted.

  • It is a defeat that forces Hitler

  • to turn his attention towards the ultimate goal,

  • the conquest and annihilation of the Soviet Union.

  • The Soviet Union represented the nexus

  • of everything that Hitler hated.

  • He saw it as a bastion of communism and Judaism

  • and if it were not defeated,

  • ultimately the Soviet Union would destroy Germany

  • and destroy the Aryan race.

  • But there's also just sheer pragmatism here.

  • The Soviet Union was the groß ___ Wirtschaft

  • the great economic space.

  • They needed the raw materials,

  • the oil, the food,

  • and by annexing the Soviet Union

  • it may be able to sustain a long war

  • and fend off any British-American attacks.

  • June 22 1941,

  • Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa,

  • the invasion of the Soviet Union.

  • Across an 1,800 mile front,

  • Hitler's army of over 4 million Wehrmacht troops

  • surges forward, destroying everything in its path.

  • This was the largest army

  • that it had been assembled in the history of the world.

  • And the Germans demonstrated an operational and tactical mastery

  • that the Soviet simply could not match.

  • And the barbarity is almost incomprehensible.

  • Following the front-line troops,

  • there were special action squads.

  • Their purpose was to identify and murder

  • political leaders and ultimately Jews in the occupied areas.

  • The slaughter of a million Soviets

  • is the merciless testing ground for the holocaust.

  • The SS accelerate the genocide of Jews

  • and others seen as undesirable.

  • Over 9 million are slaughtered.

  • This was industrialized mass murder.

  • This is something that ... that hadn't even appeared in the middle ages.

  • By the winter of 1941,

  • their brutal advance has brought them to the brink of victory.

  • Leningrad is under siege.

  • And German panzer divisions are at the gates of Moscow.

  • Seeking a devastating tactical and ideological blow,

  • Hitler turns his attention towards Stalingrad.

  • Stalingrad was an important target for Hitler

  • because he knew by taking it, he'll insult Stalin.

  • He also knew he will forced Stalin to try to take it back

  • and he would be able to wear down the Red Army.

  • But also it was an important city because it would permit him to pivot south

  • into the Caucuses and take all these oil producing regions

  • and let Germany self-sufficient in petroleum.

  • For both sides,

  • the stakes for the battle of Stalingrad are immense.

  • For Hitler, to fail at Stalingrad would be an enormous blow to the Nazi myth.

  • It would be an enormous blow to the war itself.

  • Similarly, Joseph Stalin was unrelenting.

  • He would not tolerate defeat. He would not tolerate pulling back.

  • To surrender or to give ground would be met by the utmost sanction.

  • The Luftwaffe drop a thousand tons of bombs on Stalingrad

  • before two and a half million troops clash.

  • The ferocity of the Battle of Stalingrad

  • was something straight out of hell.

  • It was not uncommon for battles to be raging

  • not over parts of the city, or city blocks

  • but literally for different floors within one building.

  • In some cases, Soviet reinforcements came forward without weapons

  • facing certain death.

  • and yet, again and again and again they came.

  • As the battle rages,

  • the Red Army launches Operation Uranus.

  • What Hitler's high command cannot see is revealed from space.

  • Over one million Soviet soldiers outflank the German position

  • before cutting through the enemy's rear.

  • Operation Uranus was a complete shock.

  • And suddenly Stalingrad was encircled.

  • Cut off from supply, the Germans

  • are plunged into the harshest of Russian winters.

  • In sub-human conditions, they begin to disintegrated.

  • It was freezing cold. Food supply began to decline.

  • Guns jammed. It was a nightmare.

  • It's difficult to convey in simple words

  • what life experience was like

  • After five months under siege,

  • Hitler's once-mighty 6th Army capitulate,

  • the first German field army to do so.

  • Nearly 2 million have fallen.

  • But for the Soviets, the tide is turning.

  • The boost of Soviet morale can scarcely be overstated.

  • German prisoners were marched through Moscow

  • and this proved that the Nazi soldiers were not supermen.

  • instead, they saw German soldiers who quit, who surrendered,

  • who could not match the determination of the Soviet soldiers.

  • For Hitler, the defeat of is devastating.

  • instinctively, he strikes back.

  • Adolf Hitler attempted to regain the strategic initiatives.

  • to close a gap, a bulge if you will,

  • center around Kursk.

  • Seen from above, Hitler's objective is clear ---eliminate the bulge,

  • concentrate his forces and regain the initiative.

  • For the Allies, it is critical that its newest military partner holds.

  • The eastern front is vital for the Allies because

  • it absorbs the bulk of Germany's fighting. powers.

  • To put it very brutally, the Soviets do most of the fightings and most of the dying on that.

  • President Roosevelt

  • commits over 11 billion dollars of Lend-Lease supplies to Stalin.

  • Yet traditional trade routes through Europe are blocked.

  • Getting U.S. aid into the Soviet Union

  • is one of the greatest Allied logistical challenges of the war.

