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- Zach, are you rolling?
- [Zach] Yeah.
- Okay, great. So, we just realized we didn't tell
the office that we are doing this naked sushi thing today.
So I thought, "Let's just not tell them, and then
"it'll be a prank, and then we'll do a prank video."
- Are we seriously getting this?
- Yeah, I just got to--
- No. All the users-- - [Keith] I just got
to tell HR, to make sure it's okay.
- Are you rolling right now?
- [Zach] Yeah!
- Gene's on board.
- No.
- [Keith] Zach's is on board.
Right Zach is on board. - [Eugene] We should
just finish the set up.
- I'm on board.
- [Keith] Everybody's on board!
I'm going to go ask Melissa.
- [Man in grey sweatshirt] No! Keith, no!
- [Eugene] Bring the sound equipment!
Let's go! Let's go!
- [Zach] Eugene!
- What are we doing?
- [Zach] Eugene!
- She's not there
We're doing this sushi thing today.
We are going to be naked and putting sushi on our bodies,
but we didn't tell anybody. Is that okay?
- Ah, you're going to do what?
- Okay, cool! He's good!
He loves the idea. He was in on it.
He's like, "You're going to do what?" It's funny.
- So we didn't actually get the go-ahead from HR,
but we got the go-ahead from David,
who sits next to HR, which is just as good!
- It's not just as good.
- So the sushi people will be here at noon.
- [Zach] No, they are here already.
- They're here already? - [Ned] What! They're here?
I'm going to email Peggy and tell her about the "lunch."
- [Zach] Ah, Eugene, any final thoughts?
- I'm just excited to ruin sushi for everybody.
- (laughs) This guy chopped my glasses off!
(Eugene laughs)
- We are going to be covered in sushi, naked.
And then we are going to surprise our
co-workers with our delicious bodies (laughs).
- S0, first, what do you do?
- I put sushi on naked women.
- Wow!
- He just lays it all out there for you.
- It seems like this practice might be controversial.
- The women are willing participants.
We treat them not as objects, but as art.
- They can't touch you. They can't ask you sexual questions.
- I feel like it is very artistic.
It's beautiful. One Tuesday, it just depends on the day,
but sometimes there are flowers,
there's banana leafs and it's really pretty.
- Do we need more tape for my nipples?
- [Ned] What advice do you have for us?
- They told me it's better to be hairless for this.
We don't have time for that.
- Do you make the makeup a
little more Asian for sushi models?
- [Makeup Artist] I wouldn't say Asian, in particular,
but, I mean, obviously the influence is there.
- So basically, you had to put a lot of makeup on the other
try guys, but I just have to show my face.
- You have to be quiet, so you can't really talk to them.
- I'm not good at keeping my mouth shut.
- I feel like I would giggle a lot.
- I have no gauge for who can actually
physically be still and quiet.
- I think I'm going to be the best.
- [Eugene] No you're not (laughs).
- (laughs) Okay, okay.
- [Eugene] Did you just kiss your cast?
- Yeah
- [Eugene] What is that?
- [Ned] I am really energetic and
I am going to have a hard time staying still.
What's your advice for me?
- Maybe you can do your back side or your butt,
so that everything's on your butt and your back side,
because then you're laying flat instead of on your stomach,
so it makes it a little bit easier.
- That sounds like a pretty great experience to me.
People eating sushi off my butt.
- [Keith] Are you concerned about farting?
(Ned sighs)
Did you think about that?
- [Ned] No.
- I do think that the whole thing is going to be
torture for me, because I love sushi.
I love eating sushi so much!
- My body runs really warm. I feel like I'm going to
heat it up very quickly, and it will be just baked fish.
- I'm looking forward to being in an art exhibit.
I am really excited about flipping
the script and letting woman eat off of me.
- [Keith] Can you call it the California roll reversal?
- There's like a California roll reverse.
- [Keith] Boom! Nailed it!
- It's a California roll reversal.
- That was my joke!
- [Ned] So, what's this stuff down here?
- This is daikon.
- Daikon?
- That we shred off.
- (laughs) It's so cold!
- [Ned] It's so cold! Oh no! (sighs)
- [Euguene] Please try the sashimi. It's delicious.
This is why you go to the gym, so you can
hold sushi on your naked body in really awkward poses.
- It feels kind of relaxing.
- I'm taking a selfie.
- Yeah, that's a good idea.
- I can hear people outside.
They want this food. They hungry.
- [Keith] They think they want it.
- We got a line of people at the door and
here I am complaining about how there's sushi on my butt.
I think it's going to be very uncomfortable
having my friends and co-workers eat sushi off me.
- I was walking into work and I got an email on my phone.
- I was told that I was going to be having sushi.
- So I didn't do anything for lunch because I wanted sushi.
- I was like yes. Yes!
- God damn it!
- Welcome!
- Alright, they said we were going to have free sushi,
but they left out the whole naked thing.
- They said it was coming at noon.
Then it wasn't coming until one.
Then at one, people started to
line up because they were starving.
(woman screams)
- I know the people that are laying
here, that's what makes it weird.
- You guys brought a woman in here.
- I was like, "This is not acceptable."
First of all, I think it's illegal.
You can put this in the video. I think it's fully illegal.
- [Woman] This is horrible. Oh my god!
- I actually kind of dug it.
It wasn't like you were pulling sushi out of someone's butt,
it was more like you were pulling it off of their butt.
It's so good.
- Keith is the most attractive dude ever,
so he is pretty much the quintessential human sushi platter.
Ah, Zach had a lot of hair.
- So I walked up to Zach and then I picked off a piece
that I thought looked the best, without taking note
that it was just on his crouch,
and I was like, "Oh my gosh, (laughs) I didn't realize
I just picked it up off your penis.
Can I put it back? (laughs)
- The sashimi from Eugene's nether regions
actually may have been the freshest.
- And then Eugene pops out at me.
(Eugene barks)
(people laughing)
- (singing) We have a weird job. We have a weird job.
- You see your naked co-workers and
a naked woman, who I thought was our intern.
I took the most sushi from the
lady, because I trusted her more.
- Lots of people were more interested in getting
the sushi off of the real model then us.
- I think my butt sashimi wasn't that appetizing to people.
It's interesting how people judge the sushi by the platter.
- I think the worst part was not being
able to eat, and I was very patient.
He said not to eat. I did not eat.
And then I look over and then Eugene
ate all their sushi, and that's some bullshit.
- I will say I might try going home, stripping naked,
and putting pizza on my naked body and eat it off of myself.
- I'd do it with pizza.
- Oh man! Yes!
- I'd do it with like roasted veggies.
- Lobster ravioli.
- Oh damn!
- I felt like an art exhibit. I really did.
Keith, that's ours.
- [Keith] No bro, it's everybody's.
- [Interviewer] Do you think it was a good prank?
- Yeah.
- Hey!
- [Eugene] That was on Ned's butt, it's ours.
- [Zach] Who cares?
- [Keith] I don't care. I don't know what it is.
Can we split it? Just bite part of it
and put the other part in my mouth.