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  • Hello everyone, this is Andrew at Crown Academy of English.

  • Today, we are doing a lesson on modal verbs of probability in the present.

  • Those are words like "must", "could" and "might." So let's start the lesson.

  • So here is a friend of mine who is called Jane.

  • Now Jane, as you can see, she's talking to somebody on the telephone. She's making a telephone call.

  • And in fact she speaking to her friend called Sarah.

  • Okay? So Jane is talking to Sarah and Jane is giving advice to Sarah. Okay ?

  • But we can only hear what Jane is saying. We cannot hear what Sarah is saying.

  • So this is what Jane is saying to Sarah:

  • "Sarah, listen to me. You have to try to forget about this man.

  • You live in Manchester and he lives in London. It is too far and your lives are so different.

  • Stop listening to his songs because that will make you sad. You must try to make some friends.

  • You have a difficult job working at the hospital so try to rest on the train before work.

  • For the pain, take an aspirin!"

  • Ok, so as you can see, Jane is talking to Sarah and is giving Sarah some advice.

  • So, what do we know about Sarah?

  • Well, we know a few things now. "Sarah must be in love with a singer."

  • So how do we know that Sarah must be in love with a singer?

  • Well we can... we know that because Jane is saying that she must forget about this man.

  • And she also says "Stop listening to his songs because that will make you sad."

  • Alright? So we have proof. We have facts.

  • So that we know that Sarah must be in love with a singer. Okay? We can be sure.

  • Now we can also say "Sarah could be a doctor or nurse." Okay so we we say "could"

  • And this is because Jane says to Sarah: "You have a difficult job working at the hospital." Okay? "working at the hospital."

  • So we cannot be sure that Sarah is a doctor or a nurse. We only know that she works at the hospital.

  • So since we are not sure, we say "could". Sarah COULD be a doctor or nurse.

  • "Sarah might have a headache"

  • Well, look at this last sentence: Jane says "For the pain, take an aspirin!" So we know Sarah has a pain.

  • But we do not know what type of pain. But it is possible it is a headache. It might be a toothache as well. We are not sure.

  • Since we are not sure, we say "might". Sarah MIGHT have a headache.

  • And in the negative, we can say "Sarah can't have many friends."

  • Now we know this because Jane says "You must try to make some friends."

  • So we know Sarah doesn't know...doesn't have many friends... doesn't have any friends.

  • We can be sure. So since we are sure, since this is the negative, we say "can't"

  • "Sarah might not have a car."

  • Alright? It is possible she has a car.

  • It is possible she does NOT have a car because we know that Sarah takes the train to go to work.

  • But we cannot be sure Sarah does not have a car.

  • So because we are not sure and because this is the negative, we say "Sarah MIGHT NOT have a car." Okay?

  • So all of these words in red...these are all modal verbs. Okay?

  • So we have "must", "could" and "might"

  • These are the three modal verbs for probability in the affirmative.

  • And "must" is when we are very sure. "could" is when we are quite sure but not very sure

  • and "might" is when we are not sure at all.

  • Okay? So this is the order of certainty. So the arrow...the top of the arrow .."must" is when we are very sure and "might" - we are not sure.

  • And in the negative, then we have "can't" and "might not".

  • And when we are very sure, we use "can't and when we are not very sure, we use "might not".

  • So in the negative, this is the order of how sure we are okay?

  • So that is why these are called the modal verbs of probability.

  • Because they express the degree of probability. Ok?

  • So here, Sarah MUST be in love. We are certain. We know.

  • We know she is in love with a singer. So we say "must be"

  • But here, we are not sure at all if she has a headache. So we say "might".

  • Ok so let's just look at the form or structure.

  • So here is our example again: "Sarah could be a doctor or nurse."

  • And so the structure is:

  • We have the subject followed by the modal verb then followed by the verb.

  • And the verb is in the infinitive form. So here, Sarah is the subject, "could" is the modal verb and "be" is the verb in the infinitive form.

  • And like we said earlier, the this means "I think it is possible that Sarah is a doctor or nurse."

  • Ok? And if we think it is very possible, we use "must".

  • If we think it is quite possible we use "could" and if we think it is not very possible, we use "might".

  • Okay? And in the negative we use "can't" and "might not."

  • Okay? So let's finish with some exercises.

  • So I would like you to respond to the statements or questions using the words in brackets.

  • Example: "I haven't slept for two days." So that is the statement. The statement is "I haven't slept for two days."

  • And I want you to reply.. to reply or to respond to that using these two words: "must" and "tired."

  • So the answer to the example would be:

  • "You must be tired." Okay we are certain.

  • Somebody who hasn't slept for two days. We can be certain...we are certain that they are tired.

  • So we say "You must be tired."

  • Question one: "My parents have a very old car."

  • So I'll give you just a few more seconds to think.

  • Ok, so the answer to this one would be:

  • "They can't have much money."

  • Ok? So this is the negative and we are quite sure that they don't have much money.

  • Ok? They can't have much money. We are pretty sure that they don't have much money. So we say "can't".

  • Question two: "David has lost his dog."

  • And the answer to this one:

  • "He could be in the garden." Ok?

  • So, we are not certain. We are fairly certain thats the dog is in the garden. So we say "He COULD be in the garden."

  • Question three: "Paul has wet hair."

  • And the answer here is:

  • "It must be raining." Ok? Paul has wet hair.

  • He has just come inside. We are certain that it is raining. So we say "It MUST be raining."

  • Question four: "Michael and Simon are always arguing."

  • And the answer to this question is:

  • "They can't be friends."

  • Ok? So again we are.. we have proof... we can be certain because we can see that Michael and Simon are always arguing.

  • So we can be certain that they are not friends. And this is the negative, so we say "They can't be friends."

  • Ok? So that is the last question in the exercise

  • and that is the end of the lesson on "modal verbs of probability"

  • So, as always, if you would like to subscribe, then go ahead and click here on the subscribe button.

  • Here is my Twitter account if you would like to follow me on Twitter.

  • And here are two other of my videos which you might be interested in.

  • This one is a listening exercise. A listening lesson and this one is another grammar lesson on the future simple tense.

  • Ok? So my name is Andrew at Crown Academy of English.

  • Thank you very much for watching. Please leave a comment. Please leave a comment below the video.

  • Okay and thank you for watching. I will see you next time. Bye bye!

Hello everyone, this is Andrew at Crown Academy of English.


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A2 初級 英國腔

概率的情態動詞|英語語法 (Modal verbs of probability | English grammar)

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    JO 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日