  • There were 3 routes that we could use:

  • one was the North Atlantic route

  • into the northern Arctic ports Archangel and Murmansk,

  • stormy seas, icing(?)

  • hard to get to.

  • And there was one across the Pacific to Vladivostok.

  • But everything had to be unloaded in Siberia

  • and then trucked into Russia on the Trans-Siberian Railway

  • which is slow and time-consuming.

  • And then there was one around the Cape of Good Hope,

  • up into Iran and into Southern Russia that way.

  • The Persian Gulf route is crucial to Russian success.

  • But making it viable is a monumental task.

  • We had to build a supply chain from scratch.

  • There was no infrastructure.

  • The harbors were not there.

  • We had to construct those.

  • Allied engineers build wharves, jetties and piers.

  • Simultaneously, 450 miles of roads are constructed,

  • and 2,000 miles of railway modernized.

  • With all routes now open,

  • the U.S. pump 16 million tons of Lend-Lease into Russia,

  • including our(?) gasoline,

  • ammunition,

  • an entire military telecommunication system,

  • 14 million pairs of boots,

  • and enough food to offered every Soviet soldier

  • one (?)square meal a day for over a year.

  • But most significant are the half a million Studebaker trucks

  • supplied by the factories of Detroit.

  • Studebaker truck was a real game changer

  • because it gives the Soviet Army

  • the ability to operate on a massive scale

  • with a far front logistics.

  • The other thing that these trucks gave them

  • is an advantage literally within the battle itself.

  • The Russians had a lot of artillery.

  • You match that artillery with the trucks

  • and suddenly they've got these flying anti-tank batteries

  • to literally exhibit and (?)cross different parts of the battlefield.

  • To give the Soviets the tactical advantage at Kursk,

  • the Allies supply one final thing

  • --- intelligence of the German offensive plans.

  • Soviets knew they were coming

  • and so they created defenses of the scale

  • that really hadn't been seen before in the war.

  • When people talked about the Maginot Line in France,

  • this thing was Maginot Line put on steroids.

  • From space, the full enormity of the Soviet defenses becomes clear.

  • Three defensive lines

  • contain a fast interconnected web of thousands antitank guns,

  • pre-sighted artillery zones and over 400,000 mines.

  • It is the largest defense network ever constructed over 50 miles deep.

  • July fifth 1943,

  • over 2,000 tanks and 2 million troops engage.

  • The level of intensity at the battle of Kursk was extraordinary.

  • Large numbers of tanks and soldiers

  • were fighting the most brutal degree at the very close quarters.

  • There was brutal hand to hand combat, flame throwers,

  • thousands of tanks, covered with artillery raining down.

  • All of this would combine to create a scene

  • that would resemble hell on earth.

  • After eleven days, the German offensive collapse,

  • only a third of the way to their objective.

  • Hitler's attempt to crush the Soviet Union has failed.

  • Hitler's worst nightmare had come to pass.

  • Germany would now be faced

  • with the war on two fronts and the war of attrition.

  • Stalin gains the initiative on the Eastern Front at a huge costs,

  • over 9 million Soviet casualties.

  • In contrast, America has yet to put a single soldier

  • on the battlefields of Europe.

  • Stalin was deeply frustrated with Ally

  • dangling about opening a second front.

  • He assumed there was a conspiracy

  • that Churchill and Roosevelt

  • were going to fight to the last Russian.

  • Then the British and Americans would cross the channel

  • and harvest all the spoils of war

  • that Russians having won with their own blood and treasure.

  • Prior to a full-scale invasion of Europe,

  • Roosevelt elects to blood his troops in North Africa.

  • The North Africa campaign was a testing ground

  • for the American army

  • which yet to face the German military in a significant way.

  • Overconfident and inexperienced,

  • the U.S. military is about to receive a baptism of fire

  • that will shack it to its core.

  • The disaster Kasserine Pass was a seminal event.

  • As the American Pacific drive towards Japan accelerates

  • and as Stalin in the east

  • the Allied bombing campaign in the west

  • continue to weaken the Third Reich,

  • America prepares to test its troops in North Africa.

  • They will join the desert campaign that has been raging for over two years.

  • June 10th 1940,

  • Italy, under Benito Mussolini, joins the Axis.

  • And with Germany, plans to force Britain from North Africa.

  • North Africa was a vital front for the British in WWII

  • because it was the vital hinge of the British Empire.

  • A German and Italian victory

  • will open up the untapped reserves of the Middle East

  • and seizes the Suez Canal

  • that connects Britain to its Empire.

  • The Suez Canal is used to protect our cost.

  • The bottom line if you move a large quantities of equipment,

  • you got to use the sea lanes.

  • and that's true(?) today is, it was then.

  • September 1940, the Axis invades,

  • For two years, they drive the British back,

  • But the advance is halted

  • as German Field Marshal Rommel is defeated at El Alamein.

  • To capitalize on this victory,

  • Churchill lobbies Roosevelt for support.

  • But the majority of Presidential advisers have their doubts.

  • Initially, most Americans senior military personnel

  • thought the campaign in North Africa

  • as a diversion from the main effort,

  • essentially a waste of time.

  • Decisively, Roosevelt overrides his counsel.

  • FDR's decision to send American forces out North Africa

  • probably the most important strategic decision of WWII.

  • It really gave us a place where we could land the U.S. Army

  • bring it to the battle against secondary German units,

  • not the units we encountered in Europe.

  • And so it was a brilliant move.

  • Since the Pearl Harbor attack,

  • a vast American army has been amassing,

  • hunger for their first taste of war.

  • People were lined up at the recruiting stations.

  • (?)All voiced up in arms. I graduate in February

  • and i was in uniform in March.

  • This country had been violated that's what we thought.

  • And everybody just wanted to get busy and do something about it.

  • Volunteers and inductee from the draft swell the ranks

  • as America rises to become the largest military power in the world.

  • Before the war,

  • the total strength of the U.S. Army including its air corps

  • was well below 200,000.

  • There would be over 40 fold increase in the space of six years.

  • During the war, the armed forces had encompassed

  • 16 million men under arms.

  • That's 13% of the entire population.

  • With this vast army assemble,

  • America is primed for Operation Torch,

  • then the largest amphibious invasion in history.

  • Torch actually was very important with us for these days.

  • It was a huge uh... operation.

  • Uh... it was logistically extremely complex

  • Torch was a monumental challenge for the U.S.

  • because we hadn't won the Battle of Atlantic yet.

  • We have to escort troops, ammunition, supplies

  • from the United States direct to North Africa,

  • escort troops from Great Britain down to North Africa,

  • through waters patrolled by German submarines.

  • Then we have to land on a hostile shore.

  • November 8th 1942,

  • 73,000 Allied troops disgorge onto the beaches.

  • And immediately the problems begin.

  • Forces on the landings of North Africa

  • There is a great saying that everything that can go wrong in an amphibious landing

  • and virtually everything that could go wrong did go wrong.

  • On the landing craft you didn't run out of the front

  • right onto the beach, instead

  • you had to jump over the side.

  • That of course is not the most efficient way

  • to get in there. it's the most dangerous. Its the slowest.

  • A number of our craft get stuck on sand bars.

  • When they drive them out, the electronics get fried.

  • (?)Fortunately, they'd fight the Vichy France. She would fight half heartedly.

  • And had they been attacking the Germans in 1944,

  • the Japanese in 1944,

  • experience would have been a lot uh... a lot worse.

  • As French Vichy troops loyal to Hitler capitulate,

  • U.S. forces head for Tunisia

  • and there the first clash with the full strength German war machine.

  • They're really blissfully ignorant of the realities of modern war.

  • I mean They've got their trucks. They've got their tanks. They've got their rifles.

  • They've got their very complicated chain of command,

  • from army to corps, division, brigade, regiment, battalion.

  • They think that (?)those are fine.

  • U.S. forces engage Rommel outside town of Faid.

  • Making an initial breakthrough,

  • they pursue retreating panzer divisions.

  • From space,

  • Rommel's master tactic is revealed.

  • The panzers are decoy,

  • luring U.S. forces into a trap.

  • They fall prey to the techniques of double envelopment by the Germans.

  • With some very good weapons like the German 88,

  • The 88-mm gun

  • was literally a world-class antitank weapon.

  • Not only could it shoot at further distance,

  • but it had and incredible (?)kill rate.

  • It's basically just lethal.

  • This thing is diabolique.

  • In many cases,

  • Americans either surrendered

  • or dropped their weapons and brand.

  • The American performance,

  • to put it charitably, was dismal.

  • U.S. forces are push back into Kasserine Pass

  • where under constant attack.

  • The untested units fall apart.

  • To raise our forces to 60 million people in a hurry,

  • It means that at the initial stages of armed conflict

  • you're going to have troops in the front line.

  • You have no taste of the battle before this moment.

  • Dwight Eisenhower, for example, becomes the supreme Allied commander.

  • Before WWII, for North Africa campaign,

  • he had never heard a bullet fired in anger in his entire life.

  • He had no ... no actual combat experience.

  • Further disaster is averted

  • when reinforcements from the British 1st Army arrive.

  • And with Field Marshal Montgomery approaching from the east,

  • Rommel retreats.

  • Frank Gervasi witnesses the aftermath.

  • We got to Kasserine Pass.

  • and we had patrols going up.

  • You still smelled the flesh

  • through(?) the burn out tanks and

  • human beings in there. It is bad.

  • We took a __ of beaten(?)

  • Don't forget we were against Germany's best, Rommel's __(troops?)

  • We had the equipment, but we didn't have the experiences.

  • America suffers 6,500 casualties.

  • Its first land battle in WWII is a disaster.

  • Kasserine was a tremendous defeat for the United States.

  • just no way that should occur(?) that. On the other hand,

  • Kasserine is the best thing ever happening to the US Army.

  • Better get your butt kicked there

  • than get your butt kicked at Normandy.

  • There are some changes made in policies

  • in how we'll get operated but there's also some key leadership changes.

  • Got Eisenhower earning his spurs(?).

  • Got George Patton.

  • And lessons learned in North Africa

  • could to be applied for the rest of WWII.

  • The new U.S. Army doctrines insure a dramatic turnaround.

  • First, Tunisia falls,

  • followed by Sicily,

  • preparing the way for the Allied invasion of Italy.

  • And on the other side of the world, the Pacific War

  • enters a new phase of ferocity.

  • The carnage was phenomenal.

  • From the ashes of Pearl Harbor, the American war machine

  • is approaching full potential,

  • engaging her enemies on 3 continents.

  • In the Pacific,

  • troop numbers grow by 457%.

  • Its fleet triples in size.

  • With this vast force assembled,

  • America's final drive towards Japan begins.

  • American strategies at

  • dual prong approach with Admiral Nimitz

  • for the navy marines going through the South Pacific,

  • General MacArthur with the most army forces coming through the Southwest Pacific,

  • both approaching Japan from different axis.

  • Admiral Nimitz's flotilla is the largest in history,

  • the perfect weapon to destroy Japan's defensive strongholds.

  • It is this massive fleet

  • of aircraft carriers, destroyers,

  • fast battleships, backed by this long logistics train

  • of supply ships, oilers, hospital ships, you name it.

  • This thing was the validity(?) and industrialization personified.

  • The flotilla targets Saipan,

  • one of the Mariana Islands.

  • It's airfields can become the launch pad

  • for a sustained aerial bombardment of Japan.

  • Emperor Hirohito demands his 32,000 troops station there to defend at all costs.

  • For the Japanese, defeat was not an option.

  • Retreat was not an option.

  • If it meant losing everything and everyone,

  • they would do it in pursuit of victory.

  • June 1944,

  • 8,000 U.S. marines hit the beaches under intense Japanese fire.

  • The marines enter a nightmare.

  • At the end of the day, the Japanese have won job which is inflict

  • heavy casualties on people attacking them.

  • If you're in the front line,

  • you can be one of the casualties.

  • Facing fanatical resistance,

  • a further 80,000 troops land.

  • All depend on naval support.

  • But what U.S. commander Admiral Spruance cannot see

  • are 55 Japanese ships rapidly approaching.

  • For the Japanese, this really was going to be their last shot.

  • They had to have success here in this particular battle.

  • They were not gonna build and ever field this kind of force again.

  • Responding to dangerous,

  • Spruance splits his force,

  • dispatching one half to engage the Japanese fleet,

  • As the 2 forces clash,

  • U.S. technological superiority dominates.

  • Most notably, 480 newly developed Hellcats.

  • Hellcat's just an incredible weapon.

  • It's fast.

  • It can take hits and still keep going.

  • It's well armored.

  • And on top of that,

  • it's now flown by

  • elite pilots.

  • The Japanese lost most of their well-trained pilots on the battles.

  • They couldn't replace them.

  • They didn't have the fuel to train.

  • Their aircraft weren't as good

  • and that's what really creates the Turkey Shot of the Battle of the Philippine Sea.

  • Over the next 8 hours,

  • 429 Japanese planes are destroyed,

  • compared to 29 American,

  • a kill ratio of 15:1.

  • The scale of the slaughter between the American pilots and Japanese

  • is significant enough for WWII. After the Battle of Marianas,

  • the Japanese aircraft carrier forces is no longer a factor in the War of the Pacific.

  • On land, American troops continue

  • to face ferocious resistance.

  • The Pacific War was a bitter and cruel war.

  • But at Saipan, it became more and more evident

  • how deep was the

  • Japanese ferocity or the ferociousness

  • (?)that Japanese capacity to resist

  • On these hair raising stories

  • about how the Americans had to lower drums of gasoline

  • and exploded them in the caves which the Japanese were hiding

  • because they could knock(?) these people to come out and surrender

  • The suicidal fever is not confined to soldiers.

  • 8,000 Japanese civilians leap to their deaths.

  • The American witnesses could not believe their eyes.

  • They were seen in this mass suicide of Japanese civilians

  • including women and children,

  • women mothers killing their own babies

  • uh... rather than surrender to the Americans.

  • When Saipan falls,

  • over 3,400 Americans lie dead,

  • alongside 4,600 Japanese,

  • half of who are civilian suicides.

  • it's a mere taste of what's to come.

  • January 1945,

  • American Air Force General Curtis Lemay

  • arrives at the conquered air fields of the Marianas.

  • The war in the Pacific is about to ruthlessly escalate.

  • Curtis Lemay believed

  • there should be no hesitation and no moderation

  • in bringing destruction to the enemy.

  • And the surest, most effective way to do that

  • would be through massive unrestrained strategic bombing.

  • He was going out to destroy the industrial power of Japan, and ...

  • the keen link for all those fires he was lighting (?)to build on,

  • In fact, to burn down the factories,

  • happens to be houses where people in them.

  • March 9th,

  • over 300 B-29s reached Tokyo.

  • They systematically

  • lay down 1,665 tons of M-69 incendiary clusters over the wooden city.

  • it remains the most destructive aerial raid in the history of mankind.

  • The Japanese later called

  • the early fire raids 'The Night of Black Snow'

  • because of the

  • debris and the impact of this particular raids on their lives.

  • Master bomber who was watching the raid

  • that he could see the fires 150 miles away.

  • You had asphalt melting in the streets.

  • You had glass melting out of buildings.

  • A lot of the aircrews were really shaken by the results.

  • Tail gunners reported watching people burning to death.

  • Burning rivers covered with napalms.

  • Japanese doctors wrote about

  • watching the debris floating in rivers afterwards

  • they couldn't tell if it was bodies or sticks of wood.

  • 16 square miles are erased to the ground.

  • The inferno claims 90,000 civilian lives

  • and leaves over one million homeless.

  • On the other side of the Atlantic,

  • Allied forces converge to prepare

  • for equally decisive breakthrough in the liberation of Europe.

  • For the Allies, the D-Day landings represented

  • the success or failure of the entire war.

  • But the outcome really rested on an ___(?),

  • November 1943,

  • Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill

  • meet in Tehran to plan Operation Overlord,

  • the invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe.

  • Churchill warns of the challenges that await them.

  • The British had learned first-hand

  • how capable, how effective the fighting force Wehrmacht was.

  • Britain's experience is chastening(?),

  • evacuated from Dunkirk in 1940,

  • driven from Norway and Greece.

  • Yet despite the dangers,

  • the Allies determined to risk everything

  • on a full-scale cross Channel invasion

  • into the teeth of the Nazi defenses.

  • In order for D-Day to succeed,

  • it required 4 distinct events to happen.

  • First, the Allies needed the momentum of manpower

  • and equipment to make it to the beach

  • and continued to reinforce the beachhead once the landings were secure.

  • Secondly, it was air supremacy.

  • The Allies had to prevent the Germans

  • from reinforcing their positions on the beachhead.

  • also the Allies needed a majors Soviet offensive.

  • So the Germany would be sandwiched between two invading armies.

  • And finally, the element of surprise.

  • If the Germans had been aware that the invasion was coming,

  • it would've certainly failed.

  • To win the intelligence war,

  • the Allies launch Operation Fortitude.

  • Operations Fortitude ___ to the present-day

  • is (?)arguably the greatest deception plan in modern warfare.

  • In an audacious act of misdirection,

  • a decoy army of eleven ghost divisions,

  • (?)___ headed by General Patton,

  • assembles opposite Calais.

  • They had to really trick the German high command to thinking

  • that Calais, the shortest route(?) across the channel,

  • was the way the invasions going to be mounted.

  • It had dummy tanks, dummy airstrips, dummy hangars,

  • And they let the Germans come and see.

  • They got fly over these areas, saying: 'Here is a huge army.

  • This is clearly where they are going to put their main effort.'

  • With Fortitude blinding the Axis,

  • the real invasion force secretly assembles.

  • 9 and a half million tons of supplies,

  • 4,000 amphibious vessels,

  • and over 1 and a half million troops,

  • the man charged with the immense logistical challenge of the landings

  • is British naval mastermind Sir Bertram Ramsay,

  • Sir Bertram Ramsay's plan was meticulous,

  • was complex, was rehearsed,

  • and it was thorough in every way.

  • The plan is astonishing.

  • Almost 7,000 vessels will be loaded with men and supplies

  • and moved in secret to the assembly points.

  • At a predetermined time,

  • they will navigate through narrow channels clear of mines

  • towards enemy shore through unpredictable seas.

  • Simultaneously, naval screens

  • will be mounted to protect against Axis counterattacks.

  • The scope and depth of it is(?) just off the scale.

  • Me personally I've been involved in planning

  • for a things like uh... Desert Storm

  • Operation Iraqi Freedom, the early pieces of it. And even that,

  • with big computers and lots of smart guys,

  • the work was daunting then.

  • Getting the Allied forces to the beach heads

  • is just the start.

  • Awaiting them is Hitler's Atlantic Wall,

  • a defensive network1,600 miles long.

  • And considered by the Fuhrer as unbreachable.

  • It's this combination of everything

  • from millions of mines,

  • specific defenses

  • designed to rip the bottom of the landing craft.

  • Then you get to machine-gun bonkers with interlocking fires,

  • 6" cannons, you name It.

  • It's just a nasty, nasty piece of work.

  • You know there were trained troops who had been there for you,

  • (?)sighting every avenue or approach off the beach

  • You know there could be a massive counterattacks.

  • Germans are masters of that.

  • So there's just so much uncertainty.

  • The window of opportunity is desperately narrow.

  • Supreme Allied Commander Eisenhower sets the date,

  • June 5th 1944.

  • Once Eisenhower made the decision,

  • it was irrevocable. There was no plan B.

  • This was it. Go for broke.

  • Either the invasion would succeed(?) or

  • the invasion attempt would have to be put off indefinitely.

  • Dwight Eisenhower sat down and wrote a little note,

  • "Taking blame for the failure of the landings."

  • That he was appeared to deliver(?) if it did fail.

  • No one on the Allied side saw this is a sure thing.

  • As the Allies bombed

  • the French infrastructure connecting Normandy to the east,

  • 3 million servicemen are locked away from the population.

  • Coastal towns are locked down.

  • The fate of the war hangs in the balance.

  • After an agonizing 24-hour delay due to the bad weather,

  • Overlord, the most important Allied operation of WWII, is set in motion.

  • Before the armada embarks for Normandy,

  • the Allies launch one final master class of deception,

  • To convince the Germans that Calais is the invasion site,

  • British bombers circle at low altitude,

  • dropping tons of metallic chaff into the air.

  • This created a huge radar registry for the Germans

  • and this phantom army that has been

  • constructed in their minds

  • through documents and fake bases

  • now it starts to come alive.

  • Totally through the German defense planning,

  • It ___(?) into disarray.

  • With misdirection campaign underway,

  • the invasion force heads towards its targets:

  • 5 beachheads,

  • and a cliff top gun emplacement at Pointe Du Hoc.

  • Ahead of the transports, an aerial then a naval barrage

  • pound the costal defenses.

  • Despite the assault, the men on the landing craft

  • come under ferocious German fire.

  • It was confusing.

  • The German planes were(?) gone right over us.

  • There were these bombs and guns (?)going on with everything else(?).

  • (?)Some of them __ I got

  • hit by bombs already.

  • Now you can see is like ... you don't know who they were

  • (?)see guys dead there in the water

  • (?)some are limbs or upper arms

  • There're mortars(?). They are firing on the boats

  • Some guys were crying a little bit.

  • Some guys was(?) even urinating.

  • We were all nervous.

  • Everybody was.

  • But there is nothing you can do about it.

  • You know what you had to do. Then it had to be done.

  • Charles Barley and Michael Brillo

  • are among the first to hit Omaha,

  • the most heavily defended German position.

  • A lot of guys __ __ __ get out of the boat

  • and they were killed instantly by those things.

  • We got into the water.

  • The water was up to my stomach.

  • I said to myself, I said, 'Good by Charles, you are gone.'

  • And then it was really a terrible feeling in the water.

  • (?)You see there're bodies lying around. You couldn't identify them.

  • It's really nasty, really bloody.

  • Those fortunate enough to make off the boats,

  • (?)the scene they would've confronted is almost unimaginable.

  • (?)They would have been suffering still from seasickness.

  • (?)They would've heard the whirling of the bullets above their heads.

  • They would see in front of them dead and dying American soldiers.

  • But it was more than chaos.

  • it was deadly chaos.

  • As the Allies continue to land

  • against merciless German fire,

  • the casualty rates soars.

  • But after 15 hours of fighting,

  • all beachheads are taken,

  • with Pointe Du Hoc falling the following day.

  • The Allies suffer 10,000 casualties.

  • But it is bloodshed achieving the almost impossible.

  • They have a foothold in Nazi-occupied Europe.

  • For Hitler, this was the nightmare come to pass.

  • We basically, you know,

  • signed the death certificate of Nazi Germany on June 6th 1944.

  • After weeks and weeks of being

  • bottled up in the Normandy beachhead,

  • the breakout that occurred exceeded expectations.

  • The success is down to the network of supply lines

  • chasing the front line soldiers.

  • Connecting France with the war depot of Britain

  • are artificial Mulberry harbors,

  • landing two-and-a-half million men,

  • 4 million tons of supplies,

  • and 500,000 vehicles within the first 10 months.

  • Fueling the offensive is Operation Pluto,

  • 70 miles of undersea pipe lines

  • pumping up to a million gallons of fuel per day into France.

  • Those tons and those millions of gallons of fuel

  • were on a scale that probably won't be replicated in the future.

  • So what they accomplished might be unique in human history really.

  • From space,

  • the speed of advance is astounding.

  • August 19th, Paris's liberated,

  • followed by Rouen(?), Verdun,

  • Antwerp and Brussels.

  • By September, the Allies reach the Siegfried Line

  • on the cast(?) __ the German fatherland.

  • Hitler launches his final desperate counterattack,

  • the Battle of the Bulge.

  • Despite heavy losses, the Allies prevailed.

  • And Nazi Germany stands on the abyss.

  • Hitler's gamble on the Ardennes

  • basically insurers the end of the Reich.

  • This is his last operationable force he had,

  • where he can try to influence the pace of either front, east or west.

  • Once he threw that force way,

  • the American-Soviet conquering of the Reich in the next year was inevitable.

  • The war in Europe nears its climax.

  • On the other side of the planet,

  • the drive towards Japan is also approaching it's bloody conclusion.

  • But every island invaded

  • is coming at increasingly higher cost.

  • At every stage of the ferocity

  • and the intensity of the Japanese defenses increases,

  • what they thought was suicidal defense tactics in Saipan

  • are redoubled at Iwo Jima.

  • February 1945,

  • 60,000 U.S. marines storm the island of Iwo Jima

  • where a battle of unrival brutality begins.

  • The fighting on Iwo Jima

  • stands it's arguably the fiercest fighting

  • that U.S. military personnel had ever experienced.

  • There's no amount of punishment which could be inflicted on the Japanese

  • that would cause them to lose their will.

  • Essentially they've decided that they are going to die there.

  • When you have that kind of suicidal fever, it means

  • the sort of tactics you might have used previously don't work.

  • And so we start using flame throwers,

  • napalm, tanks up-close.

  • a style of battle

  • that raises the level of violence

  • even pass what we've seen in earlier parts of WWII,

  • just hard to imagine.

  • When Iwo Jima falls,

  • Japan suffers 20,000 casualties,

  • compared to 23,000 Americans.

  • The first time, U.S. casualties exceed that of their enemy.

  • As Allied forces prepare to invade Okinawa,

  • the proposed launch pad for the invasion of Japan,

  • the stakes for both sides are vast.

  • Japanese defenders of Okinawa knew

  • that they were not going to survive. They could not win.

  • But they hope that by causing enough casualties, creating enough horror

  • that it might either make the American decide not to invade Japan

  • or at least maybe get the Japanese a better peace offer some kind.

  • April 1st 1945,

  • the American armada approaches its target.

  • Its scale is unmatched in the Pacific War.

  • Okinawa was a military undertaking on a scale that rival D-Day

  • uh... the size of the invasion force, the size of invasion fleet.

  • 1,200 warships

  • support 3 mass amphibious attack forces hitting the beaches.

  • More than 170,000 troops land eerily unopposed.

  • But unseen by American troops

  • are 97,000 Japanese defenders

  • ready to strike with unprecedented savagery.

  • They are taking the Japanese soldier

  • and using just his body as a weapon.

  • Japanese soldiers with 22 pounds satchel bombs

  • run under tanks.

  • And 6,000 defenders banzai charge marines

  • armed only with bamboo spears and side arms.

  • In our own time, we make that comparison with suicide bombers

  • but if you could imagine entire Japanese units have that depth of commitment

  • that they would actually suffer mass essentially suicidal death

  • rather than surrender their position,

  • that's a very formidable military opposite.

  • At sea, wave after wave of Kamikazes

  • crash into US ships

  • Kamikazes were...

  • especially terrifying to the Americans trying to shoot them down because

  • how do you deter somebody who is willing to die for something?

  • Their goal was to die,

  • and 18% of the Kamikazes hit ships.

  • 404 U.S. ships are struck.

  • When Okinawa finally falls, nearly 100,000 Japanese soldiers

  • and 150,000 civilians lie dead.

  • The U.S. suffers 76,000 thousand casualties,

  • a 3rd of the entire invasion force.

  • The escalation is just terrifying here

  • and these are little islands

  • and now we're not talking about invading the whole Japanese homeland

  • where there are millions of defenders and even more millions of civilians.

  • The U.S. War Department estimates

  • that the invasion of Japan will result in 10 million Japanese casualties,

  • along with at least 1.7 million Americans.

  • Another solution must be sought.

  • As the Allies celebrate victory in Europe,

  • as Hitler and his Reich go up in flames,

  • America swears in a new president

  • and Harry Truman is destined to unleash a weapon so fearsome,

  • It will herald in a new dawn of warfare across the globe.

  • War has ravaged the world for nearly 6 years.

  • Germany and Italy are defeated.

  • Only Japan fights on in defiance of the Allies.

  • But the new weapon is about to make WWII reach its climax.

  • December 1938,

  • German scientists split the atom

  • releasing 200 million volts of electricity.

  • After Albert Einstein warns U.S. President Roosevelt

  • that Hitler plans an atomic program,

  • the race for the bomb is on.

  • America, in collaboration with Britain and Canada,

  • launches the Manhattan Project.

  • Entire towns and Industrial complexes

  • are constructed across the nation,

  • employing 600,000 people

  • and costing 2 billion dollars,

  • 25.8 billion in today's money,

  • It is engineering on an unprecedented scale.

  • No other nation in the world could've done

  • the Manhattan Project like United States did.

  • You get all these theorists together

  • and they say there are 2 ways we can build this weapon.

  • It's a plutonium bomb and an uranium bomb.

  • They are different processes. They're both immensely expensive.

  • Anybody else would say which one do I want to focus on?

  • The U.S. said we'll make sure this works, so we gonna do both.

  • July 1945, the project bears fruit,

  • a uranium bomb, code-named Little Boy,

  • and a plutonium bomb, code-named Fat Man.

  • The atomic bomb is a technology

  • that historically is on the scale of introduction of gunpowder

  • Being taken the kind of lethality

  • that has been honed throughout WWII

  • and multiplied it by a whole new world of magnitude.

  • For the first time with a single event,

  • an entire city could be destroyed.

  • This represented a new era in warfare.

  • Returning from the Potsdam Conference,

  • U.S. President Harry S. Truman

  • must decide whether to unleash the atomic bomb on Japan.

  • If it'd come out a year later that

  • the president of the US had a weapon he could have used

  • that might have ended the war earlier

  • And instead he did not and we suffered 100,000 extra casualties.

  • He would have been ... run out of ...

  • At best run out of the town on a rail.

  • There was no way an American president responsible to his constituents

  • could've not used this weapon.

  • Truman, pass out to Stalin and his communist ethos,

  • can see the significance of a nuclear strike for the post war world.

  • In 1945, America faced a real paradox.

  • For a long time, of course, Roosevelt and Truman had been saying to Stalin:

  • "Please help us with the war against Japan.

  • Please invade Manchuria. Please defeat the Japanese Army."

  • But when it was realized that the Soviet Union might defeat the Japanese

  • then move on to occupy part of the Japanese islands

  • that's not what the Americans wanted him to do.

  • They wanted the task of rebuilding Japan.

  • I think this was one of the most important factors

  • influencing the American decision to drop the atomic bombs.

  • After a successful test in the New Mexico desert,

  • Truman gives the order to drop the bomb as soon as possible.

  • A number of cities were chosen as potential targets.

  • They were left untouched by the Incendiary bombing

  • because if you bombed the city,

  • you couldn't tell how much damage had been done by the atomic attacks.

  • They're also looking for on(?) this quite large population

  • because you could attack the city with large population

  • you again would be able to see the full impact.

  • When you look at that,

  • it is a really cynical decision for choosing a target.

  • (?)__ __ __ you're dropping the most dangerous weapon that'd ever been developed

  • On August 6th 1945,

  • the Enola Gay launches from the Mariana islands.

  • At 8:15 local time,

  • Little Boy loaded with 60-kg's of uranium

  • is released over Hiroshima.

  • 43 seconds later, the world changes forever.

  • The blast creates a circle of devastation 1 mile wide

  • with fires over another 4.5 mile radius.

  • 60,000 are killed instantly

  • with a further 100,000 dying from burns and radiation.

  • 3 days later.

  • Fat Man is exploded over Nagasaki,

  • killing 80,000 civilians.

  • After the first bomb in Japan, there was a certain amount of disbelief.

  • After Nagasaki though, it's kind of hard to deny, that

  • Americans have some kind of new weapon here.

  • And it's just the start of what can be a long pattern of destruction.

  • September 2nd 1945, Japan capitulates.

  • WWII is over.

  • The nuclear age has begun.

  • A lot of people think that the moral ethical line of destruction in WWII

  • was crossed by the atomic bomb, I disagree.

  • I think that if there's any moral lines left all crossed

  • with fire raids against Japanese cities.

  • The whole question of the atomic bomb is,

  • what we continue to do what our weapons make possible

  • That is the ultimate dilemma we hit with atomic here

  • and nuclear weapons.

  • You ask who won WWII, and if by that you mean,

  • "What society what nation contribute the most

  • blood and treasure to eventual victory?"

  • It's not the United States. It's the Soviet Union.

  • Soviet losses in the war are over 25 million people.

  • American losses are 405,399 military dead

  • and a handful of civilians.

  • But if you ask the question who won WWII, you mean,

  • "Who ended up at the most advantageous position at the end of the war,

  • reaped the greatest fruit of victory?" Then the answer is certainly the US.

  • During the 6 years of war,

  • America grows from the 17th world military power to number 1.

  • Her overseas bases expand from 14

  • to over 30,000 spread across the globe.

  • Her GNP doubles

  • and she becomes the biggest creditor in the world,

  • commanding half of the planet's manufacturing capacity

  • and owning two-thirds of the world's gold stocks.

  • It dominates the world economy.

  • It controls the formation of the UN.

  • It launches the world on the path toward globalization that it wants.

  • But it can no longer go back to the isolationist

  • The isolation America's gone forever.

  • I'm not sure if it has actually sunk in even today

  • how much we have to be involved.

  • But as a result of WWII we're drowned in the world's ways

  • we cannot escape, whether we realize it or not.

December 7th 1941,


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